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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 72及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should d

2、ecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) He hates playing chess. ( B) He can play chess well. ( C) He does not play chess. ( D) He enjoys playing chess. ( A) 2:15. ( B) 3:15. ( C) 2:50. ( D) 3:50. ( A) Because he is in good health. ( B) Because its a pleasure in his life.

3、 ( C) Because she cannot bear the smell. ( D) Because it makes him cough badly. ( A) In the city near the Central Park. ( B) Not live in the city. ( C) In the city near her work place. ( D) Living in the country. ( A) Monday. ( B) Wednesday. ( C) Tuesday. ( D) Thursday. Section B Directions: This se

4、ction is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the

5、 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) They are talking about the scenery. ( B) They are enjoying the flowers. ( C) They are arguing about something. ( D) They are climbing up the mountain. ( A) They are feeling very tired. ( B) They think the climbing is rewarding. ( C) They are a little bit disapp

6、ointed. ( D) They dont feel anything special. ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Friends. ( C) Brother and sister. ( D) Husband and wife. ( A) Twenty years. ( B) Nineteen years. ( C) Thirty years. ( D) Forty years. ( A) David and Margaret once worked together. ( B) Margarets mother likes David very much. ( C) Tw

7、o old friends met unexpectedly. ( D) David and Margaret used to go to school every day. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear

8、a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 What did Cindy do when she worked in an office? Typing, filing and _ to the office. 12 Why did Cindy change her job after she became more experienced? Because she got tired of _ all day. 13 What did she do rightly aft

9、er quitting her job? She went_. 14 What did she learn to be then? She learned to become a_. 15 What did she feel about her new job? She feels that its a new opinion about the_in her own life. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each

10、one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 This time next week Ill be on vacation. Probably I _ on a beautiful beach. ( A) am lying ( B) have lain ( C) will have lain ( D) will be lying 17 _ breaks the law will be punished sooner or later. ( A

11、) Who ( B) Whoever ( C) Anyone ( D) Someone 18 Jane always enjoys _ to popular music at home on Friday evenings. ( A) listening ( B) to be listening ( C) being listening ( D) to listen 19 When I visited your country again last year I found it completely_. ( A) to be changed ( B) changed ( C) to chan

12、ge ( D) changing 20 _ we have finished the course, we shall take a new one. ( A) Since now ( B) Since that ( C) Now that ( D) By now 21 Tom didnt tell his wife that he had been fired, but he_. ( A) would do ( B) had to ( C) should have ( D) might have to 22 Our department has a large collection of b

13、ooks,_are in English. ( A) many of which ( B) many of them ( C) many ones ( D) their many 23 It is vital that you _ quickly to whatever is said. ( A) respond ( B) responded ( C) will respond ( D) are responding 24 So far there is no proof_people from other planets do exist. ( A) which ( B) that ( C)

14、 what ( D) how 25 There is no point_ the piano, unless you practise every day. ( A) to learn to play ( B) by learning to play ( C) in learning to play ( D) having learned to play Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the

15、word given in the brackets. 26 Its known to everyone that to smoking _(permit) in the library. 27 A teacher has a wide _(vary) of duties. 28 It is_(embarrass) to be caught telling a lie. 29 _ (participate) are free to speak their minds, as troth is made clear through debate between different views.

16、30 According to many scientists, solar energy will be used _ (extend) in the 21 st century. 31 By the end of last week, he_ (finish) his composition. 32 People _ (live) comfortably in the towns hardly feel the pleasure of living in the country. 33 So far nobody _ (choose) to do the job by the compan

17、y. 34 He remembers_ (take) to Paris when he was a very small child. 35 Do you agree that it is important to make yourself_ (understand)? Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement

18、there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 It is clear that some people who participate in exercise training will develop injuries to their bones, muscles, and joints(关节 ). Despite unfounded reports in the mass media of extremely high injury rates among adult e

19、xercisers, there have been few good studies of exercise injuries in populations. One of the difficulties in performing such studies has been the need to identify both the number of cases and the number of people at risk for injury. In other words, it is difficult to know the number of individuals in

20、jured and the total number of individuals exercising in the population. But these two figures are necessary in order to calculate(统计 ) true injury rates. Normally, injury is defined as an accident that causes a person to stop exercising for at least one week. The best available studies on injury rat

21、es show that about 25 to 30 percent of adult runners become “injured“ (based on the above definition) over the course of a year. More serious injuries include those for which the injured person seeks medical care. If only they are considered, injury rates are much lower, perhaps in the range of 1 pe

22、rcent per year. Little is known about the causes of exercise injuries. One factor that has been linked to injury is the amount of exercise; for example, individuals who run more miles are likelier to be injured than those who run fewer miles. Factors such as age, sex, body type, and experience have

23、not been shown to be associated with risk of injury. It seems logical that structural abnormalities, sudden increases in training intensity, and types of equipment used are likely to be related to injury risk. However, data to support these opinions are not available. 36 What is the writers attitude

24、 towards high injury rates among adult exercisers reported by the mass media? ( A) Positive. ( B) Indifferent. ( C) Negative. ( D) Reserved. 37 The true injury rates are obtained from ( A) the average number of injuries for each individual ( B) the amount of exercises for each individual ( C) the nu

25、mbers of the injured and all individuals in training ( D) the numbers of people doing exercises and those stopped exercises for one week 38 Which of the following is NOT shown as the factor for causing exercise injuries? ( A) The amount of exercise. ( B) The age, sex and body type. ( C) Structural a

26、bnormalities. ( D) The sudden increases in training intensity. 39 The factors that are in relation to exercises injuries ( A) have been obtained from many good studies ( B) have been confirmed by many data ( C) cannot confirm the risk of equipment types ( D) can be proved easily by the data through

27、calculation 40 The passage is mainly about _. ( A) the high injury rates for those doing exercises ( B) the ways to avoid exercise injuries ( C) the evidences for the seriousness of exercise injuries ( D) the studies about injury rates and causes for injuries Task 2 Directions: This task is the same

28、 as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 Too much metal in the soil is considered pollution. Yet too little metal in a persons diet can cause health problems. An American scientist says the answer to both problems may be plants that take up large amounts of

29、 metal in their tissues. David Salt is an expert on plants at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He is working with plants that store large amounts of metals. In recent years, scientists have shown interest in using such plants to clean up harmful waste materials, Professor Salt says such

30、 plants also could be used to improve peoples diets or even to create foods that fight cancer. Humans need a number of metals in their diets, including iron and zinc. These metals are needed in very small amounts, however. That is why they are called micronutrients. The lack of micronutrients is bla

31、med for health problems in many developing countries. Children and pregnant women are mostly affected. Recently, Mr. Salt announced that he has identified and copied the genes from a kind of plant that stores metals in its tissues. He says his study suggests it may be possible to develop plants that

32、 contain minerals needed for good health. For example, the metal selenium is a strong anti-cancer agent. Some wild plants store selenium naturally. Mr. Salt says foods to fight cancer might be created if genes from these plants could be moved into crop plants. Locoweed, which is a common plant in th

33、e western U. S., stores selenium. Professor Salt says it may be possible to create cancer-fighting foods from it. He and scientists from a company called Unicycle Therapies have copied the gene that causes locoweed to take up selenium from the soil. Many people take pills to add important minerals o

34、r vitamins to their diet. However, Mister Salt notes that most selenium products sold in health food stores are of little use. That is because the human body can only take in and use selenium if it is in the right chemical form. The scientist says his team would like to develop a vegetable crop high

35、 in selenium. He wants to create an anti-cancer product in the foods we already eat. 41 According to Pro. Salt, plants that take up large amounts of metal in their tissues can be used to _. ( A) clean polluted soil and cure disease like cancer ( B) clean up harmful waste materials in soil and improv

36、e peoples diet ( C) produce large number of micronutrients such as iron and zinc ( D) create food with important minerals or vitamins 42 In many developing countries, people fall sick because _. ( A) they dont absorb enough micronutrients from their diet ( B) they dont have plants that take up metal

37、 in their tissues ( C) there is no locoweed in their countries ( D) there is no iron and zinc containing in their food 43 Mr. Salt wants to create anti-cancer foods by _. ( A) copying tissues from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants ( B) copying genes that causes the plants

38、to take up selenium from the soil ( C) moving selenium from the tissues of wild plants into crop plants ( D) moving genes from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants 44 To add selenium by taking pills are probably not effective because _. ( A) the human body is not in the right

39、 chemical form ( B) the human body does not accept it ( C) the selenium is, not in the right chemical form to be absorbed ( D) the selenium is difficult to absorb 45 What is the main idea of the article? ( A) Plants that absorb metals are being studied by scientists. ( B) Scientists are trying to cr

40、eate cancer-fighting crops. ( C) Some wild plants can store micronutrients naturally. ( D) Anti-cancer products in the foods are good to peoples diet. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You

41、 should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Short Courses In order to provide opportunities for individual or group international students and visitors to improve Chinese language proficiency and acquire a better understanding of the present-day China and tradition

42、al Chinese culture, apart from the regular programs, Binhai Normal University also offers various short programs, such as Conversational Chinese, Traditional Chinese Keep-fit Sports, Chinese Music Instruments, Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, and Culture Activity and Trip. The duration of prog

43、rams can be from one week to three months. Summer Courses are from the end of June to the beginning of September; Spring Courses are in February, and March. Registration fee US $20. Tuition fee. US $320 for four weeks, US $70 for each additional week. Accommodation fee. US $8- 10/person/day for doub

44、le rooms. Food expenses. Fixed meals are arranged for students of short courses. The cost is US $8 - 10 per person per day. Teaching materials fee: US $20 per term. Date of application: Expires by the middle of January for spring short courses. Expires by the end of June for summer short courses. Co

45、ntact Address: International Education and Exchange Department Binhai Normal University Binhai, China Tel: 86 999 - 3869405 Fax: 86 - 999 - 3839452 E-mail: waibanmail, binhai, edu. cn Website. http:/www, binhai, edu. cn Short courses Short courses offered by (46) . Short courses provided for (47) an

46、d visitors. Reasons to offer short courses: improve Chinese language proficiency and know about (48) . The maximum of duration of programs: (49) . Expiration of the date of application of the summer courses: by (50) . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are req

47、uired to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A overpopulation B under population C working population D population waiting for employment E urban population F rural population

48、G population reproduction H population increase I population decrease J population base K population distribution L population density M population quality N population pyramid O population statistics P population theory Q population studies 51. ( )在业人口 ( )人口密度 52. ( )人口增殖 ( )人口年龄金字塔 53. ( )城市人口 ( )人口质量 54. ( )人口理论 ( )人口分布 55. ( )待业人口 ( )人口过剩 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 Room 504, Xiamen Hotel Xiamen March 15th, 2005 Dear Sir or Madam, I arrived in Xiamen from


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