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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 156及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) With my manager. ( B) 6 oclock tomorrow morning ( C) On business. ( D) By air. ( A) Its not so bad. ( B) Its too early. ( C) Very well, thank you. ( D) Lovely day, isnt it? ( A) You cant do anything for me. ( B) I can do it for myself. ( C) Please d

3、o it for me. ( D) A bar of chocolate, please. ( A) Sorry, I cant fight now. ( B) Never mind. ( C) Im pleased. ( D) I can. ( A) Its nice. ( B) Im glad you like it. ( C) Dont mention it. ( D) Just so so. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There ar

4、e 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) In a waiting room. ( B) In a restaurant. ( C) In a ho

5、spital. ( D) In a reading room. ( A) In a store. ( B) In a lawyers office. ( C) In a restaurant. ( D) At a hotel. ( A) How to get home. ( B) How to take a taxi. ( C) When they should go home. ( D) Why they are so late. ( A) He has left his job. ( B) Tony has left his job. ( C) Tony is on holidays. (

6、 D) The woman is on holidays. ( A) 4:10 ( B) 4:00 ( C) 3:50 ( D) 3:40 Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing word

7、s or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 Probably every town in the United States has a post office. Some are very small, and you may also find them in the (11) of a shop. Othe

8、rs are large buildings. They are open five days a week and Saturday morning. From Monday through Friday they are usually open from 8:30 am to (12) . If you know how much the postage is for your letter, you can buy stamps at any (13) . In some post office you can buy stamps from machines. Stamps are

9、sold at many different prices, from one cent to many dollars, ff you are not sun (14) postage is for your letter, you can ask the clerk. He or she will give you the stamps you need. At a post office you can also buy postcards. A postcard is (15) than a letter. Section A Directions: In this section,

10、there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 The little boy had no choice but to look on _ as his mother was seriously injured in the traffic accident. ( A) help ( B) helpless

11、( C) helpness ( D) helplessly 17 Her husband died in a traffic accident. _ five kids with her. ( A) left ( B) leaving ( C) leave ( D) being left 18 _ enough preparations, we decided to put off the meeting. ( A) Having not make ( B) Not having made ( C) Not made ( D) Making not 19 I was too _ to say

12、hello to my drunken father in the street. ( A) embarrassed ( B) embarrass ( C) embarrassing ( D) embarrassment 20 Dont have the water _ all the time while you are out. ( A) running ( B) run ( C) runned ( D) runs 21 It is necessary to find a peaceful _ to the troubles in the area. ( A) solution ( B)

13、answer ( C) way ( D) explanation 22 Last month more than a hundred workers were killed in the mine _. ( A) exploitation ( B) explosion ( C) explication ( D) explosivity 23 Market research is usually very _, involving thousands of people answering hundreds of questions. ( A) detailed ( B) details ( C

14、) detail ( D) detailing 24 Thousands. of young people have learned _ cars. ( A) drive ( B) driving ( C) drove ( D) to drive 25 She spoke _ about her life spent in Sahara desert. ( A) emotionless ( B) emotional ( C) emotionally ( D) emotive Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements her

15、e. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 You have to act _ (immediate) if you are to save the girls life. 27 Maria wont buy any new clothes because she _ (save) money to have a luxurious trip to Europe. 28 We object to _ (punish) a whole group for o

16、ne persons fault. 29 Not _ (know) how to do the math problem, she came to ask her brother. 30 John is talking so much about Spain as if he _ (be) there. 31 Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ (expect) in my new job. 32 When _ (leave) the airport they gave each other hugs. 33 You can ha

17、rdly imagine a child _ (treat) so cruelly. 34 John is said _ (study) abroad, but I dont know which country he studied in. 35 The bell indicating the beginning of class rang, _ (interrupt) our game of football. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfin

18、ished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 In New York, there is now a school with no daily lessons, no class teachers, not even a school building. The “school“ is a now project. It is cal

19、led “City-as-School“ and the name means just that, the city itself is the place where, 350 students, between the age of 15 and 18, learn their lessons. Students choose areas of work which interest them and then they help to do that work. For instance, one girl spends her week in the offices of a Con

20、gresswoman an elected official helping the public with problems such as pensions, housing, etc. Then she goes to help in a theatre for a day and she spends one day a week taking first-year courses at college. City-as-School is 30 years old. The education system in New York accepts it now, as an alte

21、rnative to final years at school. But can it replace ordinary lessons? Well, students have to pass maths and science exams before they enter the “school“. These Subjects are not easy to provide for in “City-as-School“. Tethers monitor the progress of the students, 80 to 85% of the students go to col

22、lege (or university, ms it is called in Britain) .after their time at “City-as-School“. The success rate is high. And the students are enthusiastic about their “school“. They like the responsibility of their work, and the sense of purpose it gives them. When the students leave “City-as-School“, they

23、 dont have a normal academic education; but they do know a lot about different kinds of work in the city! 36 “City-as-School“ is special because it is _. ( A) in New York, one of the most famous cities in the world ( B) not a common school we usually see and know ( C) a school having special student

24、s ( D) free of charge fox the citizens 37 Which of the following is NOT included in permission of entering the “school“? ( A) Between 15 and 18 years old. ( B) Passing maths and science exams. ( C) Finishing first-year courses at college. ( D) Students being in their final years at school. 38 What d

25、o the teachers at “City-as-School“ do? ( A) To monitor the progress of the students. ( B) To give lessons to the students. ( C) To evaluate the students performance. ( D) To protect the students safety. 39 The students at “City-as-School“ CANNOT get _. ( A) a lot about different kinds of work in the

26、 city ( B) the responsibility of their work ( C) a normal academic education ( D) the sense of purpose their responsibility gives them 40 What is the authors attitude to “City-as-School“? ( A) Pessimistic. ( B) Optimistic. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Indifferent, Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as T

27、ask 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and ent

28、ertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict (种族冲突 ), and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing. After World War , city residents became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space

29、. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American “dream“ was to have a house in the suburbs. Now things are changing. The c

30、hildren of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, and executives (执行官,行政官 ), are moving back into the city. Many are single; others are married, but often without children. They prefe

31、r the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the city a wealthier, more mobile class. Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American ci

32、ties were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future others see only problems and conflicts. One thing is sure: Many dying cities are alive again. 41 Paragraph 1 _. ( A) explains why American cities are changing ( B) is a description of cities ( C) shows that American cities have many p

33、roblems ( D) says: American cities contain the very best aspects of a society 42 In the 1950s the American “dream“ was _. ( A) to have a color TV set ( B) to buy an apartment in the city ( C) to have a big car ( D) to buy a new house in the suburbs 43 In paragraph 3, the author gives _ reasons why p

34、eople want to live in cities. ( A) two ( B) three ( C) four ( D) five 44 According to the article, cities are _. ( A) sick ( B) living ( C) alive again ( D) dying 45 The movement of people to and from the city can explain_. ( A) social changes ( B) violent crime ( C) racial conflict ( D) the best as

35、pects of a society Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Violetstraat 124 B-12987 Niveiles Belgium 19 June 200

36、6 Anglo Air Customer Relations 156 Park Lane London W5 3sw, UK Dear Sir/Madam, Flight AA678, 14 June I am writing to complain about the quality of your service and the damage that has been done to my luggage. I have recently returned home after taking your flight from London. Despite the fact that t

37、he flight was delayed for over five hours, no explanation was given by your representative and we were not offered any refreshments(点心 ) at all. I believe that other airlines normally do this. On arriving in Brussels, I found that I had missed the last train and was forced to stay in a hotel. My sui

38、tcase did not arrive until four days later and has been so badly damaged that it is beyond repair. The cost of the hotel accommodation and replacing my bag come to approx. 150 pounds. I would therefore like to ask for compensation for these items. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully

39、, Ms. K. Vandewalle A Complaint Letter This letter is written to Anglo Air (46) in London. The writer complains about the service on (47) she took on June 14h. Complaints: 1. The flight was delayed for (48) . 2. The passengers were not offered (49) at all. 3. The writers suitcase has been so badly d

40、amaged that it is (50) . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A - transaction B - coun

41、ter-offer C - market condition D - sample book E - market information F - sample post G - domestic market H - turnover I - price reduction J - discount K - direct offer L - special offer M - most favorable price N - cable confirmation O -foreign market P - price fluctuation Q - market price R - mark

42、et risk 51 ( ) 折扣 ( ) 市场状况 52 ( ) 特别报价 ( ) 最优惠价 53 ( ) 市场风险 ( ) 国外市场 54 ( ) 减价 ( ) 样品册 55 ( ) 还盘 ( ) 样品邮寄 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 September 10,2004 Dear Sirs, We

43、 thank you for your irrevocable (不可撤销的 ) letter of credit (信用证 ) opened through your bank for 4,000 dozen Mans Shirts. According to stipulations (约定 ) of the L/C (letter of credit), the goods should be shipped not later than September 15, Although we have been making great efforts to book shipping o

44、n time, but much to our regret, we were told by the shipping companies contacted that there would be no steamship before September because of the bad weather. Therefore, we have not been able to deliver your order in time, and we hereby request you to have both the date of shipment and the validity

45、(有效性 ) of the L/C extended. Since this is an urgent matter, please amend (修正,修订 ) the L/C by cable. Your compliance (遵从,顺从 ) with our requests will be highly appreciated. 56 What goods does the buyer order? 57 Whats the stipulated delivery time? 58 Why could not the shipping company provide steamshi

46、p in time? 59 Whats the purpose for the seller to write this letter? 60 In what way should the buyer amend the L/C? 61 Only in recent years have people begun to realize the importance of wildlife protection. ( A)直到近年来人们才越来越意识到保护野生动物的重要性。 ( B)只是在最近几年里人们才开始发现并保护了很多重要的野生动物。 ( C)直到近年来人们才开始意识到保护野生环境的紧迫性。

47、 ( D)直到近年来人们才开始了解保护野生动物的重要性。 62 We are excited to learn that everyone can visit the newly-built museum for free. ( A)听说每个人都可以免费参观新建的博物馆,我们都很兴奋。 ( B)令我们兴奋的是可以自由自在地从 修缮新的博物馆里学东西。 ( C)一听说知道每个人都可以参观修缮一新的博物馆,我们便毫无顾忌地兴奋起来。 ( D)了解到每个人都可自由参观新落成的博物馆时,我们都很兴奋。 63 Currently, firms selling to the Chinese market

48、mostly focus on the countrys youth. ( A)现在大部分中国市场的销售公司历史都很年轻。 ( B)目前中国市场的销售公司主要都是由该国的年轻人创办的。 ( C)目前向中国市场销售产品的公司主要针对的 是该国的年轻人。 ( D)现在往中国市场销售产品的公司主要招聘该国的年轻人。 64 Although he designed buildings throughout the world, he was perhaps best known for his work in Japan. ( A)尽管他所设计的建筑遍布世界各地,但他最为人熟知的作品可能还是在日本。 ( B)虽然他的建筑设计作品遍布全球。但是最了解他作品的可能还是日本人民。 ( C)尽管他曾为世界上很多地方设计过建筑,但其最好的作品可能还是 在 13本。 ( D)虽然作为一名建筑设计师他曾在世界各地工作过,但是他最了解的还是日本的情况。 65 The Asia Star, a monthly magazine based in Singapore, is looking for a Design Editor to run the publications art department. The


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