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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 553及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decid ( A) Never mind. (

2、 B) Yes, thank you. ( C) Don t mention it. ( D) Yes, you can. ( A) No problem. ( B) You are so kind. ( C) Yes, I d like to. ( D) Thank you. ( A) Yes, I live here. ( B) Yes, it s the railway station. ( C) No, its not very far ( D) 20 minutes walk. ( A) Id try it. ( B) I think so. ( C) I feel nervous.

3、 ( D) I d love to. ( A) It s too late. ( B) It s not yet eight. ( C) It s already ten o clock. ( D) I have no watch. ( A) You can take No. 6 bus. ( B) It is a long way to go. ( C) You can go there. ( D) Nobody knows. ( A) She is reading. ( B) She is tall. ( C) She is a cashier at Moon Hotel. ( D) Sh

4、e is ill. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability tO understand short dialogues There are 7 recorded dialogues in it After each dialogue, there is a recorded question Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times When you hear a questi ( A) Strangers. ( B) Colleagues.

5、( C) Interviewer and interviewees. ( D) Classmates. ( A) $3.00. ( B) $4.00. ( C) $7.00. ( D) $10.00. ( A) She is afraid. ( B) She has never taken the bus before. ( C) She is new here. ( D) She does not want to tell him. ( A) He was asked to hand in his paper. ( B) He didnt hand in his paper on time.

6、 ( C) He handed in his paper earlier. ( D) The teacher liked his paper very much ( A) She needs a quiet place. ( B) She likes moving around. ( C) She wants a bigger house. ( D) She likes playing the violin. ( A) The flight will leave at 2:30. ( B) The flight will be late. ( C) The man will leave by

7、flight at 4- 30. ( D) The man will leave at once. ( A) In a bank. ( B) In a post office. ( C) At a stop. ( D) At the school gate. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations There are 2 recorded conversations in it After each conversation there are so

8、me recorded questions Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times W ( A) IBM. ( B) A supermarket. ( C) ABC Company. ( D) A bookstore. ( A) Dress. ( B) Computers. ( C) Shoes. ( D) Engines. ( A) Comedies. ( B) Horror films. ( C) Mystery films. ( D) Crime films. ( A) Unreasonable. ( B

9、) Horrible. ( C) Frightening. ( D) Stupid and unbelievable. ( A) To ring up the ABC and find out what s on. ( B) To watch TV because there is a good musical on. ( C) To read an evening paper and find out what s on. ( D) To stay at home because there are no good films. Section D Directions: In this s

10、ection you will hear a recorded short passage The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing The passage will be read three times.During the second reading, you are required to put the missing 19 Once you are hired by a company, you will probably have business cards

11、. A business card is printed with your name, title, company【 B1】 _and phone number. Presenting a business card can provide information and help to make a good impression. For example, when you【 B2】 _for a business interview, give the secretary your card. Pronounce your name【 B3】_, and explain your b

12、usiness purpose. Sit quietly 【 B4】 _the person you want to see arrives or you are told what to do. When you leave,【 B5】 _that you thank the secretary for any help she has given you. 20 【 B1】 21 【 B2】 22 【 B3】 23 【 B4】 24 【 B5】 Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here You are req

13、uired to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) 25 Mr. Brown is looking for his glasses. He thinks he_them behind in the office yesterday. ( A) forgot ( B) put ( C) left ( D) set 26 If you dont_smoking you will never get better. ( A) gi

14、ve off ( B) give up ( C) give in ( D) give out 27 What you said reminded me_something I read in the newspaper. ( A) for ( B) by ( C) from ( D) of 28 Ships are_than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure. ( A) very much slower ( B) so much slower ( C) too much slower ( D) much more slower 2

15、9 Our English teacher insisted that we spend more time on_reading. ( A) worth ( B) worthy ( C) worthwhile ( D) worthless 30 Doctor Green went on with his experiment on human being_the debate going on around him. ( A) for all ( B) but for ( C) despite of ( D) due to 31 Being engaged in the research w

16、ork, Dr. Yang seldom goes anywhere_his office. ( A) in place of ( B) except to ( C) in addition to ( D) instead of 32 Do you think Mary will call her old friends as soon as she_to London? ( A) has got ( B) gets ( C) got ( D) will get 33 The children_many times not to get closed to the fire. ( A) wer

17、e being told ( B) have been told ( C) had been told ( D) told 34 He doesn t dare to leave the house_he should be recognized. ( A) in case ( B) if ( C) provided ( D) so that Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 40 through

18、 44. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. 34 China lies mainly in the northern temperate zone under the influence of monsoon(季风 ) . From September and October to March and April next year monsoon blow from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau into China and decrease

19、in force as it goes southward, causing dry and cold winter in the country and a temperature difference of 401 between the north and south. The temperature in China is 5t to 18t lower than that in other countries on the same latitude in winter. Monsoon blows into China from the ocean in summer, bring

20、ing warm and wet currents, thus rain. Great differences in climate are found from region to region owing to China s extensive territory and complex topography(地形 ) .The northern part of Heilongjiang Province in northeast China has no summer, Hainan Island has a long summer but no winter; the Huaihe

21、River valley features four clear seasons; the western part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is covered by snow all year round; the southern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is spring-like ail the year; and the northwestern inland region sees a great drop of temperature in the day. 35 Which of the foll

22、owing statements about monsoon is true? ( A) Monsoon makes the temperature 5C to 18C lower. ( B) Monsoon blowing from May to August brings rain. ( C) Monsoon goes from Siberia and the Mongolia Plateau. ( D) Monsoon causes dry and cold summer in the country. 36 The word “current“ in the first paragra

23、ph most probably means “_“. ( A) a body of onward running water ( B) a tendency, movement, or course ( C) a mass of continuous moving gas ( D) a flow of electric charge 37 There is a great difference in climate from region to region in China because_. ( A) China is so large in size and complicated i

24、n landform ( B) it s very hot in summer and extremely cold in winter ( C) the northern part has no summer and southern no winter ( D) China lies in temperate zone under the influence of monsoon 38 According to the passage, the southern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau _. ( A) has a long summer and

25、 short winter ( B) is hot in the day and cold in the night ( C) is cold in winter but hot in summer ( D) is neither very hot nor very cold 39 This passage most likely taken from_. ( A) a column in an evening newspaper ( B) an article from a news magazine ( C) an advertisement from a booklet ( D) a s

26、ection of a geographic book Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1 The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 45 through 47 39 Why dont birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for a long time. Now they re start

27、ing to fill in the blanks. Not long ago, experiments showed that birds use the sun to guide them during daylight hours. How do birds fly at night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights. A dove had spent its

28、 lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. But it had an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird s cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the

29、 artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight. But the stars are apparently their main means of navigation. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they apparently find their way by such landmarks as river courses, mountain ranges, coast lines. But when it s too dark to see these thi

30、ngs, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way. 40 The reasons why birds dont get lost on their long flights_. ( A) have been known to scientists for years ( B) have only recently been discovered ( C) are known by everyone ( D) will probably remain a mystery 41 By “his outdoor cousins“ t

31、he author means_. ( A) other experimenters ( B) the other doves of the same brood ( C) doves under the natural sky ( D) other birds in general 42 The experiment with the dove indicates that_. ( A) birds have to be taught to navigate ( B) a bird that has been caged will not fly long distances ( C) so

32、me birds cannot fly at night ( D) some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 48 through 52). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 word

33、s) on the blanks. 42 December 15 (Thursday), Beijing ART:Yan Club Group Exhibition Group Exhibition of Oils by Talented Chinese Young Artists. Yu Xiaodong vividly reveals the inner world of the Tibetan people through his skillful portrait; Qi Yusheng uses bright color to display his aspiration for a

34、 harmonious life between man and nature; Dong Hong s elegant and graceful figures with the help of romantic and soft colors bring viewers to a dream world; Xiao Se and Guan Yong s exaggerating and sarcastic portraits make us think of the living status of today s Chinese people; Ma Yue s “Cowering Pe

35、ople“ displays the psychological and physical condition of the vulnerable people; Political pop has a new face in Yin Kun s oils. Where; Yan Club, Dashanzi Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Time: December 6December 26 A Group Exhibition of【 R1】 _ will be held in Beijing star

36、ting from Dec 6. Works of【 R2】 _ artists are mentioned in the second notice. Yu Xiaodong s portrait is mainly about【 R3】 _ people. Political pop appears in【 R4】 _ oils. The exhibition will be held in club called【 R5】 _. 43 【 R1】 44 【 R2】 45 【 R3】 46 【 R4】 47 【 R5】 Task 4 Directions: The following is

37、 a passage. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 53-57. 47 ACertificate of Health BFire Insurance CIndustrial Accidents DInsurance Company EInsurance

38、 Policy FLife Insurance GMarine Insurance HNatural Insurance INatural Losses JSocial Security Fund KTotal Loss Only LWar Risk MCoverage NInsurance Premium OSpecial Clause PInsurance Agent QInsurance Contract RInsurance Tax 48 ( )战争险 ( )社会保障金 49 ( )人寿保险 ( )保险费 50 ( )健康证书 ( )火险 51 ( )全损险 ( )保险公司 52 (

39、)海上保险 ( )生产事故 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 52 Dear Sirs, We welcome your enquiry of April and thank you for your interest in our hats and caps. As you may be well aware,

40、 we are a state-run corporation handling this line of business for many years. So we are in the good position to serve our customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggested. We can make products according to the given design and produce the designed goods in large quantities. We are

41、 enclosing our illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover we are sending you a full range of samples. When you have a chance to examine them, we feel confident that you will agree that the quality of material used and the high standard of workmanship will appeal

42、to the most selective buyers. We hope the catalogue and samples will reach you in good time and look forward to your order. Yours sincerely, xxx 53 What is the letter about?The order of_. 54 What kind of company is this corporation? A_. 55 What did this corporation send except samples? 56 What will

43、appeal to the most selective buyers?The_of material used and the high standard of the workmanship. 57 What information does the catalogue give? _of the products they ask for. 58 But for visitors the airport is the actuaI gateway where entry procedures are done 59 Mr Browns own career has been a perf

44、ect example of personal interest and professional development 60 It doesnt make much difference whether he can finish this work 61 Peace and development are the main themes Of the times an era full Of both hope and challenges 62 Many visitors to the United States find that the fast pace at which peo

45、ple move is very troubling. One s first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. And they are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment. But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. 一、 Part V W

46、riting (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 63 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the resume according to the information given in Chinese. Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition

47、Sheet. 说明:李明,男, 1992年 6月 15日生,未婚,于 2014年 7月毕业于北方大学英语系。在校期间,各门功课都很优秀,有很强的英语听说读写能力;第二外语是德语,具备基本的德语会话能力。另外,熟悉外贸流程。喜欢打篮球、唱歌和看电影,欲求外贸业 务员一职。 Words for reference: 外贸流程 process of foreign trade; 外贸业务员 foreign trade clerk Resume Name: _ Sex: _ Date 0f birth: _ Marital status: _ Job Objective_ Education background_ Personal skills_ Hobbies_ 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 553答案与解析


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