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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 556及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decid ( A) Thats a wonde

2、rful idea. ( B) We may go out. ( C) Picnic is interesting. ( D) I dont think so. ( A) A week ago. ( B) At nine thirty p.m. ( C) On Wednesday. ( D) Its time to get on the train. ( A) I am gifted. ( B) Im glad you like it. ( C) No, thanks. ( D) You are friendly to me. ( A) Im from Shanghai. ( B) I com

3、e here to study. ( C) Sorry, I cant tell you. ( D) You cant ask. ( A) I cant help you. ( B) I will help you to eat the fish. ( C) I like eating fish. ( D) Thanks a lot. ( A) Yes, I am. ( B) Yes, I do. ( C) Im sorry. ( D) Its my pleasure. ( A) Please do. ( B) Not yet. ( C) Yes, I know. ( D) Most of t

4、he time. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability tO understand short dialogues There are 7 recorded dialogues in it After each dialogue, there is a recorded question Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times When you hear a questi ( A) A writer. ( B) A musician. (

5、C) An engineer. ( D) A doctor. ( A) Highly popular. ( B) Rather difficult. ( C) Too simple. ( D) Quite nice. ( A) She hasnt got the job. ( B) She hasnt passed the exam. ( C) She has got a headache. ( D) She has lost her passport. ( A) On the Internet. ( B) In the newspaper. ( C) On television. ( D)

6、From a friend. ( A) Training. ( B) Sales. ( C) Service. ( D) Quality. ( A) In the lecture hall. ( B) In the office. ( C) In the meeting room. ( D) In the laboratory. ( A) His report. ( B) His health. ( C) His plan. ( D) His interview. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to und

7、erstand short conversations There are 2 recorded conversations in it After each conversation there are some recorded questions Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times W ( A) By the last name. ( B) By the first name. ( C) By the middle name. ( D) By the full name. ( A) The short

8、 holidays. ( B) The low salaries. ( C) The small offices. ( D) The informal clothes. ( A) Sightseeing around the city. ( B) Attending a meeting. ( C) Shopping in the city. ( D) Having a party. ( A) This afternoon. ( B) This evening. ( C) Tomorrow morning. ( D) Tomorrow afternoon. ( A) At the party.

9、( B) At the meeting. ( C) In the office. ( D) In the hotel. Section D Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing The passage will be read three times.During the second reading, you are required t

10、o put the missing 19 Spring is a【 B1】 _season. The temperatures are mild, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright【 B2】 _. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go【 B3】 _more often. Small children like to bring their kites out to squa

11、res in the city and field in the suburb. Also, this is the season for the grave(墓穴 , 坟墓 ) cleaning day when we go to【 B4】_our past generations. I enjoy going back to the village on this【 B5】 _after being in the city for the winter months. 20 【 B1】 21 【 B2】 22 【 B3】 23 【 B4】 24 【 B5】 Section A Direct

12、ions: There are 10 incomplete statements here You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D) 25 The report gives a _ picture of the companys future development. ( A) central ( B) clean ( C) clear ( D) pleasant 26 We all belie

13、ve that the role he_in the research is very important. ( A) puts ( B) gets ( C) keeps ( D) plays 27 The manager is so busy this week that he has to _ his visit to New Zealand. ( A) get off ( B) put off ( C) give off ( D) take off 28 Our next board meeting will focus _ the benefits for the employees.

14、 ( A) on ( B) at ( C) with ( D) by 29 Breakfast can be _ to you in your room for an additional charge. ( A) made ( B) served ( C) used ( D) cooked 30 He said he couldnt begin to work _ he was provided with the proper tools. ( A) if ( B) since ( C) until ( D) as 31 We were delighted to learn that the

15、 last months sales _ by 30%. ( A) had increased ( B) have increased ( C) would increase ( D) will increase 32 _ your name and job title, the business card should include your telephone number and address. ( A) As far as ( B) As much as ( C) In case of ( D) In addition to 33 Have you read our letter

16、of December 18, in_we complained about the quality of your product? ( A) that ( B) what ( C) which ( D) it 34 He sent me an email, _ to get some samples of our new product. ( A) hoped ( B) to hope ( C) hoping ( D) hope Section B Directions: There are also 5 incomplete statements here You should fill

17、 in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets 35 For the sake of personal health, hes stopped(smoke)_. 36 I insist that you(take)_ immediate action to put this right. 37 As to the supporting actress, she has a(beautiful)_ face than the heroine(女主角 )in the movie. 38 In spite o

18、f all the hardship, he wants to(wide)_his knowledge of the English studies. 39 Everything(take)_into consideration, his plan seems to be more practical. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 40 through 44. For each questi

19、on or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. 39 Munichs first “Oktoberfest“ ever was held in 1810 to celebrate a royal wedding with horse races and culinary delights(婚宴饮料 ). The culinary delights, namely beer, were much more popular than the wedding ceremony and horse races. Since then

20、, the Munich beer festival has been repeated on an almost annual basis. Only major catastrophes like war or epidemic(瘟疫 )outbreaks can stop Munichs inhabitants from gathering at the green expanse, i.e. the festivals location. Even though it is called “Oktoberfest“, the festival actually takes place

21、in September, as Bavarian autumn can be tricky and surprise with early cold and snow. Today, the “Oktoberfest“ is the largest festival worldwide attracting a multitude of visitors. Apart from beer tents the festival offers amusements as diverse as roller coasters, circus appearances, festive parades

22、 and live brass bands. The ceremonial opening happens at noon. The mayor arrives in a festive coach followed by a decorated horse-drawn brewers cart(啤酒拖车 ). Guests, staff and the numerous brass bands are all wearing traditional costumes for the occasion. It takes good nerves and a solid stomach to s

23、urvive the festivals 16 days of intensive partying. However, the festival is a huge success: Apart from attracting a multitude of visitors, the festivals brand name “Oktoberfest“ has been exported all over the world. 40 From the passage, we know that Oktoberfest has a history of_ years till now. ( A

24、) over 195 ( B) more than 200 ( C) about 190 ( D) less than 195 41 According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? ( A) Beer was less popular than the wedding ceremony and horse race. ( B) The Munich beer festival is held every two years. ( C) When a war or epidemic breaks out, people will

25、 still celebrate the Oktoberfest. ( D) The Oktoberfest actually takes place in September. 42 The word “catastrophe“(Line 2, Para. 2)means “_“. ( A) disaster ( B) incident ( C) accident ( D) celebration 43 How many days will the Oktoberfest last? ( A) 14days. ( B) 15 days. ( C) 16 days. ( D) 17 days.

26、 44 Which of the following sentence is NOT true? ( A) Bavarian autumn can surprise us with early cold and snow. ( B) The Oktoberfest is the largest festival worldwide. ( C) All people are supposed to wear traditional costumes for the Oktoberfest. ( D) The brand name “Oktoberfest“ is only popular in

27、Germany. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1 The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 45 through 47 44 SEALINK Notice to Customers Dear Customers, Please be advised that from Monday, 3rd October parking at the Breakwater Terminal is $7.00 per day, or part thereof. Tickets

28、 and longer parking permits are available for purchase from our ticketing counters inside the Breakwater Terminal or from the car park attendant. Enquire about our Monthly Saver Parking Permit or our Yearly Super Saver Parking Permit & start saving now! Thank you and have a great day! Yours Sincerel

29、y, SeaLink QLD Management 45 The new parking charge starts from _. ( A) October 3 ( B) next month ( C) next week ( D) October 1 46 The new parking charge for each day is _. ( A) 3 dollars ( B) 7 dollars ( C) 4 dollars ( D) 14 dollars 47 Customers can buy a parking ticket _. ( A) online ( B) from a p

30、ost office ( C) from a car park attendant ( D) in a nearby shop Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 48 through 52). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 47 Memo Dat

31、e: March 30, 2005 To: John Smith From: Mary Waters Subject: New Pension Plan Please contact the HR Department for detailed information about the new pension plan designed for different age groups. This plan provides you with a convenient method to save money for your retirement. Note the advantages

32、of this form of saving. As to the money you put into the account, you neednt pay additional income tax. Your money is readily available upon your retirement. You need to decide how much money you want to save each month within the limit of each age group and complete the forms at the HR Department.

33、A Memo To: John Smith From: Mary Waters Date: March 30, 2005 Subject: A New【 R1】 _ Purpose: To ask Mr. Smith to contact the HR Department for【 R2】 _ Advantages of the plan: 1. No【 R3】 _ 2. Money【 R4】 _upon your retirement Requirement: Decide【 R5】 _money you want to save each month 48 【 R1】 49 【 R2】

34、50 【 R3】 51 【 R4】 52 【 R5】 Task 4 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 53-57. 52 A New Years Day B Valentines

35、 Day C Lantern Festival D Carnival E April Fools Day F Easter G Maple Syrup Festival H Mothers Day I Fathers Day J Dragon Boat Festival K St. Patrick Day L Moon Festival M Nurse Day N Pumpkin Day O Halloween P Labor Day Q Thanksgiving Day R Christmas Day S Bank Holiday T Spring Festival 53 ( )中秋节 (

36、)护士节 54 ( )银行休假日 ( )鬼节 (万圣节前夕 ) 55 ( )情人节 ( )南瓜节 56 ( )端午节 ( )复活节 57 ( )感恩节 ( )圣帕特里克节 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 57 Email 1 To: DBL Online From: Marsha Smith Subject:

37、Order Dear Mr. Chapman, We would like to buy 30 Futura computers, model No. XT 306. Can you ensure delivery by the 25th of this month? We wish to confirm that the price is as given in your price list, with a 15% discount for new customers. We will make payment upon receiving the goods. We look forwa

38、rd to receiving your reply soon. Sincerely, Marsha Smith Email 2 To: WMF From: John Wilson Subject: Order Attachment: Purchase order No. J300 Dear Mr. Brown, Following our telephone conversation this morning, I would like to order 300 washing machines. Could you deliver the items according to the pu

39、rchase order? Please send the items by express freight(快运 ). I would like to confirm that the prices remain the same, and a 10% discount is included. As before, we will pay by check within 15 days after receiving the goods. Best wishes, John Wilson 58 What does Marsha Smith want to buy in the first

40、email?_ 59 What is the delivery date of the goods required in the first email? By _of this month. 60 According to the first email, what discount can Marsha Smith get as a new customer?_ 61 How did John Wilson contact Mr. Brown before he ordered the washing machines? He contacted Mr. Brown through_in

41、 the morning. 62 According to the second email, how should the goods be shipped as John Wilson requested? By_. 63 The works of this brilliant composer are beyond criticism. ( A)这位才华横溢的作曲家的作品是无可指摘的。 ( B)这位狂妄自大的作曲家的工作态度总是惹人非议。 ( C)这位才华出众的作曲家的作品有些白璧微瑕。 ( D)这位勤勤恳恳的作曲家所做的大量工作令人难以苛责。 64 The employers fail

42、ure to protect its employees against smoking causes an employee to quit her job. ( A)该雇主未能成功地保护其雇员免受吸烟之害。由此导致一位雇员辞职。 ( B)由于该雇主 未能保护其雇员免受吸烟之害而导致一位雇员辞职。 ( C)由于该雇主未能成功地禁止其员工吸烟,因而导致一位雇员辞职。 ( D)为防止员工辞职该雇主发起禁烟运动但最终失败。 65 In large companies the shareholders have very little to do with their day-to-day runn

43、ing. ( A)在大公司里股东几乎不参与公司的日常运作。 ( B)大公司里的股民在公司的日常运作中几乎没有什么工作可做。 ( C)在大公司里股民几乎与公司的日常 运作没什么关系。 ( D)在大公司里多是由数量很少的董事会成员来处理日常事务的。 66 Before we can decide where to buy our materials, we require as much information as we can get on the suppliers. ( A)我们需要从各供应商处得到足够的信息,之后才能决定从何处购买材料。 ( B)在决定从何处购买材料之前,我们需要各供应商

44、给我们尽可能多的信息。 ( C)我们可以先决定在哪里购买材料,然后再从卖 方那里找出所有的相关信息。 ( D)在决定从何处购买材料之前,我们需要收集尽可能多的关于各供应商的信息。 67 Please note that from next Monday we are introducing an environmentally friendly scheme(计划,方案 ). All used paper from the office will be recycled. Used paper should be placed in the green bin(箱子 )next to the

45、photocopier for collection. All staff are asked for their full cooperation with this scheme for it can help achieve better use of resources and cut costs in the running of the company. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 68 This part

46、is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to fill in the Reservation Form(预订表 )and write a Fax according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your uniting on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:假定你叫王洪,拟在某酒店举办一个会议。请根据下列内容填写登记表。 内容: 1入住时间: 2014年 6月 25

47、日,退房时间: 2014年 6月 29日; 2预定房间:单人房;房间数量 20间; 3付款方式:现金; 4联系电话: 010-79968XXX,传真: 010-79968XXX; 6电子邮箱: wanghong7080163 com 6特别要求: 1)会议共 20人参加,在酒店享用早、中、晚餐; 2)要求可以在房间上网; 3)6月 26日至 6月 28日租用酒店会议室一间,需计算机、投影仪等设备。 Reservation Form Name:(1) Check in:(2) Check out: June 29th, 2014 Room type: Single Room Number of

48、rooms reserved:(3) Payment: Cash Tel. number:(4) Fax number: 010-79968XXX Email:(5) Special Requirements: _ Words for reference: 投影仪 projector 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 556答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decid 1 【听力原文】 Its sunny today. Why not go out for a picnic? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “Why not ”或 “Why dont you ”后接动词原形,表示婉转的建议或劝诱。整句话的意思为 “今天天气晴朗,为什么不去野餐呢 ?”回答可以是


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