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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 92及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct ans

2、wer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) At the station. ( B) Yes, it is going to. ( C) To the city. ( D) Immediately. ( A) Very interesting. ( B) Yes, I do. ( C) 3 dollars. ( D) Last year. ( A) Shes here this term. ( B) Shes tired of teaching. ( C) She teaches English. ( D) She likes teach

3、ing. ( A) Yes, especially pop music. ( B) Yes, I see. ( C) No, I dont understand you. ( D) No, I dont like him. ( A) At the end of this month. ( B) Yes, quite often. ( C) Some time last month. ( D) Once a month. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues

4、. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) At the museum. ( B) At the airport. ( C) In

5、 front of the movie theater. ( D) In the street. ( A) The weather is not good. ( B) They like watching TV. ( C) They want to read some books. ( D) They arent allowed to go out. ( A) At 10. ( B) At 9. ( C) At 9:10. ( D) At 10:09. ( A) Tom looks good today. ( B) She doesnt like Tom. ( C) She wants a w

6、hite shirt. ( D) Tom should change a blue shirt. ( A) Aileen. ( B) Ailen. ( C) Aiken. ( D) Alan. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are requi

7、red to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 After seeing a (11) bitten to death by a dog for protecting her eggs, a 9-yearold boy in Hubei Province deci

8、ded to hatch (孵 ) the eggs for the chicken. The boy (12) the eggs with a quilt in the daytime when he went to school. After school, he would (13) to Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate wor

9、d or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 After the meeting, the students left the hall _. ( A) from one to the other ( B) one to another ( C) one by one ( D) from one by one 17 I was just lying down when I heard someone _ on the window. ( A) break ( B) try ( C) hit ( D) knock 18 Edis

10、on never stopped _ new and better ways to do things. ( A) to search for ( B) to search ( C) searching for ( D) searching 19 The old man _ son is a famous scientist never received any education ( A) what ( B) whose ( C) that ( D) whom 20 The child was asked to _ for destroying the little girls toy ca

11、r. ( A) apologize ( B) pardon ( C) excuse ( D) admit 21 Mary was _ to see so many roses in front of her room. ( A) surprising ( B) surprise ( C) surprised ( D) surprisingly 22 She still believes in him, _ be has cheated her several times. ( A) even though ( B) because of ( C) in spite of ( D) theref

12、ore 23 Nanjing has changed so greatly that I think it is _ a second time. ( A) worth visiting ( B) worthy visiting ( C) worth being visited ( D) worthy of visiting 24 At no time _ we are Chinese. ( A) shouldnt we forget ( B) we should forget ( C) should we forget ( D) we shouldnt forget 25 This prog

13、ram _ your patience and confidence. ( A) calls for ( B) calls on ( C) calls at ( D) calls about 26 After the meeting, the students left the hall _. ( A) from one to the other ( B) one to another ( C) one by one ( D) from one by one Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You s

14、hould fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 27 They are giving two (perform) _ a day this week. 28 It is important that the doctor (explain) _ it clearly to the patient. 29 She was so (worry) _ about her mother that she couldnt fall asleep. 30 We do not allow (ea

15、t) _ in the classroom. 31 He brought us a piece of (surprise) _ news. 32 She is an (advance) _ learners of French. 33 The accident happened (short) _ after the midday. 34 I (judge) _ the turn and hit the sidewalk. 35 There (be) _ nothing but two pencils in the box. 36 Well plan to (large) _ our gard

16、en. 37 They are giving two (perform)_ a day this week. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 38

17、An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden. When he was about to return home, he found he had only enough money to get a ticket back to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a t 38 The traveler thought that he _. ( A) would f

18、ind no food served on board ( B) could not get home without having meals on board ( C) could do without any food before he got home ( D) would not be allowed to eat on board 39 “He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell,“ means _. ( A) he did not hear the lunch bell ( B) he heard the lunch b

19、ell but didnt go for lunch ( C) he put something in his ear to close them ( D) he did not know it was the lunch bell 40 The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not _. ( A) feel well ( B) know the time for lunch ( C) hear the lunch bell ( D) have the money 41 The traveler said to himse

20、lf, “I cant stand this any longer“ means “ _.“ ( A) I cant bear any longer ( B) I cant stay hungry any longer ( C) I cant keep my feet on this place any longer ( D) I must sit down for a while 42 He became so hungry that he _. ( A) went to sleep ( B) ate paper ( C) went to the dinner-table ( D) kept

21、 out of the way Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 43 For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it means that they can put money and effort into their staff training an

22、d make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who have potential 43 The purpose of lifelong employment is to _. ( A) adjust the needs of the company to its employees ( B) make employees loyal to their company ( C) select the best skilled young employees ( D) keep the skill

23、ed staff satisfied 44 By training its employees, a company can make them _. ( A) do their work more easily ( B) be more interested in their work ( C) willing to invest money into the company ( D) possess the necessary qualifications for the job 45 Talking about the training she has received, a recen

24、tly employed graduate has the view that _. ( A) it is still well-received by all the staff members today ( B) it is valuable to the employers and the employees ( C) it is helpful for attracting young employees ( D) it is both useful and interesting 46 Attitudes towards lifelong employment are changi

25、ng because _. ( A) job changes have career advantages ( B) its boring to work in only one company ( C) only the employer benefits from such employment ( D) stable employment seldom offers better opportunities 47 The passage is mainly about _. ( A) lifelong training of employment ( B) policies of lif

26、elong employment ( C) attitudes towards lifelong employment ( D) employers interest in lifelong employment Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no mo

27、re than 3 words) on the blanks. 48 Fried Chips Ingredients(成分) 800g potatoes(peeled and cut into thick chips), oil for shallow or deep frying. Method Shallowly fry thick, fat chips in hot oil until crisp. Dry on brown paper(牛皮纸 ), sprinkle with Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. Af

28、ter reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 53 A-Sold B-For sale C-All sold out today D-Bargain sale E-Not for sale F-Be ware of picking pockets G-Clos

29、ed H-House to let I-Emergency exit J-Prevent fire K-Lavatory L-Closed to all vehicles M-Keep right 53 ( ) 今日售完 ( ) 谨防扒手 54 ( ) 紧急出口 ( ) 非卖品 55 ( ) 禁止右转 ( ) 严禁烟火 56 ( ) 禁止通车 ( ) 靠右行驶 57 ( ) 行人不得穿越 ( ) 大减价,特价 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brie

30、f answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 58 Dear Sir: How would you like to increase the efficiency of your office staff by 10% this summer? Tests in over 80 business offices using Glux air conditioners have proved that staff efficiency in these offices increased by 10% aft

31、er the Glux was ins 58 What is the purpose of the letter? To sale _. 59 How many business offices are using Glux air conditioners? _. 60 What profits do you obtain if the Glux air conditioners are installed in your offices? The staff efficiency will _. 61 Why is the price of the air conditioner comp

32、etitive? Because it is _ than that of similar products in the market. 62 How can buyers do if they would like to spread the cost? Buyers can have 2 years _. 63 You are wanted on the phone. ( A)你想有部电话。 ( B)有你的电话。 ( C)你被电话需要。 ( D)你需要接电话。 64 When we were about to get away a police car came to the front

33、 door. ( A)当我们正要离开的时候,一辆警车来到了前门。 ( B)我们正准备离开,一辆警车来到前门。 ( C)当我们正要逃跑的时候,一辆警车来到了前门。 ( D)当我们大约要走的时候,一辆警车来到了前门。 65 Even if we succeed in controlling population growth, we will still have huge environmental problems to deal With. ( A)甚至我们成功地控制了人口成长,我们仍然有严重的环境问题要对付。 ( B)即使我们成功地控制了人口增长,我们仍然有巨大的环境问题要对付。 ( C)

34、如果我们在控制人口成长上成功了,我们仍然有巨大的环境问题要应付。 ( D)即使控制了人口增长,我们仍然有严重的环境问题要应对。 66 It is evident that she has done a good job. ( A)这是明显的,她做得不错。 ( B)很明显她做了一份体面的工作。 ( C)她显然做得不错。 ( D)她做了一份好工作以证明自己。 67 When you are looking for work, you may occasionally feel rejected. But bear in mind that somebody out there is just as

35、 anxious to find employees as you are to find a job. In fact, American corporations spend roughly 11.5 billion annually trying to fi 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to t

36、he following information. 68 说明:根据下列信息,写一封感谢信。 感谢鲍勃星期四晚上在家中的热情款待。使你感觉像在家一样。鲍勃夫人的厨艺堪称一流,她是个好厨师。你几年来没有吃过这么好吃的东西了。感谢他们的盛情。 Words for reference 热情款待 hospitality 厨艺 cookery 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 92答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5

37、recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 1 【听力原文】 When is your train going to leave? 1 【正确答案】 D 2 【听力原文】 How do you feel about hi

38、s new novel? 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原文】 Why doesnt Jane teach here this term? 3 【正确答案】 B 4 【听力原文】 Do you like listening to music? 4 【 正确答案】 A 5 【听力原文】 How often do you go to the park? 5 【正确答案】 D Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded d

39、ialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 6 【听力原文】 M: Have you got the tickets? W: Yes, I have. Hurry up, the film

40、 is about to start. Q: Where did the conversation probably take place? 6 【正确答案】 C 7 【听力原文】 M: Its going to rain, wed better stay at home. W: Right. And we can watch TV or do some reading. Q: Why do they like to stay at home? 7 【正确答案】 A 8 【听力原文】 M: We will be there in 10 minutes. W: Its already 9 ocl

41、ock. Q: When will they get there? 8 【正确答案】 C 9 【听力原文】 M: Tom looks good in his white shirt. W: But I wish he changed a blue one. Q: What does the woman mean? 9 【正确答案】 D 10 【听力原文】 M: Would you please spell your name? W: Sure. A. I. L. double E. N. Q: What is the womans name? 10 【正确答案】 A Section C Dir

42、ections: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. T

43、he third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 【听力原文】 After seeing a 11. hen bitten to death by a dog for protecting her eggs, a 9-year- old boy in Hubei Province decided to hatch the eggs for the chicken. The boy 12. covered the eggs with a quilt in the daytime wh

44、en he went to school. After school, he would 13. rush to the eggs, and placed the box holding them between his legs and covered himself with a quilt. The most 14. difficult part is that he had to keep the same position all night so as not to crash any eggs. The 15. efforts finally paid off early thi

45、s month when he was awakened by a chick peeking at his leg. The rest of the chicks followed a few days later. He successfully hatched 13 chicks from the 20 eggs. 11 【正确答案】 hen 12 【正确答案】 covered 13 【正确答案】 rush 14 【正确答案】 difficult 15 【正确答案】 efforts Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 i

46、ncomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 D 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 A 23 【正确答案】 A 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【正确答案】 A 26 【正确答案】 C Section B Direct

47、ions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 27 【正确答案】 performances 28 【正确答案】 (should)explain 29 【正确答案】 worried 30 【正确答案】 eating 31 【正确答案】 surprising 32 【正确答案】 advanced 33 【正确答案】 shortly 34 【正确答案】 misjudged 35 【正

48、确答案】 is 36 【正确答案】 enlarge 37 【正确答案】 performances Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 38 【正确答案】

49、 C 【试题解析】 根据第一段中的 he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-days voyage可知正确答案为 C。 39 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 作者在文章开始就谈到该英国人的钱只够买船票,因此他决定在旅途中不吃饭。故正确答案为 B。 40 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由第一段可知正确答案是 D。 41 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在 I cant stand this any longer句中, cant stand意为 “无法忍受 ”,同 cant bear意思相同。 42 【正确答案】 C 【试题


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