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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 65及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below

2、: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。 2 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for admission to Washington University. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1简单介绍写信目的 2询问入学条件、学费、住宿情况等 3表达自己想进入该校读书的意愿 3

3、For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.“ You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no

4、 more than 200 words. 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark , “Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing. “ You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more

5、than 200 words. 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 65答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus Dear Mr. President, Im very lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I am afraid Im not content with the canteen service on campus. Firstly, food qu

6、ality should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but more and more students complain about eating the same food every day. So I think the most urgent task is to promote greater diversity in food types. Secondly, food prices are a bit high. We hope that the canteen can prov

7、ide us with delicious food at a reasonable price. Finally, the environment is so noisy that we cant enjoy our meals in a good mood. I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. Those suggestions are not made by myself, but by many other students. We do hope that our respectable Presiden

8、t will pay attention to our suggestions and take effective measures to improve the current situation. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 【试题解析】 第一段开篇点题,提出对学校食堂服务的不满。 第二段分三个方面解释不满的原因:饭菜品种单一;价格过高;环境嘈杂。末句 suggest后跟 that引导的宾语从句,从句使用省略 should的虚拟语气形式,不失为一个亮点。 第三段表明意愿,希望校长对出现的问题给予足够的重视,采取有效措施改善现状。 【知识模块

9、】 作文 2 【正确答案】 A Letter Applying for Admission to Washington University Dear Sir or Madam, I am a Chinese student and hope to apply for admission to this prestigious university. I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to to provide me with certain essential information on application qualific

10、ations. First, what qualifications do I need to apply to your university? I already have a bachelors degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much is the tuition fee? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested in kno

11、wing if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, how is student accommodation? I choose Washington University because it has a long history and enjoys a good reputation. I believe my interests and my solid academic background are highly congruent with the strengths of

12、your school. I would greatly appreciate it if you send me some copies of the required application forms and any instructions regarding my possible admission. I am looking forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution. Yours respectfully, Chen Dong 【试题解析】 第一段首先表明自己写信的目的是想要进入华盛顿大学学

13、习,并询问基本的入学信息。末句 I would be grateful if you would be kind enough既体现了礼貌原则,又不忘向对方表示感谢,是咨询信写作的常用句型。 第二段从三个方面询问相关信息:入学申 请对学历或学术背景的要求,学费及奖学金情况,住宿情况。三个方面分别以三个特殊疑问句引出直切主题,具体明确。 第三、四段指出华盛顿大学历史悠久并享有较高威望,同时自身的学术背景和兴趣也与该校的优势相吻合,进一步表达了进入该校学习的强烈愿望。最后表示期望早日得到回复。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On Character and Reputation Abrah

14、am Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.“ This saying is truly illuminating as I attempt to explore the relationship between character and reputation. Character is a persons self-being without an

15、y external interference, but reputation is the external judgments based on it. However, there can be discrepancies between the two, and the latter may even bring some changes to the former. For instance, for a businessman, perhaps making money is all he cares about and his true intention of doing ph

16、ilanthropic work is to improve his image or gain some preferential treatments; however, with the respect earned, he may come to realize the happiness of doing philanthropic activities and devote himself to charity wholeheartedly. In conclusion, as is illustrated above, character is the stable and di

17、stinctive qualities of a person, and reputation reflects it, but not always right. 【试题解析】 这是一篇议论文,主要讨论了品格与名声的问题。 第一段引用名言,讨论品格与名声的关系。亮点之处在于点明这一名言出自林肯,提醒我们要在平时的学习中注意积累一些西方名言警句。 第二段主要从两方面阐述品格与名声的关系。先提出品格是人的内在素质,而名声则是基于品格的外在评价。后又指出两者之间有矛盾,后者可能会引起前者的改变。商人的例子使论点更有说服力:商人一开始做慈善事业是为了提升形象获得更大的利益,有了好名声之后发现自己很快

18、乐便诚心助人,品格发生了改变。 第三段总结 全文,品格是个人独特的素质,名声反映品格,但不一定总是对的。 In conclusion是文章结尾常用的过渡语。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 On Loss With Honor Some people hold the opinion that sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing. I personally strongly agree with this point of view. In som

19、e cases, winning is significant for securing a successful life, but in most cases losing seldom ruins ones life. However, doing the wrong thing has repeatedly shattered many successful peoples life. A case in point would be taking banned substances in sporting events. Historically, some players took

20、 them to enhance their performance to win the matches. Admittedly, a few escaped the test and won eventually, but many more were caught and disqualified, living in shame for the rest of their life. What is worse, some even died for an overdose of illicit drugs. In comparison, most honest players, no

21、 matter whether they won in the end, at least spent their remaining life in a respectable way, if not always in honor. For this reason, winning or losing sometimes means little before being an upright person first. From what has been discussed above, I can safely arrive at the conclusion that doing

22、the right thing is always the right and wise choice. 【试题解析】 这是一篇议论文,讨论的是关 于宁可失败也不能做错误的事情的重要性。 第一段指出宁可失败做正确的事情,也不要为了成功而做错误的事情。第一句用 Somepeople hold the opinion that点出主题,是六级作文中常见的开篇语。 第二段具体阐述宁可失败也不能做错误事情的重要性,以运动员服用违禁药品为例,指出为了成功而做错误的事情毁掉了很多成功人士的美好生活。一些运动员为了能在比赛中取得好成绩使用违禁药品,结果在药检中被检出。名誉一落千丈,有些甚至因服药过量而失去了生命;更多诚实的运动员即使最后不能获胜,但能体 面地生活,虽败犹荣。不管怎样,成败放后,做人为先。本段中巧妙运用Historically, Admittedly连接句子,第五句用 but连接两个分句,后半句中的现在分词短语作结果状语,为亮点句式。 What is worse, In comparison等短语使文章过渡自然,值得借鉴。 第三段再次点题,得出自己的结论:做正确的事情永远是第一明智的选择。 【知识模块】 作文


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