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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 84及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Persisting or Giving Up. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1有人认为坚持不懈,永不放弃的品格最可贵 2有人 认为善于选择,适时放弃最重要 3我的观点 2 For this part, you are allowed 30

2、minutes to write a short essay entitled The Fear of Class Reunion. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1现在不少年轻人害怕跟老同学聚会,成了 “恐聚族 ” 2这种现象产生的原因或造成的后果 3为了改变这种状况,我认为 3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should We Buy Lottery Ticket

3、s? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1目前社会上越来越多的人购买彩票 2分析购买彩票带来的影响 3我的看法 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Influence of Microblog. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1如今微博越来越普及 2

4、微博普及对于社会生活的影响 3我的观点 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 84答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 Persisting or Giving Up Nowadays, every individual makes an endeavor to pursue a higher living standard, and in the process, its inevitable to be confronted with some crossings. Thus persisting or giving up is a common dilemma

5、 we meet in our daily life. Some people put a high value on perseverance. It is self-evident that perseverance contributes to success. So they hold that if you feel like victory, you are supposed to be persistent in what you are clinging to. However, there are people who pay more attention to being

6、capable of making a choice and giving up in due course. From their perspective, opportunities will disappear in a blink and its a waste of time if you still stick to what seems to be hopeless. As I see it, both are of vital significance. We should persevere in what we have chosen and give up what is

7、 unrealistic. Only in this way can we cultivate an aggressive and rational character and achieve a bright future. 【试题解析】 第一段指出在人生的十字路口上,选择坚持还是放弃成为一个难题。 第二段前半部分阐述有些人赞成坚持不懈,他们认为只有坚持才能成功。后半部分阐述另一些人认为要适时放弃,对他们而言,善于选择更加重要,发现自己追求的目标不现实时应该及时放弃。第三句为多重复合句,其中主句中包含 that引导的宾语从句,而宾语从句中又包含 if引导的条件状语从句。 第三段表明自己的观点

8、,即确定好目标后就要认真坚持,努力去实现。但是,一旦发现目标不切实际,则应及时放弃。末句为 Only引导的倒装句式。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Fear of Class Reunion Recent years have witnessed great popularity of class get-togethers. Old classmates come across the whole country to get together to relive the past wonderful days they shared with. However, nowad

9、ays many young people do not yearn for the class reunion any longer. There are many reasons accounting for the change. For one thing, some reunions are boring, as most of the time the classmates choose to eat and drink in restaurants. The monotonous form and content make the reunion less attractive.

10、 For another, most people are extremely annoyed by those who flaunt their wealth, which makes others feel uncomfortable. Therefore, some people are reluctant to to attend this kind of reunions. As far as I am concerned, various ways can be adopted to improve this situation. To begin with, classmates

11、 can join in efforts to make the reunion fascinating. In addition, some people should be self-adjusting, bringing no negative emotions to the party. Last but not least, never keep up with the Joneses. All in all, class reunion just provides a chance for us to relax and it can never be a burden. 【试题解

12、析】 第一段指出现在很多年轻人举行同学聚会,重温旧日时光,但有些人却不愿参加此类活动,成了 “恐聚族 ”。句子第二句为复合句,其中包含定语从句,结构紧凑。 第二段阐述了出现这种现象的原因。很多同学聚会形式单一、内容单调,尤其某些人有意或无意地炫富令其他人反感。段中用 For one thing和 For another表明了两种主要的原因。 第三段论述了改善这种状况的一些方法,如大家共同努力使聚会形式更加吸引人,一些人自我调整心态,再者不与他人攀比等。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Should We Buy Lottery Tickets? Along with the social

13、 development, more and more people are keen on buying lottery tickets for various reasons. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people hold different views. As is known to all, holding lottery tickets is a way for governments or charities to raise money. With the money collected, thos

14、e organizations can run well. But just as every coin has two sides, buying lottery tickets is no exception and it may bring bad influences as well. To win a lottery is based on luck rather than on efforts; however, a large number of people lay all bets on luck instead of hard work. After a careful c

15、onsideration, for my part, I dont object to buying lottery tickets totally. For those who just regard it as one of their interest, buying lottery tickets can enrich their life and make contributions to our society. For those who dream of becoming wealthy only by winning a lottery, they should bear i

16、n mind that wealth and success can only be acquired by wisdom and diligence. 【试题解析】 第一段指出目前社会上越来越多的人热衷于买彩票。 第二段首先阐述购买彩票可以给社会带来一些益处;接下来指出,如果将赢彩票作为生活的目标,那将是很危险的。第三句使用 no exception结构,表示 “也不例 外 ”。 第三段表明自己的观点。买彩票要有节制,应该把它作为生活的一种调剂,而不能把成功和财富都押在上面。第二、三句都使用了 who引导的定语从句,而且这两句把买彩票的人分成两类,分别对待,使得论证更加全面。 【知识模块】

17、作文 4 【正确答案】 On the Influence of Microblog With the development and popularity of the Internet, many newly born terms such as microblog and WeChat have successfully entered our everyday life. Microblog has become a huge overnight sensation in China. The widespread use of microblog exerts a great infl

18、uence on our daily life. Firstly , microblog allows the users to exchange small elements of contents, such as short sentences, individual images and video links, which are totally different from the traditional blog. Secondly, microblogging services have also emerged as an important source of real-t

19、ime news, which reach its audience within seconds. Thirdly, microblogging services have revolutionized the way information is spread. Many ordinary netizens can act as sensors or sources of data. Moreover, microblogs can work as tools to gather public opinions, as they can also serve as a useful rol

20、e in communication with the public. As far as I m concerned, microblog provides a newly born useful and convenient communication tool for people. Im in complete agreement with the phrase “microblogging, flattering the world.“ 【试题解析】 第一段指 出随着网络的发展,微博走入了人们的生活。用Microblog has become a hugeovernight sensation in China表明微博的迅速流行。 第二段介绍了微博对人们生活的影响。微博的内容简单,形式多样可以即时发布信息,同时提供了一种非常好的与公众交流的方式。第二句中 such as为插入语其后为 which引导的非限制性定语从句。 第三段阐明自己的观点,即非常喜欢这种新出现的信息交流方式。 【知识模块】 作文


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