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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 Filial Piety in Modern Times 1孝顺是中华民族的传统美德 2随着时代变迁,尽孝成为一个难题 3我的看法 2 How to Improve College Students Innovation Ability? 1创新能力是成功人士的一项重要素质 2如何提高学生的创新能力 3我认为 3 Independence or Cooperation 1独立和合 作是两种完成工作的方式 2有些人认为合作有效,有些人则认为独立完成更为有效 3我认为 4 Doubts on Reliab

2、ility of Experts 1人们不再像以前一样盲目相信专家 2出现这种现象的原因 3我的看法 5 Should People Choose Risky Opportunities? 1面临挑战时,每个的人选择不同 2有些人喜欢迎接有风险的机遇,有些人则采取保守策略 3我认为 6 Traffic Jam 1在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重 2分析城市交通问题产生的原因及对人们生活的影响 3为了解决这个问题,我认为 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 8答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 Filial piety has been one of the

3、 most valued traditional virtues in Chinese culture. However, as times have changed, it seems that this quality in modern times has become a dilemma for many young people. Unlike the old times when an extended family normally lived together under the same roof, modern times sees millions of young pe

4、ople pursue their dreams far away from their parents. Under the circumstances, they are unable to be always there for their parents even if they yearn to. If nothing is done to change the situation, a family-oriented nation like China will be at the risk of losing its foundation of morality system.

5、For those who dont have time to visit their parents, new ways should be adopted when it comes to filial piety nowadays. For one thing, they should encourage their parents to participate in entertainment activities provided by communities to avoid boredom and keep healthy. For another, they should ta

6、ke advantage of modern technologies to spend more time with their parents. For example, they can have video chats through cell phones or computers. In this way, filial piety can be maintained and passed down as a heritage. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Innovation is a quality essential not only for countries o

7、r companies but also for individuals, especially the college students. Hence, the significance of improving college students innovation ability cant be overemphasized. As to how to improve such ability, the following two approaches among many others can be considered. For one thing, students should

8、be encouraged and rewarded for their innovative performances in activities such as brainstorming and competitions. In this way, with their innovative ideas springing up, they are more likely to cultivate a habit of thinking critically and creatively. For another students should be given more opportu

9、nities to put their innovative ideas into practice, one of the most typical and effective ways of which is practice. After all, an innovative idea is the most valuable when it can generate concrete and useful results. Chinese students are relatively weak in innovation compared to their counterparts

10、in some developed countries. Only by making more efforts in this regard can they fulfill their due responsibility of creating a better future for our country. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 In the quick fix society, how to get a task done fast and well is a widely concerned issue. Independence and cooperation,

11、two opposite approaches to completing tasks, are debated for their superiority in real practice. On the one hand, some people think by working independently they can make full use of their abilities and avoid possible waste of repetitive resources. On the other hand, others who prefer to work cooper

12、atively argue that gathering wisdom of a group can achieve maximum efficiency. As for me, the ability of cooperation is more valuable compared to that of independence. To start with, many complicated tasks where both speed and quality are demanded cant be accomplished by one person. Thats why many e

13、nterprises attach great importance to developing team spirit in employees. In addition, cooperation may produce unexpected results. As we know, there are different approaches to the same task. Thus, the ideal solution is likely to come out with different ideas sparkling, competing, and integrating.

14、Believing it or not, you might be surprised at the unexpected results cooperation can bring about. To conclude, a task is most effectively completed in a cooperative manner. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Experts, authorities in various fields, are supposed to be trustworthy. However, it seems that nowadays the

15、ir expertise is not as valued as it used to be. The following are two main reasons among others. For one thing, people are more critical than ever before about whatever they hear or see. Instead of accepting what they are told immediately, they are more likely to ask about the reasons behind. For an

16、other, some experts fail to adopt a scientific and responsible attitude towards their research. In fact, some experts are found to fake their degrees or academic works, which jeopardized their credibility and reliability. Therefore, its hard for the common people to trust them anymore. As for me, it

17、s not necessarily a bad thing for people to hold doubts on experts ideas and words. It indicates that peoples critical thinking skills have been sharpened. After all, no one can be always right, not even experts. People should make decisions based on facts and experience rather than statements of ex

18、perts. Only in this way can we develop a sound knowledge. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 An old Chinese saying goes that one prospers in worries and hardships, and perishes in ease and comfort. However, in reality, people will react quite differently as to whether to take challenges or not. Some people are in f

19、avor of choosing opportunities with risks because they think challenges can be exciting and fruitful. However, other people stand on a different ground. They prefer to take an easy path. As for them, risks should be avoided as much as possible as they may lead to losses and failure. As far as I am c

20、oncerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, few opportunities are free from any risks. Thus, its better to be prepared. For another, choosing opportunities with risks can motivate and inspire ones potential. By turning the pressure into motivation, you probably will bring out the

21、best of yourself. Of course, too much anxiety or stress can be painful. However, no pains, no gains. In this way, ones potential can be developed completely. 【知识模块】 作文 6 【正确答案】 Nowadays, people living in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing are facing a new problem that the traffic is becoming more

22、and more overcrowded. There are several reasons accounting for the frequent appearance of traffic jams. First, there are more vehicles on the road than ever. Second, some people keep violating traffic rules, which makes the traffic jams more serious. Third, the development of the traffic facilities

23、fails to keep pace with the rapid increase in the number of private cars. Traffic jams are affecting peoples life in many ways. People are late for work and become more and more impatient. To solve the problem, sticking to the traffic rules is the key point. Moreover, three-dimensional transport network should be developed. Finally, riding bikes instead of driving private cars should be encouraged. Then the problem of traffic jam might be relieved and handled correctly. 【知识模块】 作文


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