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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 102及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The man should give up drinking alcohol. ( B) Appropriate alcohol is good for the health. ( C) The man should drink a glass of alcohol per day. ( D) People who never drink alcohol are healthier. ( A) She havent read Teds resume. ( B) Ted has no chance to g

2、et the job. ( C) The result has not been decided yet. ( D) Other applicants resumes are better. ( A) He wants to drive to some famous sites. ( B) Hes worried about failing the driving test. ( C) He is dependent on himself for a long time. ( D) He is eager to get his drivers license. ( A) It doesnt t

3、aste good. ( B) It is limited. ( C) It is healthier. ( D) It is expensive. ( A) He will help the woman to find books. ( B) The books can only be read in the library. ( C) The woman can borrow the books out. ( D) The books are of little help to the woman. ( A) She will learn while watching TV. ( B) S

4、he agrees with her son completely. ( C) She likes cartoons and action movies. ( D) She will not get a cable TV. ( A) The woman goes to work by bike. ( B) The woman does exercises to keep fit. ( C) The man chooses public transportation to go to work. ( D) They protect the environment in their own way

5、s. ( A) The woman should not buy another pair of shoes. ( B) The shoes are still too expensive. ( C) They need to buy a closet for the shoes. ( D) The woman can buy whatever she wants. ( A) They are hard-working. ( B) They care about earning money. ( C) They prefer material stuff. ( D) They like lei

6、sure lifestyle. ( A) The unique cultures. ( B) Peoples eating habits. ( C) Peoples characters. ( D) The climate and nature. ( A) The weather in Colombia is humid. ( B) The weather in the two countries is the same. ( C) The weather varies in different regions of Ecuador. ( D) The weather in Ecuador i

7、s tropical. ( A) It is quite different from each other. ( B) It is pretty much the same. ( C) It is made from different ingredients. ( D) It is made of wheat and some vegetables. ( A) The amount of his plays. ( B) The English in his works. ( C) The themes of his works. ( D) The character of him. ( A

8、) It is used in an easy way. ( B) It has fewer English words. ( C) It has easy grammatical structures. ( D) It has completely different words. ( A) The large vocabulary. ( B) The rich grammatical structures. ( C) The different usage of English from today. ( D) The large variety of themes. Section B

9、( A) Counting from 1 to 100. ( B) Recognizing the 26 letters. ( C) Regulating themselves. ( D) Telling different colors. ( A) It helps children resist the temptations. ( B) It helps students do things according to the rules. ( C) It helps children express their emotions. ( D) It helps children contr

10、ol their actions. ( A) They relate to each other only in kindergarten period. ( B) They have no influence on each other. ( C) Good self-regulation foretells good academic results. ( D) High academic achievement will improve self-regulation. ( A) One that is unique and difficult. ( B) One that is eas

11、y to remember and unsafe. ( C) One that is composed of letters. ( D) One that has special meaning to them. ( A) To add numbers to the password. ( B) To grasp lots of computer knowledge. ( C) To remember human faces. ( D) To combine letters with numbers. ( A) Choose people you know who are unrelated

12、to each other. ( B) Choose your favorite folk cellist and movie star. ( C) Choose faces that are easy to remember. ( D) Choose different pictures of the same person. ( A) Its been on the market for several months. ( B) It requires the involvement of famous people. ( C) It is simple for users but har

13、d for intruders. ( D) It is only popular with young people. ( A) They shoulder more burdens than other moms. ( B) They are healthier than non-working moms. ( C) They are more optimistic than full-time working moms. ( D) They dont want to be confined in the office. ( A) They have to face a lot of com

14、plaints at home. ( B) They have to do a lot of chores at home. ( C) They experience more complicated anxieties at home. ( D) They bring the complaint at work back to home. ( A) They suffer more at work than at home. ( B) Complaining about work is more socially acceptable. ( C) They are not satisfied

15、 with the working conditions. ( D) They spend less time at home than at work. Section C 25 Adaptability, or the ability to adjust to a variety of different circumstances, is essential for enjoying a happy, satisfying life. Everyone faces hurdles and【 B1】 _personally and professionally. But people wh

16、o are adaptable get better at【 B2】 _ those tough moments throughout their lives by paying attention to their natural 【 B3】 _, then changing it when necessary. A student might do well in high school, but is【 B4】 _ more rigorous college classes now. An adaptable person will take a hard look at his or

17、her learning【 B5】 _and change whats not working. Adaptable people understand what it is that makes them who they are admitting the good and bad then use that understanding【 B6】 _. For example, an introvert who is aware that he draws strength from alone time will be sure to take a few moments for him

18、self in big social gatherings so he isnt【 B7】 _ by them. By understanding his natural inclinations and acting accordingly, one can adapt to a situation that may not come naturally. “Rejection is universally painful,“ says Winch, “Its like【 B8】 _a hot stove. Our self-esteem usually gets hurt as a res

19、ult. What a lot of people then do is adding insult to injury by blaming themselves, and becoming self-critical.“ But all that does is making the psychological injury worse. But adaptable people dont do that. They【 B9】 _the psychological injury, sit with the pain, then reaffirm what it is that makes

20、them【 B10】 _and valuable so they can dust themselves off. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 102答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Doctor, you told me that right food and plenty of exercise were necessary for my health. But is it OK

21、 to drink alcohol? W: Actually, studies have shown that people who have half a glass of alcohol per day are healthier than those who dont drink. Q: What does the woman imply? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。男士问女士正确的饮食和大量运动对健康很重要,但是饮酒是否可以;女士并未直接回答,而是提到研究发现每天喝半杯酒的人要比那些不喝酒的人更健康。由此可见,女士认为喝酒可以,不过要适量。 【知识模块

22、】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Youve looked over my resume. Do you think I can get the job? W: Well, Ted, this is a very impressive resume. However, we do have several other applicants to interview before we can make a final decision. Q: What does the woman mean? 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 工作商务类,语义理解题。男士问他是否可以得到这份工作,女士说男士

23、的简历很不错,不过还要等面试完其他的应聘者再作决定。由此可见,结果还未出来。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原 文】 W: You look excited these days. Whats going on? M: Well, Im going to get my drivers license soon and then I can drive to wherever I want. Im really looking forward to that. Its kind of the start of being independent. Q: What can we learn abo

24、ut the man? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士问男士为什么最近这么兴奋,男士答到自己不久将拿到驾照,就能想到哪到哪,也算是独立的开始。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: Have you ever been shopping at Whole Foods? Is the food good there? M: I find the food at Whole Foods is much healthier, and it is a lot better than that at Vons where I used to shop. Q: Wh

25、at does the man think of the food at Whole Foods? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。女士问男士是否在 Whole Foods购过物,那里的食物是否好;男士回答他发现 Whole Foods里的食物更健康,要比他以前常去购物的 Vons里的食物更好。也就是说 WholeFoods里的食物更健康。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力 原文】 W: Hi, Im doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject? I w

26、ant to borrow them. M: These books on your right side are about ancient history. They might be helpful. But they are for reference only, so they must stay in the library. Q: What does the man mean? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。女士想借一些关于罗马文明的书,男士向她推荐了一些有用的书,但是强调这些书是参考书,只能留在图书馆。也就是说只能在图书馆阅读这些书。 【知识模块】

27、 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: Mom, the shows on the regular television stations are dull. Why cant we get a cable TV? Therere educational stations too. I could learn while watching TV. W: Well, thats true, but it costs money and youd probably only watch cartoons and action movies. Q: What does the woman mean? 6 【

28、正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 生活交际类。弦外之音题。男士想让女士安装有线电视,并认为自己可 以通过教育电视台学习;女士首先肯定了男士的说法,不过又说到安装有线电视花钱,而且男士有可能只看动画片和动作电影。由此可见女士不会安装有线电视。转折词 but之后的内容为解题的关键。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: Hey, Jim. I didnt know you biked to work. It can protect the environment and keep you fit. I wish I could do it, but I work in the city. M:

29、Well, youre doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,事实细节题。女士说很羡慕男士骑自行车上班,认为这样可以保护环境并保持健康,很可惜自己在市里上班;男士说女士乘坐公共交通工具,也是在保护环境。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文 】 W: Theres a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Ri

30、verside Mall. Well, all shoes are 20 percent off. I want to buy a pair. M: Shoes? But you already have a closet of shoes. Q: What does the man mean? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 生活交际类,弦外之音题。女士说 Riverside商场有一个特卖会,所有的鞋子都打八折,并表示自己想买一双;男士表示惊讶并说女士已经有一鞋柜的鞋了。言外之意,男士认为女士不应该再买一双鞋了。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: You know, for m

31、e, Ecuador and Colombia seem to be the same. Can you tell me how to distinguish them? M: Well maybe their culture is pretty much the same. But I think Ecuadoreans and Colombians are different. W: The people are different? You mean the looks or the characters? M: The latter.(9)(10)Colombian people ar

32、e more hard-working people. They really care about their work, earning a lot of money or stuff like that. But Ecuadoreans are more like, you know, easy-going people. (10)So I think thats the main difference between them. W: Interesting. What about the weather? Is there any difference between the two

33、 countries? M: Yes. Its quite different. The weather in Colombia is characterized for being tropical. However, (11)the weather you will experience in Ecuador depends largely on where you are, since there are four distinct geographical areas the mountains, the eastern rainforests, the Pacific coastal

34、 plains, and the Galapagos Islands. W: Good. Weve talked a lot about differences. What about similarities in your opinion? M: Well, if you look at the food, youll find that food in both countries is composed of potatoes and corn and many fruits. Thus,(12)if you travel to Colombia and Ecuador, you wi

35、ll pretty much find the same kind of food because its made of the same ingredients. 9. What can we learn about Ecuadorean people? 10. What is the main difference between Ecuador and Colombia according to the man? 11. What do we know about the climate in Ecuador and Colombia from the man? 12. What do

36、 we learn about the food in the two countries? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是厄瓜多尔人的信息。对话开头,女士问如何区分厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚,男士回答说它们的文化几乎一样,但是厄瓜多尔人和哥伦比亚人有一些区别,女士进一步提问是长相还是性格,男士回答是性格,并进一步描述哥伦比亚人更注重努力工作与赚钱之类的事情,而厄瓜多尔人却更悠闲。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是根据男士所说,厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚主要区别是什么。对话开头,男士在描述完哥伦比亚人与厄瓜多尔人性格 的不同之后表示,

37、他认为这是厄瓜多尔人和哥伦比亚人的主要区别。言外之意,厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚的最大区别是人民的性格不同。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚的天气。对话中男士提到厄瓜多尔的天气取决于你在哪儿,因为它有四个截然不同的地理区域。由此可知,厄瓜多尔不同区域的天气状况不同。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是这两个国家的食物的信息。对话最后男士提到如果你去哥伦比亚 和厄瓜多尔旅游,就极有可能发现相同的食物,也就是说这两个国家的食物很相似。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 M: Mary,

38、you are into drama, so I thought we would talk about Shakespeare. W: Cool! M: First of all, who is Shakespeare? W: Well, Shakespeare is one of the most famous playwrights in the world. M: What kinds of plays did he produce? W: Well, he produced historical plays, tragedies, comedies, poetry, sonnets.

39、 He was an extremely productive writer. M: Wonderful. So can I say he is famous because he produced so many plays? W: Actually,(13)I think the reason that hes so famous even today is because the themes he chose for most of his works were universal. M: Universal? Do you mean theyre themes that touch

40、us whether we speak English or Spanish, or Russian, whether were in the 21st century or in the 16th century? W: Yeah, you are quite right. M: How much has the English changed from the original Shakespeare to the Shakespeare we have today, I mean the English we have today? W: Well, if Shakespeare sud

41、denly appeared in the 21st century he would be almost illiterate because (14)back in those days, English had a vocabulary of about 150 000 words, whereas now the vocabulary of English is 300 000, I think, probably more, so in a way the vocabulary hes using is really easy. M: But wait a minute. Youre

42、 saying that his English is easy? When I read it, it doesnt seem easy, and it seems pretty tough! W: Well,(15)thats because his English was used in a different way. Some words and grammatical structures in his works are no longer used in English now. 13. What makes Shakespeare so famous even today a

43、ccording to the woman? 14. Why does the woman say the English in Shakespeares time is easier? 15. What makes it tough to read Shakespeares works? 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是女士认为是什么使莎士比亚至今还如此出名。对话中男士问莎士比亚是不是因为写了大量的戏剧作品才出名的,女士认为莎士比亚直到今天还如此出名的原因是大部分他的作品所选择的主题都是通用的。由此可知,使莎士比亚今天还如此出名的是他作品的主题。 【知识模块】 听

44、力 14 【 正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么女士会说莎士比亚时期的英语更容易。对话中女士提到莎士比亚时期的英语词汇大约有 150 000个,而当今的英语词汇有 300 000个,或者更多,所以从某种程度上讲,莎士比亚时代的英语比较容易。由此可知,女士之所以说莎士比亚时期的英语更简单是因为单词少。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是什么使莎士比亚的作品读起来很困难。对话最后,男士认为读莎士比亚的作品很难,女士解释到那是因为他的英语是 以一种不同的方式使用的,他作品里的一些单词和语法结构在现在的英语中已经不使用了。 【知识模

45、块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 When it comes to success in the school environment, what are the important skills children need to master? Most adults think the focus should be on academic skills, such as counting or knowing the letters of the alphabet. However, it is just as important to teach children t

46、o regulate their emotions, thoughts and behavior. Self-regulation is an important skill for children to develop. In fact,(16)kindergarten teachers rank self-regulation as the most important skill for school readiness. Self-regulation comes in different forms. Emotional self-regulation is important f

47、or helping children manage how they express and experience emotions. Behavioral self-regulation helps children demonstrate control over their actions. Behavioral self-regulation will help children learn to resist the desire to shout out the answer to a problem when it is someone elses turn to speak.

48、(17)Cognitive self-regulation helps children follow rules and plan out the appropriate response, such as listening during story time. For some kids, school may be the first place where they practice these skills and learn to regulate themselves. When do these self-regulation skills develop? It start

49、s in infancy when babies learn to self-soothe. Parents help their kids develop self-regulation by explaining why they have to wait for something or why they have to take turns. During the pre-school years, children make remarkable gains in self-regulation. In fact,(18)high levels of self-regulation in pre-school predict good kindergarten reading and math achievement. This association between self-regulation and positive academic outcomes continues into the elementary and middle school years. Researchers

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