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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 105及答案与解析 Section A ( A) People like reading books nowadays. ( B) People may not learn anything from TV. ( C) People like watching sports on TV. ( D) People prefer to do productive things. ( A) The scenery in the woods is very beautiful. ( B) It can help him to relieve his stress.

2、 ( C) The air in the woods is quite fresh. ( D) It is a good exercise for him. ( A) It has nothing to do with experience. ( B) It is based on the working time. ( C) It is negotiable after official employment. ( D) It depends on the government policy. ( A) She is interested in playing the guitar. ( B

3、) She plays the guitar at nights in a bar. ( C) She uses a guitar to amuse herself. ( D) Shes always surrounded with a lot of friends. ( A) She will be promoted for working hard. ( B) She doesnt think she works really hard. ( C) She will get extra pay for working overtime. ( D) She already gets what

4、 shes been hoping for. ( A) It doesnt offer free breakfast. ( B) Theres no triple room in it. ( C) It offers bad services. ( D) It charges extra money for parking. ( A) She thinks his computer is still new. ( B) She will not buy him a new computer. ( C) She wants him to earn money to buy clothes. (

5、D) She cannot afford a new computer. ( A) To earn a lot of money. ( B) To help people lose weight. ( C) To arouse peoples care of their body. ( D) To pay honor to famous nutritionists. ( A) The nightlife there is colorful. ( B) It is much cheaper staying there. ( C) Most of the tourist attractions a

6、re in there. ( D) The environment there is comparatively better. ( A) He doesnt like its historical atmosphere. ( B) He thinks the nightlife there is too noisy. ( C) He doesnt know much about it. ( D) He doesnt think it as famous as others. ( A) It will take a long time to drive there. ( B) It is ch

7、eapest to take a train there. ( C) There is no subway leading there. ( D) Going there by train will be the simplest way. ( A) Students take lessons through distance learning. ( B) The students assignments are sent and graded online. ( C) The class is going on in the multimedia classroom. ( D) Studen

8、ts are asked to try to save paper in the class. ( A) It is easy from the very start. ( B) It improves his computer knowledge. ( C) It is very complicated for him. ( D) It becomes easier once he gets used to it. ( A) They didnt know how to use network to send assignments. ( B) They wanted to conceal

9、the fact that their assignments were late. ( C) They were quite used to doing assignments on a piece of paper. ( D) They felt annoyed to log in to the computer every time. ( A) Students can learn more through writing on computers. ( B) It is easier for students to surf the Internet when writing on c

10、omputers. ( C) Writing on computers is mostly used by students nowadays. ( D) Students dont like the old traditional way of writing. Section B ( A) They will make great progress later on. ( B) They may continue to have difficulty. ( C) They will become wonderful readers. ( D) They can get help from

11、their classmates. ( A) They have drawn no attention of researchers. ( B) They will get along well with others. ( C) They may tend to adjust to the society negatively. ( D) They have positive emotional adjustments. ( A) To give the students more extra instruction. ( B) To ask students to do more read

12、ing instead. ( C) To assign more homework for the students. ( D) To add something interesting to the math instruction. ( A) Most dreams are too complicated for people to remember. ( B) The brain cannot hold long-term memories during sleep. ( C) Most people nowadays are suffering from memory loss. (

13、D) Human brain cannot hold too many dreams at a time. ( A) The dreams with organized content. ( B) The dreams with less coherence. ( C) The dreams with terrible scenes. ( D) The vivid, emotional dreams. ( A) Jump up from the bed. ( B) Turn our attention to the wall. ( C) Find a notepad and a pen. (

14、D) Take time to think about the dream. ( A) It made both of them out of work. ( B) It made their retirement goal almost impossible. ( C) It deprived them of all their life savings. ( D) It damaged their physical and mental health badly. ( A) The scenery there was very beautiful. ( B) It would cost t

15、hem least to start a career there. ( C) It was the place where they got married. ( D) It had a lot of big trees there. ( A) They made enough money to buy a new house. ( B) They found life in the tree house inconvenient. ( C) They got some complaints from the customers. ( D) They didnt want to mix th

16、eir work with personal life. ( A) It is more stressful. ( B) It makes them miss their former jobs. ( C) It brings them freedom. ( D) It will produce huge wealth. Section C 25 All too often, people approach their work careers haphazardly, waiting for opportunities to present themselves, hoping to fal

17、l into that perfect job, and anticipating that it will be an easy ride to the top. The reality is that managing your career takes【 B1】 _, hard work, and planning. When you get a job interview, prepare for it.【 B2】 _ the questions you might be asked, and prepare your answers. Remember to take the【 B3

18、】 _.in answering questions by providing concrete information that【 B4】 _your knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the job. After getting the job, you should be on constant lookout for chances to move up in your career. This includes keeping abreast of the job market in your area and exploring

19、 job openings, networking with 【 B5】 _ colleagues, taking on extra tasks that will get you noticed by your current and potential employer. Dont just sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you get out there and make them happen. Always【 B6】 _ that the most successful employees are those who c

20、an work well with others. Building good working relationships are【 B7】 _, and it is important that you be willing to “pull your weight.“ If your team members know that they can【 B8】 _you, and trust you, they will speak highly of you, and that can lead to【 B9】 _. Moreover, if you end up becoming the

21、supervisor of the team, the trust you have built will【 B10】 _in team member support for your leadership and in team members giving you increased effort. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 105答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Why do

22、 you say that TV is bad for people? W: Because instead of reading a book or doing something outside, people just sit in front of a TV and absorb bad information that doesnt really help them learn anything. Q: Why is watching TV bad for people according to the woman? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,原因目的题。男士询

23、问女士为什么说电视对人们有害,女士回答人们不读书,不做户外活动,而是坐在电视前,吸收一些对他们没有真正帮助的坏信息。由此可见,女 士认为看电视对人们不好的原因是人们可能在电视上学不到什么东西。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: I know that you enjoy taking walks in the woods. So what do you think is the best thing about being in the nature? M: Well, for me, its the stress relief that it provides, especiall

24、y living in one of the worlds largest and most chaotic cities. Q: Why does the man like walking in the woods? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 娱乐休闲类,原因目的题。女士知道男士喜欢在林间散步,询问男士身处自然最大的好处是什么;男士回答对他来说,最大的好处就是能够减轻压力,尤其是身处世界上最大最吵的城市之一。由此可知,男士之所以喜欢在树林里散步,是因为它可以帮助他释放压力。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: What kind of salary do you provi

25、de? Is it based on experience as well as time spent with the company? M: Yes, you are right. But salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job. Q: What do we know about the salary? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 工作商务类。事实细节题。女士问男士公司提供什么样的工资,是不是基于经验和为公司工作的时间;男士肯定了女士的说法,并补充说一旦被正式录用,工资还可以再商量。由此可知,正式录

26、用后,工资可协商。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: Why do you buy a guitar? W: Well, I work at nights, but most people work in the day. Im often alone in the daytime, and I just want something to keep me entertained. Q: What do we know about the woman? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 娱乐休闲类,语义理解题。男士询问女士为什么买了一把吉他,女士答到她晚上工作,而大多数人是白天工作

27、,所以白天她经常独自一人,于是想找一些东西娱乐一下自己。也就是说女士用吉他来娱乐自己。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 M: You look so tired. Youve been working so much overtime lately. You shouldnt work so hard. W: I know. But hard work pays off. You know, Ill get that promotion I was hoping for. Q: What does the woman imply? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 工作商务类,事实细节

28、题。男士说女士最近老加班,她不应该如此拼命地工作;女士则认为努力工作会有回报,她将获得梦寐以求的 提升。也就是说,女士因为努力工作而将被提升。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: Hello, I need a double room and a triple one. My family is waiting for me in the car. W: OK, here are the keys. By the way, the check-out time is noon and breakfast is not included. Q: What can we learn abo

29、ut the hotel? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,事实细节题。男士说他需要一个双人间和一个三人间,女士给了男士钥匙,并告知男士退房时间是正午,而且早餐不包括在费用当中。也就是说该旅馆不提供免费早餐。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: Mum, I want a new computer. Ive had this one for about 3 or 4 years and its too slow now. W: Yes, thats pretty old for a computer. But I can only provide you food an

30、d clothing. Q: What does the woman imply? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类。弦外之音题。男士说他想买一台新电脑,旧电脑已经用了三四年了,且速度很慢。女士说旧电脑确实用了很长时间了,不过她只负责给他提供衣食。言外之意就是她不负责给男士买新电脑。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: Tara, you want to be a nutritionist, right? W: Yes. I dont think people take enough care of what they eat. I want to teach peopl

31、e to respect the food they are eating and to treat their body with care. Q: Why does the woman want to be a nutritionist? 8 【正确答案】 C 【试 题解析】 生活交际类,原因目的题。男士询问女士是不是想成为营养学家,女士回答是的,她认为人们对饮食不够关注,她想教人们去尊重饮食,关注身体。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Jason, actually Im going to England this summer. M: Really? That is a g

32、ood choice. W: Can you give me some advice about where I should go? Im going to have about one week. M: One week.(9)What I suggest you do then is to stay in the suburbs of London for a start, because its a lot cheaper. If you stay in North London, you will spend all your money on the rent. And I gue

33、ss you should go around Central London. Thats where all the tourist attractions and nightlife are. Its just got everything you need really, but like I said, the rent is way too expensive there. W: Now I was thinking of taking a day trip to Oxford or Cambridge or Bath. What would you recommend? M: It

34、 depends really. Bath has got a lot of history. I guess Oxford is a lot quieter, but again, there is a lot of nightlife as well. It really depends on what you want to do. W: OK. What about Cambridge? M:(10)Cambridge? Im not too sure about this city. I havent been there. W: Oh, really? OK. If I want

35、to go to Oxford or to Bath, how can I get there? Do I have to drive? M:(11)The easiest way is to get on a train. It can vary how much you want to pay really. Its kind of similar to Japanese trains. But traveling as far as Oxford and Bath would be quite expensive, maybe 30 pounds, which is really qui

36、te a lot of money. 9. Why does the man advise the woman to go to the suburbs of London first? 10. Why does the man make no comment on Cambridge? 11. What does the man say about the ways to Oxford or Bath? 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么男士建议女士先去伦敦的郊区。对话开头,男士建议女士首先去伦敦的郊区,因为那里便宜很多。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】

37、 C 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么男士没有评价剑桥。女士问男士剑桥怎么样,男士回答他不太确定,因为他没去过剑桥。也就是说男士之所以没有对剑桥做出评论,是因为没去过那里,对那里了解得不多。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是 关于去牛津或巴斯的方式,男士怎么说。女士问男士怎么去牛津或巴斯,男士回答最简单的办法是乘坐火车。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: OK, John, you were saying that you taught writing in America, and you said it was a pa

38、perless class. M: Yeah. Paperless class. W: OK. What does that mean, a paperless class? M: Basically,(12)it means that we didnt use paper. The students sent their assignments through e-mail, and I would do all the grading online. W: OK. Did you like it as a teacher? M: It was a bit difficult at firs

39、t, because it took a lot to get used to reading everything on the screen. (13)But once you get in the habit of doing it, its easier for you because you can just highlight something by making it red and the like with the mouse. W: Did the students like it? M: Most of the students did, but a small maj

40、ority who were usually late delivering their homework didnt. (14)They wanted to just slip their paper under my door so that I wouldnt know if they were late. But with a paperless class, they had to log in at the time they sent their paper to me. You know, the computer doesnt lie. I would know if the

41、ir paper was late. W: So, youre a writer, do you think it actually helps students to do this stuff on computers or should they go back to the pencil-paper method? M: I think it is important to be able to do both. I think that the most important thing about being a writer is being able to be versatil

42、e and go in different directions and write in different forms, but probably as far as tools go these days,(15)its more important for students to be able to compose on a computer, because most likely that is how theyll be doing most of their writing. 12. What does a paperless class mean in the conver

43、sation? 13. What does the man think of the paperless class as a teacher? 14. Why didnt some students like sending the assignments online? 15. Why is writing on computers more important for students according to the man? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是对话中的无纸课程指什么。对话开头,女士询问男士什么是无纸课程,男士回答学生把他们的作业用电子邮件发给

44、他,他在网上批改学生的作业。 【知识模块 】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是男士作为一名教师,对无纸课程的看法。对话中,男士提到刚开始他认为无纸课程有点难,因为需要花很多的时间与精力去适应在屏幕上阅读所有的东西,但是一旦适应这种方法之后,就变得容易多了,因为他只需要动一下鼠标,就能通过标红等方式突出显示一些东西。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么一些学生不喜欢网上交作业。男士提到一部分学生经常迟交作业,他们就想从他的门缝下把一份纸质作 业塞进去,这样男士就不知道他们作业交晚了。但是有了无纸课程,他们不得不

45、在发送作业的时间登陆。由此可知,一些学生之所以不喜欢网上交作业是想掩盖作业交晚了这一事实。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是为什么男士认为在电脑上写作对学生更重要。对话末尾,男士认为在电脑上写作与用纸笔写作一样重要。对于一个作家来说,最重要的是能做一个全能型的人,能写出各个方面、不同形式的文章。但是从目前写作工具的发展来看,对学生来说最重要的是能在电脑上写作,因为他们的大多数 写作好像都是在电脑上进行的。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 (16)Students who struggled early on with

46、basic reading and math skills may continue to have a hard time as they progress through school. Those consequences are better documented among struggling readers, Morgan says. If students fail to become proficient readers, it tends to have negative side effects on their emotional development. The st

47、udents can have a more negative self-image, feel isolated or act out more in classrooms.(17)While there isnt extensive evidence about students who struggle with math, Morgan says there is some evidence which indicates that those students could be at a higher risk for negative social and emotional ad

48、justments. But many early-grade teachers with students struggling in math appear to be more likely to use ineffective teaching methods, according to a new study. Of course, we dont want that kind of series of negative effects to occur. Certainly, being able to perform mathematics is an important ski

49、ll for our society especially at a first-grade level so its important to provide effective instruction to children and it seems particularly important as theyre emotionally developed.(18)“ If the student doesnt seem to be engaged in math, maybe we can do something that seems more engaging to a first-grader, like coupling the math instruction with music or moving around the classroom. Maybe that will help.“ Morgan explains. While its important to adjust instruction based on the needs of stu


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