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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 110及答案与解析 Section A ( A) She can tell the man some experience. ( B) Only she is impressed by the mans last speech. ( C) The man neednt worry about his speech. ( D) The man need more experience in making speeches. ( A) Dreams are very important for everyone. ( B) Dreams only counts

2、 when put into practice. ( C) Dreams contribute to big inventions. ( D) People should work for their dreams. ( A) The man should rest well rather than worry a lot. ( B) The man should speed up his work. ( C) The man should be patient with sleeping problems. ( D) The man should take less exercise eve

3、ry day. ( A) Make a call to Dr. Smith. ( B) Get a written permission from Dr. Smith. ( C) Leave a message to Dr. Smith. ( D) Prove that she is a student of Dr. Smith. ( A) She plans to compete in the election next year. ( B) She plans to select another course. ( C) She is relieved that she lost the

4、election. ( D) She is angry with Bill. ( A) The man has to wait in line for a ticket. ( B) The man shouldnt buy a ticket at this time. ( C) The man may buy a ticket from the ticket agency. ( D) The man may save a few processing fees. ( A) Parents should force children to learn. ( B) Children should

5、have a rest in holidays. ( C) Children shouldnt attend art classes. ( D) Children should focus on their study. ( A) Property management agencies deserve the unpopularity. ( B) She doesnt want to spend money on useless things. ( C) Shes not willing to find any excuses for anything. ( D) Property mana

6、gement agencies will charge less. ( A) He learned a lot from his study in England. ( B) He learned many foreign languages in his college. ( C) He was satisfied with his education in general. ( D) He didnt like the uniforms in elementary school. ( A) He earned a lot from his 14 books. ( B) He publish

7、ed a magazine about travelling. ( C) He got some money from military service. ( D) He wrote travel articles for a newspaper. ( A) The mans personal experience in military service. ( B) The mans travel experience in Asia by train. ( C) The mans travel experience all these years. ( D) A collection of

8、the mans articles that were published. ( A) Train travel can help him know about the people. ( B) Train travel is an uncomfortable experience for him. ( C) Train travel is better than plane because it saves money. ( D) He doesnt care much about travel vehicles. ( A) Most advertisements on TV are che

9、ating consumers. ( B) Watching TV costs us much money. ( C) People spend too much time watching useless things. ( D) Watching TV consumes too much energy. ( A) It provides too many entertainment programs. ( B) It is not as educational as reading books. ( C) It makes us sit in its front passively. (

10、D) It can broaden ones mind without much cost. ( A) They have the same view on some other points. ( B) They agree that TV benefits us. ( C) They are arguing too seriously about useless things. ( D) They cant find any peace with each other in argument. Section B ( A) Governments may face difficulties

11、 in fighting diseases. ( B) Fewer doctors and nurses like to go to these places. ( C) More local doctors are required to work abroad. ( D) The number of local population decreases sharply. ( A) Health care crisis cant be solved in a short time. ( B) More people are dying from preventable diseases. (

12、 C) Health care crisis is most severe in Southern Asia. ( D) Poor countries have poor ability in providing vital services. ( A) They cant train many medical care experts. ( B) Medical workers are attracted to richer places. ( C) They dont have favorable policies. ( D) Their government doesnt care mu

13、ch about that. ( A) They should seek help from international organizations. ( B) They shouldnt allow their own professionals to work abroad. ( C) They should invest more money in health care programs. ( D) They should train more health care workers. ( A) European countries tend to support having nap

14、s. ( B) Working men should have a nap regularly. ( C) Adults are more likely to develop heart disease. ( D) Naps may lower the chance of dying of heart disease. ( A) Naps may help to improve work efficiency. ( B) Naps may help workers work for longer hours. ( C) Naps may stop workers developing hear

15、t disease. ( D) Naps during daytime are required by many workers. ( A) The longer our nap is, the more energy we will get. ( B) A 20-minute nap will help to restore our energy. ( C) A short-time nap does less help to our body. ( D) We usually dont want to wake up when taking a nap. ( A) Endangered n

16、ative and foreign animals. ( B) All the endangered animal species. ( C) Native animals that are in danger. ( D) Rare animals living in the forest. ( A) It is a satisfactory law for most people in the US. ( B) It aims to protect endangered species and their habitat. ( C) It requires some local organi

17、zations to help animals. ( D) It is mainly about the protection of animals. ( A) When the species doesnt match with its surroundings. ( B) When the species is threatened by humans. ( C) When the species shows a trend of decline. ( D) When the species is added to the Federal list. Section C 25 Grammy

18、 award winning producer and film director Mark Johnson has【 B1】_his life to connecting people through music. He and his crew have recorded musicians around the world in their natural settings, and he has【 B2】 _these recordings into a top selling CD and DVD. Johnson recently finished his first concer

19、t tour of North America,【 B3】 _ some of these performers. For him, one thing about making peace is that it is not necessarily one day when the whole world stops fighting. It is more of a state of mind and the【 B4】 _of all the people on the planet, and it can really express the sentiment behind the w

20、ords. Johnson says that【 B5】 _ in New York City helped shape his vision of helping humanity. And as an interpersonal communications major at the University of New Hampshire, he learned great music and art can 【 B6】 _the energy to inspire everybody to believe more in each other and make a difference

21、in a limited time. Mark Johnson won a Grammy award in 2005. He and his fellows have travelled to some of the most 【 B7】 _ areas on earth to record music for the project from small African towns to Himalayan Mountain villages. “This first round of travelling the world was just to open the door. There

22、 are always more cultures and more musicians to have been【 B8】 _this project. So people can actually see the power of cultures from all over the world, uniting together for a common purpose,“ he said. Mark Johnsons team has travelled to regions【 B9】 _by war, poverty and natural disasters. He says th

23、at everywhere they have been, they have found people who are【 B10】 _, in part, by playing music. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 110答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Im really worried about the speech Im going to give tonight. W

24、: Why? In fact, everybody is deeply impressed by your last speech. My classmate even wants to get some experience from you. Q: What does the woman mean? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类。弦外之音题。解答本题的关键是抓住女士的评价:上次你的演讲给大家印象很深,我的同学甚至说要向你寻求经验。言外之意,女士认为男士没必要为演讲担心。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: You say David is a big dreame

25、r? But in my opinion, he has a lot of good ideas. W: I know dream is the mother of good ideas to some extent. But good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them. Q: What does the woman imply? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义 理解题。解答本题的关键是理解女士的话:从某种程度上说,梦想是好想法的来源,但只有在付诸行动后,好的想法才有用。 【知识模块】 听力 3

26、 【听力原文】 M: I seem to have sleeping disorders. Sometimes, I cant sleep for a whole night. W: Everyone will have sleeping problems if they always have their work on their mind and on the run every day. Q: What does the woman mean? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 医疗健康类。弦外之音题。男士说他的睡日民有问题,女士说如果人们天天担心工作,一直忙碌的话,每个人都会有睡眠

27、问题。言外之意,男士不应过度担心,而应该好好休息。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: May I borrow the book out? You know, I find it very helpful to work on a paper for Dr. Smiths geography class. M: Im afraid not. Dr. Smith says the book cant be lent to anyone without his written permission. Q: What should the woman do if she wants to

28、borrow the book? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 校园生活类事实细节题。女士想将书借出去,男士说除非有Smith博士的书面许可 ,否则那本书概不外借。由此可知,女士必须得到 Smith博士的书面许可才能借到那本书。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 M: Are you disappointed that Bill won the election? I mean, you will be the great president for the debating. W: You know, with all of my course work, I feel like

29、a two-ton trunks lift off my shoulders. Q: What does the woman mean? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,观点态度题。男士问女士是否为 Bill当选而自己落选感到失望,女士说她有很多功课要做,落选反而使她觉得如释重负。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: I have to wait for a whole day to get a train ticket from the ticket office, especially during the time many universities begin

30、holidays. W: Well, if you dont mind a processing fee, you may get one from the ticket agency in the university. Q: What does the woman mean? 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士抱怨说需等一整天才能买到火车票,女士说如果不介意花手续费的话,男士可以从学校的车票代售点买 票。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: It seems more and more children dont focus on their stud

31、y in summer vacations. M: You know they have to take many classes and even attend art classes on weekends. They really cant afford a busy vacation. Q: What does the man mean? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 热点话题类,观点态度题。女士说越来越多的孩子暑假不学习,男士说平时孩子们需要上课,周末又要参加艺术班,孩子们不能再这样忙碌地过假期了。由此可知,男士认为孩子们假期应该休息。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M

32、: Many property management agencies arent popular nowadays. I cant understand why. W: If I charge time and again for many excuses but do little, do you think you are still willing to pay for that? Q: What does the woman mean? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 热点话题类,弦外之音题。男士不理解为什么现在物业公司不受欢迎,女士反问说如果老是借口要钱,却不做太多事情,男士会

33、乐意交钱吗 ?言外之意,女士认为许多物业管理公司不受欢迎是应该的。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Welcome, Mr. Johnson. First, Id like to ask you a few questions about your background. Did you go to school in India? M: Well, my parents returned to England when I was only five, so I started school in England actually. W: And how did you like

34、 it? Your education, I mean. M:(9)Looking back, I rather liked it. I didnt care much about the uniforms, but I hated language classes, especially my Latin class. W: OK. What did you do all the time while you were travelling? I mean how did you support yourself? M: Well,(10)while I was in Egypt after

35、 the army, I got a job with an English newspaper, so I had some experience in writing and when I started travelling, I just continued to write, you know, travel articles and that sort of thing. And that was the beginning of it all. Ive been writing travel pieces for magazines, and of course, my guid

36、e books ever since. W: How many books have you written? M: About 14 all together. W:(11)And you have a new book out now called The Asian Express. Could you tell us a bit about that? M: Yes, of course.(11)Its all about travelling through Asia by train. You see, two years ago, I started this trip all

37、by train. W:(12)That sounds a little uncomfortable. M:(12)Sometimes it was, but in general, I loved it. Its truly a marvelous way to see the various countries and to get to know the people. Much better than airplanes, I think. W: I see, well, thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. And good luck on your fut

38、ure travels. M: Thanks. 9. What did the man think of his education? 10. How did the man support himself when travelling? 11. What is the book The Asian Express about? 12. How does the man comment on his train travel? 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是男士对他所受教育的看法。对话中男士提到他总体上还是喜欢自己的受教育经历,也不在意学校制服。 【知识模块】 听

39、力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是男士在旅行时如何养活自己。女士问男士旅行期间如何养活自己,男士说他在埃及得到一份为英语报纸写文章的工作,开始旅行后,他继续为这家报纸写旅行类文章。由此推测,他在旅行期间主要靠这些收入生活。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是 The Asian Express的内容。对话中女士问到男士的新书 TheAsian Express,男士解释说这本书是关于他在亚洲乘火车旅行的经历。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是男士对乘火车旅行的评价。对话末尾

40、男士表示自己喜欢乘火车旅行,因为这使他了解了他所旅行过的国家和其人民,并说这比飞机旅行好得多。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 W: What do you think of TV? I think it is a false god. a dangerous “idol“ which harms our society. M: How can you say that? You say this great modern invention harms us? W:(13)Think of all the time we waste watching the advertisemen

41、ts instead of doing something useful! And there is no time to exchange family news or talk together. M:(15)Im afraid I cant agree with you. Think of all the educational programs. We can learn French, Japanese and lessons on other subjects.(14)Think of how useful these could be. And TV keeps the fami

42、ly together. Instead of going out drinking and dancing, we stay at home and watch TV, and that saves money too. W: But there are other points too. We dont have to do anything. The entertainment is provided for us. We just sit there passively not like learning to paint or draw or play tennis when wer

43、e active. In my opinion, reading books is much more educational than the box. We cant go through life as spectators. M: Reading and watching are two sides of the same coin. The pictures we see on TV can illustrate or bring the things we read to life.(14)And from TV, we can learn so much about the wo

44、rld around us. We can be “armchair travellers,“ and broaden our minds with the help of a TV set. W: Well, are we arguing too seriously? Lets relax and have some tea. M: Yes,(15)on this point I fully agree with you. 13. Why does the woman speak poorly of TV? 14. What does the man think of a TV set? 1

45、5. What can we learn about the two speakers? 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是女士为何说电视不好。对话开始女士就表达出了对电视的不满,她认为电视危害社会 ,其原因是我们花了太多时间看广告,而不是做有意义的事情。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是男士对电视机的看法。男士认为我们可以从电视上收看教育节目,省去了花在喝酒跳舞上的钱,并能足不出户了解天下事;他还提到电视能扩展人的思维和视野。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推理判断题。本题问的是两位讲话者的

46、相关信息。两人在对话中各持己见,在对电视的看法上彼此都难以说服对方。最后女士建议停止争论,喝茶休息,男士表 示同意。由此可以推测,两人对电视的看法不同,但有些方面看法相同。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 The World Health Organization says 57 nations in Southern Africa and Southeast Asia are facing a serious shortage of health care workers.(16)This crisis is affecting how governments f

47、ight diseases and improve health. The WHO says more than four million additional doctors, nurses and other health workers are urgently needed to improve the situation. The warning came in a new WHO report released on World Health Day. The report says the health care crisis is most severe in Southern

48、 Africa. The continent has 11% of the worlds population, but only 3% of the worlds health care workers.(17)The report warns that the ability of poor countries to provide important life-saving services is in danger. In addition, many patients are not able to get the treatments they need for diseases

49、like AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.(18)WHO officials say part of the problem is caused by rich nations that offer high-paying jobs to doctors and nurses from poor countries. In addition, few trained health care professionals are working where they are needed most. Those in poor countries usually work in cities instead of farming areas. The WHO report provides a ten-year plan to deal with the crisis. It calls for national leadership and new policies for health workers. It also urges more international


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