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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 198及答案与解析 Section A ( A) It is difficult to enjoy the scenery when they get sick. ( B) It is hard to climb the mountain when they get older. ( C) It is worthless to climb up the mountain this year. ( D) It is bad to find no good view of the mountain. ( A) She is a candidate with s

2、ufficient expertise. ( B) She is not likely to get the job. ( C) She is not easy to get along with. ( D) She is qualified enough to get the job done. ( A) He wants to join the woman later. ( B) He wants to meet the woman at home. ( C) He wants to watch the basketball game. ( D) He wants to go to pla

3、y basketball. ( A) It is the typical weather for this region. ( B) It is unusual to have snow for this month. ( C) It is the first time to have snow in this area ( D) It is seldom to have such a heavy snow for this month. ( A) She should have spent less time to renovate her house. ( B) She should ha

4、ve saved enough money for her plan. ( C) She should have spent more time to plan her trip. ( D) She should have changed her plan on the vacation. ( A) They will reach a consensus on the proposal. ( B) They signed a contract for working as a team. ( C) All of them agreed on the content of the proposa

5、l. ( D) Most of them expected the proposal could be better. ( A) Dr. Anderson likes sharp glasses especially. ( B) Dr. Anderson may not be a good choice. ( C) Dr. Anderson is leaving the country. ( D) Dr. Anderson has left a good impression on her. ( A) She lost a lot of weight within a year. ( B) S

6、he stopped practicing Yoga a year ago. ( C) She had a unique way of figure shaping. ( D) She was never persistent in anything she did. ( A) To call her father in case of an emergency. ( B) To call her family when shes homesick. ( C) To keep close contact with her friends. ( D) To use it to check her

7、 email. ( A) Unlimited weekday minutes. ( B) 1,000 free anytime minutes. ( C) 1,000 free weekday minutes. ( D) 1,000 free weekend minutes. ( A) 3 months. ( B) 6 months. ( C) 9 months. ( D) 12 months. ( A) She can cancel it anytime by free. ( B) She can transfer the unused minutes to another phone. (

8、 C) She has to sign another agreement with the company. ( D) She has to pay fees to the company. ( A) She wanted to have a filling replaced. ( B) She needed to have a tooth pulled. ( C) She came in for a dental check up. ( D) She came for a free dental cleaning. ( A) The woman has discolored teeth.

9、( B) The woman has a chipped front tooth. ( C) The woman has a loosen wisdom tooth. ( D) The woman has a decayed back tooth. ( A) Clean up and repair the hole by silver alloy filling. ( B) Clean up and cover the tooth with a porcelain crown. ( C) Pull out of the tooth after using the local anestheti

10、c. ( D) Fit an artificial tooth after using the laughing gas. Section B ( A) The floor is slick. ( B) The staircase is steep. ( C) The passage is narrow. ( D) The tread is unsteady. ( A) It disturbs the local people with noises. ( B) It causes the damage on the pavement. ( C) It stops people and car

11、s moving freely. ( D) It prevents people from walking easily. ( A) It is part of their local heritage. ( B) It is an attraction of tourists. ( C) It is the revival of morals. ( D) It is the miracle of God. ( A) To Michigan. ( B) To China. ( C) To Maryland. ( D) To Canada. ( A) To clear up the eggs o

12、f insects. ( B) To help trees deliver water. ( C) To look for the signs of insects. ( D) To prepare for cutting down trees. ( A) Collect ash tree seeds for experiment. ( B) Preserve the healthy ash tree seeds. ( C) Set up a new seed bank for research. ( D) Develop a new breed of ash tree. ( A) Blur,

13、 Gorillaz and Norm. ( B) Gorillaz, Blur and Queen. ( C) The Good, The Bad and The Gorillaz. ( D) The Good, The Bad and The Queen. ( A) They got success with the track Park Life. ( B) They were defeated by Oasis. ( C) They were the rough working class rockers. ( D) They ranked No. 2 among the bands o

14、f the time. ( A) A four-man band, wearing cartoon characters custom. ( B) A virtual band, composed of fictional animated members. ( C) A cyber band, winning the Guinness Music Reward. ( D) A teenager band, publishing their music on their website. ( A) A documentary called Park Life. ( B) A drama dir

15、ected by Keith Edwards. ( C) A TV series called North Whale. ( D) A movie starred Clint Eastwood. Section C 25 At the apartment, we found an unshaven, grey-haired man sitting in a shabby recliner. He had an【 B1】 _ grin on his face. His hands were【 B2】 _ trembling, and the place stank of bottles. A b

16、ig part of my job as a New York City Fire Department emergency medical technician was【 B3】 _ drunks “frequent flyers.“ Typically, they were smelly, 【 B4】 _, uncooperative characters. On this call my partner told the patient he needed to pull himself together and stop drinking. He just sat there. As

17、I took his blood pressure, he looked me in the eye. That look gave me the【 B5】 _. A second later his hands stopped shaking. He seized and died. After work I went to see a movie with a bottle of Jack Daniels and got hammered. The way hed【 B6】 _ my eyes, it was as if hed known that I often went to the

18、 movies to get drunk: as if he knew that I, too, had a big drinking problem. And then one day I stopped. At my【 B7】 _ checkup, the doctor asked how much I drank. I said I was a social drinker. “Meaning what?“ he asked “One or two drinks a week?“ “Well, 15 or 20 a day“ I said. At the moment, I became

19、 one of the five percent of alcoholics who can simply【 B8】 _ drinking. It took just one step. That was five years ago. I still remember the look the old man gave me in the last moments of his life. Like my doctors expression, it【 B9】 _ me and helped me stay sober. He may be gone, but as long as Im a

20、round, he will never be【 B10】 _. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 198答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: The mountain seems to have grown, I feel so diz2y when I climb this year, but it is worth it for the view. You know, it was so

21、 good to feel like you were on top of the world. M: Not the mountain but us. You see, you can feel it after 50. Q: What does the man imply? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士说今年 爬山的时候觉得头晕,好像山长高了似的。男士的回答是个省略句,意思是山没有长高,而是爬的人年纪大了。故答案是 B。选项提示:问题与爬山有关。注意问题问的是男士的看法,男士并未提到风景而是强调了年龄 (after 50),由此就可以猜出答案。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原

22、文】 W: What do you think about the performance of the candidates today? How about Ms. Aiken? M: Ms. Aiken? Well, she wears an easy smile and looks like a people person, but Im not sure about her professional expertise. We need someone who can get the job done. Q: What do we learn from the conversatio

23、n about Ms. Aiken? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说,他对 Ms Aiken的专业技能没有信心,担心她不 能胜任工作,可见她很有可能得不到这份工作。所以答案为 B。 She选项题,一般问对话中女士或者第三人的情况。本题是问 Ms Aiken的情况。对话中,女士说的是特殊疑问句,表达的却是一个建议,男士的重复反问表明了一种不赞同的态度,随后说明了原因。 B和 D意思完全相反,答案必在其中。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: Peter, why dont you go out for dinner with us tonight? M: And miss t

24、he basketball game? Washington Wizards and LA Lakers are playing their 6th game for the championship. It will be very exciting! Q: What does the man mean? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士邀请男士一起外出吃晚餐,但男士推辞了,因为他要看篮球赛。故 C正确。从选项可以判断,题目问的是 “他 ”要做何事。女士邀请男士一起外出晚餐,男士的回答可以是接受,或者拒绝,但男士讲了一堆跟晚餐没有关系的话,很可能就是委婉地拒绝。 【知识模块】 听力

25、4 【听力原文】 W: Another blizzard is coming down, isnt it? I almost could see I had to dig my way through the snow to find my house. Well, it is just like Christmas season in December. M: You bet. Rarely do we have so much snow in November. Q: What does the man mean? 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说在 11月下这么大的雪真的很罕见

26、。故答案是 D。从选项可以猜测问题与天气有关,而且是下雪的情况。抓住男士回答中的 Rarely就可以锁定 B、 D选项,而 much一词对应了 D选项中的 heavy,答案就确定了。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: I suppose I should relax and lay down on the beach of some exotic island, enjoying the beautiful sunset right now. I just cant stop imagining that happy moment! M: If only you hadnt spen

27、t so much on your new house. Q: What does the man mean? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士说想要去海滩旅行,男士说,要是你没有在新房子上花这么多(钱 )就好了,言下之意,她本来应该存足够的钱 去旅行。故答案是 B。从选项可知,问题与建议女士做何事有关。男士话语矛头直接指向钱,与钱无关的选项都可以直接排除。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 W: Congratulations! You are the project manager now. So how is your project going? M: Oh, I cant

28、 expect it better. Virtually all the members were in agreement with the proposal yesterday. I think we can carry it out shortly if everything goes well. Q: What does the man mean about his team members? 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士问男士项目的进行情况,男士说昨天所有人都同意了项目计划书的内容。故答案是 C。选项预测可知,问题可能问 “他们 ”的行动,注意听 “他们 ”指什么人。看到

29、有 “agree”的选项就要打起精神了,那正是原文内容 “in agreement with”的同义替换。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: I want to have a new dentist since my dentist is going to leave the country. You said you know Dr. Anderson. Do you recommend him? W: Well, I just saw him only once. But I could say nothing more about him except that he wear

30、s very sharp glasses. Q: What does the woman imply? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说自己要找一个新的牙医,问女士是否推荐 Dr Anderson。女士说自己只记得他的眼镜很时髦,除此之外,没有什么好说的,意思就是不推荐这个牙医。故答案是 B。对话中,当男士问女士是否推荐 Dr Anderson时,女士并没有给出 Yes或 No的回答,属于 “答非所问型 ”对话,答话人往往表达的是否定的语意。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: I can hardly recognize you, Bonnie. W: Oh, really

31、? I joined a Yoga club a year ago and went from 65Kgs to present 49Kgs. I expected to give up halfway. Q: What do we know about the woman? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士解释自己焕然一新的原因是一年前加入瑜伽俱乐部,使体重下降 ,故答案为 A。 She选项题,女士的话是听音重点。由选项提示词 lose weight、Yoga、 figure shaping可推测话题与瑜伽减肥有关。仔细听音,即可准确答题。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W:

32、 Dad, you always love me, dont you? M: Sure. But, wait, wait Whats on your mind? W: Well, I saw this great offer for a free cell phone here in the newspaper, and M: Free? Nothings ever free. W: Well, the phone is free. after a $5 mail-in rebate. M: Ah, so thats the catch. And why do you need a cell

33、phone anyway? W: Dad, all my friends have one. I can use it to call you in case the car breaks down. M: Have you considered the fees? W: The monthly charge for this service is only $29.99, with 1,000 free weekday minutes nationwide, and unlimited weekend minutes. Plus, unlimited, anytime minutes for

34、 anyone using the same service. M: I dont know. W: And you can roll over the extra minutes to the next month instead of just losing them. What do you think of that? M: Yeah, but what is the term of the service agreement? W: Its only for a dozen months. M: But what if you cancel early? W: Um. Ah, the

35、res a cancellation fee of $200, but with. M: Two hundred bucks! W: Yeah, but you wont have to worry about me while Im driving the new car. M: New car? What new car? W: The new car youll need to buy so I can use the cell phone. I mean, whats going to look like if Im using a cell phone in our old car.

36、 M: Teenagers. Whatll they think of next? 9. What reason does the girl give for needing a cell phone? 10. What is one major feature of this calling plan? 11. What is the term of service for this plan? 12. What if the girl wants to cancel the phone service before expiration? 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女孩说,有了手

37、机就可以在车抛锚的时候向爸爸求救。可见她的理由是有了手机可以随时向家人求救。所以 A正确。动词不定式选项,可猜测问题是问目的或功能。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话提到,这个手机套餐包括每个月工作日内 1 000分钟免费通话,周末则全免。故答案为 C。这种题最容易出错的地方是张冠李戴,所以要特别留意每个数字的限制条件。直接在选项上做记号,四个选项之间差异性为关注和比较的重点。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话提到,合同的期限是 12个月,故答案为 D。注意对时间方面的细节做笔记,并留意是否需要计算。数字题里经常出考点的是一些表示数量

38、的特殊名词,例如 quarter、 dozen、 couple等。原文提到 adozen of months, dozen表示 12。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话提到,如果提前取消合同,要支付 200美元的费用,故答案为D。四个选项都描述她与电话公司的关系。听到什么选什么。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Dr. Hyde. M: So, what seems to be the problem today? W: Well, I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning. M:

39、 Hum. Open up. Lets take a look. W: Ok. Uh. M: Well, there is a major cavity in one of your wisdom teeth. Hasnt this given you any trouble? W: Well, the tooth has been bothering me, and it sometimes hurts when I try some grapefruit or an ice-cream. Is it really bad? M: Well, were going to remove the

40、 decay, and then well either put a filling in, or if the decay is extensive, we cant repair it, we might have to put a crown on your tooth. Or as a last resort, we may have to extract the tooth W: Uh, well, that sounds painful! M: Dont worry. Ive done this. once before. Nah, just relax. W: Wait! Are

41、nt you supposed to give me something to dull the pain? M: Uh, chicken. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. We can either use a local anesthetic or laughing gas to minimize the discomfort you might feel. Or you can just grin and bear it. W: Nah, Nah, nah! I cant stand pain, and Id rather not be aware of whats

42、going on. And, if I need a filling, can I get one that looks like my other teeth? M: If we can save the tooth with a filling, I recommend a high-strength silver alloy filling instead of a porcelain one. Itll probably last longer. W: OK, well, whatever. Lets get it over with. M: Okay, pleasant dreams

43、. Drill please. 13. What is the womans initial reason for visiting the dentist? 14. What problem does the dentist discover? 15. What treatment will the woman probably receive? 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士说她来是为了做牙齿检查和洗牙。故答案是 C。从选项可猜测问题与女士的牙齿检查有关。行为或行动的目的,通常会在对话的一开头就提出,所以要注意开始部分。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】

44、 男士说,在女士其中一个智齿上发现有个洞,故答案是 D。由选项可猜测问题与牙齿毛病有关。注意 wisdom tooth是最后长出来的一颗 back tooth。就算不懂两者之间的关系,听到 decay就知道答案。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说,对蛀牙的治疗可先清除烂掉的部分,然后用填充物把它补上,并建议填充物选银合金比瓷的要好,病人并没有异议。故答案是 A。每个选项都含有两到三个信息,需迅速简化,抓住重点。对话结尾三次提到 filling一词,凭此即可确定 A选项。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Pianos are norma

45、lly found in building for obvious reasons. However, theres one piano in the city in the north of England that has a more unusual home in the street. When Nick and Doug were moving into their new house, they couldnt get their piano up the steps because they were too steep. So they ended up leaving th

46、e piano on the pavement and all of a sudden they found that local people started to play it, and it very quickly became known as the street piano. At some point, the council threatened to take it away because they said it was an obstruction to the pavement Then all the local players were up in arms

47、about it and put notes all over the piano saying, “Please save the street piano“. These are all the messages of support that people have stuck on the piano. One of them says, “Dont get rid of the street piano: its part of our heritage now. We love you, street piano.“ And another says, “I find I trip

48、 over wheelie bins much more often than pianos. Save the street piano.“ Some older member of the community says, “I think its great, I think its wonderful, as I walk by, young people no more horse around but have a go on it. I think its a legend in its own lifetime, its something that is famous and

49、admired during its life.“ Nick and Doug thought that they were going to lose it but it looks like they might be able to save their street piano. 16. Why did Nick and Doug fail to move up the piano to the house? 17. What was the reason the council gave to take the piano away? 18. What do the supporters think about the street piano? 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文说,不能把钢琴搬上楼的原因是楼梯 太陡了。故答案是 B。四个选择是四种描述,根据提示词 floor、 staircase、 passage、 tread,初步猜测题目与建筑物的特征有关。原文中出现了 step,指的是楼梯台阶,也就对应 B中的staircase。 【知识模块】


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