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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 221及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Neutral. ( B) Cautious. ( C) Favorable. ( D) Negative. ( A) It gives us sufficient information. ( B) It gives misleading information. ( C) It lets us know the best product. ( D) It fails to convince people. ( A) Advertisers. ( B) Manufacturers. ( C) Custom

2、ers. ( D) Sellers. ( A) Because they provide misleading information. ( B) Because they dont tell us whichs the best product. ( C) Because the cost of advertising is added to the price. ( D) Because they persuade people to do harmful things. ( A) In a department store. ( B) At a travel agency. ( C) A

3、t an airport ticket counter. ( D) At a hotel. ( A) Its too expensive. ( B) It would take too long. ( C) Nothings worth seeing. ( D) Hes been there before. ( A) They dont arrange accommodations. ( B) Everybody speaks English there. ( C) They arrange everything for you. ( D) The meals they provide are

4、 tasty. ( A) Its crowed with tourists. ( B) No flight goes there. ( C) The weather is warm. ( D) It costs much to go there. Section B ( A) The weather will be fine. ( B) Rain will probably come. ( C) There will be a fog. ( D) Fine weather will continue. ( A) When there is a heavy rain. ( B) When fin

5、e weather continues. ( C) When a fog appears in the morning. ( D) When wet weather is coming. ( A) The following day will be rainy. ( B) Fine weather will continue. ( C) Rainy weather may approach. ( D) The rain will stop at once. ( A) Children. ( B) Family. ( C) Parents. ( D) ASPCA ( A) Because it

6、is powerful and aggressive. ( B) Because its a companion and protection breed. ( C) Because most people are afraid of it. ( D) Because it is very small and easy to train. ( A) It need to be walked daily. ( B) It is an ideal hunting dog. ( C) It can exercise at home. ( D) Its hard to handle for child

7、ren. ( A) The importance of dogs in our daily life. ( B) Ways to train various kinds of dogs. ( C) Methods to collect information about dogs. ( D) How to choose an ideal dog for the family. Section C ( A) It will affect our physical health. ( B) It will affect our psychosocial health. ( C) It will m

8、ake our lives worse. ( D) It will make us lazier and weaker. ( A) It will make the mistakes familiar to us. ( B) It will help us to fix past mistakes. ( C) It will help us to realize our resolutions. ( D) It will make us feel more energetic. ( A) Too many goals. ( B) Vague goals. ( C) Lack of time.

9、( D) Inadequate planning. ( A) New laws will be passed to increase new taxes. ( B) Taxes will be used to retain good teachers. ( C) School funding will be generated by new taxes. ( D) Income taxes should be used to build schools. ( A) New houses should be built in the downtown area. ( B) New sport f

10、ields should be built in the downtown area. ( C) More green areas should be developed in the suburbs. ( D) More businesses should be invested in the suburbs. ( A) More roads need to be built for future generations. ( B) More means of transportation will be built in the future. ( C) A train system wi

11、ll be built to improve transportation. ( D) A road system will be built as a long-term solution to traffic. ( A) He understands the needs of the common man. ( B) He is an experienced career politician. ( C) He fights against big business interests. ( D) He protects educators and business owners. ( A

12、) Drought may increase the risk of infectious diseases. ( B) Flood may increase the risk of poor nutrition among children. ( C) High temperature weather may cause mental health problems. ( D) Extreme weather may cause the death of people. ( A) Water pollution. ( B) Vehicle emissions. ( C) Air pollut

13、ion. ( D) Industrial pollution. ( A) To take public transportation. ( B) To increase the use of coal energy. ( C) To reduce health care costs. ( D) To seek global cooperation. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 221答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Were having a debate on advertising Thursday evening and I have to take pa

14、rt. W: Thats interesting. I should like to hear what people think about advertising. M: Whats there to say? We must have advertising, mustnt we? W: Why? M: Well, we wouldnt know what there was to buy if we didnt have advertisements. W: Yes, thats true up to a point. Advertisements provide informatio

15、n that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally, the seller wants to tell us about it. M: Yes. And the advertisements tell us which product is the best. W: Do they? I dont think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best or at least tries to give the impression. Only o

16、ne can be the best, so the others are misleading, arent they? M: Well, in a way, I suppose. But we dont have to believe them, do we? W: Are you saying that advertisements arent effective? I dont think that intelligent businessmen will spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believes the a

17、dvertisements, do you? M: Perhaps not. But after all, its their money that they are spending. W: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising. M: Well, I suppose we get something for o

18、ur money. some information. W: Yes, but dont forget its often misleading information, and sometimes harmful. M: Harmful? W: What about advertisements designed to persuade young people to smoke cigarettes? Wouldnt you say they are harmful? M: Youve given me a lot to think about. Im quite looking forw

19、ard to the debate now. 1. Whats the mans attitude towards advertisements? 2. What do we know about advertisements according to the woman? 3. In the womans opinion, who paid the money spent on advertisements? 4. Why does the woman say advertisements are sometimes harmful? 1 【正确答 案】 C 【试题解析】 预读选项可知,本题

20、考查某人的态度。男士认为广告是必不可少的,如果没有广告,人们会不知道能买什么。可推断男士对广告是一种 “赞同 ”的态度。 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在谈到广告内容时,女士多次表明,她认为广告内容具有误导性,答案是 B。 misleading提及两次,多次提及之处往往是答案所在。 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士提出做广告的花销是由厂家来承担的,女士对此又提出了异议。她告诉对方广告费用已被附加到了商品的价格上,因而是消费者在为广告买单,故选 C。选项 D(商人 )是男士所认为的。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说广告经常是误导性的信息,有时候还是有害信息。男士则对为何

21、广告是有害信息不解。女士拿香烟广告为例,说香烟广告鼓励年轻人吸烟,对年轻人有害,所以 D项 “因为广告劝说人们做有害的事情 ”为正确答案。 5 【听力原文】 W: May I help you? M: Yes, my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter to some place warmer. W: I understand. How much time do you have? M: Only a week between Christmas and the New Year. That is the problem, you se

22、e. W: Oh, no problem at all. I can get you on a flight to sunny Spain and Portugal leaving on Christmas and coming back New Years Eve. And it will only cost you $500 a round trip. M: Only $500? We were thinking of something less. $1,000 is a lot to spend for such a short time. If we had a month mayb

23、e, not just a week. W: Do you know about the Florida Fun tour the airline offers? Everything is reserved for you. Your flight, a reserved hotel room, meals, and they even get you to and from the airport in Miami. M: Actually we dont go in much for arranged tours. We like to do all that for ourselves

24、. W: Well, in that case, maybe we could just arrange your flight and the rest to you. M: What else do you have to offer? Florida is not exactly our idea of a great vacation. What about some place a little different where few tourists go? W: Oh, some place like Arizona, right? Or maybe New Mexico? Su

25、nny, but quiet relaxing. M: Yeah, that sounds better New Mexico. Ill talk to my wife about it and then return. 5. Where does this conversation most probably take place? 6. Why does the man decide not to go to Spain? 7. What does the woman say about the Florida Fun tour? 8. What do we learn about New

26、 Mexico from the conversation? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从选项可以预测,本题考查对话发生的地点。男士说这个冬天他想和妻子去些暖和的地方度假,所以对话发生的地点可能在旅行社。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士听到女士的报价之后大为吃惊,他认为这价格都够他们俩玩上一个月了,可见他认为价格太贵。 B具有一定的干扰性,可从女士提供的情况 (圣诞节到新年 )来看,时间也只是一个星期,并不存在 too long的情况。 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 由选项关键词 arrange, provide,推测本题与某 项安排有关。女士建议男士选择佛罗里达欢乐

27、游,一切费用全包,可见 C正确。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士最后给男士提供了 2个地点,亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州,并进一步推销后者,说那里阳光明媚,也就是很温暖。选项 C正确。 Section B 9 【听力原文】 No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if you study correctly the signs around us we can tell important changes in weather. This way of telling what the weath

28、er will be on the following day or two is called weather forecasts. For many centuries and in all countries people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water vapor

29、 in the air, and therefore rain will probably come. Rings round the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel pain in their bones. This is a sign of the coming of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming. They fly near the ground if rain or stormy weather is on the way. It is

30、 probably because of the insects which they are hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows always come in the evening. If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise then the day will be warm. If

31、 the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If the rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by people who have used their eyes and br

32、ains to make weather forecasting. 9. What will happen when distant hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near? 10. When do some birds fly lower according to the speaker? 11. What will happen when stars twinkle clear at night? 9 【正确答案】 B 【试 题解析】 细节题。短文提到,当远处的物体变得清晰可见、似乎很近时,这表示空气中夹杂着大量的水蒸气,大雨

33、将至。 B正确。 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。短文提到一些鸟类在晴朗天气时会在高空飞行,而在暴风雨天气到来之前会贴近地面飞行,因此选项 A正确。并列举例处常考,听音时注意记录。 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。短文提到如果星星在晴朗的夜空中闪烁,那么好天气将持续,故选 B。符合 “听到什么选什么 ”的解题原则。 12 【听力原文】 Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a happy addition to your family, but if you choose the wrong

34、kind of dog, the consequences can cause you a lot of trouble. Families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the problems involved before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal i

35、s properly cared for. If you dont know much about dogs, its a good idea to go to the library or the ASPCA for books about various kinds of dogs, as well as books about how to train a puppy. In reading about the different breeds, you should know that a dog described as very alert may be too jumpy and

36、 bouncy. When a book describes a dog as an ideal hunting dog, it probably means that the dog wont be happy living in a small apartment. Dog breeds vary in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd, this is because it provides protection as well as

37、companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to handle. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They dont need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the space

38、 available in the home. 12. Who was really responsible for the dogs welfare? 13. Why is the German shepherd a popular dog according to the speaker? 14. What do we learn about the toy dog according to the speaker? 15. What does the passage mainly talk about? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。短文提到,即使想要狗狗的人是家里的孩子

39、,但真正要对狗狗负责的人却是孩子的父母,故选 C。表让步之处常设考点,因此听到 Even if就要特别留意其后的内容。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。短文提到德国牧羊犬流行的原因在于它既能保护主人又能成为主人的伴侣,故 B正确。举例处常考,再加上此处为表因果关系之处,当然成为考查的重点。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。在提到小型狗的时候,文章提到这种小狗不用天天带出去遛, 只要家里有一定的空间,就可以满足它的活动需求,故 C正确。 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨题。短文一开始便引出购买狗狗的话题,之后开展一系列的叙述,可见 D正确。 A、 B没有明确

40、提及, C只是短文的一个建议,不能成为主题。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Hello, everyone. Im Guy Winch. Today well talk about New Years resolutions. Every new year we make a list of resolutions, hoping to better ourselves and our lives, only to abandon our efforts entirely by Feb. 1(if not by Jan. 2). Such failures are not mere

41、disappointments, as they can create emotional wounds that impact our psychological well-being. Indeed, too often the annual ritual that is meant to improve our lives leaves us concluding were lazy, weak, or incapable of change and feeling even worse about ourselves than before we started. But are we

42、 lazy, weak, and incapable of change, or are we judging ourselves unfairly? Rather, its because we neglect to think through how we plan to achieve our goals. Indeed, we tend to make three very basic but crucial errors before we even start. The good news is that addressing these mistakes can radicall

43、y increase our possibility of sticking to our resolutions and finding success. Some or even all of them will be familiar to you, but dont beat yourself up about past mistakes. As I said, these are very common errors. Instead, invest your energies in fixing them this year. The first mistake is that m

44、any of us compose a list of New Years resolutions that is longer than our childs list to Santa. New Years resolutions are not bucket lists, theyre statements of short-term intentions. Therefore, choose one or two items at most, and focus on completing those. The second mistake is that our goals are

45、too vague to be measured in some way. For example, a goal such as “Try harder at work“ sounds good but provides no specific benchmarks by which we can measure our progress. To avoid this error, make vague goals more specific: “Complete all assignments on time, “or “Ask for more responsibilities.“ Ap

46、art from the above mistakes, the most common one we make is to state our resolution but put no thought into how we will attain it. Then Jan. 1 rolls around and we have no idea where or how to start. Therefore, invest time and thought into how best you can reach your goal. Break it down into sub-goal

47、s, be specific about what you will need to do to reach each one, and figure out how you to deal with setbacks and distractions. This is especially important for health and fitness goals as setbacks and distractions will happen. Good luck and Happy New Year! 16. What do we learn about failing to stic

48、k to our New Years resolutions? 17. Why should we address the mistakes before making New Years resolutions? 18. What is the most common mistake that we make about New Years resolutions? 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 录音开头提到,放弃新年时下的决心会产生情感创伤 (emotional wounds),影响我们的心理健康。由此可知 B项正确。该项的 health对应文中的well-being。 A项 “影

49、响我们的身体健康 ”是根据录音中个别字词 wounds而设置的干扰项,录音提到的是情感创伤 (emotional wounds);我们每年定下新年决心的目的是使我们的生活变得更好。放弃新年愿望时下的决心是否会让生活更糟糕无法得知,排除 C项;录音提到,放弃新年时下的决心会让我们 “认为 ”自己懒惰和懦弱,但实际上并非如此,我 们放弃的原因是在设定新年目标时犯了一些错误,导致我们无法实现这些新年愿望,故不选 D项 “使我们变得更懒惰和更懦弱 ”。 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音提到,解决这些错误可以从根本上增加我们坚持决心和取得成功的可能性。由此可知 C项 “帮助我们实现新年时下的决心 ”正确。录音提到,你可能熟悉这里提及的一些或者全部错误但不要为自己过去的错误而自责,相反,我们应该花精力改正今年新年决心的错误,故 A项 “让我们熟悉这些错误 ”并不是解决错误的原因。 B项 “帮助我们改正过去的错误 ”也可以排除; D项 “让我们变得 更有活力 ”只是利用录音提到的 energy做干扰,其内容没有依据。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 短文接着提到,我们最常犯的错误是我们没有考虑如何实现新年计划。因此,我们要投人时间和心思来达到最佳目标。由此可知 D

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