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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 225及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Checking his test score. ( B) Inquiring about a selective course. ( C) Confirming an interview. ( D) Looking for some painting work. ( A) They dry in a short time. ( B) They are easy to find in stores. ( C) They come in many unusual colors. ( D) They feel

2、pleasant to the touch. ( A) Complete unfinished projects. ( B) Practice techniques he has learned before. ( C) Teach less advanced students how to use spray paints. ( D) Learn how to apply paints with different kinds of brushes. ( A) See the womans work. ( B) Ask his roommate for advice. ( C) Order

3、some supplies. ( D) Sign up for the art class. ( A) Sightseeing and eating seafood. ( B) Lying in the sun on the beach. ( C) Taking photos of the plankton. ( D) Doing biological research underwater. ( A) He was on a field trip. ( B) He was visiting his parents. ( C) He was studying most of the time.

4、 ( D) He was on vacation at home. ( A) They are not large enough to be seen. ( B) They are only freely floating plants. ( C) Jellyfish is a kind of plankton. ( D) All the plankton has transparent tissues. ( A) They are too small to the eyes. ( B) They move very quickly. ( C) They are transparent. (

5、D) They are rarely found near the surface. Section B ( A) It was named after a French king. ( B) It was named after a place. ( C) It was named after its inventor. ( D) It was named after a factory. ( A) By putting sugar into grapes. ( B) By human feet stamps. ( C) By simple machines. ( D) By beating

6、 with shoes. ( A) It tastes a little bitter rather than sweet. ( B) It is manufactured in more wine-producing areas. ( C) It is made of rice instead of grape juice now. ( D) It boasts more varieties and better quality now. ( A) It causes problems occasionally. ( B) It stands for romance. ( C) It see

7、ms to be a kind of life necessity. ( D) It is only for breakfast. ( A) Because Amery Ice Shelf is the largest and most typical ice shelf. ( B) Because they wanted to challenge themselves in extreme climate. ( C) Because they desired to collect stuff to study global warming. ( D) Because they were cu

8、rious of the living conditions there. ( A) Taking advantage of rare sunshine. ( B) Putting up with annoying bears. ( C) Having access to nutritious food. ( D) Protecting themselves from coldness. ( A) Small. ( B) Changing. ( C) Remote. ( D) Unbearable. Section C ( A) They were too old to have kids.

9、( B) They had great risk of having kids. ( C) Their biological clocks were reset. ( D) They needed more time to have kids. ( A) They are slightly younger. ( B) They never attend college. ( C) They are financially independent. ( D) They have a partner. ( A) She was afraid shed be alone forever. ( B)

10、She wanted to have a perfect family. ( C) She was financially and mentally ready. ( D) She got an offer from a sperm donor. ( A) It is unacceptable to for unmarried women have kids. ( B) It has bad influence on kids, families, and society. ( C) It is not a decision woman can make easily. ( D) It is

11、a decision of last resort for women. ( A) Health care issues. ( B) Drinking-related crimes. ( C) Property damage. ( D) A loss of worker productivity. ( A) It is about individuals who drink a glass of beer with dinner. ( B) It concerns people who drink a lot in a long period of time. ( C) It applies

12、to not only the U.S. but also other nations. ( D) It brings different consequences in different countries. ( A) She died at a relative old age. ( B) She died due to excessive drinking. ( C) She died as a result of drunk driving. ( D) She died because of using drugs. ( A) To invest $215 million in fr

13、ee e-Books for students. ( B) To make sure every student has access to libraries. ( C) To connect all American students to high-speed Internet. ( D) To ensure enough money for every single child. ( A) It provides two-year free education at community colleges. ( B) It helps every American receive fre

14、e high school education. ( C) He will talk about it in/an opening ceremony next week. ( D) It aims to raise the graduation rate by two times in the US. ( A) It leads to success to our own children. ( B) It is equal to a better life for children. ( C) It shows kids that their lives are meaningful. (

15、D) It demonstrates our belief in freedom for all. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 225答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: Art Department, the treasurer Brown speaking. M: Hello, Professor Brown, my name is Frank Meloy. Im thinking of taking your course in spray painting, and Im calling to find more about it W: Have you e

16、ver worked with spray paints? M: Ive done very little painting at all. Im a chemistry major, but I enjoy drawing and the course description says that any student can sign up. I assume that means that experience in painting isnt necessary. W: Yes, thats right. Well be using spray paints instead of oi

17、ls because they are easier to handle and dry more quickly. Also, beginning students can get a good feeling for what they can do with textures by working with spray paints. M: My roommate is also a chemistry major but he has painted quite a bit. If he signed up for the course, would he find it too ea

18、sy? W: No, he could work on using techniques he already knows and applying them to principles of composition, color and design. Theres something for everyone in this course. M: One more question: Do we need to bring our own brushes and paints to class? W: Yes, you can buy them at the bookstore. Ill

19、provide drawing board and any other supplies that are necessary. I hope you decide to join us. M: It sounds interesting. Ill definitely register today. I know its the deadline. W: Fine. See you next Monday afternoon. Dont forget your brushes and paints. M: Thank you very much, professor. W: Youre we

20、lcome. 1. What is the man calling about? 2. According to the woman, what is one main advantage of the spray paints? 3. What might the mans roommate do if he joins in? 4. What will the man do before the end of the day? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话一开始男士就开门见山地说: “我正考虑要选您的喷漆绘画课,我打电话过来想了解更多的内容。 ”故 B符合题意。 2 【正确答案

21、】 A 【试题解析】 对话中女士说: “因为它们更容易操作而且干得更快。 ”所以答案应选 A。对话中出现了比较级 easier to handle, dry more quickly,这些往往是考点所在。 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话中女士说: “他可以练习已知的技巧。 ”答案 B符合题意。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试 题解析】 男士说: “我今天一定会去报名的。 ”故 D为答案。 5 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Tom. M: Judy! I havent seen you in weeks. Where have you been? W: In Florida. M: What

22、? Vacationing while the rest of us have been studying on campus in the February cold? W: Not exactly. I spent most of my time underwater. M: I dont understand. W: I was on a special field trip. I went with my marine biology class. M: So you went scuba diving. What were you looking for, sunken treasu

23、re? W: You might say so. The sea is full of treasures, all kinds of strange fascinating organisms. Our class concentrated on studying plankton. M: I thought plankton are too small to be seen. W: Thats a common misconception. As a matter of fact, the term Plankton covers a wide variety of freely floa

24、ting plants and animals from microscopic one-celled organism to large ones such as the common jellyfish. M: Jellyfish may be large enough to be seen, but they are transparent, arent they? W: Yes, most plankton have transparent tissues as a way of protection. It makes them practically invisible to pr

25、edators. M: But not invisible to your biology class, I hope. W: By concentrating, I was able to see the outlines of lots of different plankton. In fact, our professor even took photographs of Greeber Quadata, which are small oceanic snails. M: That sounds like an interesting trip. But I think if Id

26、been in Florida in February, Id much rather spend my time just swimming and lying in the sun. W: I bet you would. 5. How did Judy spend most of her time in Florida? 6. What was Tom doing in February? 7. What do we learn about the plankton? 8. Why is it hard to see most plankton? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士

27、说: “我参加了一次特殊的实地调查旅行。是我们海洋生物班的同学一起去的。 ”由此可知答案为 D。本题还可以用排除法得出答案。根据整个对话可知女士这段时间也一直忙于课程,而 A、 B、 C项都表示她在 “玩 ”,这与对话主旨不符,故都可排除。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士在对话一开始听说女士去了 Florida时说道: “当我们在寒冷的 2月努力学习的时候你却去旅游了 ?”故 C正确。 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士认为浮游生物太小以致于都无法看 到,女士说这是误解,其实浮游生物包含多种自由漂浮的动植物。包含用显微镜才能看到的单细胞生物体。也包含诸如普通水母这样大小的生物体

28、,由此可见水母也是浮游生物的一种,即 C为正确答案。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士说: “绝大部分浮游生物都有透明组织作为保护方式。这使捕食者看不到它们。 ”因此答案为 C。对话的主要内容一直围绕海里的生物,尤其是浮游生物。而题目询问为什么很难看到浮游生物,关键在于理解对话中的 invisible表示 “无法看见的 ”。 Section B 9 【听力原文】 French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago. The worlds oldest type of vine grows in France and always pro

29、duces a good quality wine. Today France produces one-fifth of the worlds wine, and some of the most famous varieties. The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. Champagne. a drink used in celebrations, is named after the place where sparkling wine was first produced in

30、 1700. Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes. It is the sugars that turn into alcohol. Traditionally, people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice. Nowadays, this practice is usually carried out by machines. Each wine-producing r

31、egion has its own character, based on its type of grapes and soil. The taste of wine changes with time. Until 1850, all French champagne was sweet Now, both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter. The drink has always been linked with riches, romance and nobleness. Yet the French think of it in mo

32、re ordinary terms. They believe it makes daily living easier, less hurried and with fewer problems. Wine drinking has become part of the French lifestyle, just like tea has for the Chinese. For a Frenchman, it is possible to start drinking wine at breakfast, carry on until the early hours of the nex

33、t morning, and still be able to walk in a straight line. 9. How was the name “Champagne“ given? 10. How was the juice of grapes brought out in the past? 11. How has French champagne changed over more than a century? 12. What does “wine“ mean to French people? 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文提到,汽酒 “香槟 ”得名于 1700年

34、首次生产时的产地。故答案为 B。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文提到,传统的方法是,人们脱掉鞋子,光脚踩出葡萄汁。句中的 traditionally和 used to比较关键,暗示了这是人们以前的做法,故 B为正确答案。此题的解题关键是问题有时间限制。问的是 in the past,原文对应的用词是traditionally。 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 短文提到,葡萄酒的口感与时间有关,它由 1850年前的甜味到现在的略带苦涩。所以 A是答案。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文的最后一部分介绍葡萄酒与法国人的关系,提到法国人把葡萄酒当作日常的饮料,葡萄酒已成为

35、法国人生活方式的一部分,由此可知 C为答案。答案 C中的 life necessity是原文 part of thelifestyle的同义表达。 13 【听力原文】 The Chinese Antarctica expedition returned to Shanghai on March 20 following a month living on the ice. It was the first time Chinese scientists had visited the Amery Ice Shelf the longest ice shelf in the world. The

36、 team collected ice samples and data on temperatures, which are necessary for research on global warming. So far, about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific research. Although the living conditions are very hard, many scientists have to stay there for long periods of time. So, how do

37、they manage their lives on the ice? During the summer, the temperature in Antarctica reaches about -20 . It falls to about -60 in winter. So, even if there are 24 hours of sunshine, scientists must keep wearing all the correct clothes to protect them from the cold. These clothes include jeans, runni

38、ng shoes, jackets, long underwear, boots and woolen socks. Although highly technical clothing provides much protection against the extreme cold, scientists often need to go outside when there is an icy wind blowing and the temperature is -30 . Natural protection such as facial hair can also help. “T

39、hats why many researchers wear a beard. It really does keep you warm,“ says German explorer Arved Fuchs. Usually, the polar researchers have good meals. Some even have feasts on holidays like Christmas and New Years Day. Vegetables are always welcomed and usually finished the quickest. Life on the i

40、ce means living with other researchers in tight living spaces. Most people sleep in dorm-style rooms. More remote field camps use separate tents. So, at least some researchers dont have to put up with annoying snorers. 13. Why did researchers visit Amery Ice Shelf? 14. What is the matter that resear

41、chers care most for living in Antarctica? 15. What best describes the living space of most researchers on the Amery Ice Shelf? 13 【正确答案】 C 【 试题解析】 原文提到,人们到 Amery Ice Shelf为研究全球变暖搜集冰块样本和数据,故 C为答案。在这类说明文中,考察的目的是很重要的信息点通常在文章的开头部分就有所交待。文章的开头部分介绍了考察队的基本情况,包括此行目的, C是对这个描述的同义概括。 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 短文提到,科学家

42、们必须穿合适的衣服防寒,故答案为 D。 A错在rare,且不具概括性; B误将 snorers理解为 bears; C“获得有营养的食物 ”根本不是他们担心的事,因为文中说他们吃得很好。 15 【正 确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文提到,由于居住空间紧张,大多数人住在宿舍式房间里。 tight living spaces表明居住空间比较拥挤,故 A为答案。原文提到较远的营地使用分开的帐篷,所以 C“遥远的 ”并不能回答问题:虽说空间不大,但也不至于达到 D“无法容忍 ”的程度; B的干扰作用最大,因为这是对科学考察人员居住地的常规理解,但原文没有提到这一点。 Section C 16 【听力原

43、文】 In the not-so distant past, most people thought that when a woman reached her 40s it was too late for her to have children. The time on her biological clock had run out. Well, that has changed. These days some women are resetting their biological clocks. They are giving themselves more time to ha

44、ve children. Make no mistake. Being a “Single Mother by Choice“ is very different from younger women who find themselves pregnant, perhaps not by choice. Generally speaking, single mothers by choice are older and well educated. They are usually financially secure and successful in their careers. So,

45、 they have the money. What they may not have is a partner. These women find themselves in their late 30s or early 40s, single and wanting children. This is the place in life where writer Kerry Reichs found herself several years ago. She says she did not plan to become a single mother. She says she j

46、ust did not find the right partner. “Well, you certainly dont wake up when youre a ten-year-old girl and think, Someday I want to be a single mother all by myself. So I think I had a set of standards for the partner I was looking for and I didnt meet anyone who fit those standards. And, at 39 I foun

47、d myself single, without children and I wanted them very much. So, I decided to do this on my own.“ She says it was a difficult decision. It meant giving up on the idea, the fantasy, of having the “perfect“ family. In the end, she decided that she had the resources and the temperament, or mental abi

48、lity to do it. Kerry Reichs chose to get pregnant from an anonymous sperm donor. She says the experience was surreal, too strange to be real. There have also been changes in U.S. public opinion toward unmarried women having children. There is no longer a social stigma on a woman having a baby withou

49、t a partner. But single mothers by choice do have their critics. Conservative groups and social commentators say that choosing to become a single mom is not good for the child, families or society. However, according to Kerry Reichs, this is not a decision women come to easily. She says for many if not most women this is a decision of last resort, meaning there are no other choices for them. There apparently still exists a lot to explore and discuss, but one thing is sure: Single Mother By Choice“ opens up a new possibility for women today with new


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