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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 261及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Their determination to realize dreams. ( B) Their courage to participate in reality TV shows. ( C) Their investment in having trainers and nutritionists. ( D) Their ability to manage to do it on their own. ( A) It needs hard work and is a life commitment.

2、( B) No one else would lose so much weight. ( C) Theyve done it with great difficulty. ( D) They do lots of exercise but eat a little. ( A) Form good eating habits. ( B) Work hard. ( C) Find a support system. ( D) Join a renowned gym. ( A) It is a job requiring professional guidance. ( B) It is a ca

3、reer demanding efforts of the whole life. ( C) It is a career starting from the diet. ( D) It is advised to walk rather than run. ( A) This January. ( B) This Saturday. ( C) Last Sunday. ( D) Last Saturday. ( A) The contestants were undergraduates. ( B) It took place last Friday. ( C) Its topic was

4、whether exams are good or bad. ( D) The woman attended the debate. ( A) They knew the answers beforehand. ( B) They were allowed to refer to textbooks. ( C) They cheated in the exam. ( D) They possessed good testing techniques. ( A) They may not show the students mastery of all the knowledge. ( B) T

5、hey may give rise to unhealthy competition. ( C) They may make students too anxious to study well. ( D) They may not reveal the real problem with learning. Section B ( A) The strips of a special plant. ( B) Wood or the bark of trees. ( C) Worn-out cloth and straw. ( D) Some common chemicals. ( A) La

6、rge amounts of newspaper and colored paper. ( B) Small pieces of rags or cloth. ( C) Old envelops with little printing. ( D) Soft wood or bush plants. ( A) To mix pulp with water. ( B) To keep the shape and thickness of the paper. ( C) To keep the paper strong enough. ( D) To dry the paper quickly.

7、( A) The cost of making paper. ( B) Large machines and paper-making. ( C) The development of paper-making. ( D) How to make paper by hand today. ( A) The continents and ocean floors move violently. ( B) The earth is as permanent as it was. ( C) The surface of our planet is always in motion. ( D) The

8、 crust of the earth moves frequently. ( A) It shows the structure of the earth. ( B) It leads to new changes. ( C) It may not be true. ( D) It is an important revolution. ( A) Places at the heart of continents. ( B) Places where continents meet. ( C) Places where the rock is not stable. ( D) Places

9、near the coastlines. Section C ( A) They encourage people to talk. ( B) They are more helpful to business. ( C) They focus on negotiation. ( D) They are about peoples daily life. ( A) CEOs are more skillful at negotiating. ( B) It is a basic skill in business world. ( C) Temp secretaries use it more

10、 than CEOs. ( D) It can help a business person get promoted. ( A) Money and time. ( B) Money and people. ( C) Time and effectiveness. ( D) Time and production. ( A) Ask questions and aim high. ( B) Ask questions and wait. ( C) Aim higher than expected. ( D) Take the first lead and aim high. ( A) Loo

11、k at them in a different way. ( B) Ask your friends for comfort. ( C) Learn a good lesson from it. ( D) Make moves to change it. ( A) Be prepared. ( B) Be patient. ( C) Be optimistic. ( D) Be hardworking. ( A) Do something that scares you. ( B) Do something that is dangerous. ( C) Stop watching sitc

12、oms on your couch. ( D) Stop doing things that make you comfortable. ( A) How we see ourselves. ( B) How others see us. ( C) How we express ourselves. ( D) How others treat us. ( A) We will feel depressed and lost. ( B) We will forget all about ourselves. ( C) Our self-esteem will be eroded. ( D) Ou

13、r sadness will be expanded. ( A) Be aware of what they do. ( B) Reconsider what they tell you. ( C) Get ready to argue with them. ( D) Keep away from them. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 261答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Last week we met three people on the show who have lost half of their body weight.(l)What is i

14、t about these folks that makes their stories so unique? W:(l)The fact that they are able to do it on their own. You know, we get used to seeing reality television versions of how to lose weight where people go and spend time in a special camp and they have trainers and nutritionists. But for most pe

15、ople, its not realistic. M: As you pointed out, theyve done it through diet and exercise, the old-fashioned way. W:(2)And its a lot of hard work and a lifetime commitment, and I think thats the inspiration. M: Why do you think that their weight spiraled out of control? W: They had awful eating habit

16、s. They never learned good nutrition and good eating value and never worked out. Some of them have eating as a way of life. Some gained weight eating junk food and eating out at restaurants. M: Were there moments along that pathway where they thought “I am not going to be able to do this“? Because e

17、verybody has plateaus and. W: Oh, right.(3)They have to find a really great support system to help them get through those tough plateaus and keep going. Things like consultation work. M: Do they need to join a gym? W: Not necessarily. They can do the exercise at home. Or they can walk.(4)This is a l

18、ifestyle change: its not a quick fix, or a quick diet. You really just have to be committed to changing your entire life and get committed and stay committed to it. 1. What makes stories of those who have lost half of their body weight so unique? 2. What is the inspiration for those who succeeded in

19、 losing so much weight? 3. What should people who want to lose weight do at the time of plateaus? 4. What is the womans suggestion to those who want to lose weight? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是那些减肥减掉了自己体重一半的人的故事有什么独特之处。女士明确回答说他们是完全靠自己的能力做到这一点的。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是这些成功减掉很多体重的人给人们的鼓舞是什么。对话中女士

20、说那是一项艰苦的工作,而且也是一生的承诺,女士认为这就是给人们鼓舞的地方。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是在减肥到了停滞期的时候,那些想减肥的人该怎么做。女士建议他们 应该找一个良好的系统来支持他们坚持下去,例如去进行咨询,获得专业的帮助。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是对于那些想减肥的人,女士给出了什么建议。女士提到,这是一种生活方式的改变,不能一蹴而就,关键是要一生致力于这场战斗。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Have you passed your exam? M: Yes,(5)I passed i

21、t just this January. What about you? W: I have no idea. I took it last Saturday. Do you think exams are the best way to test or find out students real learning ability? M: No, I dont think so.(6)I attended an English debate by the graduate students of our college just last weekend. Their topic was w

22、hether examinations are good or bad. W: Really? Im sorry I missed it. What are their opinions about it? Tell me quickly and briefly their viewpoints please. M: OK, let me say something about the negative side. The first contestant of this side said that a students learning ability cannot be shown me

23、rely from test papers. What the paper shows is too partial about his learning, not the whole situation. W: Thats exactly right.(7)For example, a student might be good at doing a closed test, but we cannot deny that he possesses good testing techniques as well. Students of that kind can very often ge

24、nerate the right answers by guessing, imaging or even by taking a risk! No wonder quite a few students whose mastery of the knowledge is far from good passed the test unexpectedly! M: Yes, thats what the first contestant said.(8)The second contestant of the negative side said that exams are in fact

25、anxiety-makers. With too much tension and worry, students are leading an irregular life. W: Yes, I quite understand that. I often see some students with poor learning ability struggle first bravely and then desperately until they lose heart completely. 5. When did the man pass the exam? 6. What can

26、we know about the English debate? 7. According to the woman, why did students who do not master the knowledge pass the exam? 8. What negative side of exams did the second contestant mention? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士通过考试的时间。对话开头女士问男士是否通过了考试男士回答说他在今年一月份就通过了考试。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是这场英语辩论赛

27、的相关信息。男士说他上 周末参加了校研究生的一场辩论赛,辩题是考试到底是好还是坏。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士认为有些知识掌握不好的学生能通过考试的原因。女士举了一个例子,有学生可能擅长闭卷考试,不可否认他掌握了较好的应试技巧。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是反方二辩提到的考试的负面影响。在对话后半部分中,男士说反方的二辩提到考试会使人焦虑,过度紧张和担忧使学生无法正常生活。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文】 The earliest process of making paper was

28、done almost 5 000 years ago in Egypt.(9)In those days, paper was made from strips of a special plant. Modern paper-making began in China about 2 000 years ago. At that time, paper was made from cloth, straw, wood or the bark of trees. Large machines started to be used for making paper near the end o

29、f the 16th century. Today, paper-making is a big business. But its still possible to make paper by hand, since the steps are the same as using big machines.(10)You should choose paper with small amounts of printing. Old envelopes are good for this reason. Colored paper also can be used, as well as s

30、mall amounts of newspaper. Small pieces of rags or cloth can be added. They should be cut into pieces about five centimeters by five centimeters. Everything is placed in a container, covered with water and brought to the boil. It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allow

31、ed to cool. Then its left until most of the water dries up. The substance left, called pulp, can be stored until youre ready to make paper. When youre ready, the pulp is mixed with water again.(11)Then the pulp is poured into a mold. The mold is made of small squares of wire that hold the shape and

32、thickness of the paper. To help dry the paper, the mold lets the water flow through the small wire squares. After several more drying steps, the paper is carefully lifted back from the mold. Its now strong enough to be touched. 9. Which of the following is used in the earliest paper-making? 10. What

33、 is the most ideal material for making paper by hand? 11. What is the purpose of a mold in making paper? 12. What does the passage mainly tell us? 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是造纸最初的原料是什么。本文首先讲述了最早的造纸术源于 5 000年前的埃及,并说明其主要原料是一种特殊的植物。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是手工造纸最理想的材料是什么。短文讲述了手工造纸的材料最好是字迹不多的纸张,并举例

34、说明信封、彩纸、报纸和破布都可以成为造纸原料。结合选项,最理想的材料是没有太多字迹的旧信封。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是在造纸 时使用模具的目的。短文末尾部分提到造纸时模具的作用是保持纸的形状和厚度。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是短文主要告诉了我们什么。短文首先简单回顾了造纸历史,然后详细说明了手工造纸及其具体过程。由此可知,本文主要讲述的是现在如何手工造纸。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 (13)Scientists who study the earth tell us that the conti

35、nents and ocean floors are always moving. Sometimes, this movement is violent and might result in great destruction. Today, we examine the process that causes earthquakes. Scientists now know that the surface of the earth is not as permanent as it had been thought. Scientists explain that the surfac

36、e of our planet is always in motion. Continents move about the earth like huge ships at sea. They float on pieces of the earths outer skin, or crust. Only since the 1960s have scientists begun to understand that the earth is a great, living structure.(14)Some experts say this new understanding is on

37、e of the most important revolutions in scientific thought. The revolution is based on the work of scientists who study the movement of the continents a process called plate tectonics(构造学 ). Earthquakes are a result of that process. Plate tectonics is the area of science that explains why the surface

38、 of the earth changes and how those changes cause earthquakes. Tectonic plates can cause earthquakes as they move. Modern instruments show that about 90% of all earthquakes take place along a few lines in several places around the earth.(15)These lines follow underwater mountains, where hot liquid r

39、ock flows up from deep inside the planet. Other earthquakes take place at the edges of continents. Pressure increases as two plates move against each other. When this happens, one plate moves past the other, suddenly causing the earths surface to split. Earthquakes are among the most frightening eve

40、nts that nature can produce. At times like these, we remember that the ground is not as solid and unchanging as people might like to think. 13. What may lead to earthquakes according to the passage? 14. What do the experts say about this new understanding? 15. Where do earthquakes likely happen? 13

41、【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是引起地震的可能原因。短文开头讲述了研究地球的科学家认为大陆和洋底都是运动的,而剧烈的运动会引起巨大的破坏。由此可以推测,大陆和洋底的剧烈运动可能会导致地震。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是专家们如何评论这个新的认识。短文中提到专家们认为对地球新的认识是科学上的一次重要的革命,而这一革命基于研究板块学说的专家们的工作。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的 是在哪里易发生地震。短文末尾部分讲述了地震多发地带:一是水下山脉带、二是板块交界处。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16

42、【听力原文】 Moderator: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our speaker for todays lecture, Dr. Adam Green. Dr. Green, professor of communication at Harvard University USA,(16)has written numerous articles and books on the issues about negotiation, which is much more diffi

43、cult than normal talk. Although most used in business areas, it is more and more important in peoples daily life. Dr. Green: Thank you for that introduction. I feel honored to give a speech here. There are some people that love the art of negotiation. Some even live for it. They thrive on the excite

44、ment, elevated blood pressure and adrenal rush that comes with the “search for agreement“ that negotiations represent. Im sure youve met these competitive types before: they almost always have the last word: theyre on the aggressive side of normal: they send back their salad because there werent eno

45、ugh croutons(油煎面包块 ). Then there are the rest of us. We avoid negotiation, not because were scared, but because its so awfully close to an argument. Okay, maybe were just the slightest bit scared. Or, rather, lets call it “out of our comfort zone,“ instead of scared thats much more civil. (17)Regard

46、less of how it makes you feel, negotiating is a skill that every business person needs from the CEO to the temp secretary. And when it comes to negotiating, its all about the words you choose and how you put them together. Literary types call that “diction.“ Were just gonna call it “owning it.“ (18)

47、9 times out of 10, negotiations are about one of two things: money, or time, and theres a good chance that youll be talking about both simultaneously at one point or another. Since both deal with what statisticians call “continuous variables,“ meaning that they can go on forever, theoretically, you

48、can discuss them in the same way. For example: lets say you tell an employee or outside contractor that you need a job done “somewhere between 3 and 5 days from now.“ Right from the start, youre fighting against yourself by giving them two points to choose from, and showing them that youre indecisiv

49、e, which can be read as being a pushover. Not only that, but youre almost always guaranteed to end up waiting for the date furthest away, or if youre talking money, paying the higher price. But its important not to aim too high.(19)When your negotiation is centered on money a salary or raise, for example I find that its best to shoot first, aim high, and ask questions later. 1 know, Im using a lot of gun metaphors forgive me. Theres a reason that you want to beat them to the punch: whatever number is thrown out first is the number that bo


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