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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 272及答案与解析 Section A ( A) He learned a lot from his study in England. ( B) He learned many foreign languages in his college. ( C) He was satisfied with his education in general. ( D) He didnt like the uniforms in elementary school. ( A) He earned a lot from his 14 books. ( B) He pu

2、blished a magazine about travelling. ( C) He got some money from military service. ( D) He wrote travel articles for a newspaper. ( A) The mans personal experience in military service. ( B) The mans travel experience in Asia by train. ( C) The mans travel experience all these years. ( D) A collectio

3、n of the mans articles that were published. ( A) Train travel can help him know about people. ( B) Train travel is an uncomfortable experience for him. ( C) Train travel is better than plane travel because it saves money. ( D) He doesnt care much about travel vehicles. ( A) Most advertisements on TV

4、 are cheating consumers. ( B) Watching TV costs us much money. ( C) People spend too much time watching useless things. ( D) Watching TV consumes too much energy. ( A) It provides too many entertainment programs. ( B) It is not as educational as reading books. ( C) It makes us sit in its front passi

5、vely. ( D) It can broaden ones mind without much cost. ( A) Listening to music. ( B) Reading books. ( C) Doing exercise. ( D) Exchanging family news. ( A) They have the same view on some other points. ( B) They agree that watching TV benefits us. ( C) They are arguing too seriously about useless thi

6、ngs. ( D) They cant find any peace with each other in argument. Section B ( A) It guarantees federal investment in schools. ( B) It is a universal law that applies to every university. ( C) It stops gender discrimination in many schools. ( D) It helps to save federal money on education programs. ( A

7、) Title Nine makes girls join in sports programs. ( B) Title Nine has a good effect on sports. ( C) Title Nine is very effective in high schools. ( D) Title Nine is well obeyed by high schools. ( A) Participation in sports is relevant to positive effects. ( B) Participation in sports increases femal

8、e college attendance. ( C) Participation in sports prevents obesity among adults. ( D) The results vary among different states and ages. ( A) They give girls a chance to level the playing field. ( B) They reveal that Title Nine is effective as thought. ( C) Far more boys than girls join sports teams

9、. ( D) They show the trend of girls participation in sports. ( A) Set a limit to money spent each day by children. ( B) Make sure children dont spend it at once. ( C) Learn about what children want with the money. ( D) Teach children to make a budget from their experience. ( A) Children can learn ho

10、w a business works in social life. ( B) Children may understand what a normal family life is. ( C) Children may learn to save money rather than spend it. ( D) Children cant expect another allowance in a short time. ( A) They will be more careful in buying presents. ( B) They will learn how to budget

11、 and invest in the future. ( C) They will be more likely to set goals for their life. ( D) They will know how to bargain when doing business. Section C ( A) Bosses in large companies. ( B) Graduates and job hoppers. ( C) Junior students. ( D) Experts on career planning. ( A) Ability to use the knowl

12、edge. ( B) Diploma. ( C) School grades. ( D) Interpersonal relationship. ( A) Diplomas are less important than experience. ( B) College courses are not all necessary. ( C) You should focus on doing what you like. ( D) You should keep looking for what you love. ( A) Being persuasive. ( B) Being press

13、ure-proof. ( C) Being intelligent. ( D) Being fun and proactive. ( A) It may exclude some people with other preference. ( B) It is better not to force them onto others. ( C) It is acceptable only among friends. ( D) It will narrow the viewpoints. ( A) It makes us more lonely. ( B) It makes us impoli

14、te. ( C) It plays important roles in our lives. ( D) It has become a distraction. ( A) Try not to vocalize our greatness. ( B) Think about our weaknesses more. ( C) Try to suppress the competitive edge. ( D) Try not to show our ambition. ( A) They are soft and tender inside. ( B) They can be comfort

15、able with themselves. ( C) They do not want others to bully them. ( D) They have great desire to win anything they do. ( A) They figure it out by themselves. ( B) They rely on others opinions. ( C) They make more friends. ( D) They overcome obstacles. ( A) It will make conflicts between people. ( B)

16、 It will have a bad impact on brains. ( C) It is a waste of time and energy. ( D) It is a kind of boring entertainment. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 272答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: Welcome, Mr. Johnson. First, Id like to ask you a few questions about your background. Did you go to school in India? M: Well, my

17、parents returned to England when I was only five, so I started school in England actually. W: And how did you like it? Your education, I mean. M:(1)Looking back, I rather liked it. I didnt care much about the uniforms, but I hated language classes, especially my Latin class. W: OK. What did you do a

18、ll the time while you were travelling? I mean how did you support yourself? M: Well,(2)while I was in Egypt after the army, I got a job with an English newspaper, so I had some experience in writing and when I started travelling, I just continued to write, you know, travel articles and that sort of

19、thing. And that was the beginning of it all. Ive been writing travel pieces for magazines, and of course, my guide books ever since. W: How many books have you written? M: About 14 all together. W:(3)And you have a new book out called The Asian Express. Could you tell us a bit about that? M: Yes, of

20、 course.(3)Its all about travelling through Asia by train. You see, two years ago, I started this trip all by train. W:(4)That sounds a little uncomfortable. M:(4)Sometimes it was, but in general, I loved it. Its truly a marvelous way to see the various countries and to get to know the people. Much

21、better than airplanes, I think. W: I see, well, thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. And good luck on your future travels. M: Thanks. 1. What did the man think of his education? 2. How did the man support himself when travelling? 3. What is the book The Asian Express about? 4. How does the man comment on

22、 his train travel? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士对他所受教育的看法。对话中男士提到他总体上还是喜欢自己的受教育经历,也不在意学校制服。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士在旅行时如何养活自己。女士问男士旅行期间如何养活自己,男士说他在埃及得到一份为英语报纸写文章的工作,开始旅行后,他继续为这家报纸写旅行类文章。由此推测,他在旅行期间主要靠这些收入生活。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是 The Asian Express的内容。对话中女士问到男士的新书 The Asian Expres

23、s,男士解释说这本书是关于他在亚洲乘火车旅行的经历。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士对乘火车旅行的评价。对话末尾男士表示自己喜欢乘火车旅行,因为这使他了解了他所旅行过的国家和其人民,并说这比飞机旅行好得多。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: What do you think of TV? I think it is a false god, a dangerous “idol“ which harms our society. M: How can you say that? You say this great modern inventi

24、on harms us? W:(5)Think of all the time we waste watching the advertisements instead of doing something useful! And there is no time to exchange family news or talk together. M:(8)Im afraid I cant agree with you. Think of all the educational programs. We can learn French, Japanese and lessons on oth

25、er subjects.(6)Think of how useful these could be. And TV keeps the family together. Instead of going out drinking and dancing, we stay at home and watch TV, and that saves money too. W: But there are other points too. We dont have to do anything. The entertainment is provided for us. We just sit th

26、ere passively not like learning to paint or draw or play tennis when were active. In my opinion,(7)reading books is much more educational than the box. We cant go through life as spectators. M: Reading and watching are two sides of the same coin. The pictures we see on TV can illustrate or bring the

27、 things we read to life.(6)And from TV, we can learn so much about the world around us. We can be “armchair travellers,“ and broaden our minds with the help of a TV set. W: Well, are we arguing too seriously? Lets relax and have some tea. M: Yes,(8)on this point I fully agree with you. 5. Why does t

28、he woman speak poorly of TV? 6. What does the man think of a TV set? 7. What is more educational than TV according to the woman? 8. What can we learn about the two speakers? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士为何说电视不好。对话开始女士就表达出了对 电视的不满,她认为电视危害社会,其原因是我们花了太多时间看广告,而不是做有意义的事情。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士对

29、电视机的看法。男士认为我们可以从电视上收看教育节日,省去了花在喝酒跳舞上的钱,并能足不出户了解天下事;他还提到电视能扩展人的思维和视野。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是根据女士所说,什么比电视更具有教育意义。对话中间部分女士提到,读书比看电视更具有教育意义。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是两位讲话者的相关信息。两人在对话中各持己见,在对电视的看法上彼此都难以说服对方。最后女士建议停止争论,喝茶休息,男士表示同意。由此可以推测,两人对电视的看法不同,但有些方面看法相同。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文

30、】 Most schools in the United States receive money from federal programs. That means most schools must obey a federal law known as Title Nine.(9)It bars discrimination on the basis of sex at any educational institution that receives federal money. An exception is made for admissions at private underg

31、raduate schools. For others, Title Nine covers “any education program or activity“ receiving federal financial assistance. The full name is Title Nine of the Education Amendments of 1972.(10)A lot of Americans may be surprised to know that it was written without saying anything directly about sports

32、. Yet that is where its effects are best known, especially at the high school level. After Title Nine became the law. the number of girls who joined high school sports teams sharply increased.(11)Research has linked participation in sports to positive effects like better self-image and higher grades

33、. But are these a direct result? Two recent studies suggest that the answer is “ yes.“ They offer long-term evidence that it can lead to improvements in education, work and health. One researcher, Betsey Stevenson, compared states, looking at differences in high school sports participation and in wo

34、mens education. For each ten percentage point increase in sports participation, she found a one point increase in female college attendance. The other researcher, Robert, looked at physical health. He found that those who came after Title Nine had a seven percent lower risk of obesity 20 to 25 years

35、 later. Nicole is associate director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota.(12)She says the new studies are important because they show trends over time. Still, far more boys than girls join sports teams nearly 40 years after Title Nine gave gir

36、ls a chance to level the playing field. 9. What can we learn about Title Nine? 10. Why are people surprised at Title Nine? 11. What do the two researches find according to the passage? 12. Why are the new studies important according to Nicole? 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Title Nine的相关信息。短文开头部分讲述了关于 Titl

37、e Nine的情况:它避免了美国联邦政府资助的学校对学生的性别歧视。 【知 识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是人们为什么对 Title Nine感到吃惊。短文在中间部分提到很多美国人吃惊地发现这项法律并没有直接涉及与运动相关的条文,却对运动的促进效果明显。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是两项研究的成果。短文中提到,研究把参与运动和一些积极影响联系起来,并询问两者是否有直接关系,两项研究都给出了肯定的回答。由此可以推断,参与运动和某些积极影响存在直接联系。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是 N

38、icole认为新研究重要的原因。短文末尾部分提到Nicole对这些研究的评价,即认为它们非常重要,因为这反映了女性参与运动的大趋势。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly. The amount of money that parents

39、give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.(13)In any case, parents should make clear what the child expects to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way

40、that spending must be done within a budget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance. Many experts in child-rearing say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.(14)Paying children to do extra work a

41、round the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works. Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they wa

42、nt, or they can save it.(15)Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: You have to cut costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing. 13. What should parents do when giving children a

43、n allowance? 14. Why is paying children for extra work useful according to the passage? 15. What may children benefit from saving their allowance? 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是父母在给孩子零花钱时应做什么。短文开头部分指出父母给孩子零用钱时需要注意的事情:无论给孩子多少零用钱,父母都要注意孩子拿这些钱去做什么。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是根据本文,为什么孩子额外劳动得到报酬是有益的。短文中

44、间部分提到了原因:给孩子额外的劳动报酬是有益的,这样可以帮助孩子理解商业的运作原理。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是孩子从存储零用钱中可获得的益处。短文在末尾部分讲述了孩子存储零用钱的好处:学会减少开支,知道为未来作好计划以及学会将来存储投资等。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Moderator: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great honor to introduce our speaker for todays lecture, Dr. Sally Lane. Dr

45、. Lane, professor of human resource at University of California,(16)has written numerous books about planning for career life, which is especially helpful to those who are going to graduate soon or have just graduated from college as well as those who are ready for job hop. Dr. Lane: Thank you for t

46、hat introduction. I feel happy to meet you here. There is a common opinion that if you study hard and graduate with an “A diploma,“ it will guarantee you will find a great job that pays well. Unfortunately, the reality is different.(17)Although, most positions require you to have a diploma, no one w

47、ill look through your grades. When you graduate, the only thing that matters is your knowledge and the ability to operate within the system. So why is it that students that you could barely get their “C“ at the end of a semester manage to become super successful? Lets look through some reasons why “

48、C“ students will be the most successful people in the world. “C“ students dont spend much time on the unnecessary classes we all have to do. If you are trying to become a technician, you obviously dont need to write hundreds of annoying essays about culture and your summer experience. They stop taki

49、ng the required classes and focus on vocation-related subjects that can help them during their work.(18)World famous innovator and entrepreneur Steve Jobs never finished college and made it to the top of IT industry only because he was focused on doing what he liked. During his famous speech to Stanford graduates he emphasized that “The only way to succeed, is to love what you do. Keep looking, dont settle.“ Most “C“ students start working earlier than their peers, which lowers their marks as they have to skip classes to make a living. At the same time, they g


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