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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 298及答案与解析 Section C ( A) Both are a time for family reunion. ( B) Both are celebrated throughout Asia. ( C) Both have a tradition to eat mooncakes. ( D) Both are the most significant festival. ( A) Cantonese mooncakes. ( B) Old-fashioned lanterns. ( C) Chinese souvenirs. ( D) Fire

2、crackers. ( A) They eat westernized mooncake. ( B) They organize lantern exhibition. ( C) They barbecue food and drink beer. ( D) They watch lion dance. ( A) People think owning a home is quite admiring. ( B) Renting a home can protect you from negative things. ( C) Choosing between buying and renti

3、ng is difficult. ( D) It is no longer an important goal of American Dream. ( A) Calculate the expenses for buying a home. ( B) Save up enough money for the down payment. ( C) Consider how long you will live in one place. ( D) Decide whether buying a house is a worthy investment. ( A) Set a good time

4、 to sell it. ( B) Consult a financial adviser. ( C) Prepare costs for emergencies. ( D) Study data about stock market. ( A) Women start learning when they are past school age. ( B) There are more illiterate women than men. ( C) All of the illiterate women live in West Africa. ( D) Women learn to rea

5、d and write with UNESCO. ( A) Failure in reading medicine directions. ( B) Incapability of taking care of children. ( C) Broken family relationship. ( D) Reluctance in using health services. ( A) Put more girls in primary school. ( B) Set up more community programs. ( C) Tell girls the importance of

6、 education. ( D) Work with nations like Niger and Benin. ( A) She learned to read and write at school age. ( B) She was supported by her parents to go to school. ( C) She sells goods at the market and changes her life. ( D) She can count her profit without asking for help now. ( A) They complete the

7、ir language and culture training in Germany. ( B) They will go through a two-year occupational training program. ( C) They dont need to pass any exam to work in Germany as nurses. ( D) They will stay in Germany altogether for five years and six months. ( A) Arrange a much easier exam for them. ( B)

8、Find some native nurses to help them complete the exam. ( C) Give them more time to answer the questions. ( D) Provide language classes with real-life job training for them. ( A) Sixty percent of the population was born in 1975. ( B) Not enough jobs are provided for job seekers. ( C) Most children c

9、ant afford to care for their aging parents. ( D) Vietnam needs to learn hospital skills overseas. ( A) All sexually assaulted women are at the age of 18 to 24. ( B) University students usually dont report sexual assault. ( C) Non-students are more likely to report sexual assault. ( D) Most victims a

10、re related to whoever sexually assaulted them. ( A) Stay away from parties and campus social events. ( B) Stick together always if going to the social events. ( C) Check on each other often if they are separated. ( D) Dont drink because drinking causes sexual assaults. ( A) Research the sex crime cl

11、imate of the university. ( B) Ask the university to improve crime reporting systems. ( C) Provide prevention programs for university students. ( D) Give schools and students information on sexual assault. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 298答案与解析 Section C 1 【听力原文】 Better known by its more imaginative name of the

12、 Mooncake Festival, for millions of Chinese across Asia the Mid-Autumn Festival is a big deal, second only to Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations. Throughout continental Asia, households celebrate this festival in a variety of ways, with the releasing of sky lanterns, dragon dancing and the age old

13、tradition of eating mooncakes. Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for families to reunite and spend time together, like a western Christmas or Thanksgiving Day. Each nation and region outside China also has its own peculiar customs for moon worship. Lets take a look. In South Korea, falling on the same d

14、ate as the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Chuseok is a big deal. For outsiders, its sometimes difficult to grasp the significance of this three-day event, as it is extremely family-oriented. If you are well in with a kind Korean family, this would be a great opportunity for an in-depth look at Confuci

15、anism in action. In Singapore, although not a designated public holiday for Mid-Autumn Festival, the city celebrates in typically over-the-top fashion which is as ever, well stage-managed. All the action takes place in Chinatown with an official opening ceremony and light up of shimmering lanterns.

16、There are numerous lion dancers against the sound of loud firecrackers and Mandarin pop songs.21This being Singapore, there is a huge moon-inspired street market with the usual mix of typical Chinese souvenirs and fabulous street food. The Vietnamese version of Mid-Autumn Festival is rather differen

17、t to that in China, though the Vietnamese also celebrate it by eating mooncakes. In Vietnam the Mid-Autumn Festival is the happiest day for children, during which parents buy their children various kinds of lanterns and snacks. Lion dances are the main attraction with small dance groups performing o

18、n street corners or going from house to house collecting “good luck“ money in exchange for a private show. In Taiwan, due in part to the westernization of Taiwan society,22there is a modern trend of spending Mid-Autumn Festival with a barbecue and a few beers under the light of the full moon. It is

19、usually a small family affair but some towns and villages do organize large scale versions where the whole community gets together under lanterns to eat fried meat and mooncakes. 20. What is the similarity between Mid-Autumn Festival and Christmas? 21. What does a moon-inspired street market sell in

20、 Singapore? 22. In Taiwan, how do people under the modern trend spend Mid-Autumn Festival? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项均以 Both开头,推测本题问两样东西的相似点。录音提到,中秋节是家人团聚的日子 (a time for families to reunite),类似于西方的圣诞节或感恩节, A项中的 retmion与 reunite是同根词,故 A项 “它们都是家庭团聚的时间 ”是正确答案。 B、 C两项所说的都是中秋节的特点,但并不是圣诞节的特点。 D项并非中秋节的特点,原文提到中秋节

21、是仅次于春节的第二大节日。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据选项所提到的物品,可以判断本题或许与某个节日的特色有关。录音提到这种街市是新加坡特色,以中秋月为主题,售卖中国特色纪念品(Chinese souvenirs)和街边美食 (fabulous street food), C项提到前者,符合录 音内容。录音中没有提到 A项 “粤式月饼 ”。 B项 “旧式灯笼 ”和 D项 “爆竹 ”都是新加坡中秋节时出现的物品,并不一定是街市出售的物品。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音提到,台湾的社会生活较为西化,所以兴起了一种新潮的

22、过中秋节方式 在月下烧烤和喝啤酒,所以 C项是正确答案。录音提到台湾的生活方式被西化,而不是月饼被西化, A项是利用原词 westernized捏造的干扰项。 B项 “组织灯笼展 ”和 D项 “看舞狮 ”都没有在讲台湾中秋节的部分提到。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 4 【听力原文】 Its not always easy to tell whats best to do renting or buying a home. We tend to assume that buying is always better, and the American Dream is, at least his

23、torically, built on that all-important goal of owning your own home. Yet if the housing crash and recession of the last several years have taught us anything, its that owning a home isnt always all that its admired to be, and renting can protect you against some of the negative things about the comm

24、itment of home ownership. With all of that in mind, here are some guidelines to consider whether renting or buying is best for you: Look at the time that youre planning on spending in one place. Most experts advise that if you want to buy, you need to plan to be in the home at least five years, and

25、that time period might be longer depending on market conditions. Think about how committed you are to being in a particular neighborhood, town or state, and use this as your first guide to whether you should buy a home there or not. Second, buying a home, especially in todays market, can require a s

26、ignificant down-payment, often 20 percent or more of the purchase prices. You need to have this amount saved up and be ready to put down on the house. If youd rather have that cash on hand for emergencies, college money, vacations or other uses, you might want to think twice about buying a house at

27、this point. Third, unlike renting, home ownership is an investment You own the home, and if it goes up in value, your investment grows. Homes dont always appreciate in value, however, and sometimes, as recent years have shown, they can depreciate significantly, leaving homeowners unable to make paym

28、ents, or putting them heavily in debt When evaluating the investment potential of home ownership, therefore, you must take into account the home youre thinking of buying, the market, and the price youre getting the home for. Consider meeting a financial adviser to go over the figures and determine w

29、hether buying a house is a good investment for you or not. Choosing whether to rent or buy is one of the most important decisions in your life, so make sure to take time and consider all factors before making it. 23. What can we learn from the housing crash and recession of the last several years? 2

30、4. What is the first guide to decide whether to buy or rent a home? 25. What does the speaker suggest to evaluate the investment potential of home ownership? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 有三个选项都提到租房与买房,推测题目与之相关。录音提到,过去数年间,房价大跌、经济衰退让我们懂得了租房也许能规避买房的一些负面影响, B项概括 了这一情况,是正确选项。 A项 “人们认为购房令人羡慕 ”与录音相反,录音提到,房价大跌和经济衰退给人们

31、的教训是拥有房产未必是令人羡慕之事。 C项 “选择购房或租房是困难的 ”是录音开头提到的内容,与问题无关。 D项“不再是美国梦的重要目标 ”与录音不符,录音说美国梦的一部分是拥有自己的家。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音提到的第一个参考意见是要考虑自己在某个地方将要待多久(time that youre planning on spending in one place), C项与录音原文意思相符。录音中并没有提到要计算房价, A项错误。 B项 “攒够首付的钱 ”是第二条参考意见, D项 “确定买房是否是值得的投资 ”是第三条参考意见,均与问题无关。 【知

32、识模块】 讲座 /讲话 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 演讲者建议买房投资者就价格、市场等问题咨询财务顾问,之后再决定房产是否值得投资,所以 B项 “咨询财务顾问 ”是正确答案。 A项提到的卖房时机与前文提到的房地产升值和贬值有关,但并不是投资时评估房地产升值的措施。 C项 “准备应急开支 ”未在录音中提到。 D项错在 stock market,要研究的是“房地产数据 ”,而不是 “股市数据 ”。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 7 【听力原文】 A United Nations agency estimates that 516 million of the worlds women can

33、not read and write. The U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)says programs are needed to help illiterate women learn, although they are past school age. Women make up two-thirds of all illiterate adults. The majority of these women live in West Africa: many girls in that are

34、a never go to school. But in Liberia, a new education program is giving women in their 30s, 40s and 50s another chance to learn to read and write. Pauline Rose heads UNESCOs worldwide Monitoring Report on Education for All: she says being illiterate causes huge problems in daily life. She notes situ

35、ations like not being able to read directions on a medicine bottle, or the number on a bus. “So there are real practical concerns about when women are illiterate.“ Miss Rose says illiterate affects not only the women but also their families, because women are often the main caregivers of children. S

36、he says when women are illiterate, they are less likely to use health services. Some countries, like Senegal, have improved womens literacy rates through government efforts. They tell more girls in primary school and community programs about the importance of education. But there are still many nati

37、ons where less than one in four women can read and write. They include Niger, Benin, Mali and Burkina Faso. Miss Rose says these countries need literacy programs that target women. She says there is a huge need for illiterate young women and adults to have a second-chance to read and write. Liberia

38、for example, has launched a second-chance literacy campaign to teach women. The students never went to school, or they were forced to leave school because of ten years of civil war in the country. Lonee Smith is 35 years old. She is a student at the adult literacy school at the Firestone Liberia Nat

39、ural Rubber Company in Margibi County. Her parents did not send her to school, and she could not read or write. Now she is in the first grade and has those skills. She sells her goods at the market and can now count her profit without help. She says having a second chance at education has changed he

40、r life. “Today, I am a happy woman. Im very proud.“ Liberias Ministry of Education says 5,000 women currently study in adult literacy programs across the country. 16. What do we learn about women and illiteracy from the lecture? 17. What problem might illiterate women encounter? 18. What does Senega

41、l do to improve womens literacy rates? 19. What do we learn about Lonee Smith? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项均为一般陈述句,且都出现了 women和 illiterate等关键词,预测问题与女性文盲率的事实有关。录音中提到在未受过教育的成年人中女性占了三分之二,也就是说文盲的女性比男性多,故 B项正确。世界教科文组织倡议相关项目帮助文盲女性学习,即使她们已经过了上学的年龄,但这并不是说女性都是超过学龄以后才开始学习,因此 A项错误。 “大部分 ”文盲女性住在西非,而非 “所有 ”文盲女性, C项错误。 U

42、NESCO希望教育项目帮助女性学习,并非 D项所说女性都通过教科文组织学习读写。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据录音,不能读写使女性在日常生活中遇到很多实际困难,比如说无法阅读药品说明书 (not being able to read directions on a medicine bottle), A项 “不能阅读药品说明书 ”与录音相符。录音明确提到,女性是主要照顾孩子的人(main caregivers of children),故 B项 “不能照顾小孩 ”错误。 C项 “家庭关系破裂 ”并没有在录音中提到。原文提到不能读写的女性使用医疗服务的可能

43、性 更低,但这只是出于其文化条件的限制,并非主观的 “不情愿 ”(reluctance),故 D项错误。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音提到塞内加尔 (Senegal)政府努力降低女性文盲率,在小学和社区项目向更多的女性宣传教育的重要性 (tell more girlsabout the importance of education)。 C项符合原文,为正确答案。录音提到的是向小学和社区项目的女生宣传教育的重要性,但并非让更多女孩子上小学,也不是建立更多的社区项目,所 以 A、 B两项错误。原文说完了塞内加尔的情况后,提到了像尼日尔 (Niger)和贝宁

44、 (Benin)这样的国家文盲率依然很高,并不是说塞内加尔与这些国家合作降低文盲率, D项错误。 【知识模块】 讲座 /讲话 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据录音, Lonee Smith如今能独立清点生意的利润,不需要别人的帮助,因此 D项正确。录音提到 Lonee Smith已经 35岁,她的父母没有送她去学校,因此可知 A项 “在上学的年纪学习读写 ”及 B项 “父母支持她上学 ”都是错误的。录音提到 Lonee在市场卖东西 ,也有 “改变了她的生活 ”的语句,但分别来自于两个不同的句子,录音是受教育改变了她的生活,她现在在市场卖东西可以自己计算利润, C项断章取义。 【知识模

45、块】 讲座 /讲话 11 【听力原文】 Japan and Germany have the worlds oldest populations, but neither country has enough trained health care workers to meet the needs of older adults. So, they are turning to Vietnam for help. This month, 100 young Vietnamese are going to Germany as part of a project to train what a

46、re called geriatric nurses, who provide health care service to the elderly, to work in the European country. The trainees recently completed a six-month language and culture class in Hanoi. They will spend the next two years in an occupational training program. If the trainees pass the final exam, t

47、hey will be able to work in Germany as geriatric nurses for another three years. Germany is facing a crisis as low birth rates combine with a growing population of citizens who are living longer. About 20 percent of the population is over the age of 65, and that percentage is expected to continue ri

48、sing. This is a problem Japan also faces. Later this year, 150 Vietnamese candidates will go to Japan for two years of training at the countrys hospitals, after that they are expected to take the national nursing exam. Japan already trains nurses from the Philippines and Indonesia, but the health ca

49、re system has been criticized for being too restrictive. All candidates must take the same exam, but it is very difficult for foreign applicants because few can speak the Japanese language. Yoko Tsuruya is the first secretary at the Japans embassy in Hanoi. She says foreign nationals are given some help to complete the test, like being given more time to answer questions. To improve training, the government plans to combine language classes with real-life experience on the job. Even with an aging population, many Japanese are opposed to foreigners wor


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