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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 41及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Read four chapters. ( B) Write an article. ( C) Speak before the class. ( D) Preview two chapters. ( A) The woman is being interviewed by a reporter. ( B) The woman is applying for a job. ( C) The woman is asking for a promotion. ( D) The woman is being giv

2、en an examination. ( A) His car was hit by another car. ( B) He was hurt while playing volleyball. ( C) He fell down the stairs and got injured. ( D) He was hit by a car while crossing the street. ( A) He has edited three books. ( B) He has bought the wrong book. ( C) He has lost half of his money.

3、( D) He has found the chemistry book. ( A) No medicine could solve the womans problem. ( B) The woman should eat less to lose some weight. ( C) Nothing could help the woman if she ate too little. ( D) The woman should choose the right foods to eat. ( A) He thought she should make a phone if anything

4、 went wrong. ( B) He thought she should just wait for someones help. ( C) He was afraid something would go wrong with her car. ( D) He promised to give her help himself. ( A) The woman is deliberately wasting his time. ( B) The woman should make full use of her time. ( C) He is eager to know the wom

5、ans answer. ( D) The woman does not have to hurry. ( A) To find a word in the dictionary. ( B) To tell him the alphabet. ( C) To teach him written English. ( D) To buy a dictionary for him. ( A) All students pay the same amount per year. ( B) Students choose how many meals a week they will pay for.

6、( C) Students can get money back for meals that they dont eat. ( D) Some students can get free meals at the cafeteria ( A) They can invite guests to have meals at a reduced price. ( B) They receive cards that allow them to be served first. ( C) They can help decide what will be on the menu. ( D) The

7、y pay less per meal than those who dont always eat there. ( A) By paying for meals one at a time. ( B) By borrowing a students meal card. ( C) By ordering their meals in advance. ( D) By buying a weekend meal card. ( A) How to care for precious metals. ( B) A standard unit for measuring weight. ( C)

8、 The value of precious metals. ( D) Use of the metric system. ( A) To check the accuracy of scales. ( B) To calculate the density of other metals. ( C) To observe changes in the atmosphere. ( D) To measure amounts of rainfall. ( A) Someone spilled water on it. ( B) It was not very endurable. ( C) It

9、 was made of low quality metal. ( D) The standard for measuring had changed. ( A) It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal. ( B) It is difficult to judge the value of the object. ( C) It is too high for such a light weight. ( D) It is reasonable for an object with such an important fun

10、ction. Section B ( A) Nature has changed our environment over the years. ( B) We must avoid wasting resources and polluting our environment. ( C) Our resources are nearly used up. ( D) Trips to other planets will help eliminate pollution. ( A) Because many people arent sociable. ( B) Because most pe

11、ople are shy by nature. ( C) Because nobody will laugh at shy people. ( D) Because shyness is difficult to overcome. ( A) By prediction. ( B) By recording. ( C) By observation. ( D) By examination. ( A) To observe peoples attitude towards strangers. ( B) To see how people get along with their friend

12、s. ( C) To test peoples behavior in social life. ( D) To find out how shy people are. ( A) Last week. ( B) Three weeks ago. ( C) Two months ago. ( D) Three years ago. ( A) By coach. ( B) By bus. ( C) By car. ( D) By train. ( A) Get information. ( B) Watch a film. ( C) Find a bank. ( D) Buy some shoe

13、s. ( A) Go sailing. ( B) See the lake by bus. ( C) Go swimming. ( D) Feed the ducks. ( A) He is always in a hurry. ( B) He is quick in making decisions. ( C) He is always the first to arrive at the airport. ( D) He usually doesnt get the reward he deserves. ( A) He misses his flight. ( B) He can fin

14、d a good seat. ( C) He can leave the airport first. ( D) His luggage comes out last. ( A) He was told to board the wrong plane. ( B) He was not allowed to board the plane. ( C) He arrived at the airport only to find his ticket missing. ( D) He found it difficult to explain why he arrived so early. S

15、ection C 26 A man steps on what seems like solid ground but discovers with horror that the ground is giv ing way beneath his feet The man struggles【 B1】 _,but he is mercilessly trapped.He cannot escape. Slowly he sinks deeper and deeper until at last he is gone, buried in the treach erous (不可信的 ) ea

16、rth The solid ground was solid only in【 B2】 _.It was actually quick sand, which is a deep mass of fine sand【 B3】_water. How is quicksand formed? Water pushes up from below the surface and is held by the sand.The【 B4】 _of sand are forced apart by the water. They cannot hold any weight. The subsurface

17、 water may have come from a spring, a river, or a stream. Sometimes pools of water near beaches become filled with sand. When the soil under these pools does not allow for good drainage, the sand can become stretches of quicksand. Is it true that a man who steps into quicksand【 B5】 _die? No, four me

18、n have fought their way from quicksand to firm land again. It is【 B6】 _that creates the condition that can【 B7】 _death, for the more a person struggles, the worse matters become. Quick movements will make the sand yield【 B8】 _,but then it rushes and settles solidly around the body. A man trapped in

19、quicksand should either【 B9】 _,or not move at all, except to stretch out his arms. When the weight of the sand his body has【 B10】 _equals his weight, he will stop sinking. With feet held still, and slow movements of arms, as in the backstroke in swimming men have managed to roll to safety and reach

20、firm ground. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 41答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W:What is the home assignment from Professor Smith? I missed the class this morning. M:Finish reading Chapters 5 and 6, and write an essay based on Ch

21、apter 3 and 4. Remember, its your turn to give a presentation next Monday. Q:What will the woman do in addition to home assignment for the whole class? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士告诉女士要读完两章、写一篇文章,另外他还提醒女士别忘了下周一轮到她做 presentation。因此 C正确。原形动词选项,一般问打算、计划或将要做什么。 A、 B、 D都跟作业内容相关, C是男士另外提醒女士的内容,符合题目所问的 “除了家庭作业外,女士

22、还要做什么 ”。 【知识模块】 短对话 2 【听力原文】 M:Now, Im going to start off by asking you a difficult question. Why would you like to get this post? W:Well, first of all I know that your firm has a very good reputation. Then Ive heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the right person. Q:What do we know

23、from the conversation? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士问女士为什么想得到这个职位,女士说对方公司声望高、有 提升的机会等,说明她在找工作,而非要求提升。所以 B正确。根据选项可以预测考查的信息点是女士在做什么。 interview有 “采访、面试 ”的意思,但是此处不是在接受记者的采访,故 A不是答案。 【知识模块】 短对话 3 【听力原文】 W:Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm? M:Yes, apparently he was struck by anot

24、her vehicle and turned completely over. Q:What happened to Mike? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 听音关键在 another vehicle和 turned over,说明 Mike也是开着车的,车被另一辆车撞翻了。所以 A正确。根据选项可以预测问题是问 He出了什么事,而且受伤了。 D有一定干扰性,但是 “穿马路 ”属于无关信息。 【知识模块】 短对话 4 【听力原文】 M:Hey, Louise, Ive got a used copy of our Chemistry textbook for half price. W

25、:Im afraid you wasted your money. Yours is the first edition, but were supposed to be using the third edition. Q:What has the man done? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 他们需要用第三版的书,而男士买了第一版的,所以是买错了书,即 B。根据选项可以预测问题是问男士做了什么事。 textbook和 edition是关键词。选 项 B和 D意思相反,答案必居其一,仔细听音做出判断。 【知识模块】 短对话 5 【听力原文】 M:What did your doct

26、or prescribe for you? W:Well, he said there was no need for me to take any medicine if I ate well-balanced meals. Q:What did the doctor mean? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 医生说饮食平衡的话就不需要吃药,所以女士 应该选择合适的食品,即 D。根据选项可以预测信息点是女士的问题应该如何解决。假设条件句 if后面的内容往往就是出题点。 【知识模块】 短对话 6 【听力原文】 W:Could you tell me what I should do if

27、 my car breaks down? M:Well, Im sure you wont have any trouble, Mrs. Smith, but if something should happen, just call this number. Theyll see that you get help. Q:What does the man really mean? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士给女士一个电话号码,说可以打电话寻求帮助。所以选择 A。根据选项可以预测问题是 (男士建议或答应 )女士出了问题怎么办。捕捉虚拟语气和祈使句是本题解题关键。 D选项干扰性较

28、大,男士给女士一个号码,但是又补充了一句,说 “他们会帮助你 ”的,说明电话号码并非男士自己的,也就是说提供帮助的人并不是男士。 【知识模块】 短对话 7 【听力原文 】 W:I have to think about your offer. I cant say “yes“ or “no“ at the moment M:You can take your time. It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two. Q:What does the man imply? 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说自己现在

29、无法给男士明确的答复,男士说: “不着急,一两天以后给我消息都可以。 ”take yourtime意为 “不着急,慢慢来 ”。所以选 D。如果听不懂习惯表达,可以利用后文的补充说明 (你可以在 1 2天内告诉我你的决定 )来进一步理解。 【知识模块】 短对话 8 【听力原文】 M:Can you look up the word for me? I never could get the alphabet straight and it takes me hours to find the word Im looking for. W:Sure Ill be glad to. Let me s

30、ee. Q:What does the man want the woman to do for him? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “你能帮我查一个字吗 ?”接着解释他弄不明白字母表的查法,可见 A正确。 look up意为 “查找 ”,只要听明白该短语便可直接定位到选项A, find为 look up的同义转换。 【知识模块】 短对话 9 【听力原文】 M:Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food services next year? W:Not yet. Are there a

31、 lot of changes? M:There sure are. Instead of paying one fee of all meals for the whole school year, we will be able to choose by seven, ten, fourteen or twenty-one meals per week. They give you a card with the number of meals for a week marked on it. W:Thats a big change. And a complicated system.

32、M:Yeah. But it will be much better for people who dont eat three meals a day, seven days a week in the cafeteria because they dont have to pay for meals they dont eat. W:So whats the deal for those who do eat at school all the time? M:Its better for them too. Because the more meals you contract, the

33、 cheaper each one is. W:I see. Still sounds complicated. M:True. It took me several hours to figure it out. I decided to go with the ten meals. W:Why is that? M:Well, I never eat breakfast and I often go away on weekends. So the ten meal plan gives me lunch and dinner each weekday at a fairly low pr

34、ice. W:And what about the weekend when you are on campus? M:Well,there are often guests on campus at weekends. So they allow you to buy single meals on a walk-in basis on Saturdays and Sundays. The price per meal is much higher in that way. But it will still be less for me to pay single prices on th

35、e weekends rather than sign up for the fourteen-meal-a-week plan. W:Oh, Ill have to sit down and figure out how I can get the best deal. 9. Whats the main feature of the new method of paying for meals? 10. How does the new plan benefit students who eat all their meals at the school cafeteria? 11. Ho

36、w can weekend guests have meals at the cafeteria? 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说: “我们可以选择一周 7、 10、 14和 2l餐。他们给你一张卡,上面标着一周几餐。 ”所以 B正确。对话一开始就提到 “new options for food service”这个话题,整个对话都是围绕这个话题展开,所以我们很自然要找出“What are the new options?” 的答案。 B中的 how many meals a week是对话中seven, ten, fourteen or twenty-one meals per

37、weekthe number of 的概括。 【知识模块】 长对话 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中听到 “So whats the deal for those who do eat at school all the time?”时,就要集中注意力听下文。男士说: “他们订的饭越多,每顿饭就越便宜。 ”所以 D正确。所有选项都是以 They作主语,而根据上一题的选项内容,大致可以判断应该是指学生。选项内容都是在描述好处,可猜测本题目问学生就餐的好处。对话中的 “the cheaper each one is”对应选项 D的 “pay less per meal”。 【知识模块】

38、 长对话 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “我们学校周末经常会有很多访客。学校允许他们在 周末临时买单独的一餐。 ”所以 A正确。所有选项都是 “by doing sth.”的结构,语法上是回答 “how”的问题,故基本可以推断出题目。对话中的 “single meals”对应选项 A的 “meals one at a time”。同义替换为答案。 【知识模块】 长对话 12 【听力原文】 W:Dr.Thomas? This is Keet Bradley from the Daily News.Id like to ask you some questions about t

39、he new official standard weight that you purchased. M:Id be happy to help you. What would you like to know? W:First of all, how was the standard weight used? M:Well, people in our department use it to check the scales all over the country.The department of weights and measures, we are a government a

40、gency. Its our responsibility to see that all the scales measure a kilogram accurately so this is the way we use to adjust the scales. W:How did you check the scales before? M:We have an old standard weight that we used to use. It had to be replaced because it was imprecise. You see it was made of p

41、oor quality metal that absorbed too much moisture. W:Oh. So when the weather was humid it weighed more and when it was dry it weighed less. M:Exactly. And that variation can affect the standards of the whole country. So our department had the new weight made out of higher quality metal. W:How much d

42、id it cost? M:About 45,000 dollars. W:45,000 dollars? For a one kilogram weight? Thats more expensive than gold. Is it really worth that much? M:Im sure it is. Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that when they buy and sell their products there is one stan

43、dard. Think of the drug industry, for example, those companies rely on high accuracy scales to manufacture and package medicine. 12. What is the conversation mainly about? 13. How is the new weight used? 14. Why is it necessary to replace the old standard weight? 15. What does the man probably think

44、 about the cost of the new weight? 12 【 正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士说: “我想问您一些关于您买的官方标准砝码的问题。 ”直接进入话题,故 B正确。所有选项都是类似于名词词组的表达,可以判断出题目是主旨题。 【知识模块】 长对话 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “我们部门的人用它来检查全国的磅秤 确保所有的磅秤都能精确地测量一公斤 ” 。故答案为 A。四个选项都是动词不定式结构,多表示目的 (用途 )、打算或将来的动作。根据选项内容可以判断题目询问某物的用途。对话中还有提示,在听到问题 “how WaS the standard w

45、eight used”时,要注意问题的回答。 【知识模块】 长对话 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说: “你知道它是由容易渗水的劣质金属制成的。 ”故答案为C。前面三个选项都有 it,描述的都是 it无法再使用的原因,故可基本推断出问题。注意 “听到什么选什么 ”。 【知识模块】 长对话 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说: “我肯定 (物有所值 )。所有产业都依靠我们政府机构来监控他们的磅秤。从而当他们买卖产品时能有一个 (重量 )标准。 ”故 D正确。根据选项 的提示词 small、 value、 reasonable和 high,可猜测题目是问对某物价值的评价。 “

46、Im sure it is“是省略句,省略 worth it,说明男士认为这个价钱物有所值。 【知识模块】 长对话 Section B 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案 B是对文章最后一句的同义表达。句型与原文一致。选项均与环境有关。环境问题是学生非常熟悉的话题,可用常识来排除干扰项。一般环境问题是人类与自然的问题,所以 A排除; C明显不符合事实; D中用了eliminam(消灭 )一词 ,估计没人会赞同这种说法。 【知识模块】 长对话 17 【听力原文】 Are you afraid to raise your hand in class, even when you know

47、the answer? If you are, most people would say that youre shy. If you feel shy, youre not alone. Nine out of ten people are at least a little shy. But however shy you are, scientific evidence seems to show that it isnt your fault. You may have been born that way. How do psychologists measure shyness?

48、 One way is by observation. They keep detailed records of peoples actions like how often these people speak to others, or how long it takes someone to say hello to a stranger. Another way to measure shyness is to ask people questions. The test only takes about 10 minutes. It asks questions like “Do

49、you like going out a lot?“ and “Do you have many friends?“ People must answer either yes or no. These questions can predict how people actually behave in social situations. Suppose the test tells you that someone is shy. Chances are good that a person will act shy. When scientists measure shyness, theyre really comparing degrees of shyness. In other words, when researchers say people are shy, they really mean they are shyer than others. 16. Why does the speaker say that it isnt a fault to


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