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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 49及答案与解析 Section A ( A) She doesnt want the man to call so early. ( B) She urges the man to call immediately. ( C) She encourages the man to do whatever he likes. ( D) She simply doesnt know what to do now. ( A) Call the police station. ( B) Get the wallet for the man. ( C) Show t

2、he man her family pictures. ( D) Ask to see the mans drivers license. ( A) The temperature is not as high as the man claims. ( B) The room will get cool if the man opens the windows. ( C) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning. ( D) She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soo

3、n spread all over town. ( A) She lost a lot of weight in two years. ( B) She stopped exercising two years ago. ( C) She had a unique way of staying healthy. ( D) She was never persistent in anything she did. ( A) The man is not suitable for the position. ( B) The job has been given to someone else.

4、( C) She had received only one application letter. ( D) The application arrived a week earlier than expected ( A) Hes unwilling to fetch the laundry. ( B) He has already picked up the laundry. ( C) He will go before the laundry is closed. ( D) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back ( A) At

5、 a shopping center. ( B) At an electronics company. ( C) At an international trade fair. ( D) At a DVD counter in a music store. ( A) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie. ( B) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie. ( C) The woman prefers light movies before sleep. ( D) Th

6、e woman regrets going to the movie. ( A) Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs. ( B) Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks. ( C) Chances of having heart attacks reduce with those amused daily. ( D) Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a

7、 second heart attack. ( A) Laughing is a learned behavior. ( B) Laughing is a good medicine to patients. ( C) Laughing is easier than battling with an illness. ( D) Laughing is something people can do without effort. ( A) A fitness program offered to the general public. ( B) A physical exercise to b

8、uild up muscles. ( C) A program that makes people keep laughing. ( D) A situation where you have no mood to smile. ( A) Youd better smile or laugh from the bottom of your heart. ( B) You cant fool your body by pretending to be happy. ( C) A smart mind cant tell the difference between a fake one and

9、a real one. ( D) Even a fake one can benefit people physiologically just as well as a real one. ( A) He is not following the complete recipe. ( B) He is missing the right pan to cook the pizza. ( C) He is using the directions for a different food. ( D) He is mixing up all the ingredients at hand. (

10、A) He tells her honestly what he thinks about it. ( B) She can tell by his nonverbal expressions ( C) He throws it away after making it. ( D) She finds he doesnt touch it at all. ( A) They decide to go out to eat. ( B) They eat something different at home. ( C) They eat at friends house. ( D) They e

11、at pumpkins as dessert. Section B ( A) He set up the first university in America ( B) He was one of the earliest settlers in America. ( C) He can best represent the spirit of early America. ( D) He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history. ( A) He provided Washington with a lot of mon

12、ey. ( B) He persuaded France to support Washington. ( C) He served as a general in Washingtons army. ( D) He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain. ( A) As one of the greatest American scholars. ( B) As one of Americas most ingenious inventors. ( C) As one of the founding fathers of th

13、e United States. ( D) As one of the most famous activists for human rights. ( A) Because we might be offered a dish of insects. ( B) Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served. ( C) Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food. ( D) Because we might meet many successfu

14、l executives in the media industry. ( A) From yuppie clubs. ( B) In the seafood market. ( C) In the supermarket. ( D) On the Internet. ( A) Its easy to prepare. ( B) Its tasty and healthful. ( C) Its exotic in appearance. ( D) Its safe to eat. ( A) It will be consumed by more and more young people.

15、( B) It will become the first course at dinner parties. ( C) It will have to be changed to suit local tastes. ( D) It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people. ( A) Their business hours are limited. ( B) Their safely measures are inadequate. ( C) Their banking procedures are complicated. ( D) They d

16、ont have enough service windows. ( A) People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another. ( B) Young people who are fond of modern technology. ( C) Young people who are wealthy and well-educated. ( D) People who have computers at home. ( A) To compete for customers. ( B) To reduce the

17、 size of their staff. ( C) To provide services for distant clients. ( D) To expand their operations at a lower cost. Section C 25 Have you ever wanted to travel back through time and see what life was like at the dawn of man? Well, museums can make history【 B1】 _. And one museum in particular can ta

18、ke you on a【 B2】 _journey from the beginning of human culture to the present day. It is the British Museum. Being one of the largest museums in the world, it is home to over 7 million objects from all the worlds continents. While most of us may not have the opportunity to visit London, we can【 B3】 _

19、the treasures it holds in Beijing. From March 10 to June 10, more than 100 cultural relics will be【 B4】 _ in the Palace Museum. Named“Britain and the World“,a【 B5】 _of pencil sketches,watercolor paintings,【 B6】 _and many other objects have traveled to China. There are several Chinese objects on show

20、. But“they were【 B7】 _by the British Museum before1830【 B8】 _by trade,“said the deputy director of the Exhibition Department of the Palace Museum. In fact, there are more than 23,000 Chinese relics in the British Museum, including national treasures like gems, artwork and【 B9】 _ bronze objects. The

21、museum is famed for its【 B10】 _Chinese paintings. Picture of Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is there. The British Museum also holds 13,700 Buddhist records from the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【

22、 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 49答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W:Youre not going to make the call, are you? Arent you going to wait until dawn? I dont think it is a right moment for you to pick up the phone. M:I should wait until then, but I simply cant. Q:What can be inferred about

23、the woman? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题并非典型的 BUT题,而是要求推 测第一位谈话者的态度。听懂女士的话 “我认为现在不是你打电话的适当时刻 ”很关键,可见她觉得现在打电话太早。故选 A。 【知识模块】 短对话 2 【听力原文】 M:Excuse me, but has anyone turned in a brown leather wallet? Ive lost my wallet. It contains my drivers license and also some family pictures that are pretty importa

24、nt to me. W:Oh, yes, we had a wallet brought in this morning. Wait here just a minute, please. Q:What will the woman probably do? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据女士的回答可知,早上有人上交了钱包,并让男士 “Wajt here just a minute”,可判断,她下步行动应是去拿钱包 ,所以答案选 B。 【知识模块】 短对话 3 【听力原文】 M:Excuse me, Madam. Is the air-conditioning on? This ro

25、om is getting as hot as a furnace. W:Sorry, sir. A new epidemic called SARS is threatening us right now. As a preventing measure, we are told to let in fresh air by opening the windows and not to use air-conditioners. Q:What does the woman mean? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士所说的 “我们被要求开窗通风而不用空调 ”,表示不开空调是因为接受指

26、示。因此选 C。 【知识模块】 短对话 4 【听力原文】 M:You look quite different from what you used to. W:Sure. I started exercising regularly 2 years ago and went from 253 pounds to a healthy 160 pounds. And thats the only thing I did not give up halfway. Q:What do we know about the woman? 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据女士所说的 “从 253磅

27、下降至正常的 160磅 ”,可以得知是体重下降。所以选 A。 【知识模块】 短对话 5 【听力原文】 M:I wonder if you find my experience relevant to the job. W:Yes, certainly. But if only you had sent in your application letter a week earlier! Q:What does the woman imply? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士问女士他的经验是否与这个工作相关,女士说 “如果早一周送来简历就好了 ”,暗示工作已经给别人了。所以选 B。 【

28、知识模块】 短对话 6 【听力原文】 W:Shouldnt someone go and pick up the clothes from the laundry? They were ready 3 hours ago. M:Dont look at me. Mum. Q:What does the boy mean? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士想叫人去洗衣店取衣服,但男士说 “妈妈,别看着我 ”,男士的回答是间接地拒绝去取衣服,选 A。 【知识模块】 短对话 7 【听力原文】 M:Er. Hi!Could you tell me where electronic produc

29、ts aredisplayed? I want to see some TVs, digital video cameras, DVD players that sort of thing. W:Well, several countries are displaying electronic products. Chinas selection is very large this year. You might as well go to the East wing first to take a look at the Chinese booth. Q:Where is this con

30、versation most probably taking place? 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据 several countries和 display可以得出发生地点应在international trade fair(国际贸易展览会 )。 【知识模块】 短对话 8 【听力原文】 M:Well, what did you think of the movie? W:I dont know why I let you talk me into going. I just dont like violence!Next time youd better choose a com

31、edy. Q:What can we infer from the conversation? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据女士所说 “我不知道为什么听你的话去看那部电影 ”,可以得出结论她不喜欢看那部电影,所以选 D“后悔去看了 ”。 【知识模块】 短对话 9 【听力原文】 W:Weve all heard the saying “Laughter is the best medicine.“ How important is it to our health, Dr. Berk? M:This saying has been scientifically proven! A y

32、ear-long study of heart attack victims done at the Oakhurst Health Research Institute in California found that of those patients who spent half an hour a day watching comedy videos, 10 percent had a second heart attack, whereas 30 per cent of those who did not watch had a second attack. W:Wow!Laught

33、er is really a good medicine to patients. Can you give us another example? M:Sure! Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review, learned this during a battle with an ill ness. He discovered that his condition improved when he enjoyed himself and watched funny movies. W:You said Norman learned this?

34、 Do we have to learn to laugh? M:Not necessarily. Since laughing is something people can do sitting down, costs no money, and requires no special exercise equipment or skill, its the perfect workout for anyone who doesnt have the time or desire to participate in a regular fitness program. W:Oh. Do y

35、ou have such a program to offer to the general public? M:Yes, we do. Its called the Smile Time-Out You take a deep breath, smile, exhale, and say “Aaah“ while visualizing all your muscles and cells smiling. Then add to that a memory of a time you felt really good and laughed and laughed. W:What abou

36、t the situation in which you arent in a mood to laugh? M:Even when you fake a smile or laugh, you get the same physiological benefits as when its the real thing, because your mind is smart, but your body is stupid and cant tell the difference! 9. What did the year-long study of heart attack victims

37、find? 10. What is Normans example meant to prove? 11. What is the so-called Smile Time-Out? 12. What can we learn about smile or laugh according to Dr.Berk? 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从选项可以看出问题与 heart attack有关,听到相关话题时注意后面的数据反映的事实:每天看半小时喜剧的心脏病患者中只有 lO再次发作,而不看的人中有 30%再次发作,因此可以推断,每天都开心的人心脏病发作率降低,即 C。 A中的 health

38、y programs太笼统,且对话中并未提及健康状况会随看有益于健康的节目的时间增长而改善的信息。 【知识模块】 长对话 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话中提到 “笑声对病患来说真的是一剂好药 ”之后,举了 Norman作为例子,故答案为 B。 B是对话原文信息的再现。 【知识模块】 长对话 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说 laughing是不错的锻炼 (workout),适合那些没有时间或不愿定期参加 fitness program的人,然后女士问 “有没有 such a program”,男士说“有,叫做 Smile Time-Out”,故选 A。由对话中的 you

39、take a deep breathand cells smiling,可知 C错在 keep laughing。 【知识模块】 长对话 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项与真笑假笑有关, D是最后一句的同义表达。对话中并没有提到最好要从心底里笑,所以 A错误。选项 C错在 a smart mind,对话中说的是your body无法辨别真笑和假笑。 【知识模块】 长对话 13 【听力原文】 M:Time to eat! W:Coming. Oh, Im starving. Oh yuck!Whats that? M:Ah, now dont complain! W:But what

40、is it, and where is mom? M:Now, mom put me in charge of dinner because shes not feeling well tonight W:But what is it. and that smell! M:Its pizza.I just followed an old family recipe here, and. W:Let me see that. Oh, Dad. Youre missing a page! M:Oh, uh, well, uh. well I couldnt find the second page

41、 of the recipe, but dont worry. I have plenty of experience around the house. Plenty of experience in cooking. W:Thats not what mom says. M:Well, wait, wait, here, let me try a piece first. Here, let me cool this off here. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is great stuff. W:Yeah right.Why are you making faces? M:W

42、ell, well, its just, just a little rich for me. Thats all. W:Let me try it, dad. Uh, dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides its burned. And whats that? M:Oh, well, well, thats just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added some pumpkin. W:Oh, not another one of your surprises.

43、Pumpkin doesnt go on pizza! M:Well, okay, well, so what? Uh, what do we do now? W:Well, how about some cold cereal. You cant mess up on that, Dad. M:Oh, I love cereal. 13. What problem does the girl notice about her fathers cooking? 14. How does the girl know her father doesnt like the pizza he prep

44、ared? 15. What do they end up doing for their supper? 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说自己是按照一个老食谱做 pizza的,但女孩说 “你漏 了一页 ”,说明他的食谱不完整,故答案为 A。 【知识模块】 长对话 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士自告奋勇品尝了一块 pizza,女孩问 “你为什么做鬼脸 ?”说明她从男士的面部表情 (即非语言表达 )中得知他不喜欢自己做的 pizza。此题关键在于听懂习惯表达 make faces“扮鬼脸 ”。 【知识模块】 长对话 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 最后女孩建议喝点冷

45、的麦片粥,男士欣然应允,可知他们放弃了pizza,而吃了别的,即 B。 【知识模块】 长对话 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Few people can stand for the spirit of earlier America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He lived through almost the whole of the 18th century. He was born six years after the century began and died ten years before it ended. During this

46、 time he saw the American colonies grow from tiny settlements into a nation and he also contributed much to the new state. He was deeply interested in science and natural history and his experiments with the electricity and lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. He was also in

47、terested in improving the conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of projects in his native Philadelphia, including the setting up of a library, and a university, a philosophical society and a fire-prevention service. He worked hard to enable American colonies to gain independence

48、from Britain.As Ambassador to France, he en couraged the French to help George Washington. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress. This was his last contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly re membered by Americans as one of the creators of the United St

49、ates. 16. What did the speaker say about Benjamin Franklin? 17. How did Franklin help George Washington? 18. According to the passage, what is Franklin still well remembered as? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 正确理解短文开头是答题的关键, “很少有人能像富兰克林那样代表早期的美国精神 ”,是一种表示最高级的方式,所以答案为 C。其他三项都歪曲了原文的意思。 【知识模块】 长对话 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 录音中提到 “在他担任驻法大使时,鼓励法国人帮助华盛顿 ”,判断答案为 B。 B项中的 persuaded和 support分别对应录音中的 encouraged和help。 【知识模块】 长对话 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文末尾说 “美国人都把他作为美国的缔造者之一铭记在心 ”,判断答案为 C。 【知识模块】 长对话 19 【听力原文】 Yu


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