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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 65及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The shirt is clean. ( B) The shirt was not expensive. ( C) The man should try to get his money back. ( D) The shirt needs to be washed again. ( A) Inform students of the disadvantages of fried food. ( B) Find other students who will work in the cafeteria. (

2、 C) Ask students to try a new dish he has made. ( D) Collect students opinions about meals. ( A) The size of the cafeteria. ( B) The food served in the cafeteria. ( C) The cost of meals in the cafeteria. ( D) Career opportunities in cafeterias. ( A) Use less sauce on the food. ( B) Serve some less e

3、xpensive food. ( C) Make some of the meals less fattening. ( D) Stop serving hamburgers and fried chicken. ( A) Very doubtful. ( B) Quite annoyed. ( C) Somewhat curious. ( D) Indifferent. ( A) Required textbooks. ( B) Used books. ( C) Books on a “suggested readings“ list. ( D) Childrens books. ( A)

4、$40. ( B) $80. ( C) $120. ( D) $160. ( A) If a student has written a note in it. ( B) If it was purchased at another store. ( C) If a professor decides to use another text. ( D) If it is more than a year old. Section B ( A) Because they cant afford to. ( B) Because they think small houses are more c

5、omfortable to live in. ( C) Because big houses are usually built in the countryside. ( D) Because they prefer apartments. ( A) In apartment. ( B) In motel. ( C) In the down town. ( D) In the area where houses are cheaper. ( A) Because many young people have moved into comfortable apartments. ( B) Be

6、cause many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited. ( C) Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave. ( D) Because many people have quit their old houses to build new ones. ( A) They have to do their own maintenance. ( B) They have to furnish their own hou

7、ses. ( C) They will find it difficult to make the rest of the payment. ( D) They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture. ( A) They cure patients by using traditional medicine. ( B) Their treatments are often successful. ( C) They cure patients both physically and mentally. (

8、D) They are usually more patient than modern physicians. ( A) The anger of a relative, friend or enemy. ( B) The stone hidden inside the patients throat, arm, leg, stomach, etc. ( C) The attack from neighboring enemies. ( D) The diseases that enter the body of a person. ( A) They are scientific. ( B

9、) They are too complicated. ( C) They should be banned. ( D) They are not truthful, but effective. ( A) American farmers travels from a village to his fields each morning. ( B) American farmers have more money. ( C) Each American farmer family lives quite far from any neighbors. ( D) American farmer

10、s dont like to leave their fields. ( A) City life is much the same in many parts of the world. ( B) In the United States, farm families live on their own farms. ( C) In many parts of the world, farmers live in villages. ( D) Farmer families in the United States have more children than families in th

11、e city. ( A) Only three days. ( B) Saturday and Sunday. ( C) Only one day. ( D) Throughout the week. Section C 18 He was a funny-looking man with a cheerful face, good-natured and a great talker. He was【 B1】 _by his student, the great philosopher Plato, as “the best and most just and wisest man.“ Ye

12、t this same man was condemned to death for his beliefs by a jury composed of the【 B2】 _of the time in Athens. The man was the Greek philosopher Socrates, and he was put to death for not believing in the recognized gods and for【 B3】 _young people. The second charge stemmed from his association with n

13、umerous young men who came to Athens from all over the【 B4】 _world to study under him. Socrates method of teaching was to ask questions and, by【 B5】 _not to know the answers, to press his students into【 B6】 _themselves. His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools

14、 of philosophy. Yet for all his【 B7】 _and influence, Socrates himself never wrote a word. Socrates【 B8】 _new ideas and free thinking in the young, and this was frightening to the conservatives in Athens. They wanted him silenced. Yet many were probably surprised that he accepted death so readily. So

15、crates had the right to【 B9】 _a less severe penalty, and he probably could have persuaded the jury to change the verdict. But Socrates, as a firm believer in law, reasoned that it was proper to submit to the death sentence. So he calmly accepted his【 B10】 _and drank a cup of poison in the presence o

16、f his grief-stricken friends and students. 19 【 B1】 20 【 B2】 21 【 B3】 22 【 B4】 23 【 B5】 24 【 B6】 25 【 B7】 26 【 B8】 27 【 B9】 28 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 65答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: I thought this shirt was a great deal but I washed it once and its shrunk so much that I cant wear it. W: Some bargai

17、n. You should ask for a refund.( refund“退款 ”,女士说男士可以要求退款 。) Q: What does the woman mean? 1 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Grace. Mind if I eat lunch with you? W: No. Mr. Evans, not at all. M: Thanks. I just heard that youre studying nutrition and youve got quite a bit of experiences working in t

18、he cafeteria, so I wonder if you will be interested in a small project we are doing this term. W: (9) Whats the project all about? M: More and more students have been deciding not to buy the meal here and we want to attract them back. (9) So I want to hear what students would like. Your job would be

19、 to find out.(由此推知 Mr. Evans 是要 Grace 调查学生喜欢的食物。) W: Well, if the menus were changed, then maybe I wouldnt have to listen to so much criticism. M: That makes you perfect for the job. Would you be interested? W: Im not sure. What sorts of changes are you thinking of? M: (10) Id like to make some chan

20、ges in the way we prepare our food. (男士认为他们应该对准备食物的方式进行一些改变。可见他们讨论的是自助餐厅的食物。) For example, just look at what we have to choose from today. (11) You got a fried hamburger and I got fried chicken. They both contain too much fat.(由此推断,男士建议女士应该做一些脂肪含量少的食物。) W: But youd better not get rid of them. Theyre

21、 everybodys favorite. M: Well, we can certainly keep them, but we need to give the people who are health-conscious some choices. For example, we could also prepare chicken without the fatty skin and serve it on some rice with a light sauce. Do you think that would appeal to students? W: ( 12) Well,

22、Id like that.( 有前面女士询问这个计划的内容和此处表达了自己的意愿可以推断出女士对男士的项目很感兴趣。) Youre right. Youd better find out what others think. Sorry, Ive got to get back to work. Id like to hear more though. Ill drop by your office later. M: OK, see you then. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9

23、. What does the man want the woman to do? 10. What are the two speakers talking about? 11. What does the man suggest the cafeteria do? 12. How does the woman think of the mans project? 2 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: How much would thes

24、e books cost? W: (14) That comes to $160. M: A hundred and sixty dollars! I just cant believe how expensive textbooks are. (13) And thats just for required texts.(男士询问这些书的价格,后来又说这些书都是必须的教科书。) Why, if I had to buy all the books on my suggested reading lists, Id have to take out a bank loan! W: You co

25、uld save some money if you bought used texts, you know. M: I suppose, but its hard for me to study from a text thats been marked up. Tell me, if I dont need some of these books, can I get a full refund? W: Sure, if the professor changes his mind about a book or if you drop a course, just return it a

26、nd well give you your money back but only for the first three weeks of class. So dont write your name in the textbook or mark it up until youre sure youre going to keep it all semester. M: And what about at the end of the semester? Whats your buy-back policy? W: As long as the books are in reasonabl

27、y good condition, and theyre going to be used in class the next semester, (14) well give you 50 percent of their original value(男士 买书一共花了 160 美元。学期末男士把书卖给书店的话,书店会给他书的原价的50%, 160 美元的 50% 是 80 美元。) even if you didnt buy them at this store. Of course, (15) if a professor changes texts or if a new editi

28、on comes out, we wont buy them back at all.(如果教授换了教科书或者新出版的一本书,他们就不会回收。) M: Fifty percent thats all? W: Well. I suppose that doesnt sound like much, but thats the store policy. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What is the man buying? 14. If the man sells all

29、the books that he buys today back to the store at the end of the semester, how much money will he receive? 15. Why would the bookstore not buy back the mans books at any price? 6 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文】 In the United States, many people once li

30、ved in large, two and three story homes. Today, many people would like to live in such houses but most people cant. (16) They dont have enough money to buy them or even to make the first payment. So, many people rent from month to month. But some Americans really want to live in a house of their own

31、. So they build their own home. (17) They buy a house that is situated in an area where houses are cheaper. It is better to reside in a bad part of town, they think, than not to live in a house at all. Or they buy an old house and redesign it. Then they decorate it with old style furniture. Sometime

32、s they can make an old house look more beautiful than a new one. Usually, it is not difficult for people to find an old home to buy. (18) Many older people decide that they dont need a big home after their children leave. So they sell their house and move into a comfortable apartment. But when peopl

33、e move into a house, they sometimes have problems. (19) Home owners have to do their own maintenance. For example, if the roof leaks, one can not ask the landlord to fix it. On the other hand, people can redesign their homes in any way they want without having to be afraid of being thrown out by the

34、 landlord. Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. Why dont many Americans live in large two and three story houses? 17. Where do these Americans tend to live? 18. Why is it easy to find old houses for sale? 19. What problem will people have after they buy a house? 9 【正确

35、答案】 A 【试题解析】 有些美国人由于买不起,甚至付不起首付,不能住进两到三层的房子。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这些美国人倾向于买位于房价较便宜地区的房子。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 许多老年人在孩子都离家之后不需要那么大的房子,因此他们会卖掉房子,住到公寓里。因此旧房子不难找。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 买了房子后的问题就是,房主要自己负责维修。 【知识模 块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 Scientists are fascinated by what they learn from the

36、 methods of traditional healers, people who cure patients through means other than prescribing medicines. (5) The question that scientists ask is how traditional healers can actually be successful in their treatments and why they are so popular. (20) The Ndembu people of Central Africa, for example,

37、 believe that illness is often the result of the anger of a relative, friend, or enemy. This emotion, they say, causes a tooth to enter the body of the person who is the target of the anger and to create disease. When the healer decides which body part contains the evil tooth, he calls together the

38、victims relatives and friends to watch a ceremony, at the end of which he “removes” it from the patients throat, arm, leg, stomach, etc. (21) Although the patient and the villagers know what has happened that the tooth has been hidden inside the healers mouth the whole time, the patient is often cur

39、ed. The Ndembu ceremony is typical of treatments around the world, in which stones, insects, or small sharp objects are “taken out” of sick people. Despite scientific evidence that disproves the effectiveness of such methods, the fact remains that the treatments are often successful, and (22) many v

40、illagers prefer to be cured in this way than by a modern physician. Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 20. Which aspect of traditional healers do scientists find difficult to understand? 21. In view of Ndembu people, what is often the cause of peoples illness? 22. What

41、do many villagers think about the healers methods? 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 传统的医者何以通过他们的治疗方法治愈疾病,这是科学家们所不能理解的。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Ndembu 人认为疾病是由亲爱朋友或敌人生气所导致的。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 村 民们都知道医者进行仪式的时候把牙齿藏在嘴里,但是他们仍然愿意选择这种治疗方式。可见即使他们知道医者的仪式是假的,但还是很有效的。 【知识模块】 听力 16 【听力原文】 (24) All big cities a

42、re quite similar. Living in a modern Asian city is not very different from living in an American city. The same cannot be said about living on farms, however. (24) In many parts of the world, farmers and their families live in villages or towns. In the United States, however, (23/24) each farm famil

43、y lives on its own fields, often beyond the sight of any neighbors. Instead of traveling from a village to the fields every morning, (25) American farmers stay on their land throughout the week. Of course life keeps changing for everyone, including farmers. Today there are cars, good roads, radios a

44、nd television sets. And of course there are modern machines for farming. All of these have changed farm life. For many years, however, farming in America was often a lonely way of living. Farmers had to deal with their own problems, instead of getting help from others. They learned to try new method

45、s, and to trust their own ideas instead of following old ways. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. Whats the most important difference between farm life in the U.S.A. and in other countries? 24. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage? 25. H

46、ow long do American farmers stay on their farm? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文中提到美国的农场主与其他国家的不同在于农户们都住在自己的农场里,邻里之间都相隔很远; 而其他国家的农户大多住在村子或者镇上。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 A, B, C 选项都在原文中提到了,而 D 选项中提到的孩子在原文中并未涉及。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在美国,农场主们整个一周都会待在农场里。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 18 【听力原文】 He was a funny-loo

47、king man with a cheerful face, good-natured and a great talker. He was (26) described by his student, the great philosopher Plato, as “the best and most just and wisest man.” Yet this same man was condemned to death for his beliefs by a jury composed of the (27) leading figures of the time in Athens

48、. The man was the Greek philosopher Socrates, and he was put to death for not believing in the recognized gods and for (28) corrupting young people. The second charge stemmed from his association with numerous young men who came to Athens from all over the (29) civilized world to study under him. So

49、crates method of teaching was to ask questions and, by (30) pretending not to know the answers, to press his students into (31) thinking for themselves. His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy. Yet for all his (32) fame and influence, Socrates himself never wrote a word. Socrates (33) encouraged new ideas and free thinking in the young, and this was frightening to the conservatives in Athens. They wanted him silenced. Yet many we


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