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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 118及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 在住宅或村落周边、桥梁道路等处树立泰山 石敢当 (Shi-gan-dang)的习俗,在我国具有悠久的历史。 “石敢当 ”一词在汉代就已经出现。到了宋朝, “泰山石敢当 ”一词出现。明清时期,在住宅或村落周围放置泰山石敢当的习俗已经遍布大江南北,并传播到海外汉文化圈。这种空间分布的广阔性是中国民间信仰中其他信仰习俗无法比拟的。 2006年,泰山石敢当被列为国家首批非物质文化遗产,流传了 上千年的泰山石敢当信仰习俗成为受到国家重点保护的非物质文化遗产。 2 位于北京东城区雍和宫大街的 壅和宫

2、(Yonghe Lama Temple),是北京城里最大的 藏传佛教寺院 (theTibetan Buddhist monastery),建于康熙三十三年,原是康熙皇帝第四个儿子胤稹的府邸,称 “雍亲王府 ”。因乾隆皇帝诞生于此,雍和官出了两位皇帝,所以殿宇为黄瓦红墙,与宫殿的规格相同。乾隆年间,雍和宫被改为喇嘛庙,成为北京最大的藏传佛教皇家寺院。雍和宫占地 66 400平方米,由五进大殿组成,建筑巍峨壮观 .雍和宫内最高大的建筑物是 万福阁(Pavilion of Ten Thousand Happiness),高 25米, 飞檐三重 (tripleroofs),充分演绎了古代建筑之美。 3

3、 传统的中式婚礼涉及一些主要的活动,包括如何求婚、生辰匹配、给彩礼、确定婚期以及操办正式的婚礼。在婚礼当天,一位年长的妇女会帮新娘盘上头发。新娘会穿一件红色的裙子,因为中国人认为红色象征着快乐。新郎的家人会用轿子将新娘迎娶到婚礼上。新娘一到新郎的家中,这对新 人就要拜天地并给父母敬茶。婚宴安排在这些仪式后,有时婚宴会比真正的婚礼本身重要很多。 4 春节是中国最重要的节日,根据传统习惯,每年农历十二月二十四日在墙上和窗户上粘贴年画是庆祝的开始。这些年画能够表达人们的欢乐和对来年的期待。 传统的年画主要运用亮丽的色彩和强烈的对比,描述当地人的生活和习俗。著名的年画如 “胖娃娃 ”“五谷丰登 ”以及

4、 “年年有余 ”已经在中国流行了数百年。但是在今天,这些年画已经很难在上海这样的大城市找到,上海曾经还是年画生产和消费兴旺的地方。一些人认为,年画的消失不可避免。 5 甲骨文 (oracle bone script)是中国现存最古老的一种文字,是人类社会最珍贵的文化遗产。甲骨文主要是指商朝时刻在龟甲、兽骨上的文字,距今已 3 000多年。目前发现了大约 15万片甲骨, 4 500多个单字。这些甲骨文所记载的内容极为丰富,涉及商朝社会生活的诸多方面,不仅包括政治、军事、文化、社会习俗,而且还涉及 天文 (astronomy)、历法、医药等科学技术。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 11

5、8答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 The tradition of erecting Taishan Shi-gan-dang around the houses, villages, bridges or roads has a long history in China. The word “Shi-gan-dang“ first appeared in Han Dynasty. Until Song Dynasty, the word “Taishan Shi-gan-dang“ came out. It had been spread all ov

6、er the country to set up “Taishan Shi-gan-dang“ around the houses or villages in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Whats more, this custom has also been spread to the Chinese cultural circles overseas. No other Chinese folk-beliefs can compare with it considering its wideness. Taishan Shi-gan-dang was listed

7、 among the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. Now this thousand-year-old belief has been protected as important intangible cultural heritage. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 Located on Yonghegong Street in Dongcheng District of Beijing, the Yonghe Lama Temple is the largest Tibetan Bu

8、ddhist monastery in the city. Built in the 33rd year of Emperor Kangxis reign, it used to be the residence of Kangxis fourth son Yinzhen, and was called Prince Yongs Mansion. Yongzhengs successor, Qianlong, was also born there. As the birthplace of two emperors, it was made to follow the styles of r

9、oyal palaces in the Forbidden City with red walls and yellow tiles. Later during the reign of Qianlong, it was converted into a lamasery, which became the largest royal Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Beijing. Yonghe Lama Temple covers an area of 66 400 square meters, consisting of five towering major

10、 halls. The Pavilion of Ten Thousand Happiness is the tallest building in the Yonghe Lama Temple. Standing 25 meters tall, the pavilion has triple roofs and fully displays the beauty of ancient architecture. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 There are some major functions involved in a traditional Chinese wedding

11、, including how a proposal is made, matching of birthday, giving bride price, fixing the wedding date and the formal wedding ceremony. On the wedding day, the bride would be helped by an elderly woman to tie up her hair. She would wear a red gown as Chinese people believe red symbolizes delight. The

12、 grooms family would welcome the bride to the wedding in a sedan chair. As soon as the bride arrived at the grooms home, the new couple would perform the three formal bows and serve their parents tea. There would be a wedding banquet after the performance. The banquet was sometimes far more importan

13、t than the actual wedding itself. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 The Spring Festival, Chinas most important festival, begins its annual celebrations with the posting of New Year pictures on the walls and windows on the 24th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar according to tradition. The pictures can co

14、nvey peoples delight and expectations of the coming new year. Traditional New Year pictures mainly feature local peoples life and customs with intense colors and strong contrasts. Famous pictures like “Fat Baby“Abundant Harvest of All Food Crops“ and “Surplus Every Year“ have been prevailing across

15、China for hundreds of years. Nonetheless, today, these pictures can hardly be found in some modern metropolises like Shanghai, which was once a prosperous place for New Year picture manufacture and consumption. Some think that the disappearance of New Year pictures is unavoidable. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案

16、】 Oracle bone scripts are the oldest extant Chinese characters and listed as the most precious cultural relics of human society. Oracle bone scripts mainly refer to those characters inscribed on turtle shells or animal bones in Shang Dynasty more than three thousand years ago. To date, nearly 150 00

17、0 pieces of them have been discovered, with more than 4 500 characters. The scripts record a wide range of contents covering various fields of social life in Shang Dynasty, such as politics, military, culture, social customs as well as technologies involving astronomy, calendar and medicine. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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