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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 196及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 中国的食物可以大致分成北方和南方两种烹饪风格。北方菜相对来说较油腻,喜欢在菜里使用 醋 (vinegar)和 大蒜 (garlic)。 面食 (cooked wheaten food)是北方菜系的重要部分。面条、 馄饨 (ravioli)、饺子、 包子 (steamed stuffed buns)和馒头只是北方人喜欢吃的众多面食中的一 部分。北方菜系中最有名的地域包括了北京、天津、山东等。南方烹饪风格的代表是川菜和湘菜,它们以大量地使用 辣椒 (chili peppers)而闻名。在整个南

2、方的烹饪体系中,江苏和浙江地区突出菜肴的鲜味和柔软,而粤菜则偏甜且种类繁多。 2 北京的一大特色就是有无数的 “胡同 ”(Hutong)。平民百姓在那儿生活,给古都北京带来了无穷魅力。北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。通常,一个 大杂院(courtyard complex),也叫 四合院 (quadrangle courtyard),平均要住 4到10户人家,共约 20口人。所以,住在胡同里会感到友善和人情味儿。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,不少旧的胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代。但愿,具有原始风格的胡同可以保留下来。 3 国外的游客们可以在除上海

3、、北京这些主要的 大城市 (metropolises)之外的其他地方寻找让人兴奋的中国地道 美食 (delicacy)。在 2010年被联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)誉为亚洲第一个 “美食城市 ”(City of Gastronomy)的成都就是其中之一。成都以其 麻辣火锅 (fiery hot pot)而闻名,这个特点得益于四川辣椒的使用和其呈现出的咸、酸、甜的各种味道。火锅就像 弥漫(ubiquitous)在这个城市的辣椒味一样,无处不在。如果你想品尝一下真正的四川特色辣椒 花椒,那你只需花一个早晨逛一逛成都辣椒市场。 4 面对多变的经济形势,我们主张要大力推动开放创新。国际金融危机爆

4、发 7年来的实践证明,唯有同舟共济,才能渡过难关。在相互依 存的世界里,各国有权根据自己的国情制定经济政策,但是也应加强同其他国家的 宏观政策协调(macro-policy coordination),扩大利益 汇合点 (convergence),实现共同发展。欧洲有谚语讲: “面对变革之风,有人砌围墙,有人转 风车(windmills)。 ”我们倡导顺势而为,坚定不移推进自由贸易,旗帜鲜明反对保护主义,积极扩大区域经济合作,打造全球价值链,迎接新科技革命的到来。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 196答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Chines

5、e food can be roughly divided into Northern and Southern styles of cooking. In general, Northern dishes are relatively oily and the use of vinegar and garlic tends to be quite popular. Cooked wheaten food also plays an important role in Northern cooking. Noodles, ravioli, dumplings, steamed stuffed

6、buns and steamed bread are just a few of the many food made of flour enjoyed in the North of China. The best known regional varieties of Northern Chinese cuisine include those of Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong. Representative of Southern cooking styles are Szechwan and Hunan cuisine, famous for their

7、 liberal use of chili peppers. Within the whole of Southern cooking, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisines emphasize freshness and tenderness, while Guangdong cuisine tends to be somewhat sweet and always full of variety. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 One of the unique features of Beijing is its numerous Hutongs.

8、 The life of ordinary people there contributes greatly to the charm of this ancient capital city. Beijings Hutongs are not only the living environment of ordinary Beijing natives but also a kind of architecture. It reflects the transition, rise and decline of society. There are often 4 to 10 familie

9、s with an average of 20 people sharing the rooms of one courtyard complex named quadrangle courtyard. So life at Hutong is that of a friendly and interpersonal communication. However, with the fast development of society and economy, many old Hutongs may be displaced by new high buildings and large

10、mansions. Hopefully, the original styled Beijing Hutong will remain. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 Foreign travelers can look for the exciting true Chinese delicacy in cities other than these major metropolises like Beijing and Shanghai. Chengdu, crowned by UNESCO as Asias first City of Gastronomy in 2010, is

11、 one of them. Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot, which is characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper and is layered with salty, sour and sweet flavors. Hot pot is as ubiquitous in the city as the smell of chili. For a real taste of Sichuans signature pepper, huajiao, you only need to spend

12、 a morning at the Chengdu Chili Market. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Facing volatile economic situation, we should make great efforts to promote opening-up and innovation. What has happened since the outbreak of the international financial crisis seven years ago proves that to work in unity is the surest way

13、 for countries to get over the difficulties. We are all interdependent in this world. While we each have the right to adopt economic policies in line with national conditions, we need to strengthen macro-policy coordination with other countries to expand the convergence of interests and achieve comm

14、on development. An European proverb says, “When the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windmills. “ We need to act along the trend of our times, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, and actively expand regional economic cooperation, so that we can build global value chains and welcome a new technological revolution. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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