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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 龙袍( imperial robe),从字面上理解就是绣( embroider)有龙形花纹的袍服,在中国古代服饰文化史上占有重要地位。龙纹最早出现在周朝,当时出现画有龙纹的服装,但没有出现真正意义上的龙袍。秦汉时期,上下相连的袍服出现,但袍服上仍没有龙形的花纹。直到隋唐时期冕服上才开始出现龙纹,但是帝王平时穿用的常服上并没有龙纹。只有到了元明时期,帝王袍服上绣有龙纹的现象才越来越多,自此也就出现了 真正意义的龙袍。 2 西安作为十二朝古都,见证了历史的荣辱兴衰。历史在这里留下的文物景观和遗址

2、不胜枚举,如兵马俑( Terracotta Warriors and Horses)、大雁塔( the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda)、华清池等都是人类文化艺术的瑰宝。大雁塔位于西安南郊,建于唐代,是唐朝太子李治为了追念他的母亲文德皇后而建立的,至今已经有 1000多年的历史。大雁塔塔身由青砖砌成,结构坚固,外观简单又不失庄严,最初建立的时候只有 5层,后来又经过多次重修,现在的塔是 7层,高达 64米。 3 中国人有在清明节扫墓祭祖和踏青插柳的习俗。每到清明节,家家户户都要到郊外去祭扫祖先的坟墓。人们为坟墓除去杂草,添加新土,在坟前点上香( incense),摆上食物和纸钱

3、,表示对祖先的思念和敬意。清明时节,树木发芽,到处一片新绿,呈现出生机盎然的景色。人们会到郊外呼吸新鲜空气,观赏蓝天、绿树、小草和鲜花,或者折根柳枝在戴在头上,叫做 “插柳 ”。据说,插柳可以驱除鬼怪和灾难,祈求平安幸福。 4 618年 6月 18日,唐朝由高祖建立,是中国文明的黄金时代,在艺术,文学,尤其是在诗歌和科技上 发展显著。佛教成为普通百姓的主要宗教。长安(今西安)是唐朝的首都,是当时世界上最大的城市。第二任皇帝太宗发动了军事行动来化解游牧( nomadic)部族的威胁,扩展边界,使邻国服从朝贡( tributary)制度。唐朝在塔里木盆地( Tarim Basin)军事上的胜利保持

4、了丝绸之路畅通,连接长安到中亚地区,并远至西部。在南方,利润丰厚的海上( maritime)贸易路线从港口城市开始,如广州。 5 中华民族是龙的传人,而实际上根本没有龙这种动物存在,它只是人们臆想出来的一种动物象征 ,结合了许多种其他不同动 物的特征,包括:鹿、鱼、老虎、狮子、马、牛、驴、蛇、和秃鹰( vulture)。龙被人们看作是一种具有神性的动物,时常与云朵、雷电和降雨联系在一起,它可以在陆地行走,在海里游泳,在天空翱翔,化作风神和雨神。中国人不仅认为龙是一种福神( mascot),还是权力、尊严、运气、力量和成功的化身。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 39答案与解析 一、

5、Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Imperial robe literally means a robe that is embroidered with images of Chinese dragon, which played an important role in the history of Chinese ancient dress culture. The design of Chinese dragon appeared as early as in the Zhou Dynasty but the real imperial robe had not y

6、et existed. By the Qin and Han dynasties, the robe with upper and lower parts as a whole was designed, but still no flower pattern of Chinese dragon on the robe. By the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the crown clothing that consisted of both upper clothes and lower skirt began to have the flower pattern of

7、 Chinese dragon. However, the ordinary dress worn by the emperor wasnt embroidered with the flower pattern of Chinese dragon. Only by the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, imperial robe embroidered with the flower pattern of Chinese dragon began to become more common and the real imperial robe came into bein

8、g. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 As the capital of twelve dynasties, Xian had witnessed the rise and fall of history. There are numerous cultural relics and historical sites throughout the history. Among them are Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and the Huaqing Pool, which are all

9、precious treasures of humankinds culture and art. Located in the south suburbs of Xian, the Giant Wild Pagoda was built by Li Zhi, a prince of the Tang Dynasty in memory of his mother Empress Wende and has stood there ever since for more than one thousand years. Simple yet solemn, the Giant Wild Goo

10、se Pagoda is of a firm structure built of grey brick. Originally built with only 5 stories, the Pagoda now measures 64 metres high with additional two stories after several repairs. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 The Chinese people have the custom of sweeping the tombs, taking an outing and wearing a willow t

11、wig on the head on the Tomb-sweeping Day. When the Tomb-sweeping Day comes, every family will go to the country side to hold a memorial ceremony at their ancestors tombs. People get rid of any weeds growing around the tomb, add new earth, burn incense and offer food and spirit money to show their re

12、membrance and respect for their ancestors. At this time, the grass and trees have put forth new buds, with fresh green everywhere, which reflects the vitality of spring. It is a good time for people to breathe the fresh air in the countryside and appreciate the blue sky, green trees, grass and flowe

13、rs. People like to wear a willow twig on the head because it is supposed to be able to drive away ghosts and disasters and bring safety and happiness. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 Tang Dynasty was founded by Emperor Gaozu on 18 June 618. It was a golden age of Chinese civilization with significant developme

14、nts in art, literature, particularly poetry, and technology. Buddhism became the predominant religion for common people. Changan (modern Xian), the national capital, was the largest city in the world of its time. The second emperor, Taizong, launched military campaigns to dissolve threats from nomad

15、ic tribes, extended the border, and submitted neighboring states into a tributary system. Military victories in the Tarim Basin kept the Silk Road open, connecting Changan to Central Asia and areas far to the west. In the south, profitable maritime trade routes began from port cities such as Guangzh

16、ou. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 The Chinese people consider themselves descendents of the dragon, which is in fact a fictitious animal combining some features of the deer, fish, tiger, lion, horse, ox, donkey, snake and vulture. This divine animal is always associated with clouds, thunderbolts and rainfall. It can walk on the land, swim in the sea and fly in the air and is the deity of wind and rain. Chinese people believe it is a mascot, as well as the embodiment of power, dignity, luck, strength and success. 【知识模块】 段落翻译


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