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1、大学英语六级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 123及答案与解析 Section A 0 The increase in the margin rate(保证金率 )from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant(猛烈的 )speculation on the part of the public actually the market seemed technically quite strong, with public participation essentially dignified but rather an attempt

2、by the Federal Reserve Board to preserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market. Naturally, such a move had a【 C1】 _chilling effect upon prices but if the FRB had been preoccupied with undue speculation, the increase might have been to the 80% or even 90% level. Such increases in the mar

3、gin rate is a【 C2】_of a strong stock market and since 1989, such increases have resulted in interim market highs over twelve months later. Obviously, there could be no【 C3】 _that this would once again be the case, but if history is any guideline and if business and corporate earnings were to continu

4、e on the same course continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more【 C4】 _than pessimism. The margin increase【 C5】 _the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previous year and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that the rise wa

5、s mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part. In past Investment Letters we have【 C6】 _the thought that speciality stocks could outperform the general market from this point. We continue to believe that this could be the case. For example, steel stocks tend t

6、o sell at a certain fixed price/ earnings ratio. Below a certain ratio they are considered good value above a certain ratio,【 C7】 _If a company produces a unique product, it is far more difficult for market analysis to place a numerical ratio upon the companys earnings. We have also contended in the

7、 past Letters that the stock market reflects mass psychology as well as the business outlook. When investors both the public and the institutions are nervous and【 C8】 _they definitely hesitate to buy stocks: they seek low price/earnings multiples and high【 C9】 _These same investors when they are in

8、an optimistic frame of mind become far less【 C10】 _with yields and more willing to pay a premium(high p/e multiples)for accelerated growth. If the publics attitude towards the auto industry is any measure, then this period seems to have been one of optimism. A)confirmation I)speculate B)prudent J)pr

9、eoccupied C)voiced K)representation D)invariably L)momentarily E)overpriced M)pessimistic F)vicinity N)underscored G)yields O)intelligible H)guarantee 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 Section B 10 Self-Publishing ATo a writer, self-publishing is an in

10、credibly powerful and alluring concept. On the simplest level, its an intriguing solution to an age old problem: How do you get your words to a wide audience(ideally, while earning some money along the way)? On a more artistic level, it is a unique extension of the creative process. Beyond putting w

11、ords on the page, the self-publisher actually controls every aspect of authoring he or she creates the physical book and actively brings it to an audience. Its a uniquely harmonious and satisfying melding of art and business. Beginning the book BIn most cases, the first step in self-publishing is de

12、veloping an idea for your book. You can self-publish almost anything you want, but if you want to make a profit, it helps to consider your book not just as a piece of art but also as a sellable product. What audience is interested in the subject and how do you get their attention? CEverybody has an

13、opinion on what sells, and we wont get into that too much hereits part of the individual creative process that self-publishers go through. The important point is that as a self-publisher, you have to consider sales just as a large publisher would. Step one is arriving at an approach to the book that

14、 will make it valuable to an audience. Among other things, that means seeing what similar books are out there, and seeing how theyve sold(checking Amazon rankings is a good place to start). DMoney isnt everything, of course. Few books are going to be blockbusters(一鸣惊人者 ), and many self-publishers ar

15、ent that concerned with making money at all. But even setting profit aside, it is essential that you have a business plan based on what you reasonably believe you can sell. To put it another way, theres no point in printing 10,000 books if books like yours typically take three years to sell 1,000 co

16、pies. What sort of book? EYou certainly dont need to know exactly how many pages your book is going to be before you even get started writing. But if you have a target, and you know what type of book youre creating, you can plan your budget accordingly. The broad decision first: Do you want a hardba

17、ck book or a trade paperback book? Hardback books are significantly more expensive to print, and because of the higher cover price, may sell less than a paperback book. But, for some books a mammoth(巨大的 )textbook, say hardback books are really the only way to go. FAfter youve made this decision, you

18、 can decide how many pages youll want. Think about the scope of what you have to say and look at the page count in books with similar content. But also think about what you want the book to feel like. Simply pick out a book that is about the same size and format of what you have in mind. GWhen you f

19、ind a good model to shoot for, count the number of words per page. Multiply that by the number of pages. Then subtract words for any “ odd pages“ the first and last pages of each chapter(these arent usually filled), any blank numbered pages and any pages at the beginning and end of the book. This wi

20、ll give you a rough word count for the book. If you calculate how many words are on a page in your word processing program(or paper if you use a typewriter or if you write longhand), you can give yourself a target page count. HWhy does this matter? For one thing, you need to think about the psycholo

21、gy of a book-buyer. If youre looking to create a gift book paperback, you dont want a massive 500-page volume, because it may feel too much like a reference encyclopedia(百科全书 ). Its intended audience has more of a casual interest, so it should have a lighter feel. But if youre putting together a how

22、-to guide, a 100-page book isnt going to seem like a good deal to your potential customer. Theyll pick the thicker book on the shelf next to yours, because it seems more substantial. IPrice also plays a role here. More pages cost more, and certain multiples of pages are cheaper than others. Printing

23、 presses print a set number of pages in one pass typically 32 pages, front and back. This means its substantially cheaper to print a 320 page book than a 321 page book. This isnt something you have to figure out right away, but it should be a factor when you are laying out the finished book. Creatin

24、g content JOnce you nail down what kind of book you want to end up with, you can get busy writing. The obvious way to go about this is to shut the door to the world, write whatever you want and worry about editing down the line. Show your friends and family when you want to, but otherwise, do it how

25、ever you like. You dont have a publisher to worry about, so you can really write however you want to. KTo many self-publishers, this doesnt work very well its too unstructured, and they get lost without somebody to bounce ideas off of. One solution is to hire a freelance(自由职业者 )developmental editor.

26、 A developmental editor serves the same basic function as the editor you would work with at a publishing house you can show them drafts and outlines, and they can make edits to improve the book. The difference of course is that what you say is the last word, rather than the other way around. Ideally

27、, the main thing they bring is expertise in book publishing a developmental editor should be somebody who knows how to build a good book. LThe price of a developmental editor goes in your total budget for the book. Depending on how you work, it may save you enough of your own time to make it a worth

28、while expense. Selling MWhen you finally reach your publish date, you have one basic job: Get people to buy your book. For individual book-buyers, this is pretty simple. They pay the cover price, you record the transaction and you ship or give them the books. But individual book-buyers are the small

29、est piece of your customer base. Your major customers include independent bookstores, wholesalers who fill orders from many bookstores(They only buy what they need or expect they will need.), distributors who buy books to actively resell them to bookstores, exclusive distributors, who will handle ev

30、erything involved in the selling of your book, in exchange for the exclusive right to distribute, and online booksellers. NTwo new factors enter the mix with these customers discounts and returns. To ensure a profit, booksellers always buy books well below the cover price, and most reserve the optio

31、n to return books they cannot sell. If the books are undamaged, you must refund the buyers money. Youll need a terms-and-conditions sheet that outlines, in detail, how youll operate your business what kind of discounts you offer, how you handle returns, how you handle billing, etc. Your terms and co

32、nditions are up to you, but youll have to treat particular types of buyers a certain way in order to do business. OSelling is an ongoing process that can last for years. When you run through your first shipment, and theres still demand, you go to the printer for your next shipment. If your book real

33、ly catches on, you may be able to land a good deal with a larger publisher who can push your sales to a higher level. Over the years, many successful authors have used this road to get on a publishers radar. PThe sweet spot of writing is generally at the beginning of the process when youre sitting a

34、t a keyboard putting your ideas into words. In contrast, the sweet spot to publishing generally comes after all the work is done when youve recouped(弥补 )your initial costs, and every book sold is money in your pocket. This is a self-publishers ultimate reward. 11 Although selling is an ongoing proce

35、ss, the authors success depends on the readers demand. 12 Hardback books cost much to print, but it is a must for the publication of certain books. 13 A developmental editor will be worthy of the money because he is able to save the time of the self-publisher. 14 Self-publishing becomes an interesti

36、ng idea partly because it get authors thoughts to a wide audience. 15 To solve the problem of lacking feedbacks from others, a developmental editor may be employed. 16 Self-publishers have to decide what book will sell well according to their own opinions. 17 When planning the details of his discoun

37、ts and returns,a self-publisher needs to work out different ways to treat particular types of buyers. 18 To give a target page count, you have to choose a book with the same size and format of what you have in mind. 19 If a self-publisher wants his book to cost less, certain multiples of pages shoul

38、d be available. 20 Individual buyers, like the wholesalers and distributors, should be considered as major customers of self-publishers. Section C 20 In a mere two years, the proportion of teenagers who expect to be financially dependent on their parents until their mid-20s has doubled. That gives u

39、s all another reason to feel sympathy for parents who have teenagers right now. A new survey conducted by Junior Achievement, a group that teaches kids about money and jobs, found that 25% of teens think they wont be able to support themselves until their mid-20s. Two years ago, just 12% of teens su

40、rveyed said that theyd have to reach the 25-to 27-year-old age bracket(类别 )before being able to pay all of their own bills. Correspondingly, the proportion of teens who expect to achieve financial independence by the ages of 18 to 24 has plummeted, from 75% in 2011 to 59% today. Are these kids just

41、unmotivated? Maybe some of them are, but many more are facing increasing college costs and poor job prospects. An alarming number have a poor understanding of budgeting and basic finance as well. Todays teens apparently dont mind the idea of moving back in with the rents, or they at least understand

42、 the necessity of making such a move given the state of the economy and the likelihood of large student loans down the road. Providing a place to live isnt, the only way parents are helping out their adult children. In many families, its become the norm for parents to step in and pay bills for smart

43、phones, Internet access, music and TV subscription services. About two-thirds of young respondents in the Junior Achievement survey think theyll be equally or better off financially than their parents. This optimism might be unfounded, though, because todays young people like so many young people be

44、fore them dont have a firm grasp of personal finance issues. According to their responses, about a quarter admit they dont understand budgeting, one in five dont know how to use credit cards, and roughly a third dont know how to invest money. “ Part of the reason teens expect to live with parents lo

45、nger may be because they are unsure about their ability to budget, use credit cards or invest money,“ the study suggests. Its overly simplistic, though, to think that parents can give their kids a crash course in budgeting and expect them to fly the nest at 18. “The Great Recession and sluggish(缓慢的

46、)recovery have taken a disproportionate toll on young adults,“ the Pew study points out. The cost of college and the fact that todays teens are unprepared for it is one reason they might be living in their old bedroom into their mid 20s. Only 9% of respondents in the Junior Achievement survey say th

47、eyre saving for college, and almost half say they dont know how much they should be saving, although around two-thirds say their parents have talked about it with them. 21 What can we draw from the results of the survey conducted by Junior Achievement? ( A) More teenagers expect to live independentl

48、y in their mid-20s than before. ( B) More teenagers expect to live with their parents until their mid-20 s than before. ( C) More teenagers expect to live independently by the ages of 18 to 24 than before. ( D) More teenagers expect to live with their parents after their mid-20 s than before. 22 Wha

49、t has made a growing number of students choose to move back in with their parents? ( A) The increasing cost of college education and living expenses. ( B) The bad economic conditions and possible student loans. ( C) Their lack of knowledge of handling their expenses. ( D) Their parents insistence to helping them with the living expenses. 23 Why does the author say many teenagers are unreasonably optimistic? ( A) Bec


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