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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a complaining letter. Last week, you bought a TV, but there was something wrong with it. You should write at least 150 words to the manager of the department for a satisfactory response 二、 Part II

2、 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (f

3、or NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The Virtual Shopping Mall People buy things, items, for different reasons. They buy the products because they need them or just because they want them. Peopl

4、e go shopping: they look around at different stores to find good deals. They “comparison-shop.“ In other words, they look at the same product in several stores or from several manufacturers. Then they choose to purchase the best products for themselves their favorite ones or the ones with the lowest

5、 prices. However, many people shop because they enjoy shopping. They like to walk through stores looking at products. They think about the products, and sometimes they buy them. Today shoppers have many ways that they can go shopping. People used to go to the local market to do their shopping. They

6、went from store to store to find the products that they wanted or needed. At the meat market, customers bought meat, and at the bakery, they purchased bread. At the department store, consumers looked at the attractive displays in the windows and on the racks. They bought television sets and VCRs at

7、the appliance store. Shoppers went from store to store comparing the products and the prices. Then they made their decisions, and they bought items. They shopped for other products in other stores, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, or flower shops. The owners of the stores adverti

8、sed their products to compete for business. In small towns, shoppers may still shop this way. Now, however, shoppers have several choices when they want to purchase products. They may go to the shopping mall, where there are many stores in the same place under the same roof. They can park their cars

9、 in the large parking lot and do all their shopping in one stop. Also, they probably study newspaper advertisements in the morning before they go to the mall. The ads inform them about special sales, or bargains. In the newspaper, sometimes these shoppers find discount coupons for special sales. The

10、y are ready to make rational decisions about their purchases. The shopping mall is very convenient for many people. On the other hand, other consumers shop by mail. They get catalogs and advertising flyers from manufacturers in their mailboxes. At home, they look at the displays of items on the page

11、s in the catalogs. The catalogs show colorful pictures of the products. There are also written descriptions of the items. These descriptions tell the buyer about the materials in the product, the sizes, the colors, and the prices. The consumers analyze the products and make decisions. Then they mail

12、 their orders to the manufacturer, or they use the telephone to place their orders. Shopping by catalog is another convenient way for the consumer to go shopping. Modern technology has added other ways for people to shop. Shoppers can now shop for products and services from their homes. On their tel

13、evision sets, viewers can choose a shopping channel. These channels are like catalogs on TV. For example, shoppers see models wearing the clothes or jewelry. They can watch a salesperson demonstrate a video camera. Or they can see a salesperson cook a meal on a special kind of kitchen appliance. The

14、 products seem to come alive and be real, not just pictures on a page in a catalog. It is easy to purchase the items. The buyers order the items by calling a number on the telephone and giving their credit card numbers. Sometimes the buyer can pay for the item in several installments. The business s

15、ends the product to the consumer through the mail. Many buyers are vulnerable because it is so easy to shop this way. They use their credit cards quickly, and soon they have large bills to pay. Another way shoppers use technology is on their computers. They use ecommerce. Using a computer, they shop

16、 for products and services across the country and around the world. People use computers to help them keep track of their money. For example, they do their banking and keep track of their investments. They can analyze their own financial, or money, situations. Other people pay their bills in this wa

17、y. They do not write checks and mail them. Another example of ecommerce is making travel arrangements. When travelers want to go on a trip, they make their airplane and hotel reservations by using the Internet. They search the Internet for the best prices and the most convenient times for their trav

18、el. After they have analyzed the prices and times, they make their decisions. By computer, they make the reservations for their flights. The traveler can also make hotel reservations and reserve rental cars in a distant city. It is obvious that traveling is much more convenient now because of the co

19、mputer. Shoppers also use the Internet to find products that they want to buy. For example, a shopper who wants a new car can shop with his computer. He sees displays of many kinds of cars. He sees the colors? and the equipment of the cars. He can compare the styles of the ears. Furthermore, he can

20、learn about the prices from different car dealers. The car dealers want his business. They are in competition with one another. Therefore, they offer good prices. The buyer analyzes the information and makes his choice. Using his computer, he makes a bid, the amount of money he wants to pay for the

21、car. Then the seller can accept his price, the bid. Or the dealer can refuse it. If the dealer refuses his bid, the shopper can search for a bargain somewhere else without leaving his home. Other purchasers arc readers. They buy books online. They can find the titles of books that are difficult to f

22、ind in the bookstores in their own city. They compare prices from several sellers. Then they make an order, they pay the cost by using their credit cards, and then bookseller sends the books to them by mail. Other people who want special products search the Internet to find those objects. Buyers can

23、 find anything on the Internet. Not only big companies and manufacturers sell products on the Internet. Anybody who has things to sell can advertise the items on the Internet. People may sell old things, antiques. People who collect antiques search the Internet. They sometimes find bargains. Art col

24、lectors buy paintings and other artwork. Other people who make things like baskets or quilts or other crafts advertise and sell their products on-line. The Internet is a huge shopping mall for anybody to buy and sell. However, there are problems with buying on-line. One of those problems is that the

25、 buyer has to pay the shipping cost for the item. Sometimes this cost is high. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product, he has to pay the cost of mailing it back to the seller. Another problem is using credit cards. Usually buyers pay with their credit cards. They charge the cost on their cre

26、dit card accounts. When they put their credit card numbers on the Internet to pay for the items sometimes their numbers night be stolen. Then the thief uses the numbers to buy items. The bill for the stolen items comes to the credit card owner. Many people feel vulnerable when they put credit card n

27、umbers on the Internet. Privacy for the credit card numbers of the buyers is a problem. But manufacturers and computer experts are working to solve it. Another problem is that sometimes sellers are not honest. The items they advertise are not as good as the items on display, and their advertisements

28、 make false promises. When the buyer buys a bad product, he cannot find the dishonest seller to return the faulty item. He has lost his money. Nevertheless, although there are some problems with buying on-line, the Internet has become an important part of the international shopping mall. 2 Some shop

29、pers use catalogs instead of going to the mall to make their purchases. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Using technology is an easy way to shop. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Only large companies and businesses use the Internet to do business. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 All the on-line businessmen are honest. ( A) Y

30、 ( B) N ( C) NG 6 At the bakery, customers purchased_. 7 _ has become an important part of the international shopping mall. 8 Shoppers shop for products and services across the country and around the world, they use_, using a computer. 9 Sometimes when they put their credit card numbers on the Inter

31、net to pay for the item, their numbers might be_. 10 _ for the credit card numbers of the buyers is a problem. 11 Because of_, traveling is much more convenient now. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation,

32、one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Leave in 30 minutes.

33、( B) Get to the bus stop quickly. ( C) Meet Harry at the bus stop. ( D) Check to see if everything is ready. ( A) They are too many and she cant read them all. ( B) They are too difficult and complex for her to understand. ( C) She feels too tired to read any books. ( D) They are too heavy for her t

34、o carry. ( A) She angered the models. ( B) People thought she was a designer. ( C) People thought she was a model. ( D) She got a purple dress. ( A) 12:15. ( B) 1:10. ( C) 1:00. ( D) 12:30. ( A) She ordered it through the mail. ( B) It was a present from her parents. ( C) A male student gave it to h

35、er as a birthday present. ( D) She got it while visiting her parents. ( A) One dozen. ( B) Two dozen. ( C) Three dozen. ( D) Four dozen. ( A) At work. ( B) At home. ( C) In the hospital. ( D) At the store. ( A) Father and daughter. ( B) Husband and wife. ( C) Mother and son. ( D) Friends. ( A) Motor

36、 vehicles were constantly arriving or departing. ( B) Tasty food. ( C) A comfortable, medium-sized hotel. ( D) Old-fashioned service. ( A) 11 a.m. ( B) 12 a.m. ( C) 11 p.m. ( D) 6 p. m. ( A) Agreed. ( B) Angry. ( C) Ambitious. ( D) Proud. ( A) A room with a single bed. ( B) A double room with two si

37、ngle beds. ( C) A room with a double bed and a single bed. ( D) A double room and two double beds. ( A) Morning newspaper, continental breakfast and service. ( B) Morning newspaper, lunch and dinks. ( C) Morning newspaper, drinks and service. ( D) Morning newspaper, continental drinks and service. (

38、 A) The nearest metro station is only three minutes walk from the hotel. ( B) The nearest metro station is only four minutes walk from the hotel. ( C) The nearest metro station is only five minutes walk from the hotel. ( D) The nearest metro station is only three or four minutes walk from the hotel.

39、 ( A) The man, his wife and his daughter. ( B) The man and his wife. ( C) The mans wife and his two children. ( D) The man, his wife and his two children. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage

40、 and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Its near Mexico City. ( B) Its in Guatemala. ( C) Its stretched from the plains of central Mexico to the mountains of Guatemala. ( D) Its in Americ

41、a. ( A) It has become a clumsy giant. ( B) The city has suffered from lung-time famine. ( C) There was an epidemic disease that time. ( D) It has been set on fire. ( A) Teotihuacn, once the home of 200,000 people, was the center of a large empire. ( B) Many archaeologists are fascinated by the ruins

42、 of a pre-Columbia city called Teotihuacn. ( C) Teotihuacn, once a major metropolitan area, was destroyed by an invasion. ( D) A still unsolved mystery is why the people of Teotihuacn suddenly abandoned their city. ( A) For hunting. ( B) For protecting himself. ( C) For stimulation. ( D) For protect

43、ing the country. ( A) Males are arrested about four times more than females. ( B) According to the survey, 61% of all men feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods at night. ( C) More women arrested than men in juvenile runaway cases and prostitution. ( D) The police and court are required to be more k

44、ind tn the female offenders. ( A) Rape. ( B) Burglary. ( C) Aggravated assault. ( D) Smuggling. ( A) He was struck by lightning. ( B) He was very old. ( C) He was in a car accident. ( D) He was strolling near his home. ( A) Because he was once beaten black and blue. ( B) Because be was very old. ( C

45、) Because he was knocked to the ground. ( D) Because he suffered from a long serious disease. ( A) He was happy after his wife entered his room for the first time in nine years. ( B) The lightning made his legs lose the ability to feel and gave him the ability to see. ( C) He regained his sight from

46、 a head injury when he fell from a tree. ( D) The blow that blinded him was very severe, and it took another very severe blow to restore his sight. ( A) He was hiding from the storm under a tree. ( B) He awoke with his face in a puddle of water. ( C) He was happy when he saw his wife for the first t

47、ime in nine years. ( D) The exact time when he became blind. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fi

48、ll in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Think twice next time someone asks yo

49、u for “five minutes of your time“ it could cost you more than you think. A British professor has (36)_ a mathematical (37)_ to help people find out exactly how much an hour of their time is worth. Professor Inn Walker of Warwick University (38)_ the value of time after research showed that over 80 percent of (39)_ would buy more time if they could (40)_ it. “Traditionally, wages or salaries have given an (41)_ of how we are valued at work ,“ Walker, an (42)_ professor, sa


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