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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 148及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 1. 随着生活水平和医疗水平的提高,我们身边的老人日渐增多。 2. 作为大学生,能为他们做些什么 3. 这样做的原因 Taking Care of the Old 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer t

2、he questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 How ATMs Wo

3、rk? Youre short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM), insert your card into the card reader, respond to the prompts on the screen, and within a minute you walk away with your money and a receipt. Have you ever wondered about the process that makes your bank funds available

4、 to you at an ATM on the other side of the country? ATM Card vs. Check Card As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major credit-card companies to issue check cards. Check cards are different from straight ATM cards in a couple of ways. First

5、,check cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill,like you do with a credit card, a check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings account. Also, while you can only use your ATM card at the ATM m

6、achine (and some grocery stores), you can use a check card at most retailers that accept credit cards. There are exceptions. Some hotels and rental car services only accept credit cards because its easier, cheaper, and less of a risk to them than check cards. Those that do accept check cards often p

7、ut a certain amount of money in your bank account “on hold“ (unavailable to you) usually the cost of the room or rental including taxes and other fees, plus a percentage of the total or a fee to cover possible damages. When you check out of the hotel or turn in your rental car, the difference betwee

8、n the“holdamount and what youre actually billed is released back into your account. This is something to consider when using your debit card to reserve a hotel room or rent a car. The Way ATMs Work An ATM is simply a data terminal with two input and four output devices. Like any other data terminal,

9、 the ATM has to connect to, and. communicate through, a host processor. The host processor is analogous to an Internet service provider (ISP) in that it is the gateway through which all the various ATM networks become available to the cardholder (the person wanting the cash). Most host processors ca

10、n support either leased-line or dialup machines. Leased-line machines connect directly to the host processor through a four-wire, point-to-point, dedicated telephone line. Dialup ATMs connect to the host processor through a normal phone line using a modem and a toll-free number, or through an Intern

11、et service provider using a local access number dialed by modem. Leased-line ATMs are preferred for very high-volume locations because of their thru-put capability, and dial-up ATMa are preferred for retail merchant locations where cost is a greater factor than thru-put. The initial cost for a dial-

12、up machine is less than half that for a leased-line machine. The monthly operating costs for dial-up are only a fraction of the costs for leased-line. The host processor may be owned by a bank or financial institution, or it may be owned by an independent service provider. Bank-owned processors norm

13、ally support only bank-owned machines, whereas the independent processors support merchant-owned machines. Sensing Bills The cash-dispensing mechanism has an electric eye that counts each bill as it exits the dispenser. The bill count and all of the information pertaining to a particular transaction

14、 is recorded in a journal. The journal information is printed out periodically and a hard copy is maintained by the machine owner for two years. Whenever a cardholder has a dispute about a transaction, be or she can ask for a journal printout showing the transaction, and then contact the host proces

15、sor. If no one is available to provide the journal printout, the cardholder needs to notify the bank or institution that issued the card and fill out a form that will be faxed to the host processor. It is the host processora responsibility to resolve the dispute. Besides the electric eye that counts

16、 each bill, the cash-dispensing mechanism also has a sensor that evaluates the thickness of each bill. If two bills are stuck together, then instead of being dispensed to the cardholder they are diverted to a reject bin. The same thing happens with a bill that is excessively worn, torn, or folded. T

17、he number of reject bills is also recorded so that the machine owner can be aware of the quality of bills that are being loaded into the machine. A high reject rate would indicate a problem with the bills or with the dispenser mechanism. Settlement Funds When a cardholder wants to do an ATM transact

18、ion, he or she provides the necessary information by means of the card reader and keypad. The ATM forwards this information to the host processor, which routes the transaction request to the cardholders bank or the institution that issued the card. If the cardholder is requesting cash, the host proc

19、essor causes an electronic funds transfer to take place from the customers bank account to the host processors account. Once the funds are transferred to the host processors bank account, the processor sends an approval code to the ATM authorizing the machine to dispense the cash. The processor then

20、 transfers the cardholders funds into the merchants bank account, usually the next bank business day. In this way, the merchant is reimbursed for all funds dispensed by the ATM. ATM Security ATMs keep your personal identification number (PIN) and other information safe by using encryption (加密 ) soft

21、ware such as Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). But there are lots of things that you can do to protect your information and your money at an ATM. Many banks recommend that you select your own PIN. Visa offers the following PIN tips: Dont write down your PIN. If you must write it down, do not st

22、ore it in your wallet or purse. Make your PIN a series of letters or numbers that you can easily remember, but that cannot easily be associated with you personally-such as birth dates, initials, house numbers or your phone number. Visa also recommends the following tips for safe ATM usage, Store you

23、r ATM card in your purse or wallet, in an area where it wont get scratched or bent. Get your card out before you approach the ATM. Youll be more vulnerable to attack if youre standing in front of the ATM, fumbling through your wallet for your card. Stand directly in front of the ATM keypad when typi

24、ng in your PIN. This prevents anyone waiting to use the machine from seeing your personal information. After your transaction, take your receipt, card and money away. Do not stand in front of the machine and count your money. If you are using a drive-up ATM, get your vehicle as close to the machine

25、as possible to prevent anyone from coming up to your window. Also make sure that your doors are locked before you drive up to the machine. Do not leave your car running while using a walk-up ATM. Take your keys with you and lock the doors before your transaction. If someone or something makes you un

26、comfortable, cancel your transaction and leave the machine immediately. Follow up with your bank to make sure the transaction was cancelled and alert the bank to any suspicious people. For safety reasons, ATM users should seek out a machine that is located in a well-lighted public place. Federal law

27、 requires that only the last four digits (阿拉伯数字 )of the cardholders account number be printed on the transaction receipt so that when a receipt is left at the machine location, the account number is secure. However, the entry of your four-digit personal identification number (PIN) on the keypad shou

28、ld still be ob- scured from observation, which can be done by positioning your hand and body in such a way that the PIN entry cannot be recorded by store cameras or store employees. The cardholders PIN is not recorded in the journal, but the account number is. If you protect your PIN, you protect yo

29、ur account. 2 By using a check card, a consumer receives credit as well as a monthly bill when a buying is done. 3 When reserving a hotel room with your check card, you have to decide how much money in your account has to be on hold. 4 Without the host processor,a cardholder cannot withdraw money fr

30、om an ATM. 5 Its the monitoring function that makes the host processor finally solve a dispute about a transaction. 6 The problems either with the dispenser mechanism or with the bills can lead to _. 7 When you request cash, the money moves electronically from your account to the hosts account to _.

31、 8 Be sure not to use birth dates or your phone numbers as your PIN because they _. 9 Its safer for you to fish out and hold the card in hand before _. 10 When using a drive-up ATM, youd better drive close to the machine as well as _. 11 The account number is secure since according to federal law, t

32、he number of the cardholders account printed out are _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoke

33、n only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The woman may take the next train as well. ( B) The woman has been late for the train for one hour. ( C) Someone gave the wrong inf

34、ormation to the woman. ( D) The woman should wait patiently until he got a schedule. ( A) The woman will put off her decision to study. ( B) The woman will now just study rather than go out. ( C) The woman will go out because shes in a good mood. ( D) The woman will have to make a decision whether t

35、o study. ( A) The movie was really wonderful. ( B) The movie was so full of violent scenes. ( C) The movie wasnt as good as he had expected. ( D) The movie was overly concerned with romantic relationships. ( A) Deliver the package in person. ( B) Pick up the package at the post office. ( C) Find out

36、 the hours the post office is open. ( D) Ask to have the package delivered to his home. ( A) He wont vote for the woman. ( B) He may also run for class president. ( C) He should promise to support the woman. ( D) The woman should ask his roommate to vote for her. ( A) Shes not a very good cook. ( B)

37、 Shes annoyed with the man. ( C) She didnt like the food the man prepared. ( D) She thinks the man should spend more time cooking. ( A) Hell probably talk about Chapter 16 in class today. ( B) Hell probably postpone the test until he talks Chapter 16. ( C) He might test the students on material not

38、discussed in class. ( D) He usually tells the students ahead of time what will be on his tests. ( A) The boss was very considerate to his workers. ( B) Ed wasnt as good a worker as the boss thought. ( C) The boss had planned to give Ed a raise in salary. ( D) The boss has never considered raising th

39、e workers salary. ( A) Where they should move. ( B) How to negotiate with the landlord. ( C) How to fight the increase. ( D) Whether to accept an increase in rent or move. ( A) Stay and negotiate or move. ( B) Move closer to the University or near the subway. ( C) Fight for a small increases or acce

40、pts an increase offer. ( D) There is no choice. ( A) It is close to the school. ( B) It is cheap. ( C) It has convenient facilities. ( D) The tenant agreement is good. ( A) New foods to try when traveling. ( B) Making reservations for the best travel. ( C) Avoiding gaining weight while traveling. (

41、D) Adjusting to time changes when traveling. ( A) It changes the bodys metabolism through rapid weight gain. ( B) It tricks the body into responding as if it were in a different time zone. ( C) It promotes increased alertness by adding snacks to the diet. ( D) It builds resistance to illness by incr

42、easing intake of vitamins. ( A) He feels rushed. ( B) He hates to pack. ( C) He doesnt like to restrict his diet. ( D) Hes worried about his lecture. ( A) He has a big appetite. ( B) He eats only at regulate mealtimes. ( C) He avoids new foods. ( D) He eats only healthful foods. Section B Directions

43、: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Nineteenth-century sea

44、 captains. ( B) The development of the steamship. ( C) The economic importance of sailing ships. ( D) Employment in the fishing and whaling industries. ( A) They were protected by a strong United States Navy. ( B) They were supported by a well-developed railroad. ( C) Most crew members had experienc

45、e on foreign ships. ( D) As part owners of the ships, captains got some of the profits. ( A) They carried passengers, but not cargo. ( B) They were large, but surprisingly fast. ( C) They were the first successful steam-powered ships. ( D) They were more reliable than other ships of the 1860s. ( A)

46、The effect of ordinary aspects of life on anthropology. ( B) A good source of information about a society. ( C) Attitudes toward culture in the 1940s. ( D) The relationship between anthropology and military. ( A) Students might not consider them to be an important part of culture. ( B) They symboliz

47、e the rebellion of youth in the 1950s. ( C) They are discussed in the students textbook. ( D) They have been worn for hundreds of years. ( A) To show how politics have changed over the years. ( B) To point out that T-shirts often provide personal information. ( C) To illustrate how the printing on c

48、lothing has improved. ( D) To support that T-shirts are a form of art. ( A) How the President proposes new laws. ( B) How a bill is passed by lawmakers in Congress. ( C) How the President can reject a proposed law. ( D) How lawmakers can force the President to sign a bill. ( A) Why the President opp

49、oses a bill. ( B) How lawmakers want to revise a bill. ( C) Why a deadline has not been met. ( D) When lawmakers plan to end their session. ( A) They send the message to the President within ten days. ( B) They officially state reasons for rejecting the message. ( C) They meet with the President. ( D) They revise the vetoed bill. ( A) The bill becomes law immediately. ( B) The bill cant become law unless the whole process begins again. ( C) Lawmakers must review the bill within ten d


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