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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 186及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Dont Hesitate to Say “No“. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情

2、况下我们会说 “不 ” 2. 为什么有些人在该说 “不 ”的时候不说 “不 ” 3. 该说 “不 ”时不说 “不 ”的坏处 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES)

3、 if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Underdeveloped People The Indians living on the high plains of the Andes Mountains, i

4、n South America, have a background rich in history but rich in little else. These seven million people from the great old Indian nations live in a land of few trees, poor soil, cutting winds and biting cold. Their farms do not give enough food to support them. Their children from the age of three or

5、 four must work in the fields. The death rate of their babies is among the highest in the world, their standards of education among the lowest. They live at heights of ten or fifteen thousand feet, where even the air lacks the things necessary for life. The needs of these Indians, scattered across t

6、hree countries - Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia- are great. Their problems are difficult and their diseases are deeply rooted in an old-fashioned way of life. Probably no single program of help can greatly better their condition. Health programs are no good without farm programs, and farm programs fail w

7、here there have been no programs of education. Five international organizations have combined efforts to seek the answers to the problems of the unfortunate descendants of the Inca Indians. They are working with the governments of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador on what they call the Andean Mission. Six a

8、reas have been formed, one each in Ecuador and Peru, four in Bolivia. Here methods are tested to attack poor education, poor food, poor living conditions and disease all at once. We passed fields of low corn and thin wheat. Whole villages were at work planting potatoes. The men formed a line and wal

9、ked slowly backward, beating the soil with sticks. The women, on hands and knees, followed the men, breaking the hard earth with their hands. Their red and orange skirts flashed brightly in the sun. The scene was beautiful, but the land, seeds and crops were all poor. Upon arriving at a village, we

10、went to visit the school for carpenters. It was in an old building where thirty boys were attending classes. There were two classrooms containing complete sets of tools. I saw more tools there than in any carpenters shop in Latin America. Most of the boys were cutting boards for practice. They worke

11、d steadily and didnt even look up when we entered. The teacher remarked that the greatest problem at the moment was finding wood, as almost no trees grow on a high plain. Someone remarked that it would not take long for the school to produce too many carpenters in an area without trees, where most o

12、f the buildings were of stone or mud. The wood brought from the jungle was too costly for most of the people. The answer was that the original purpose of the school was to train carpenters and mechanics to go to other parts of the country. They would work where the government is developing new villa

13、ges at the edge of the jungle. Across from the carpentry-room there was a machine for producing electric power. With it the boys would be taught their first lessons in electricity. Other boys studied car repairing. In the yard a group of boys surrounded a large tractor. The teacher was showing them

14、how to operate it. No one was sure how many other tractors there were in the area. Guesses ranged from two to ten. If the school turned out more boys to handle them than the farms could use, the rest, it was hoped, would seek a living in the lower villages where more people lived. The next day, agai

15、nst the cutting winds of the Bolivian mountains, we were going to a village that is the oldest of the four Bolivian projects of the Andean mission. Behind us, across the valley, rain fell from the black clouds beyond the snowy mountain-tops. The wind and rain beat against the car as we traveled acro

16、ss the open fields to come to the yard of an old farm. My trip had been panned at the last minute. Since the village has no telegraph to telephone services, no one was expecting me. All the driver knew was that I was a visiting “doctor“ simply because I was wearing a fie. He showed me into a large r

17、oom of the farmhouse where some twenty men were watching film. It concerned the problems of a man who could neither read nor write. But in the face of difficulties he managed to start an adult education class in his village. He did this so that he could learn to read and win his girl friends respect

18、. From time to time during the film the lights would go on and during these breaks everyone introduced himself. They had been brought together for a three-week course in how Io teach, and to add to their own education, which in several eases had not gone beyond the third grade. Though they had not h

19、ad much training they had the help of great interest and, most important, they knew the native language. When the picture show was over the Bolivian teachers pulled on their wool caps, wrapped their blankets around them, and went off to their beds. Some of the international teachers went with me to

20、the kitchen, where tile cook had heated some food. We talked of the troubles and the progress of the school, until the lights were put out several times. This was a warning that the electric power was about to be shut off for the night. During the first two years the village project had a difficult

21、time. The mission had accepted the use of a farm from a large landowner, and the natives believed that the lands would be returned to the owner after ten years. The Mission began at a time when the Bolivian Government was introducing land-improvement laws. Most of the people believed that the office

22、rs of the Mission were working for the owner; who was against the dividing up of the land. They had as little to do with the owner as possible. Not until the government took possession of the farm and divided the land did the feeling of the Indians toward the Mission change for the better. 2 The And

23、ean Indians live in the villages all over South America. ( A) N ( B) Y ( C) NG 3 The problem of too many carpenters from the training schools would be solved by moving some carpenters to other parts of the country. ( A) N ( B) Y ( C) NG 4 In the carpentry school the boys were learning to build large

24、r houses. ( A) N ( B) Y ( C) NG 5 When the writer visited the village of the oldest project the weather there was cold. ( A) N ( B) Y ( C) NG 6 Some of the Andean teachers had been educated up to only _ grade. 7 The Indians at first did not like the Mission because they felt that it was in favor of_

25、. 8 The needs of those Indians in _ with 4 areas formed by the Andean Mission are the greatest among all Indians in the three South American countries. 9 The important advantage the Andean teachers had was that_. 10 When the Mission started it was on _. 11 From reading this article you would say tha

26、t the Andean project had _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each ques

27、tion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The man should sleep for a while. ( B) The man should finish the job right now. ( C) The man should try to concentrate on the job. ( D) The man should get some

28、 exercises. ( A) Go to check the dining hall again. ( B) Borrow her book. ( C) Ask about the book at the information desk. ( D) Buy a new one. ( A) Make her topic much more general. ( B) To focus on a narrower topic. ( C) Change to an entirely new topic. ( D) Rewrite her research paper. ( A) The man

29、s wife should try to be more understanding. ( B) The depression of the mans wife may be the result of her past experiences. ( C) The mans negative attitude may be derived from his childhood. ( D) It is easy for the man to help his wife out of pessimism. ( A) 450. ( B) 750. ( C) 600. ( D) 800. ( A) H

30、e was always late to work. ( B) He got furious with his boss last week. ( C) He made a serious mistake in a financial problem. ( D) He wanted to take care of his wife. ( A) A fight. ( B) A traffic accident. ( C) A sandstorm. ( D) An earthquake. ( A) She disagrees with father. ( B) She wants to live

31、in the suburbs. ( C) She turns a deaf ear to her husbands words. ( D) She is offended by the children. ( A) A meeting. ( B) An important business. ( C) One of their women colleagues. ( D) The reception of one of their clients. ( A) The dress code is strictly formal in the company. ( B) It is cold at

32、 the time of the season. ( C) It will make him look professional. ( D) The woman likes the way he dresses. ( A) She will be shown around the city. ( B) She will be in a meeting immediately. ( C) There is a dinner arranged for her. ( D) She will go to the hotel to have a rest. ( A) Two years. ( B) Th

33、ree years. ( C) Five years. ( D) Eight years. ( A) By a hill. ( B) A concert. ( C) The waterfall scenery. ( D) A hotel they once stayed in. ( A) A pet dog. ( B) The son of the couple. ( C) A pet cat. ( D) The mans younger brother. ( A) The mans mother. ( B) They take him with them. ( C) The womans m

34、other ( D) A baby-sitter. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices mar

35、ked A, B, C and D. ( A) The development of fast food services. ( B) How McDonalds became a billion-dollar business. ( C) The business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald. ( D) Ray Krocs business talent. ( A) A drive-in. ( B) A cinema. ( C) A theater. ( D) A barbecue restaurant. ( A) Creativity is an im

36、portant element of business success. ( B) Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothers. ( C) Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc. ( D) California is the best place to go into business. ( A) You can always make money. ( B) You can tell exactly when t

37、he stock goes up or down. ( C) You may sometimes lose money. ( D) Your gambling is always safe. ( A) How to buy or sell shares. ( B) Basic knowledge of stock market. ( C) The stock market is like gambling. ( D) Investing money in the stock market is not the safest way. ( A) They can make them rich.

38、( B) They need more people to work for them. ( C) They need their money to do business. ( D) Some people win and some lose. ( A) Eleven million. ( B) Less than eleven million. ( C) More than eleven million. ( D) About eleven million. ( A) It was very developed. ( B) It was densely populated. ( C) It

39、 was at a war with Great Britain. ( D) It was a small, unimportant city. ( A) Because they wanted to build stores here. ( B) Because they thought the place was beautiful. ( C) Because they realized that it was a very good location for a seaport. ( D) Because they wanted to have a war here. ( A) To v

40、isit the city. ( B) To trade with foreigners. ( C) To build one of the busiest seaports. ( D) To look for jobs. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage

41、is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or writ

42、e down the 36 To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark and【 B1】 _ .But there are advantages to【 B2】 _ water. And【 B3】 _ played an important role in making fish what they are. One is that water isnt【 B4】 _ sudden temperature changes. Therefore it makes【 B5】 _ habitat for a co

43、ld-blooded animal. Another advantage is the water s ability to easily support body weight. Protoplasm has【 B6】 _ the same density as water. So fish in water is almost weightless. This weightlessness in turn means two things: 1) Fish can get along with a light weight and a simple bone【 B7】 _ . And 2)

44、 Limitations to a【 B8】 _ size are practically removed. Yet there is one basic difficulty to live in water in fact that it is incompressible.【 B9】 _ The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tail. 【 B10】 _ . The fact that water is inco

45、mpressible has literally shaped the development of fish. A flat and angular shape can be moved through water only with difficulty.【 B11】 _ . 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【 B9】 46 【 B10】 47 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short pa

46、ssage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 47 One summer my wife Chris and I were invited by friends to row down the Colorado River in a boat. Our expedition included many highly succ

47、essful people-the kind who have staffs to take care of lifes daily work. But in the wilder rapids, all of us naturally set aside any pretenses and put out backs into very stroke to keep the boat from tumbling over. At each nights encampment, we all hauled supplies and cleaned dishes. After only two

48、days in the river, people accustomed to being spoiled and indulged had become a team, working together to cope with the unpredictable twists and turns of the river. I believe that in life-as well as on boat trips-teamwork will make all our journeys successful ones. The rhythms of teamwork have been

49、the rhythms of my life. I played basketball alongside famous players, and the team I now coach, the New York Knicks, has recovered from years of adversity to become a major contender in the 1990s. Im persuaded that teamwork is the key to making dreams come true. We all play on a number of teams in our lives - as part of a family, as a citizen, as a member of an agreement, written or


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