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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 221及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The

2、 Importance of Keeping a Good Mood. You are given the following outlines in Chinese and are required to write no less than 150 words. Remember to write clearly. 1. 现代社会压力增大,保持好心情很重要; 2. 为什么要保持好的心情; 3. 保持好的心 情也是成功的保证。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: I

3、n this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

4、 NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Drug Use and Addiction Drug Use and Abuse Although drug abuse can have harmful results, people can use it for more than one of the reasons, and may also use several drugs for different reasons. Distinguishing the “how?“ and “why?“

5、 of a persons drug use is rarely an easy task, but most people use a drug because they enjoy the effects. This may seem like a simplistic or insensitive statement, but its a fact thats easily forgotten by the people around the drug user, who are concerned and trying to understand why theyre using dr

6、ugs. Worried parents often ask for warning sings of drug use, but the simple answer is that its very hard to spot. Many users who have contact with mental health services manage to conceal their use from the professionals, so its obviously difficult to identify. Parents usually know their children b

7、etter than anyone else, and maintaining an open atmosphere in which communication is kept up is often the best way to find out whats going on. This is not always easy with teenagers, as they might view the methods parents use to find out if their children are using drugs as intrusive and controlling

8、. And angry confrontations with teenagers might push them further into a cycle of annoyance and refusal to communicate. The use of chemicals to alter the way we feel and see things in one of the oldest activities of the human race. But a persons use of a drug such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis or he

9、roin can become uncontrolled, or start to control them. Even when the use of these drugs leads to serious physical and mental problems, the person may still not want to stop using them. But, if they do decide to give up, they may find it% harder than they thought. What Are the Symptoms? There are a

10、lot of confusing different words used to describe drug use and addiction problems. Not every expert will agree with the definitions here, but being consistent with the terms used helps to reduce the confusion and anxiety everyone feels when faced with this problem. Each drug has different patterns o

11、f: use; poison; overdose; hangover(残留 ). For each different drug, the “substance abuse“ can cover different levels of use, including: experimenting with use; using large amounts without appearing poisoned; using large amounts to get poisoned. Psychological Addiction The medias picture of a person gi

12、ving up drugs usually focuses on the immediate effects of withdrawing from heroin. Its important to remember that theres often more to an addiction than the physical withdrawal symptoms. In fact, for some drugs such as cannabis or heroin, theres a debate about whether there are actually any physical

13、 symptoms of withdrawal. People who use heroin regularly over a long period may find that there are certain situations where they come to rely on the drug. If they stop using the drug, they may feel very disabled. This is a situation that can develop for almost any substance that effects the mind, a

14、nd this aspect of addiction can be harder to overcome than the physical symptoms. Mental symptoms can include: anxiety; depression; sleep and rest; controlling mood; relearning different coping skills. The pattern of these symptoms will depend on the drug used, the psychological make-up of the perso

15、n and the circumstances under which they are attempting to remain drug-free. The term craving is often used when talking about psychological addiction. If a person is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above and they know that by using the drug all these problem will go away, its not surprising

16、 that they develop an overwhelming desire to use, and this dominates their thoughts. Physical Addiction Its ironic that through films, such as Trainspotting, quite a lot of people feel that they understand the physical withdrawal from heroin. They rightly see it as an unpleasant and difficult experi

17、ence and a good reason not to experiment with it. The irony is that alcohol has a much worse and more dangerous withdrawal effect. Its possible, but very rare for someone experiencing heroin withdrawal to need to be admitted to hospital; while someone who is physically addicted to alcohol should not

18、 attempt to stop using it without consulting a doctor. Again, as with psychological addiction, the length and severity of withdrawal differs according to the drug, how much has been taken and for haw long. For most addicts, their problem is a mixture of both physical and psychological aspects. There

19、 are some instances when its difficult to distinguish between the two. The stimulants cocaine and amphetamine (安非他明 ) are classic examples of this people coming down after using the drugs feel very low and lack energy. When they take cocaine, they feel very high and use up lots of energy. Their feel

20、ings afterwards could be partly because of feeling tired and adjusting to a normal mood again, but there are other theories that suggest these feelings are because the body is re-establishing its chemical balance. What Can I Do to Help Myself? The old saying admitting you have a problem is half of s

21、olving the problem is very applicable. The next step is to get support. If youre physically addicted, it may be dangerous to just stop especially if youre using alcohol. Even if it isnt dangerous to just stop, a doctor may be able to prescribe medication to help you through the first phase of withdr

22、awal. Not all family doctors are happy to help with this problem, so if yours isnt, its probably best to approach your local drug dependence unit (DDU).Its also vital to get other forms of support and counseling - see the resources listed below. Available Help Resources Families Anonymous Support fo

23、r the relatives and friends of people with drug problems. Tel: 020 7498 4680(Monday to Friday, 1pm to 4.30pm) Website: www. famanon. org. uk Alcoholics Anonymous A self-help group run by recovering alcoholics. PO Box 1, Stonebow House, Stonebow York YO1 7NJ Te: 01904 644026 Helpline: 0845 7697 555 W

24、ebsite: www. alcoholics-anonymous, org. uk The National Drugs Help line Free help and advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tel: 0800 776600 Other helpful advice and addresses can be found in the BBCs online Addictions guide. 2 The reasons that people like drug use is that they enjoy the effects

25、. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 In fact, the process of giving up drug addiction for a determined person is easier than what he thought. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 All experts are willing to accept the definitions of symptom terms about drug use and addiction problems mentioned in the article. ( A) Y ( B) N

26、( C) NG 5 Self-esteem is one of they symptoms of psychological addiction. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 We often use the term craving when referring to _ addiction. 7 When we mention psychological addiction, we always use the term of _ to describe a drub user thought. 8 A drug users withdrawal process fro

27、m physical addiction depends on his or her use of the drugs _. 9 For most drug users, their _ has something to do with theist psychological addiction. 10 To withdraw light physical addiction to alcohol, a person should deal with it by asking for _. 11 If you want to help your daughter give up her dr

28、ug addiction, youd better call telephone number of _ to seek help. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions wi

29、ll be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) May 3rd. ( B) May 4th. ( C) May 5th. ( D) May 7th. ( A) The heroic fight against the flood. ( B) The prices of vegetable

30、s and fruits. ( C) The effects of the flood. ( D) The cause of the flood. ( A) The woman is indifferent to the companys reputation. ( B) The woman majors in human resources. ( C) The woman is asking for a promotion. ( D) The woman is applying for a job. ( A) He likes to be sad. ( B) He likes a storm

31、y ocean. ( C) He likes fine sand and calm water. ( D) He likes the mermaid living in the sea. ( A) The man dislikes wearing silk shirts. ( B) The man dislikes the pattern of the blue shirt. ( C) The man likes neither of the two shirts. ( D) The man likes both of the two shirts. ( A) Nora lost her ce

32、ll phone in the library. ( B) Nora found her cell phone in the library. ( C) Noras cell phone has been turned in. ( D) Noras cell phone has been found in the library. ( A) She can speak many dialects except for Cantonese and Hokkien. ( B) She has never learned Cantonese or Hokkien. ( C) She can spea

33、k neither Cantonese nor Hokkien. ( D) She can speak either Cantonese or Hokkien. ( A) Its too windy there. ( B) The air is polluted there. ( C) The beaches are dirty there ( D) People there are pleased with the fresh air. ( A) The man meant to write about the theme. ( B) It was an eternal theme in t

34、he mans album. ( C) It was about love between parents and children. ( D) It was something that came naturally. ( A) Something more spiritual and emotional than was conveyed in the album. ( B) Something about love and friend, as conveyed in the album. ( C) Something eternal and emotional as expected

35、in the album. ( D) Something about alignment of the planets as expected in the album. ( A) He preferred to work with engineers rather than musicians. ( B) He preferred to be alone although he did not really work alone. ( C) He complained about the heavy work he had to do on the instruments. ( D) He

36、regards his work as more of difficulty than of fun. ( A) North Dakota and Washington D.C ( B) South Dakota and Washington D.C ( C) Wisconsin and Wyoming. ( D) Wyoming and Washington. ( A) It is offered to anyone at any time. ( B) It is offered by post. ( C) It is only offered to people with disabili

37、ties. ( D) It is offered regardless of the distance and the money. ( A) The more money goes into the campaign, the more democracy voters can enjoy. ( B) Too much money will result in a third party. ( C) Sufficient money may bridge the gap between the candidates and the voters. ( D) Too much money ma

38、y hinder the voters from the candidates true ideas. ( A) The Campaign finance reform. ( B) Conflicts between the Democrats and the Republicans. ( C) The passing of a bill. ( D) A Voter Law. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will he

39、ar some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Some of its operating system may break down for some reason. ( B) Some of its operating system cannot support hi

40、gh-quality DVD playing. ( C) Its market share is shrinking. ( D) DVD playing may affect other operating system. ( A) Because the anti-piracy protection has been granted to some films. ( B) Because the system cannot comply with high-quality DVD player. ( C) Because the system may need additional equi

41、pment for proper operation. ( D) Because there is flaw in its design. ( A) Microsoft. ( B) Movie-producers. ( C) Content providers. ( D) PC users. ( A) More and more people are suffering from heart disease. ( B) More and more doctors are focusing too much on diet and exercise. ( C) People are ignora

42、nt of the prevention of heart disease and stroke. ( D) Doctors are more money-pursuing than before. ( A) Because they are eager for financial benefits. ( B) Because they are eager for professional promotion. ( C) Because the number of patients is increasing. ( D) Because they are ordered by their ho

43、spitals to do so. ( A) To advice people to do more exercise. ( B) To advice people to care more about their diet. ( C) To suggest prevention methods to prevent heart disease rather than costly treatment. ( D) To blame indifferent attitude of hospitals towards patients with heart disease. ( A) He sho

44、uld be dressed in red. ( B) He should be more aggressive. ( C) He should learn more to improve their skills and abilities. ( D) He should change the color of their sport shirt for luck. ( A) For the sake of decoration. ( B) To show their male dominance. ( C) For self-protection. ( D) To attract anim

45、als in different sex. ( A) Players in blue are equally as possible to win as others in different colors with similar skills. ( B) Players in red may easily get angry. ( C) All the teams or individuals in red won in the race. ( D) Players in red are more likely to win individually or collectively. (

46、A) It has something to do with the temper-control of players. ( B) They show threatening attitude and frighten their opponents. ( C) Their faces can turn red when they are in red uniforms. ( D) The reason is unknown. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When th

47、e passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in

48、the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient【 B1】_ which has existed for at least 6,000 years. It was always wicked and foolish, but in the past the hum

49、an race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has changed this. Either Man will【 B2】 _ war, or vice versa For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the【 B3】 _ danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to【 B4】 _ mankind


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