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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 242及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Solutions to Release of Testing Anxiety. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: - 分析学生考试焦虑的原因 - 提供解决学生考试焦虑的办法 Solutions to Relea

2、se of Testing Anxiety 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the inform

3、ation given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Electronic Radiation Puts Your Health at Risk Electric power systems work at around 50 Hz just above the naturally occurring

4、frequency of 30 Hz generated by the Earth. Our bodies are tuned in to this low frequency so any frequency close to this is going to interfere with us, such as the 50 Hz AC mains power system used in the UK. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic fields vibrating from 0.5 to 100 Hz, even if th

5、ey are weaker than the Earths field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed. The frequencies that ELF AC systems use are very close to the natural brain rhythms of man. The pineal gland (松果体 ) is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the e

6、arths magnetic field. As a result it functions abnormally when exposed to abnormal fields close to its own. Because the pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals, its abnormal functioning can cause neurological and behavioral problems. Studies and Reports The biological and medical data

7、 currently available showing the danger of ELF AC mains power frequency magnetic fields is as conclusive as the data relating to cigarette smoking and lung cancer. The European Parliament has passed a motion for a resolution on combating the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. Since September

8、 1992 Sweden has officially acted on the basis that there is a connection between exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and the incidence of cancer, childhood cancer in particular. In 1990 the United States Environmental Protection Agency stated “In conclusion, after an examination of the avai

9、lable data over the past 15 years, there is evidence of a positive association of exposure to magnetic fields with certain site-specific cancer, namely leukaemia, cancer of the central nervous system, and to a lesser extent, lymphomas (淋巴瘤 ). This is supported by many studies of children and adults

10、across many different populations and subgroups.“ What Can the Biological Effects Be? An electromagnetic field affects growing cells, and acts as a cancer promoter. Cancer cells can increase their rate of growth significantly and develop more malignant characteristics. It also affects learning abili

11、ty and behavioral and psychological mechanisms increasing the incidence of depression and suicide. Chronic exposure may lead to an increase in the incidence of brain tumors. Your brains EEG (脑电 图 ) rhythms change when a light switch is operated nearby. A stress response occurs which, if prolonged, c

12、an lead to an immune-system deficiency, resulting in an increased incidence of infectious diseases and cancers. Because of the effects on growing cells, young children and babies are especially at risk. Studies have shown that risks of childrens cancer could increase. What Are the Risks? Electricity

13、 is part of our daily life. We are constantly using electrical appliances at home and at work, such as computers, photocopiers, clock radio alarms, electric blankets, microwave ovens all with the necessary AC mains transformers and wiring. All of these produce ELF electromagnetic fields. The more po

14、wer the appliance consumes the stronger the field it creates. If you spend long periods of time close to a wiring circuit or appliance with a strong field such as a computer screen, television screen, heater, clock radio or electric blanket, you may be at risk. You may also be at risk if you live cl

15、ose to high voltage power lines (above or below ground) and their distribution transformers. The probable safe level for constant exposure now being discussed is 1 milligause (less for children). It would seem appropriate to exercise “prudent avoidance“ and limit the exposure to you, your family and

16、 work colleagues wherever possible. The Appliances That Make Your Brain Blow a Fuse Brain performance can be impaired by as little as five minutes exposure to common domestic electronic appliances, researchers claim. Objects such as computers, televisions and mobile phones can cause a lack of concen

17、tration, headaches, anxiety and even insomnia and depression, a study has shown. The findings reopen the debate over the effects of electromagnetic radiation, which is emitted by all electrical appliances. Tests were carried out in America on a new device, which claims to help the body counter elect

18、romagnetic fields, Volunteers had a digital clock held six inches from their head for five minutes during which time scientists noted “anomalous brainwave activity“ which, after a prolonged period, can lead to so-called electromagnetic depression. Symptoms of this condition include mild depression,

19、anxiety, mood swings and low energy. The researchers, led by Professor William Tiller and Neurosurgeon Professor Norman Shealy, found the effects were lessened when volunteers wore the new pendant-shaped device for one month. Called a QLink and selling for 89, it contains special cells which are sai

20、d to replicate the natural electromagnetic forces of the human body and harmonize them with man made ones. How to Measure Magnetic Field Strength? A Gauss is a common unit of measurement of magnetic field strength. A Gauss meter is an instrument which measures the strength of magnetic fields. Gauss

21、meters may vary in the strength of the magnetic field they are capable of measuring. A meter used for measuring EMFs from power lines, transformers, substations and appliances around the home, for example, should be able to measure as low as.1 mg. The digital clock experiment emitted a field of six

22、milligauss, but emission from many electrical appliances positioned at a similar distance from the head produce considerable greater counts. A computer screen emits 20 milligauss and a mobile phone up to 100. Prudent Avoidance Electricity is an inseparable part of our modern day society. This means

23、that EMFs will continue to be all around us. But as Discovery Magazine postulated, aside from making our life easier, is electricity also making our lives shorter? Most experts agree that limited, non-chronic exposure to EMFs is not a threat. For example, it is probably acceptable for a person to be

24、 near a toaster in the morning. However, it is not advisable for a person to sleep under ail electric blanket, live near a powerline/substation, and sleep in a room where the power enters the home. This person is under an extreme case of chronic exposure. This condition, unfortunately, applies to mi

25、llions of Americans. If you wish to follow the EPAs advice and practice “prudent avoidance“, then the following advice is offered: Measure your home, work and school environments with a Gauss meter. Measure EMFs both inside and outside your home. Dont let your children play near power lines, transfo

26、rmers, radar domes. Avoid areas where the field is above 1 mg. Measure the EMFs from appliances both when they are operating and when they are turned off. Some appliances (like TVs) are still drawing current even when they are off. Dont sleep under an electric blanket or on a waterbed. If you insist

27、 on using these, unplug them before going to bed (dont just mm it off). Even though there is no magnetic field when they are turned off, there may still be a high electric field. Rearrange your office and home area so that you are not exposed to EMFs from the sides/backs of electric appliances and c

28、omputers. In the home, it is best that all major electrical appliances, such as computers, TVs, refrigerators etc, be placed up against outside wails. That way you are not creating an EMF field in the adjoining room. Dont sit too close to your computer. Computer monitors vary greatly in the strength

29、 of their EMFs, so you should check yours with a meter. Dont stand close to your microwave oven. Move all electrical appliances at least 6 feet from your bed. Eliminate wires running under your bed. And last but not least, always always always remember that EMFs pass right through walls. The EMF you

30、 are reading on your Gauss meter could be radiating from the next room or from outside your home. 2 If the power frequency is weaker than the frequency generated by the Earth, it will not have any influence on us. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The harm the electromagnetic radiation does to peoples health

31、is as great as or even greater than that cigarette smoking does. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Based on many studies, we can come to the conclusion that exposure to magnetic fields will contribute to the growing incidences of certain site-specific cancer. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 The probable safe level fo

32、r constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation is 1 milligauss both for adults and children. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Any frequency close to 30Hz will interfere with cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed because the frequecies are close to the _ of man. 7 Because of the effects of an

33、electromagnetic field on growing cells, _ are the ones who easily fall victim to its effects. 8 Researchers claim that as little as five minutes exposure to common domestic electrical appliance will impair _. 9 The researchers found wearing the new pendant-shaped device will _ the effects of electro

34、magnetic forces. 10 The _ you are exposed to appliances with a strong field, the greater the harm done by electromagnetic radiation is. 11 You need to unplug the electric blanket before you go to bed, because even though there is no _ when they are turned off, there may still be a high electric fiel

35、d. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a paus

36、e. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She was approving. ( B) She was apologetic. ( C) She was annoyed. ( D) She was careless. ( A) A visitor has borrowed it. ( B) She had given it to her guide. ( C) A friend took it to th

37、e West. ( D) Bill gave it back to his friend. ( A) She agrees with the man. ( B) She hasnt seen Kevin recently. ( C) She thinks Kevin will be late. ( D) She doesnt know what the man means. ( A) Anthony fixed it. ( B) The plumber fixed it. ( C) It was left leaking. ( D) It was removed. ( A) In a clot

38、hing store. ( B) In a garden. ( C) At a cleaners. ( D) At a printing shop. ( A) Being too hot. ( B) Being delayed. ( C) Catching the beach ball. ( D) Getting up early. ( A) It looks better than the other one. ( B) The man needs more wall space for it. ( C) It should be put on another wall. ( D) It m

39、akes the wall a little more attractive. ( A) The experiment will take a long time. ( B) The students should count their time in the lab. ( C) Dr. Walters teaches biology in the afternoon. ( D) Biology lab is open one hour every afternoon. ( A) Find out about a course. ( B) See an adviser. ( C) Drop

40、off a paper. ( D) Go to a meeting. ( A) Paint a landscape. ( B) Give an oral report. ( C) Take a final exam. ( D) Buy several books. ( A) Come to her office before her meeting. ( B) Change his major. ( C) Meet with her tomorrow. ( D) Discuss the class with his roommate. ( A) Art history. ( B) Elemen

41、tary education. ( C) American literature. ( D) Psychology. ( A) They are the parents of young children. ( B) They are professional storytellers. ( C) The stories will help them improve their vocabulary. ( D) The stories are required for a course. ( A) The same person-author of The Cat in the Hat. (

42、B) Friends of the speakers. ( C) Psychology professors. ( D) Fictional characters. ( A) Its author is unknown. ( B) Its useful as a teaching tool. ( C) It uses an extensive vocabulary. ( D) Children find it repetitive and boring: Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.

43、 At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It is noisy. ( B) It cannot fly as fast as most planes. ( C) It has a sm

44、all rotor on its tail. ( D) It is small. ( A) The helicopter can fly forwards, backwards, up, down, and sideways. ( B) The helicopter can hover in the air. ( C) The helicopter can land and take off from a flat roof. ( D) The helicopter has a single-bladed rotor on its top. ( A) The Helicopter. ( B)

45、The Advantages of the Helicopter. ( C) The Disadvantages of the Helicopter. ( D) The Uses of the Helicopter. ( A) Content of dreams. ( B) Dreamers while they dream. ( C) The meaning of dreams. ( D) The process of sleeping. ( A) Everyone dreams every night. ( B) Dreams are easily remembered. ( C) Dre

46、ams are easily forgotten. ( D) People usually have one dream a night. ( A) Relax. ( B) Fidget. ( C) Lie perfectly still. ( D) Make more eye movements. ( A) Content of dreams. ( B) It is in the heart of the city at 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. ( C) It is in the heart of the city at 5nd Street and 42

47、nd Avenue. ( D) It is in the heart of the city at 6nd Street and 42nd Avenue. ( A) The library is in the busiest part of the city. ( B) The library has grass and trees around it. ( C) The roof of the Main Reading Room is 41 feet high. ( D) Its rooms are very large. ( A) 13 million. ( B) 30 million.

48、( C) 14 million. ( D) 40 million. ( A) To have a rest. ( B) To raise more money. ( C) To have cleaning work. ( D) To save money. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

49、When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 When somebody calls, first of all, the host would offer him a cigarette and a cup of tea. In the countryside,【 B1】 _ , old men used to share with the visiting guests th


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