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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 269及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following line graph that shows the changes of the attendance in the readding room. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in

2、 Chinese with the title College Reading Room Phenomenon.1. 描述图表中的两个循环 (cycle)所反映的问题。 2分析引起该变化的原因。 3你的结论。College Reading Room Phenomenon 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer t

3、he questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Flirt With

4、Suicide The life of David Woods was the stuff of an Australian boys dream. He played professional rugby league football in a country that treats athletes as, idols. At 29, he had a loving family, a girlfriend, a 3-month-old baby, plenty of money, everything to live for. And for inexplicable reasons,

5、 nothing to live for. On New Years Eve, Woods called his mother to announce that he had signed a new contract with his team, Golden Coast, recalls his elder brother, Tony. The next morning, he ran a hose from the exhaust pipe to the window of his Mitsubishi sedan (轿车 ) and gasses himself. His family

6、 still has no idea why. The death of David Woods came as a wake-up call to Australia, which is often voted as the ideal place to bring up kids. But the sun, the beaches and the sporting culture are the cheery backdrop to a disturbing trend: young Australian men are now killing themselves at the rate

7、 of one a day-triple the rate of 30 years ago. Though most Australians arent particularly suicidal, their boys are. In 1990 suicide surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death among males aged 15 to 24. Fun-loving Australia is now far worse off than Asian nations known for strict disciplin

8、e. The yearly suicide rate for young Australian males is 2.5 times higher than in Japan, Hong Kong, or Singapore. Possible Causes for Suicide Why boys? A nation of wide-open spaces and rugged individualism, Australia still idolizes the film star Gary Cooper model of masculinity: the strong, silent t

9、ype who never complains, who always gets the job done. In recent years schools and social institutions have concentrated on creating new opportunities for equality for girls-while leaving troubled boys with the classic command of the Australian father: pull yourself together. Its past time to take a

10、 much closer look at the lives of young men, some researchers argue. “People think, My kids arent doing drugs, my kids are safe at home,“ says psychiatrist John Tiller of Melbourne University, who studied 148 suicides and 206 attempts in the state of Victoria. “They are wrong.“ The Haywards, a comfo

11、rtably well-off family in Wyong, north of Sydney, figured they were dealing with the normal problems of troubled teenhood. Their son Mark had put up a poster of rock star Kurt Cobain, a 1994 suicide victim, along with a Cobain quote: “I hate myself and I want to die.“ “From the age of 12, Mark had h

12、is ups and downs-mood swings, depression and low self-esteem,“ says his father. The Haywards sent Mark to various counselors, none of whom warned that he had suicidal tendencies. By last year Mark was 19, fighting bouts (回合 ) of unemployment and a drug problem. He tried church, struggling to do the

13、right thing. Last September he dropped out a detoxification (戒毒 ) program, and apologized to his parents. “Ive let you down again.“ A few days later, his mother found Marks body in bush-land near their home. In retrospect, Mark Haywards struggles were far from uncommon. The number of suicides tends

14、to keep pace with the unemployment rate, which for Australians between 15 and 19 has risen from 19 percent in 1978, the first year data were collected, to 28 percent last year. Suicide is especially high among the most marginal: young Aboriginal (土著的 ) men, isolated by poverty, alcoholism and racism

15、. As in other developed countries, Australian families have grown less cohesive in recent years, putting young men out into the world at an earlier age. Those who kill themselves often think “itll make it easier for the parents by not being there“. The deeper mystery is why the universal anguish of

16、growing up should have such particularly devastating effects in Australia. One answer is that the country allows easier access to guns than most other developed Asian countries. (One exception is neighboring New Zealand, where guns are as easy to find, and the suicide rate among young people is wors

17、e.) Australian boys tend to end their lives violently by shooting or hanging. Girls, by contrast, often take an overdose of drugs, and are more ofen rescued. Efforts to Tackle Suicide Problem Educators now hope to teach adults to recognize youths troubled by suicidal depression. That is no easy task

18、 in a society that generally avoids introspection (反省 ). “Good services do exist in Australia,“ says child psychiatrist Marie Bashir, but “the Australian philosophy is: pull your socks up. Get but and play some sports.“ To get Australias attention, psychiatrist Tiller wants the government to sponsor

19、 a shock advertising campaign, similar to one that portrays the pain and guilt felt by survivors in drunk-driving accidents. The ads should make people aware of the threat, and urge them to get help for young people at risk. The rising death toll has just begun to force suicide onto the nations poli

20、tical agenda. Suicide now takes more lives than murder or AIDS. Brendan Nelson, a physician and backbencher in Parliament, recently called for the creation of a National Office for Young People to report to the prime minister on youth concerns. Slowly, Australians are overcoming the old fear of talk

21、ing openly about a problem that has long been considered taboo. “We have one young person every day ending his life and possibly another four who are not reported as suicides but are killing themselves,“ says Clyde Begg of the Australian Community Research Organization. “Now, if we dont talk about t

22、hat, we are neglecting our duties.“ Tony Woods is talking now, but he wasnt always. The brother of the football player who gassed himself to death, Woods says he tried to take his own life at the age of 17 by slashing his wrists with a carving knife after breaking up with a girlfriend. Woods has mad

23、e it his own mission to warn other boys that they may find themselves on the same dangerous path taken by his brother, David. Among other things, he plans to bring professional football players into schools to urge boys to seek counseling for their personal problems. “Boys cant communicate what they

24、 feel,“ says Woods. “They are socialized to be hard, tough, independent men who dont show their feelings. We need to tell them: Youre worthwhile. Seek help. We need to teach boys to express themselves. We need to pick them up at 5 years old to prevent a problem in 15 years.“ It is the kind of simple

25、 advice, Tony Woods now believes, that his brother never heard. 2 David Woods rugby league football career was cut short by suicide on a New Years Day. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 In Australia a disturbing trend arises that young persons between the age of 15 to 24 are taking their own lives at an alarm

26、ing rate. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 In some Asian countries known for strict discipline such as Japan and Singapore, young people suffer serious psychological problems. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Australian schools and social institutions may have contributed to the problem of suicide among boys by focus

27、ing on giving girls more opportunities while leaving boys on their own. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Mark Haywards had shown _ from his early teens but his counselors had failed to warn his parents about it. 7 Suicide rate is particularly high among young aboriginal men as they have to struggle against n

28、ot only employment and poverty but also _. 8 Growing pains are especially destructive in Australia, where people have _. 9 To help raise the publics awareness of the suicide problem, psychiatrist Tiller appealed to the government to organize _. 10 _ will be one of the political initiatives taken to

29、tackle the suicide problem in Australia. 11 According to Tony Woods, the problem of suicide among young Australian men can be alleviated if boys _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questi

30、ons will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He never drives any more. ( B) He doesn

31、t work in the town. ( C) He takes the subway. ( D) He doesnt have to cross town. ( A) He will go to see the game. ( B) He will stay at home. ( C) He will play a role in one TV program. ( D) He will go to a doctor. ( A) One needs to drink a end of coffee before the professors class. ( B) He knows Pro

32、fessor Johnson. ( C) The professors classes are in the early morning. ( D) The professors classes are extremely boring. ( A) She is fond of hiking. ( B) She is fond of mountains. ( C) She traveled to Colorado before. ( D) She will stay with her sister. ( A) He should send the package third class. (

33、B) He should send the package first class. ( C) He can save his money. ( D) The first class mail is expensive. ( A) Professors are responsible for the cleaning work. ( B) Professors are responsible for reminding students to behave well. ( C) It is unusual that the lecture hall is mess. ( D) Students

34、 are thoughtless ( A) She likes hiking. ( B) She likes going on a camping trip. ( C) She is afraid of canoeing. ( D) She warns the man not to go ( A) She likes modem art. ( B) A lot of other people like modern art, too. ( C) A lot of people came to the opening. ( D) Modern art is not attractive to t

35、he woman. ( A) He is going to spend a holiday in London. ( B) He is going to have a business trip to London. ( C) He will go to London with the woman. ( D) He is going to move to London. ( A) 7 and half hours. ( B) 10hour. ( C) 8 and half hours. ( D) 8 hours. ( A) It is convenient to travel in Londo

36、n by underground. ( B) Banks are open for the whole week except on Saturday. ( C) English food is very delicious. ( D) British people are friendly to strangers. ( A) Catalogues. ( B) Offers. ( C) Hardware. ( D) Inquiry ( A) F. O. B price list. ( B) An indication of price. ( C) C.I.F. ( D) A list of

37、requirements. ( A) Quotations ( B) Inquiry. ( C) Quantity. ( D) Indication ( A) 3% to 4%. ( B) 4% to 5%. ( C) 4%. ( D) 3% to 5%. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be

38、 spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories. ( B) Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories. ( C) The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French. ( D

39、) Elizabeth Vergoose published the first Mother Goose Stories. ( A) A real person. ( B) A book written by a little old woman. ( C) A collection by Elizabeth Vergoose. ( D) A translation from French. ( A) When Perrault published his first book in 1679, no story of the book had been known to people. (

40、 B) When Perrault published his first book in 1679, stories of the book were already well known. ( C) When Perrault published his first book in 1679, few people were interested in the stories of the book. ( D) When Perrault published his first book in 1679, all of the stories had been popular with e

41、veryone. ( A) Living things. ( B) Living things and nonliving things. ( C) The environmental problems caused by industry and people. ( D) The interrelationship of living things to their environment. ( A) People living in the United States. ( B) People living in the United States and Canada. ( C) Sci

42、entists living in the United states and Canada. ( D) Everyone but experts living in Canada. ( A) To show interest to ecology. ( B) To criticize people for ignoring others interests. ( C) To make people aware that they are destroying their own living surroundings. ( D) To attract more people to study

43、 ecology so that they can discuss it more often. ( A) Its fast pace and rhythms. ( B) Its simple themes. ( C) Its beautiful melodies. ( D) Its features. ( A) South America ( B) The countryside throughout America. ( C) Urban areas in the southern U.S.A. ( D) The countryside in the Southern U.S.A. ( A

44、) It originates from the American Indians. ( B) It has simple themes and melodies. ( C) It mainly expresses the miseries or Black people and their hard Jives. ( D) It describes the situations and feelings of the American people. ( A) Five. ( B) Four. ( C) Six. ( D) . More than six Section C Directio

45、ns: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just hear

46、d. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 China is to work out a national【 B1】 _ regulation to safeguard healthier nutrition【 B2】 _ and ensure food safety amo

47、ng all of its 1.3 billion population. The country could also establish a national nutrition working committee, a planned ministerial government department to【 B3】 _ the development and healthy growth of the sector. The regulation. which has been in the【 B4】 _ for more than a year and is now under【 B

48、5】 _ by the Ministry of Health, will be submitted to the State Council for【 B6】 _ later this year and could be put into place early next year, according to Zhang Chengyu, assistant counsel of the Department of Health Policy and【 B7】 _ under the Ministry of Health. It will become the countrys【 B8】 _

49、following some previously released rulings to protect food safety in China. The new regulation is aimed at【 B9】 _ in order to have a better nutrition supply and intake, said Zhang. The regulation,【 B10】 _ will also be reviewed by related government departments. These include the Ministry of Health, the State Development and Reform Commission, according to Zhang. But【 B11】 . 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【


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