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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 326及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled On Buying Second hand Textbooks. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given bellow. 1. 有人认为买二手书好; 2. 有人认为买二手书不好; 3. 我的看法。 On Buying Sec

2、ond-hand Textbooks 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the informati

3、on given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Isnt It Time to Right the Wrong? By Tom Seligson In the summer of 1944, Port Chicago a Navy base 30 miles northeast of San Franc

4、isco was the scene of a devastating explosion. Hundreds of lives were lost in whats considered the deadliest home-front disaster of the war. Most of the dead and injured were African-Americans, put in harms way by a segregated military little concerned for their safety. Worse, racism lay at the hear

5、t of the disaster and later of an event that has been called one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in our history. At the time, Port Chicago was the busiest ammunition depot on the West Coast. The sailors worked around the clock, loading bombs, depth charges and torpedoes onto ships headed for

6、the Pacific theater. In the segregated U.S. Navy, the job of loading the deadly ammunition was performed only by black sailors. “To find yourself loading ammunition was a disappointment,“ recalls Robert Routh, an African-American sailor from Memphis who was 19 at the time. “We all wanted to be actua

7、lly fighting. But we knew that what we did was essential to the war.“ Essential but risky. “Loading ammunition was extremely dangerous,“ explains Robert L. Allen, author of The Port Chicago Mutiny and the foremost authority on the events. “The sailors were given no training for it. On top of that, i

8、t was common practice for the officers to pit the men against each other, betting to see who could load their boat the fastest.“ A Coast Guard detail working at the port warned the Navy that these unsafe conditions could lead to a disaster. The Navy refused to change its procedures, and the Coast Gu

9、ard withdrew its men. The Night Calm Was Shattered On the evening of July 17, 1944, two cargo ships were tied up at the pier. The E. A. Bryan was almost fully loaded with 4600 tons of cluster bombs, depth charges and 40 millimeter shells. The Quinalt Victory had just docked. Robert Routh and fellow

10、sailor Percy Robinson, 18, from Chicago, were in their barracks. At 10: 19, the night calm was shattered. “I was in my bunk when the explosion occurred,“ recalls Robinson. “I was looking out the window, and all of a sudden everything turned to sun light. 1 jumped up to see what was happening, and th

11、en I felt the concussion. I instinctively covered my face with my arms. Then a second explosion lifted me up and knocked me to the floor.“ Robert Routh also turned toward the window at the first explosion. “It was the greatest fireworks you ever wanted to see,“ he recalls. It also was the last thing

12、 he ever saw. “With the second explosion, glass went everywhere. It was a combination of the glass and the concussion that destroyed my eyes.“ The second explosion was so powerful that seismographs (地震仪 ) at Berkeley recorded it as an earthquake. The E.A. Bryan was blown into tiny pieces. The Quinal

13、t Victory was ripped apart, and Port Chicagos wooden pier was completely destroyed. The human cost was even worse. Everyone on the pier and aboard the two ships was killed. Of the 320 fatalities, 202 were black. And of the 390 injured, 233 were black. As bad as it was, though, the disaster might not

14、 have made history if it werent for what followed. The Navys Insult A Navy court of inquiry ruled out sabotage. It heard testimony about the unsafe conditions at the port, but its final report absolved the white officers of any responsibility and blamed the tragedy on “rough handling“ of the ex plos

15、ives by the black sailors. Then the white officers were granted 30-day leaves. “None of the black sailors were granted leaves,“ says Robinson, who suffered lacerations (裂伤 ) to his face, head and arms. “I requested 30 days of leave, which youre entitled to if youre wounded. 1 was turned down.“ In st

16、ead, they were given the grim task of collecting the remains of their fellow sailors. “You can imagine the psychological impact this had,“ says Routh. “My loss of sight was traumatic, but everyone had traumatic needs, physical or mental. And no help was given.“ The Sailors Take a Stand Instead, thre

17、e weeks after the explosion, the black sailors were ordered back to work. But the men had had enough. Of the 328 ordered to resume loading ammunition, 258 refused. Rouths blindness had ended his military Service, but Robinson just released from the hospital was among those who balked. “We all had ou

18、r reasons for not going back to work,“ he ex plains. “Some were afraid of another explosion. I was angry that they wouldnt let me go home.“ All 258 black sailors were locked up on a barge. “A few days later, we were led out and addressed by the admiral,“ recalls Robinson. “He told us that if we didn

19、t go back to work, we would be charged with mutiny (哗变 ). And mutiny is punishable by death by a firing squad. I believed he meant it, so I was one of 208 men who stepped forward. I was put in prison anyway. I was charged with disobeying an order.“ The 50 sailors who still refused to go back to work

20、 were, in fact, charged with mutiny. Mutiny Charged It was the largest mass-mutiny trial in U.S. Navy history. “Their lawyer was a junior officer going up against senior officers,“ explains Robert L. Allen. “He took the position that the men were in shock and fear, and that led to a work stoppage. T

21、here was no conspiracy to commit mutiny. This was nothing but a peaceful sit-down strike.“ The trial received a lot of attention and was followed closely by Thurgood Marshall, the future Supreme Court justice who was then chief counsel for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Color

22、ed People). Fully aware of the conditions at Port Chicago and how segregation, un fair treatment and discriminatory orders had contributed to the incident, Marshall noted: “This is not 50 men on trial for mutiny. This is the Navy on trial for its whole vicious policy toward Negroes.“ Injustice Conti

23、nued But after 32 days of hearings, the court deliberated only 80 minutes be fore finding all the sailors guilty. They were sentenced to 15 years in prison. The 208 sailors who had initially joined them were imprisoned for 90 days, then given summary courts-martial and bad-conduct discharges. The ve

24、rdicts caused a public uproar in black communities. Thurgood Marshall appealed the case to the Pentagon, and even Eleanor Roosevelt be came involved. But the Navy refused to reconsider the convictions. It wasnt until 1946, in the general euphoria (兴奋 ) over the end of the war, that the Port Chicago

25、sailors along with many other imprisoned servicemen were granted clemency and released. Ironically, from behind bars, the accused had helped to achieve some of their objectives. “With all the protests, the Navy realized it had a public relations problem,“ says Allen. “They brought in white sailors t

26、o help load ammunition. This began the process of desegregation in the Navy.“ The survivors of Port Chicago returned home, but what had happened to them continued to weigh on their lives. “Many of the men were still living with a sense of humiliation and shame over their being imprisoned for mutiny,

27、“ Allen says. Can We Set This Right? Over the past decades, many influential people have been trying to clear the names of the men. This whole event was a miscarriage of justice based on the racism of the time. What these men did by disobeying were acts of personal courage. The Navy did review the c

28、ases in 1994, but it upheld the original convictions. “The Navy has a lot of trouble admitting mistakes,“ says Miller. “They keep saying the trials were fair. Well, the trials only took place because the sailors were African-American. They would not have been on trial if they hadnt been.“ Finally, i

29、n 1999, President Clinton granted a pardon to one of the only surviving Port Chicago sailors convicted of mutiny Freddie Meeks. Percy Robinsons defiant spirit (he was once a boxer) is still evident. He told his lawyers he didnt want a pardon to erase the court-martial on his record. “A pardon means

30、Im forgiven for something I did wrong. I dont think I did anything wrong,“ he asserts. After 35 years as a research scientist in Los Angeles, Robinson is now on his second career as a commercial photographer. Despite his blindness, Robert Routh went back to school, eventually earning a masters degre

31、e at Pepperdine Univcrsity. Robust and good humored, he still works fulltime as a benefits counselor with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Port Chicago itself no longer exists. The site of the explosion is now part of the Concord Naval Weapons Station, which is used by the Army. The only sign of

32、the tragedy that once occurred here are the pilings from the old pier. In 1994, a monument was built and a chapel dedicated to commemorate the men who lost their lives. To further honor the memory of those men, there is an ongoing campaign to support the issuance of a Port Chicago stamp by the U.S.

33、Postal Service. Forty members of Congress already are behind the initiative. “A stamp will help make people aware of the great injustice that was done here,“ believes Robert L. Allen. “It would be an appropriate way to recognize this tragedy and honor these men.“ 2 There was something disastrous hap

34、pening on an evening of mid-July in 1944: two ships, fully loaded with ammunition, were exploded in a Navy base near San Francisco. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Hundreds of people who were killed or injured in the explosion were all African Americans. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The root cause of this traged

35、y consisted in the prevalent racism in the U.S. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 None were fully aware of the unsafe conditions for loading ammunition until the explosion occurred. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 A Navy court of inquiry ruled that this accident was attributed to _. 7 Three weeks after the explosion,

36、 when the black sailors were ordered back to work most of them _. 8 There were 50 black sailors who firmly refused to go back to work even though they wcrc threatened _. 9 After 32 days of trial, the 50 black sailors were sentenced _. 10 According to Thurgood Marshall, the then chief counsel for the

37、 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the mutiny trial was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American history: it was not 50 men on trial for mutiny, but _. 11 In order to right the wrong by further honoring these people, a campaign is being launched to _. Section

38、A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During t

39、he pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He fixes bicycles. ( B) He raises sheep. ( C) He sells chairs. ( D) Hes a gardener. ( A) He is having a hard time letting his apartment. ( B) He prefers his old tenant to the new one. ( C) He is

40、not accustomed to living with the new tenant yet. ( D) He doesnt want to let his apartment to her. ( A) Courageous. ( B) Lazy. ( C) Curious. ( D) Cowardly. ( A) English husbands usually do a lot of housework. ( B) English husbands usually do little housework. ( C) English husbands are good at sports

41、. ( D) English husbands enjoy doing housework. ( A) Peter will quit his job. ( B) Peter is joking. ( C) Peter has sold his house. ( D) Peter will not sell his house. ( A) Shes looking for her raincoat. ( B) Shes soaking her clothes. ( C) She wants to close the window. ( D) She got caught in the rain

42、. ( A) He is interested in reading. ( B) Hed like to read the book very much. ( C) He has already read the book. ( D) He feels sorry that the woman doesnt know him very well. ( A) John was not at home when the woman called. ( B) The woman dialed the wrong number. ( C) John is a plumber. ( D) John wa

43、s too busy to come. ( A) They had to work during the performance. ( B) They couldnt find time. ( C) They couldnt afford to go. ( D) The tickets were sold out. ( A) The performances have been rescheduled. ( B) Student discount tickets are available. ( C) Prices for all tickets have been reduced. ( D)

44、 Ushers are needed at the theater. ( A) She doubts it will work. ( B) She thinks they dont have enough time. ( C) Shes enthusiastic about it. ( D) Shes happy to get so much money. ( A) Tuesday. ( B) Friday. ( C) Saturday. ( D) Sunday. ( A) English. ( B) History. ( C) Biology. ( D) Geography. ( A) Mo

45、nday. ( B) Tuesday. ( C) Wednesday. ( D) Thursday. ( A) Finish them on schedule. ( B) Browse them all during the first week. ( C) Read the relevant ones ahead of lectures or seminars. ( D) Select and read the most helpful. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the

46、 end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) To fight against social injustice. ( B) To develop and exchange social and econ

47、omic projects. ( C) To launch a campaign against environmental pollution. ( D) To preserve natural resources. ( A) Because it has widened the gap between the very rich and the very poor. ( B) Because it has proven an oppressive economic policy. ( C) Because it has totally ignored the needs of the po

48、orest people. ( D) Because it has caused worldwide environmental problems. ( A) From a half to two thirds. ( B) Their share has almost doubled. ( C) By three times. ( D) Up to 86%. ( A) On the item. ( B) In the store. ( C) On the window. ( D) On the stall. ( A) When money is offered. ( B) When the c

49、ustomer says he will buy them. ( C) When the merchant accepts the offer of the buyer. ( D) All of the above. ( A) No, he is not allowed to change his mind. ( B) Yes, he has the legal right to do so. ( C) No, because he has already displayed the goods. ( D) Yes, if the customer allows him to do so. ( A) A drivers license. ( B) A passport. ( C) An international credit card. ( D) A deposit. ( A) Turning right at a red light. ( B) Driving in freeways without a local drivers license. ( C) P


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