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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 358及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title of An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见

2、证书。见证书须包括以下几点: 1. 车祸发生的时间及地点 2. 你所见到的车祸情况 3. 你对车祸原因的分析 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the

3、 statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Intelligent Transport System Today, there are many ways to travel around a large metropolita

4、n area, for work or pleasure. You could walk, although the range is admittedly low. You could bicycle, but you still do a lot of work, and its dangerous. You could drive a car, which takes concentration and sobriety and a license. You could ride a bus, and let someone else drive. You could take a tr

5、ain, and let a computer drive you. Or you could fly, and wait a long time for the plane to take off and land. All modes of transportation have advantages, and disadvantages. However, in recent decades, the single system that has won over all others is the private automobile. This allows you to go fr

6、om your starting point to your destination point, with your complete control, at a reasonable speed in a reasonable time. Unfortunately, apart from the pollutants created by the vehicle itself, the fact that so many other people seem to enjoy its perceived freedom causes major traffic jams, and the

7、requirement for traffic control devices. Too many people using too little road space at the same time causes traffic jams. It is most profound on large grade separated roads, that have limited access. There have been various solutions tried out, including high occupancy vehicle lanes, ramp metering,

8、 or road widening. Unfortunately, they simply dont solve the problem of lack of capacity. Traffic control devices impose certain controls on the flow of traffic. Most common are traffic lights. These meter the flow of traffic between two or more roads so that at no time is any vehicle in conflict wi

9、th any other. However, they also impose that traffic comes to a complete stop, requiring vehicles to stop and then start again. This not only slows vehicles down, but also is the prime cause of wasted energy in urban settings. Unfortunately, cities are very reluctant to spend money. Therefore any fu

10、ture transport system has to be cheap for cities. This implies that current infrastructure is kept as much as possible, or improved. Using roads, the prime infrastructure available today would mean the form factor for vehicles would stay the same, but each individual vehicle could be made more intel

11、ligent. So for tomorrow, we need to design a transport system that uses roads or a very slight improvement on roads to provide a high capacity system that provides service for everyone. This could be achieved by implementing the following eight systems, each of which provides more of a burden on the

12、 car manufacturer, but would eventually provide a system, which is automatic, safe and efficient. Firstly, all cars should have intelligence brakes and cruise control. These would remove the driver from the responsibility of having to follow along behind somebody. By pressing a button, the driver wo

13、uld give control of the distance between his car and the car in front. If the car in front slowed down, you would not have to wait for the brake lights to light up, the driver to see them, Wen press the brake pedal the right amount, and continuously monitor the distance. Instead the car would be pro

14、grammed to continuously monitor the distance to the car in front and instantly alter its speed to match and maintain the distance. By speeding up the feedback circuit, you can close the distance of cars, and therefore increase the capacity. You also remove driver error so reducing the number of acci

15、dents. Also, cars could communicate locally with each other and ware ahead of time that following cars need to slow down. Next, you need to remove the driver from the responsibility of steering the vehicle. Having complex vision systems on a car seems over the top as they not only dramatically incre

16、ase the cost of the car, but also the complexity of the control software. Instead you could build detector into the front of the car that detect the middle of a lane of traffic. The car would try and keep the vehicle in that lane. Junctions could be built by having the centerline split. The operator

17、 or route planning software would decide which of the two or more signals to follow. Separating lanes of automatic cars from those driven by humans especially on high speed highways, would give an incentive to not only purchase an automatic car but also to purchase the road space which it uses. Sinc

18、e these separate lanes would have not only fast moving traffic but also safer traffic, they could be marked and sold by cities to create a revenue stream to allow the building of more augmented roads. Having a device in the car that does route planning is a great help for people who dont know the wa

19、y around your city. But what if you lived in the city for many years? Its not going to be that much use, is it? By linking route planning with real time information on traffic levels in the city, you can quickly divert your journey to use the most efficient roads. This information could be relayed t

20、o vehicles using broadcast radio. Roadside sensors that determine the flow of traffic on a road would detect the speeds. The ability to remove the parking requirements from near a building would allow more compact cities, which are better pedestrian environments. However, people dont like to walk fr

21、om a parking structure that is a long way from their destination. The solution is to allow the car to drop off the passengers where required and then drive itself to the nearest parking structure that is known to have a space. By automatically controlling the speed and location of all traffic, you c

22、an make junctions work very efficiently. At the moment, some traffic has to stop, and when it resumes, the cars spread out into a large disperse volume. Instead you could move each group of cars as a packet, adjusting its speed so that it arrives at an intersection at just the right time so that it

23、never has to stop. This could be achieved by changing the speed of a section of road so those cars slow down gradually. The speeds of road segments would be set by nearby junction computers each linked to the other. This would create a holistic traffic control system. If one section lost power, the

24、system would revert to a normal junction. When a group of people move from one location to another, it would make sense to allow them to travel together instead of having to each use a separate vehicle. On demand group transport would allow the request of a large vehicle which can automatically move

25、 people from one location to another. These vehicles would be stored at strategic locations, and then sent to the requesting site as quickly as possible. Vehicles could be booked in advance, and you pay by the time used in minutes, not the distance traveled or destination. At the other end is the re

26、placement of the taxi. This would be similar to the group transport but for smaller groups. Again these vehicles would be stored at strategic locations, so that people dont have to wait very long. Again they are hired by the minute of use. Since you are no longer required to own your own vehicle, th

27、e total number of vehicles required in the whole system is reduced, and therefore the number of parking spaces required. Given a fully demand driven transport system, you would never need to find another parking space in your life. After the above is implemented, you have on demand private or group

28、transport vehicles driving themselves from point to point without the need to stop at junctions, wait for traffic jams on freeways, or get lost along the way. 2 Riding a bicycle takes concentration, sobriety and a license. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Private automobile is the most important mode of tran

29、sportation in recent decades. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Air pollution is the most serious problem caused by the exist of too many private automobiles. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Traffic lights are the most common traffic control devices. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Drivers can be free from the responsibility

30、 of having to follow along behind someone with the help of _. 7 Having complex vision system will increase the cost of the car and increase _. 8 You can have fast moving and safer traffic in _. 9 To solve the problem of parking, we need the car to drive itself to the nearest parking structure after

31、_. 10 We have a request of a large vehicle which can automatically move people from one location to another to meet the demand of _. 11 In order to be prompt, taxi for the transport of smaller groups should be stored at _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations an

32、d 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and de

33、cide which is the best answer. ( A) It always snows during the winter here. ( B) The woman likes the cold weather but not the snow. ( C) The man doesnt like snow. ( D) The man agrees with the woman. ( A) Prof. Greens class is awful. ( B) She loves Prof. Greens class but hates walking around the bush

34、. ( C) Shes not satisfied because Prof. Green doesnt stick to the point. ( D) She has no idea about Prof. Greens class. ( A) The man thinks the decoration of the house is terrible. ( B) The man is looking forward to moving into the house. ( C) The man has no taste for the houses decoration. ( D) The

35、 decoration of the house is to the womans taste. ( A) The man thinks ear racing is too exciting to miss. ( B) The man prefers dog racing to horse or car racing. ( C) The woman prefers horse racing to dog or car racing. ( D) The woman dislikes dogs and cars. ( A) Mark wants to travel by air. ( B) Mar

36、k likes the CEO very much. ( C) Mark is greatly interested in power. ( D) Mark can seize opportunities in time. ( A) The government should help those youngsters. ( B) The government should take the place of those youngsters. ( C) The government should encourage those youngsters. ( D) The government

37、should place restrictions on those youngsters. ( A) She likes riding horses. ( B) She has been promoted once a year. ( C) She won the second place in a contest. ( D) She is very excited. ( A) He got the camera at a very low price. ( B) The camera is very expensive. ( C) The camera is worth nothing.

38、( D) He does not like the camera. ( A) Teacher and student. ( B) Mother and son. ( C) Classmates. ( D) Brother and sister ( A) Warm-hearted, self-disciplined, patient. ( B) Hot-tempered, diligent, kind. ( C) Easy-going, warm-hearted, stubborn. ( D) Self-centered, hard-working, considerate. ( A) He s

39、pends much school time playing computer games. ( B) He often dozes off in class. ( C) He doesnt take the assignments seriously. ( D) He plays computer games because the textbooks are dull and lectures are boring. ( A) The influence of coffee on the heart. ( B) What kind of gene is beneficial to peop

40、le. ( C) How to find out what gene one has. ( D) How many cups of coffee people should have each day. ( A) Coffee is good for the heart. ( B) Coffee is bad for the heart. ( C) Coffee is both good and bad for the heart. ( D) There are still no findings about the influence of coffee on the heart. ( A)

41、 Coffee drinkers with a lower version of the gene. ( B) Coffee drinkers with a faster version of the gene. ( C) People who drink coffee three times a day. ( D) People who drink alcohol much. ( A) Research shows that most people are carrying a gene that allows the body to break down caffeine quickly.

42、 ( B) Research shows that even some people have faster gene, they should limit the cups of coffee each day. ( C) Drinking coffee will only do harm to peoples health. ( D) People who have a slower gene should not drink coffee more than three cups a day. Section B Directions: In this section, you will

43、 hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Within 1 year. ( B) Within 2 years. ( C) Within 3

44、 years. ( D) Within 4 years. ( A) About one third. ( B) About two thirds. ( C) Less than half. ( D) More than half. ( A) To prepare disabled people for later life. ( B) To provide equal opportunities for disabled people. ( C) To analyze the success of disabled people. ( D) To measure the success of

45、federal laws and programs. ( A) By greeting each other very politely. ( B) By exchanging their views on public affairs. ( C) By displaying their feelings and emotions. ( D) By asking each other some personal questions. ( A) Refrain from showing his feelings. ( B) Argue fiercely. ( C) Express his opi

46、nion frankly. ( D) Yell loudly. ( A) Getting rich quickly. ( B) Respecting individual rights. ( C) Distinguishing oneself. ( D) Doing credit to ones community. ( A) Seasoned foods. ( B) Salads. ( C) Sea fish. ( D) Sweets. ( A) Would you order now or later? ( B) Do you like to have your tea now or la

47、ter? ( C) Would you like to settle the bill now or after you finish your meal? ( D) Do you want coffee with your meal or after it? ( A) To take whatever drink being served. ( B) To ask for the drink you like best. ( C) To have soft drinks rather than alcoholic drinks. ( D) To make sure that the host

48、ess will give you a choice of drinks. ( A) Poultry. ( B) Meat. ( C) Bread. ( D) Fish. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second tim

49、e, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Unemployment is a deeply【 B1】 _ sensitive political issue for Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Back in 1998 he was【 B2】 _ for his first term on a promise that the jobless count would be brought down to【 B3】 _


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