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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 370及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay commenting on the evaluation of teachers performance done by the students. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1不少大学让学生参与任课

2、老师教学情况的测评 2对此改革措施校方、教师、学生的看法不一 3学生测评教师的益处以及可能产生的问题 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the sta

3、tement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Animal Einsteins When it comes to intelligence, human beings are the top dogs of the animal king

4、dom. Or so we tell ourselves. But in recent years, scientists have been documenting surprising intelligence and emotional depth in animals ranging from humble honeybees to thundering elephants. Through studies in labs and in the wild, researchers have found animals communicating complex ideas, solvi

5、ng problems, using tools and expressing their feelings behaviors once thought to be uniquely human. The intelligence were talking about is more than, say, training a dog to detect cancer in humans, a feat that may save many lives. Its the ability of the animal to use an innate trait for a complex pu

6、rpose. Here are, some amazing examples. Artistic Monkey Business When Janet Schmid became executive director of the Little River Zoo in Norman, Oklahoma, in 1996, she learned a lot about the intelligence of monkeys. She and her husband adopted a young male who had a naughty personality, and named hi

7、m Mr. Bailey. The monkey particularly liked taking car rides, insisting that he insert the ignition key and ride shotgun in the passengers seat. “He loved to duck below the window as wed come to an intersection“, Schmid recalls, “When wed stop, hed jump up and laugh at the car next to us, just to ge

8、t a rise out Of the passengers“. Now 12 years old, Mr. Bailey has become an avid painter. He uses a variety of brush strokes to create colorful, abstract canvases and, like any temperamental artist, prefers not to be disturbed while creating his art. “Hell paint steadily for almost an hour and wont

9、let anyone interrupt him until he puts down his brush“, says Schmid. “Hes amazing to watch bemuse you can tell theres a thought process occurring. When we raised him, we quit watching TV because be was so entertaining“. Ivy League Parrot The term birdbrain is considered an insult, but some birds act

10、ually are pretty brainy. One African grey parrot in suburban Boston is said to have the cognitive abilities of a five-year-old child. Alex (for Avian Learning Experiment) is a 29-year-old bird thats been tutored most of his life by Irene Pepperberg, PhD, a Harvard-educated professor now teaching at

11、Brandeis University. Alex can identify 50 different objects, seven colors, five shapes, quantities up to six, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same and different. “And he said, Im tarry“, reports Pepperberg. “He knew what was appropriate to say“. Pepperberg insists that Alex makes reasoned decis

12、ions meaning he possesses language abilities once thought to separate humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. During an experiment in 2004, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of two, three and six. When asked which color group bed five blocks, Alex replied, “None“. And he rep

13、eated the answer in duplicate tests. Although Alex had previously learned the term to describe the difference between two identically sized objects, he apparently interpreted the concept of “none“ as an absence of quantity all on his own. “The important thing was not just that he understood a zero-l

14、ike concept“, says Pepperberg, “but that he was able to take information from one domain and apply it to another. Thats a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show“. Such feats have made Alex a celebrity. Cultured Orangutans (猩猩 ) Because orangutans and humans share 97 percen

15、t of the same DNA, its no surprise that the primates exhibit impressive brainpower. Take Chantek, a 28-year-old living in Zoo Atlanta. Raised like a human child by anthropologist H. Lyn Miles, PhD, Chantek learned to use a toilet, clean his room and receive an allowance, which he spent on trips to M

16、cDonalds. Today he knows more than 150 words in sign language and can comprehend spoken English. Likened to a four-year-old child, he can also make necklaces, play Simon Says, and sign that he wants a car ride to the park. “We can have a conversation and play games together“, says Miles, a professor

17、 of anthropology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. “He might sign bed sleep hug if he wants a nighttime hug before going to sleep“; Miles says Chantek has even invented some new words, signing “tomato toothpaste“ for ketchup, and “eye drink“ for contact lens solution. Chantek calls hims

18、elf an “orangutan person“ to distinguish himself from others. Emotional Elephants Known for their legendary memories, elephants also exhibit jumbo-sized compassion. When one elephant in a herd is slowed from injury, the rest will wait until it-catches up. And if an elephant gets stuck in a mud hole,

19、 others help. “Theyll try to get under the elephant like a forklift“, says Marc Bekoff, PhD, a professor of animal behavior at the University of Colorado in Boulder. “Then theyll push it out“. Bekoff, author of Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues, notes that after an elephant dies, the others in its

20、 herd will grieve. He observed a group of elephants in northern Kenya after the death of their matriarch. “They were just moping (闷闷不乐 ) around with their heads and tails low“, says Bekoff. “Clearly they were in mourning“. Elephants also demonstrated their sensitivity and compassion before the 2OO4

21、tsunami slammed into the coast of Thailand. Eyewitnesses reported that elephants were screaming and running for higher ground. But on the way, they used their trunks to scoop up and save about a dozen tourists. Buzzing Prodigies (天才 ) Its hard to imagine something as small as a bug having much in th

22、e brain department. But the humble honeybee possesses the second-most complex language, after humans. When a honeybee returns to a hive after dining on flower nectar, it performs a complex waggle dance to tell other bees whether the meal is worth a trip. “The honeybee can send 10,000 messages, provi

23、ding the distance, direction and quantity of food“, says James Gould, PhD, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton University. “Not even chimps or dolphins can say as many things“. Some critics argue that bee dances reflect innate behavior rather than intelligence, but Gould ins

24、ists that the bees are brainy. If they sense a storm coming, theyll stop their dance so other bees wont get caught in the rain while searching for food. And when theyre looking for a new home, honeybee scouts whove found a dry spot will suddenly change their dance if an observer pours a glass of wat

25、er inside. “Theyre a lot like people judging whether to buy a house“, says Gould. Smart Suckers Octopuses may be spineless, but theyre not brainless. At the Seattle Aquarium, marine biologist Roland Anderson, PhD, reports that giant, Pacific octopuses (GPOs) are not only intelligent creatures but al

26、so leaded with personality. One female was named Emily Dickinson because she was so shy she used to hide in a narrow space behind the tanks backdrop. A frisky male became Leisure Suit Larry, due to his fondness for groping volunteers who wandered too close to his tank. “If he were a man, hed have be

27、en cited for sexual harassment“, says Anderson. Last year, Anderson devised an unusual intelligence test. He put some small fish into a plastic jar with a wide-mouth screw top and gave them to seven different GPOs. Most of the octopuses had trouble opening the jars. But after Anderson drilled holes

28、in the jar tops so the GPOs could smell the small fish, the octopuses performed better. Then he coated the outside of the jars with fr6sen fish to keep the GPOs interest, and this time, they quickly opened the lids. “A sign of their intelligence“, says Anderson. Creative Dolphins As far back as Aris

29、totle, dolphins have been known as wise guardians of the sea, protecting sailors from sharks and guiding ships to land. Whats more impressive is dolphins ability to communicate with each other, especially over vast distances. Dolphins emit high-pitched whistles to converse with other dolphins they c

30、ant see. Some also can understand sign language. At the University of Hawaiis Dolphin Institute, trainers taught a female named Akeakamai the meaning of words and the word order of sentences. So when trainers signed “person surfboard fetch“, Akeakamai knew to “take the surfboard to the person“. And

31、when the trainers switched the gestures to say “surfboard person fetch“, the dolphin knew she had to “take the person to the surfboard“. In a show of dolphins inventiveness, trainers may gesture “create tandem“, and a pair of dolphins will perform a series of moves in synchrony. “They may swim in a

32、circle, leap out of the water in a spinning motion and spit water out of their mouths together“, says Louis Herman, PhD, director of the Dolphin Institute. “We never know what theyll do. And to this day, researchers are uncertain how the dolphins tell each other what moves theyll display“. 2 Such be

33、haviors as communicating complex ideas and using tools are not unique to human any more. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Monkey Bailey once lived in Little River Zoo. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Among the animals referred to in the passage, monkey is the most intelligent. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Mr. Bailey, the

34、 “monkey artist“, prefers to finish its drawing with the help of others. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The term birdbrain is used to describe _ people. 7 The orangutans DNA is _ to the humans. 8 Chantek, the “orangutan person“, signs “tomato toothpaste“ and “eye drink“ for _ respectively. 9 Elephants mour

35、n for the dead by _. 10 About the buzzing prodigies, people argue _. 11 It is reported by Roland Anderson that the GPOs are filled with _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will

36、be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The man should sleep for a while. ( B) The man s

37、hould finish the job right now. ( C) The man should try to concentrate on the job. ( D) The man should get some exercises. ( A) Go to check the dining hall again. ( B) Borrow her book. ( C) Ask about the book at the information desk. ( D) Buy a new one. ( A) Make her topic much more general. ( B) To

38、 focus on a narrower topic. ( C) Change to an entirely new topic. ( D) Rewrite her research paper. ( A) The mans wife should try to be more understanding. ( B) The depression of the mans wife may he the result of her past experiences. ( C) The mans negative attitude may be derived from his childhood

39、. ( D) It is easy for the man to help his wife out of pessimism. ( A) $450. ( B) $750. ( C) $600. ( D) $800. ( A) He was always late to work. ( B) He got furious with his boss last week. ( C) He made a serious mistake in a financial problem. ( D) He wanted to take care of his wife. ( A) A fight. ( B

40、) A traffic accident. ( C) A sandstorm. ( D) An earthquake. ( A) She disagrees with father. ( B) She wants to live in the suburbs. ( C) She turns a deaf ear to her husbands words. ( D) She is offended by the children. ( A) A meeting. ( B) An important business. ( C) One of their women colleagues. (

41、D) The reception of one of their clients. ( A) The dress code is strictly formal in the company. ( B) It is cold at the time of the season. ( C) It will make him look professional. ( D) The woman likes the way he dresses. ( A) She will be shown around the city. ( B) She will be in a meeting immediat

42、ely. ( C) There is a dinner arranged for her. ( D) She will go to the hotel to have a rest. ( A) Two years. ( B) Three years. ( C) Five years. ( D) Eight years. ( A) By a hill. ( B) A concert. ( C) The waterfall scenery. ( D) A hotel they once stayed in. ( A) A pet dog. ( B) The son of the couple. (

43、 C) A pet cat. ( D) The mans younger brother. ( A) The mans mother. ( B) They take him with them. ( C) The womans mother ( D) A baby-sitter. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the quest

44、ions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) The coffee market in Boston. ( B) The role of supermarkets in the coffee business. ( C) A new trend in the United States. ( D) The advertising of a new product.

45、( A) Gourmet coffee is less expensive. ( B) Regular brands of coffee have too much caffeine. ( C) Gourmet coffee tastes better. ( D) Gourmet coffee is grown in the United States. ( A) They will run out of coffee. ( B) They will successfully compete with gourmet coffee sellers. ( C) They will introdu

46、ce new regular brands of coffee. ( D) They will lose some coffee business. ( A) How to analyze photographic techniques. ( B) How to define photography. ( C) How Alfred Stieglitz contributed to the history of photography. ( D) Whether photography is superior to other art forms. ( A) They were influen

47、ced by his background in engineering. ( B) They were very expensive to take. ( C) They were among the first taken under such condition. ( D) Most of them were of poor quality. ( A) He thought the copying process took too long. ( B) He considered each photograph to be unique. ( C) He didnt have the n

48、ecessary equipment for reproduction. ( D) He didnt want them to be displayed outside of his home. ( A) One. ( B) Two. ( C) Three. ( D) Four. ( A) Nothing about the mountains. ( B) The real experience of being in the mountains. ( C) Mountain climbing with family members. ( D) Skills of rock climbing.

49、 ( A) Mountain climbing. ( B) Rock climbing. ( C) Hiking. ( D) Fishing. ( A) Because the mountain is over 12,000 feet high. ( B) Because he had no experience since he left college. ( C) Because his wife wasnt good at mountain climbing. ( D) Because his children were too young. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is

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