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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 471及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Drunk Driving. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 众所周知,酒后驾车 十分危险 2但近年来越来越多的人酒后驾车原因是 3我认为 Say No to Drunk Drivin

2、g 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the p

3、assage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Seven Secrets of Naturally Thin People You hate them. You know the type the ones who never bat an eye when it comes time t o order lunch or dinne

4、r. Ask them their weight and they probably cant even tell you they dont know it. Question them about calorie count and youre likely to be answered with a blank stare. They are the men and women who dont give weight watching a second thought. And thats the very reason theyre at a happy, healthy weigh

5、t. They are naturally thin peoplethe enemy to anyone whos ever battled extra pound. But please dont hate them. You too can be one of them, says Dr. Doris Mccubbrey, author of How Much Does Your Soul Weight: Diet-Free Solutions to Your Food, Weight and Body Worries. The weight issues specialist and l

6、icensed professional counselor has spent the last 15 years helping people explore their weight woes (悲哀 ). Dr. Doris, the “Dont Diet“ doctor, has made it her mission to take the focus off the scale and put it on what she calls intuitive (直觉的 ) self-care. Its that kind of treatment that the Colorado

7、counselor encourages. She tries to steer her clients away from overly restrictive diets. The idea, according to Dr. Doris, is to emulate (仿效 ) the way a naturally thin person thinks. For starters, the world doesnt revolve around the number on the scale. “Sometimes we think, when Im thin enough, Ill

8、be happy.“ says Dr. Doris, who describes herself as someone who was the wrong kind of dieter for 15 years. “A naturally thin person knows how to be happy first, beyond weight success. Its freedom to enjoy your life. Its about healthier relationships and being able to achieve the goals you want for y

9、ourself professionally. Its finding the time to enjoy some pleasures in life, like the vacations youve always wanted to take or the personal goals youve always wanted to achieve. Its having the energy and desire and ability to follow through on these things. Its a fuller, richer life.“ According to

10、Dr. Doris, were all born naturally thin. However, its the way we think that takes away this mentality (心理 ). It all begins when we go on our first diet, she says. Dr. Doris is quick to point out theres a big difference between being thin and being a naturally thin person. There are those who struggl

11、e with anorexia (厌食 ) or rely on starvation to avoid weight gain. These people are engaging in unhealthy physical and mental behaviors. When it comes to weight loss, one size does not fit all, she says. Before you can even get started on a healthy approach to dealing with your weight, its important

12、to get in the right state of mind. Dr. Doris has the seven healthy secrets of naturally thin people that can help you get one step closer. Secret 1: Practice intuitive weight maintenance Naturally thin people have a stable weight and dont worry what it is. Naturally thin people dont weigh, measure o

13、r otherwise keep track of their bodies dimensions. You wont even find a bathroom scale at a naturally thin persons house. They dont need to weigh themselves, because they trust their bodies to regulate their own weight. Secret 2: Apply an intuitive attitude Naturally thin people have a positive view

14、 of themselves and their lives. People who have never had a weight problem know that the key to happiness is in how they perceive themselves and their lives. They have a wonderful self-image, because they have not allowed societys pres sure to influence them. Besides appearance, some people criticiz

15、e themselves for their thoughts, feelings, behaviors everything. How they see their bodies is a reflection of how they tend to see their entire lives. Secret 3: Know intuitively why to eat Naturally thin people eat when they are hungry, but for other reasons as well. They eat be cause their bodies n

16、eed fuel, but they also eat sometimes even if they are not hungry. People eat to fulfill physical need (75 to 100 percent of the time), physical desire (0 to 25 percent of the time) and emotional desire (0 to 10 percent of tile time). The key is proportion: to adjust to the bodys signals of what it

17、needs, but also to eat once in a while out of desire. This involves using the bodys inner wisdom. Its fine to eat something because you want to, or occasionally because youre having a bad day. Enjoy that piece of cheesecake from the dessert tray, simply because it looks so good and you want to taste

18、 it. Have a custard-dough-nut (奶油甜甜圈 ), because its your favorite comfort food and youre feeling really stressed. Just be aware of what you are doing. Pay attention to why you are eating and make your choices in a conscious, proportioned way. Secret 4: Know intuitively what to eat Naturally thin peo

19、ple eat exactly what they are hungry for. They seem to have an inherent (与生俱来的 ) sense of what they really need. Theyll go out of their way to get what they are hungry for, even if it means making a shopping trip. If thats not feasible (切实可行的 ), then they substitute another similar food. While eatin

20、g, they are in tune with whether or not the food is satisfying their need, and they make adjustments in their intake (食物摄取 ) accordingly. Secret 5: Know intuitively how much to eat Naturally thin people stop eating before they get too full. They often leave food on their plates when dining out, beca

21、use the typical restaurant portion is more than a body needs. When dining at home, they often finished what is on their plates if they served themselves, because they are in tune with how much food their bodies will need and only put that much on their plates. A naturally thin person can even take a

22、 spoon and eat right from the container then put the container away when theyve had enough. Eat slowly, pay attention to how you feel as you get full and learn how to recognize fullness cues. Secret 6: Exercise with intuition Naturally thin people enjoy a variety of fitness activities in reasonable

23、amounts. They exercise on a regular basis without going overboard. There is consistency without compulsivity (强制 ). They use exercise guidelines, but in a way that honors their bodies needs. Some exercise for longer durations than others, and some work out at more advanced levels than others. Their

24、bodies just seem to know how much exercise is right for them. Regardless of their level of conditioning, they all have some level of commitment to making fitness a part of their lives. They focus on what they really enjoy: running, biking, swimming or aerobics (有氧握拳运动 ). Secret 7: Live an intuitive

25、life Naturally thin people have truly fulfilling lives (and its not because they are thin). Thinness is part of their experience, but it is not the source of their fulfillment. They have meaningful relationships with others. They enjoy significant experiences in both their professional and personal

26、lives. They focus far beyond the number on the scale. Their focus is on enjoying life, exactly as it is, and making the best of thins, exactly as they are. With this attitude of gratitude, they seem to attract more good into their lives automatically, without having to chase after it. 2 What do thos

27、e who dont give weight watching a second thought do? ( A) They dont have lunch or dinner every day. ( B) They dont know about their own weight. ( C) They hate people who are naturally thin. ( D) They are concerned about calorie count. 3 According to Dr. Doris Mccubbrey, dieting is _for weight contro

28、l. ( A) inessential ( B) necessary ( C) harmless ( D) helpful 4 Dr. Doris had spent 15 years on _. ( A) being a weight counselor ( B) writing her book ( C) studying psychology ( D) being on diet 5 Dr. Doris believes that everyone is born to _. ( A) have weight problems ( B) like to be beautiful ( C)

29、 be thin ( D) be happy 6 A bathroom scale is usually used for _. ( A) planning ones diet ( B) measuring ones weight ( C) recording heat value ( D) regulate the temperature 7 What is the most important reason that makes people eat? ( A) Physical need. ( B) Physical desire. ( C) Psychological need. (

30、D) Psychological desire. 8 When the naturally thin people cant find what they are hungry for, they will _. ( A) make a shopping trip ( B) substitute another similar food ( C) give it up rationally ( D) try to search for it in the Internet 9 Typically thin people usually finish what is on the plate w

31、hen they _. 10 While making fitness a part of their lives, the naturally thin people usually concentrate on the kinds of exercises that _. 11 Naturally thin people seem to be able to attract good things into their lives automatically be cause they _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will h

32、ear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices

33、marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She isnt ready to cooperate with the man. ( B) Shes surprised the man chose her. ( C) She doesnt understand why the man didnt work. ( D) She thinks its difficult to find a partner. ( A) She just finished studying for the exam. ( B) She

34、is not certain about what materials will be covered on the exam. ( C) She needs to prepare a little more for the exam. ( D) She is willing to help the man study for the exam. ( A) The man has already spoken to Professor Wang. ( B) Professor Wang will probably excuse the mans absence. ( C) The man ha

35、s never missed Professor Wangs class. ( D) Professor Wang is not in class today. ( A) He will not continue with the experiment today. ( B) He will work on the experiment without the woman. ( C) He does not know when the experiment will be finished. ( D) He will spend more hours on the experiment. (

36、A) She thinks Lily should take a business class. ( B) She gets angry with Lily at the meeting. ( C) She admires Lily for expressing her opinion. ( D) She does not understand what Lily said. ( A) She forgot to phone Henry this morning. ( B) She does not know Henrys new phone number. ( C) Henrys phone

37、 number has not changed. ( D) The man should ask Henry for the phone number. ( A) Looking for another job. ( B) Starting work later in the day. ( C) Talking to her boss about her schedule. ( D) Asking her boss for a raise in pay. ( A) Moving to a cheaper apartment. ( B) Hiring a new worker. ( C) Wri

38、ting an ad looking for a friend. ( D) Finding a person to share their apartment. ( A) French. ( B) German. ( C) Greek. ( D) Latin. ( A) People might lose respect for each other. ( B) People might have less trust in each other. ( C) The operation of the team will not be improved. ( D) There would be

39、more differences between each other. ( A) Dialogue improves the operation of a team. continuously. ( B) Dialogue changes peoples old pattern of interaction. ( C) Dialogue helps improve the communication of people. ( D) Dialogue changes peoples perspective. ( A) Doing yoga. ( B) Jogging. ( C) Doing s

40、ome weights. ( D) Learning breathing. ( A) Mental and physical health. ( B) Slim figure. ( C) Quick response. ( D) Proper thinking. ( A) Painful postures. ( B) Distorting body. ( C) Moneymaking trick. ( D) Useless meditation. ( A) Visiting yoga coach. ( B) Joining a yoga class. ( C) Learning breathi

41、ng. ( D) Keep on jogging as usual. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four ch

42、oices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It can be used to fight pains. ( B) It can be used to reduce high body temperature. ( C) It can be used to help blood pass through blockage. ( D) It can be used to stop heart attacks or strokes. ( A) It has shown that aspirin can improve survival in colon cancer pati

43、ents. ( B) It has shown that colon cancer had not spread to other parts of the body. ( C) It has shown that aspirin users increased thirty percent risks from their cancer. ( D) It has shown that aspirin had been discovered for eleven years. ( A) A controlled study. ( B) A trial study. ( C) An observ

44、ational study. ( D) A successful study. ( A) Books and resources. ( B) Books and periodicals. ( C) Audio and video material. ( D) Audio and periodicals. ( A) They can be borrowed for three weeks by full-time students. ( B) They contain current abstracts and indexed journals, general English. ( C) Th

45、ey can be taken out of the library under any circumstance. ( D) They can provide full selection of supplementary material. ( A) Photocopy service. ( B) Enlarger. ( C) Computer service. ( D) Typewriter. ( A) Characteristics of big bands swing music. ( B) The development of bebop. ( C) The relationshi

46、p between American music and economy. ( D) The differences between bebop music and swing music. ( A) Its a kind of dance music. ( B) It is with steady rhythm. ( C) It is slow. ( D) Some of the rhythms it uses are irregular. ( A) To save money. ( B) To avoid the new tax. ( C) To be more creative. ( D

47、) To attract more audiences. ( A) Bebop reflected the state of the American economy. ( B) Bebop made the performance tax imposed. ( C) Bebop developed because of the performance tax. ( D) Bebop suffered from the performance tax. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three ti

48、mes. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required

49、 to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Americans are a highly【 B1】 _ people. What factors cause them to move? The desire for economic betterment is【 B2】 _ the most important force inducing migration. Thus the【 B3】 _ and direction of migration are usually determined by【 B4】_ difference in【 B5】 _ factors, as 【 B6】 _ by


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