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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 495及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled About Keeping Indoors You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前很多年轻人大部分时间喜欢 “宅 ”在家里,很少外 出进行户外活动 2. 对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成 3. 我的观点 二、 Part II

2、 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (f

3、or NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 Six Ways to Alter Your Dreams Its rare that I have an exciting or fun dream. Two-headed monsters or the ability to breathe underwater rarely come up when Im

4、sleeping. The most interesting dream Ive had recently involved me returning to my college job as an ice cream scooper and muttering to a coworker,“Man, this sucks! “It sure did. Yet many of my friends tell me fantastic nighttime tales of flying all over the world or of scandalous encounters with Cli

5、ve Owen on a train. Ive heard that its possible to control the course of our dreams via lucid dreaming, but I always assumed that it was an innate ability. In fact, anyone can learn to take the reins from the subconscious and alter dream situations. Using a variety of techniques, we can turn mundane

6、 dreams into fantasies that make it even more exciting to crawl into bed. 1. Dream Journaling A good place to start the lucid dreaming process is to keep a record of previous dre, ams. There are numerous ways to remember your dreams, but one of the easiest and most popular is to keep a dream journal

7、. Put a notebook and pen next to your bed and immediately upon waking write down everything you can remember from your dreams. If writing is too much effort so soon after snoozing, try a voice recorder instead. The point is to keep track consistently so that yore“ dream recall improves over time. Af

8、ter all, whats the point of lucid dreaming if you cant remember it in the morning? 2. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) This technique, created by psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge, stresses the recognition of dreaming while its in process. Begin by making it a goal to wake yourself up when

9、 yon notice that youre dreaming and chronicle everything you can remember about the dream. As youre falling back asleep, focus on re-entering your previous dream, but this time direct yourself to explore the dream instead of waking yourself up. Keep that awareness as you fall into REM sleep (the sle

10、ep stage during which lucid dreaming most commonly occurs). It might help to state aloud, “I am aware of my dream state,“ as you drift off. Look for indications-also called dream signs-that alert you to the fact that youre dreaming. These could be anything that are out of the ordinary or would be im

11、possible in real life (the previously-mentioned two-headed monster, for example). This technique can take a while to master, but with steady practice, you can learn to recognize dream signs while still in the dream state, thereby putting yourself in control of the situation. 3. Reality Testing Reali

12、ty testing requires constant attention to the world around us-both in dreams and in real life. When going through your day, perform small checks to determine if what youre seeing is possible in reality. The answer will usually be yes since yon know youre awake (and itll probably feel silly at first)

13、, but the repeated questioning will set your mind up to take the same actions in dreams. For example, something simple like a car not starting is often overlooked in a dream because thats something that could happen in real life. But if a spouses hair is blonde instead of brown, thats a clear signal

14、 for someone using reality testing that he or she is actually dreaming, and this knowledge allows more control over the course of the dream. To get into the habit, set an alarm or make it a goal to do reality checks a certain number of times per day. The checks are a way to teach yourself to notice

15、out of the ordinary occurrences in dreams so that you can reach that coveted awareness without fully waking up. 4. Wake-Initiation of Lucid Dreams (WILD) Those who use the WILD method to achieve lucid dreaming must learn to stay at least somewhat conscious (but not too conscious, since that might ke

16、ep you awake) as your body moves into deep sleep. According to the Lucidity Institute, a group that promotes lucid dreaming research and theories, you must start with about five or six hours of sleep before attempting WILD. Upon waking, stay up for anywhere from half an hour to an hour, and then try

17、 to fall back asleep while remaining conscious of whats going on and thinking about your next dream. Many people enter a hypnagogic state (the period of grogginess preceding sleep) at this point, since their bodies have already passed through the previous sleep stages during the five-to six-hour per

18、iod. As youre getting closer to the REM stage, you might see strange colors or images behind your closed eyes or hear odd noises-this is part of falling into a dream state. If you can focus on these occurrences enough to know what they are without rousing yourself to complete consciousness, they wil

19、l turn into dreams that you can manipulate. 5. Lucid Dreaming Induction Devices (LDID) For those who cant achieve lucid dreaming on their own, there are products on the market designed to help you enter the desired dream state. One example is the NovaDreamer, which was developed by Stephen LaBerge.

20、It involves a mask that goes over your eyes that flashes lights or emits a sound when you fall into the REM stage of sleep. The REM-Dreamer is a similar product that claims to have better technology than LaBerges version. Theyre both meant to serve as a reminder that you are actually dreaming, and,

21、with practice, that semi-awareness will grant you the ability to direct the course of your dreams. 6. Lucid Dreaming Via Food Though not as popular as the other methods listed, some believe that ingesting certain foods before going to bed will increase the likelihood of lucid dreaming. Some potentia

22、l triggers are mustard, dairy, pickles, and popcorn. However, eating these foods too late at night might prevent someone from falling asleep altogether. Feel free to try it, especially if a pickle craving is actually keeping you awake at night. However, you might be better off attempting one of the

23、other techniques first. There are other similar methods suggested for lucid dreaming and many of them center on achieving a certain state of consciousness while altering sleeping patterns. What they all have in common is the need to stay focused and keep our stress levels down, as constant worry wil

24、l only produce anxiety-ridden dreams. The ability to control our dreams requires effort, determination, and consistent application. However, all that hard work might just pay off when we dream about flying over the Great Pyramids or swimming with dolphins as opposed to our spouses cheating, showing

25、up naked and late to work, or fighting mutant monkeys in space alongside Vin Diesel. 2 What was the most interesting dream the author had ever had? ( A) Seeing a two-headed monster. ( B) Being an ice-cream scooper. ( C) Being able to breathe underwater. ( D) Meeting Clive Owen on a train. 3 Accordin

26、g to the author, the easiest way to remember your dreams is to _. ( A) put a notebook and pen next to your bed ( B) try to recall the dreams ( C) re-enter the previous dreams ( D) keep a dream journal 4 What most commonly occurs in REM sleep? ( A) Lucid dreams. ( B) Nightmares. ( C) Daymares. ( D) I

27、ndistinct dreams. 5 “Dream signs“ are equal to what is called “_“. ( A) eye motions ( B) subconsciousness ( C) indications ( D) dreaming process 6 Which of the following can help you get into the habit of reality testing? ( A) Videotaping your life. ( B) Bringing a memo pad. ( C) Setting an alarm cl

28、ock. ( D) Regulating your hobbies. 7 When should we attempt WILD, according to the Lucidity Institute? ( A) As soon as we dream the first dream. ( B) After about five or six hours of sleep. ( C) When we have continuous bad dreams. ( D) At the beginning or the end of sleep. 8 When we are approaching

29、the REM stage, we most probably see ( A) vague images ( B) familiar images ( C) animal images ( D) weird images 9 NovaDreamer was designed to help people who_. 10 Eating mustard at the proper time is believed to be able to_. 11 One of the similarities shared by all the methods of altering dreams is

30、to reduce_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will

31、be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Peter is very busy. ( B) Peter works fast. ( C) Peter works hard. ( D) Peter is behind in study. ( A) Fly to Cleveland directly. ( B) Take a connecting flight at Seattle. ( C)

32、 Buy the ticket at Seattle. ( D) Buy a domestic airline ticket. ( A) He knows where to get a new map. ( B) He will help the woman read the map. ( C) He has already seen the library. ( D) He will go to the library as well. ( A) It will help detect all kinds of liars. ( B) It will most likely prove in

33、effective. ( C) It can help solve complex problems. ( D) It is a new weapon against terrorists. ( A) Spend money more reasonably. ( B) Find a job to support his family. ( C) Apply for student loans again. ( D) Stop worrying about money. ( A) His stereo disturbs himself, too. ( B) His stereo sounds l

34、ike dog barking. ( C) The neighbors arent justified in complaining. ( D) The neighbors dont appreciate music at all. ( A) She thinks she is behind in her study. ( B) She only has time to study in the evenings. ( C) She has no time to study in the evenings. ( D) She thinks work is easier than study.

35、( A) Hes worried about whether he can finish his presentation tomorrow. ( B) Hes nervous but he believes hell be better tomorrow. ( C) Hes nervous about his presentation because hes unprepared. ( D) Hell finish writing his presentation tomorrow. ( A) Students are not required to attend regular class

36、 lectures. ( B) The professor videotapes class lectures for review. ( C) Classes are held at various locations throughout the area. ( D) Students receive credit for work experience. ( A) It allows them to meet students from other universities. ( B) It promotes the concept of self-learning. ( C) It a

37、llows more flexibility in students schedule. ( D) It doesnt require any examinations. ( A) It requires too much traveling to different cities. ( B) It limits interaction among students. ( C) It will increase class size. ( D) It will force students to watch too much television. ( A) Writing papers fo

38、r his classes. ( B) Preparing for the coming exam in the library. ( C) Doing extra work in the chemistry lab. ( D) Working overtime at a library. ( A) Spend more time in the library. ( B) Write just one paper for all his classes. ( C) Drop one of his courses. ( D) Write his papers on closely related

39、 topics. ( A) She once wrote about it. ( B) She thinks the man should write about it. ( C) She has been studying it recently. ( D) She particularly likes Romantic poetry. ( A) She knows he is very busy. ( B) Hes already helped her enough. ( C) He is incompetent to help her. ( D) She doesnt need any

40、help. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. (

41、 A) It teaches the foreign children English. ( B) It teaches the children foreign languages. ( C) It trains the teachers for foreign language teaching. ( D) It trains the parents to teach their children languages. ( A) They develop a series of language books for teaching. ( B) They provide reading a

42、nd writing practices to toddles. ( C) They keep using the word they want the listeners to learn. ( D) They work together with the translators in the classes. ( A) It is the revolution of the brains memory. ( B) It is the challenge for the brains capacity. ( C) It is the activator of the brains evolu

43、tion. ( D) It is the revelation of the brains genius. ( A) Historic significance. ( B) Splendor and peacefulness. ( C) Cultural appeal. ( D) Beauty and comfort. ( A) Visiting the capital of Salt Lake City. ( B) Visiting the Temple Square. ( C) Hiking through national parks. ( D) Hiking remote Indian

44、 reservations. ( A) All transportations during the tour. ( B) Equipment for the hiking adventure. ( C) Two nights stay in Salt Lake City. ( D) Three formal meals a day. ( A) When they are with a baby-sitter. ( B) When they are with another baby. ( C) When they are with a strange adult. ( D) When the

45、y are with an elderly person. ( A) He conducts large-scale tests. ( B) He writes books about children. ( C) He teaches at the university. ( D) He recommends babysitters. ( A) They show fear. ( B) They reach out to touch them. ( C) They start to cry. ( D) They turn to adults. ( A) Keep them in family

46、-based day care centers. ( B) Let them stay with their parents or teachers. ( C) Ask elderly adults to attend them. ( D) Hire an experienced baby-siner. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefull

47、y for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use th

48、e exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Its my honor to be here tonight. Our organization is called the Noise Abatement Society that 【 B1】 _ and tries to deal with noise 【 B2】 _ issues. We are currently working to introduce what is called broadband noise technology in different areas.

49、 Many people asked me what the broadband noise is. Its very simple actually, if you can imagine 【 B3】 _ through a wood late at night in the 【 B4】 _ and quiet and you hear a twig 【 B5】 _ , you turn automatically towards that twig. And this is exactly what broadband is, you know which direction its coming from, you know 【 B6】 _ which side of you its coming from. Alarms at the moment are so loud that they actually disorientate you. If youre at a set


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