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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 538及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Old in the Empty Nest. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1如今的空巢老人逐渐增多 2这种现象出现的原因 3这种现象可能产生的不良影响和解决办法 The Old in the Empty Nest 二、 P

2、art II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage

3、; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 UFOs What are UFOs? At around the middle of the 20th century, the U.S. Air Force coined the phrase “UFO“ as a catch-all term for any “unidentified flyi

4、ng object“ unknown lights and discs spotted in the sky. But among ufologists (UFO enthusiasts and researchers), the term has become synonymous (同义的 ) with alien spacecraft. The late astronomer J. Allen Hynek defined a UFO as: the reported perception of an object or light seen in the sky or upon the

5、land the appearance, track, and general dynamic and luminous behavior of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients (洞察者 ) but remains unidentified after close research of all available evidence by persons who are technically

6、 capable of making a common sense identification, if one is possible. UFOs are more often than not revealed to be something very well known a weather balloon or airplane lights, for example. But in anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of UFO cases, the object remains a mystery. UFO Sightings UFO sightings

7、have been associated with so-called alien abductions (诱拐 ), in which people say that they have been transported to an alien spacecraft and subjected to a variety of physical examinations. UFOs have also been linked to crop circles, strange and sometimes unexplained patterns that form overnight in fi

8、elds. UFOs have been blamed for animal mutilations horses, goats, cows, deer and other creatures found drained of blood and with their organs removed. The alien theory arises because typically no tracks are found around the animal to indicate that a human was responsible. During a UFO sighting, stra

9、nge phenomena are often reported, such as radio and TV interference or car ignition failure. Many UFOs leave strange calling cards, such as indentations in the ground; burned or flattened vegetation; and chunks of unidentifiable debris. Are UFOs Real or Science Fiction? Are UFOs alien spacecraft pil

10、oted by extraterrestrial (地球以外的 ) beings, or are they terrestrial objects that just havent been properly identified? The question has raised a good bit of controversy, pitting those who believe in UFOs against those who say they need to see more scientific evidence. Surveys show that the overwhelmin

11、g majority of Americans believe that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. More than 60 percent of respondents to a 1997 CNN poll said they believe aliens have contacted humans; approximately 50 percent said they think aliens have abducted humans; and 80 percent believe the government i

12、s hiding something about alien contact. People who claim to have seen UFOs are confident that what theyve seen is real. They say these alien beings have come to Earth to study the human race or simply to communicate with humans. But skeptics say there is a startling lack of real scientific evidence

13、to prove or disprove the UFO phenomenon. They argue that the majority of UFOs turn out to be identifiable phenomena everything from weather balloons to meteor showers to hoaxes. The Drake Equation Does intelligent life exist on other planets? In 1961, Dr. Frank Drake, president of the SETI (Search f

14、or Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute, developed a mathematical equation to determine the probability. His equation is based on seven variables, including the number of stars in our galaxy and the percentage of stars that have planetary systems. When all seven variables are multiplied, the ans

15、wer is the potential number of civilizations out there that might be able to communicate with us. Alien Encounters Have aliens really taken people into their spacecraft and experimented on them? Many say they have. Probably the first account of an alien abduction came from a New Hampshire couple nam

16、ed Barney and Betty Hill. On September 19, 1961, the couple was driving through a rural area in central New Hampshire when they noticed a moving light in the sky. As the object came closer, they saw that it was large and flat with multicolored lights and many rows of windows. When Barney looked at t

17、he craft through his binoculars (双筒望远镜 ), he reportedly saw creatures inside it, one of which appeared to be the leader. Frightened, the couple drove home. Several days after their sighting, Betty began to have nightmares about being inside the craft. Later, under hypnosis (催眠状态 ), the couple recall

18、ed having been taken into the UFO and experimented upon. Were the Hills, and the thousands of other people who say they have been abducted since then, telling the truth? Skeptics claim the aliens withwrap around eyes that Barney described aired on an episode of “Outer Limits“ just 12 days before the

19、 hypnosis session in which he described them. But the stories of abductees are remarkably similar. Many people describe an examination room in which their bodies are poked, prodded and studied in various ways. These memories may sound like the stuff of imagination, but some researchers say alien abd

20、uctees share many of the same stress disorder symptoms as war veterans. When they listen to audio tapes of sounds that mirror their experiences, they exhibit physical symptoms their palms sweat, their muscles contract and their heart rate increases, Harvard University researcher Richard McNally repo

21、rted in the July 2004 issue of the journal Psychological Science. Also, the timing of the abduction stories appears to coincide with the sighting of UFOs nearby. Many of the abductees are reported as missing when they claim to have been abducted, and when they return, they have strange cuts and brui

22、ses on their bodies. Close Encounters throughout History Although UFO sightings have become more common in the last half-century, there have been sightings of strange flying objects recorded throughout the ages. Author Erich Von Diken has written more than two dozen books, including Chariots of the

23、Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past, claiming that aliens have been visiting Earth for tens of thousands of years. The Bible, he says, is filled with references to alien visitors. He contends that they helped build the pyramids, introduced art and social order to ancient humans and even interbred w

24、ith our ancestors to create our modern species. Ancient Indian texts reportedly describe flying machines, called vimanas, used by the gods to fight battles in the sky. In one text, vimana construction is described: .like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine w

25、ith its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.move forwards and backwards. Probably the first modern close encounter with alien spacecraft occurred on June

26、 24, 1947. A private pilot named Kenneth Arnold was flying near Mt. Rainier in Washington state when he spotted nine, crescent-shaped flying objects. He observed the objects to be moving at well over 1,000 miles per hour, far faster than any man-made aircraft could fly at the time. One reporter writ

27、ing up the event referred to the objects as “flying saucers(飞碟 )“, and the description stuck. 2 What is said about UFOs in the first paragraph? ( A) UFO is a comprehensive term for any “unidentified flying object“. ( B) No tracks of UFOs were found in the twentieth century. ( C) UFOs are mainly refe

28、rred to spacecrafts from the outer space. ( D) The phrase “UFO“ was created by amateur scientists not long ago. 3 Sighted UFOs are usually revealed to be_. ( A) some mysterious objects ( B) something like spacecrafts ( C) alien spacecrafts ( D) something people can identify 4 What do the vast majori

29、ty of Americans believe towards aliens? ( A) There exists no intelligent life at all. ( B) They do exist on other planets in the universe. ( C) Aliens are startling. ( D) Aliens come to Earth to study human being. 5 Who set(s) forth the mathematical equation in order to ascertain the existence of th

30、e alien? ( A) Barney and Betty. ( B) Kenneth. ( C) Erich Von Diken. ( D) Frank Drake. 6 There are quite a lot of reports on_, such as the incident in New Hampshire. ( A) the Drake Equation ( B) the alien abduction ( C) science fiction ( D) peoples hypnosis 7 The abductees stories probably may not be

31、 make-ups, because some researchers coincidentally find them share the same_. ( A) stress disorder symptoms ( B) physical characteristics ( C) appearance ( D) feeling when meeting human beings 8 Which of the following is true on the topic of abduction stories? ( A) All the abduction stories are unre

32、al. ( B) All the abduction stories are totally different. ( C) Their timing coincides with the sighting of UFOs nearby. ( D) People died after being abducted. 9 Author Erich Von Diken has written many books saying aliens have been visiting Earth, and_can provide the clue. 10 “Vimanas“ is a word used

33、 by_in texts to describe the flying machines of gods. 11 Pilot Kenneth Arnolds sighting of the UFO on June 24, 1947 is perhaps the first_ Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will b

34、e asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The weather is mild compared to the past years. (

35、 B) They are having the coldest winter ever. ( C) The weather will soon get warmer. ( D) The weather may get even colder. ( A) He might attend the wedding. ( B) He may postpone handing in his paper. ( C) He may not prepare for his exam and essay. ( D) He is too busy with his study to attend the wedd

36、ing. ( A) The man didnt want the woman to have her hair cut. ( B) The woman didnt follow the mans advice. ( C) The woman is wearing long hair now. ( D) The man didnt care if the woman had her hair cut or not. ( A) She doesnt enjoy going to the beach. ( B) The beach was too crowded to go. ( C) There

37、wasnt enough food for every one at the barbecue. ( D) The barbecue was canceled because of the weather. ( A) Three lessons. ( B) Five lessons. ( C) Twelve lessons. ( D) Fifteen lessons. ( A) He decided not to sell the piano. ( B) No one has bought the piano yet. ( C) Hes looking for a place to store

38、 the piano. ( D) He hasnt been able to find an inexpensive piano yet. ( A) She has red hair. ( B) She has black hair. ( C) Her photo is in the newspaper. ( D) She looks like the missing girl. ( A) The stories probably werent true. ( B) Tom doesnt usually tell funny stories. ( C) Shes surprised Tom w

39、as so serious last night. ( D) She wants to know where Tom heard the stories. ( A) Sightseeing. ( B) Lying on the beach. ( C) Taking photos of the beaches. ( D) Scuba diving. ( A) Biology. ( B) Photography. ( C) Swimming. ( D) Painting. ( A) Large green jellyfish. ( B) Different floating plants. ( C

40、) Oceanic snails. ( D) Sunken treasure. ( A) The colors of clothing. ( B) The individual taste on clothing. ( C) The idea of psychology of clothing. ( D) The clothing fashion. ( A) It is a subconscious thing. ( B) It reflects a lack of self-consciousness. ( C) It is unnecessary indeed. ( D) It is a

41、kind of conscious act. ( A) He has a feeling of insecurity. ( B) He is missing his family. ( C) He lacks self-confidence. ( D) He feels ill. ( A) Warmer clothes. ( B) More aggressive clothes. ( C) Clothes of brighter colors. ( D) More casual clothes. Section B Directions: In this section, you will h

42、ear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) A literary work. ( B) A social art. ( C) A governme

43、nt document. ( D) An individuals creation. ( A) They were very cheap materials. ( B) They could be found here and there. ( C) They could add artistic value to buildings. ( D) They were not easily burned and can last long. ( A) Materials of Architecture ( B) Architecture and Literature ( C) Developme

44、nt of Architecture ( D) Classification of Architecture ( A) The US should catch up to European environmental standards. ( B) American exporters must adapt to new regulations in Europe. ( C) The US should be more sensitive to environmental issues. ( D) The EUs new regulations are a burden. ( A) Their

45、 packaging of exports has to conform to EU regulations. ( B) They have to cut out waste completely. ( C) They must have an experienced distributor. ( D) They will see expenditure rise. ( A) It will allow fewer trees to be cut. ( B) It will require less labor costs. ( C) It saves some shipping costs.

46、 ( D) It will make them more competitive. ( A) One must read books in a critical way. ( B) A student should not have a complicated idea. ( C) It was impossible for one to read two thousand books. ( D) Students ought to make a list of the books they had read. ( A) He had plans for reading. ( B) He le

47、arned to educate himself. ( C) He only read books over 100 pages. ( D) He read only one book several times. ( A) To explain why it was included in the list. ( B) To describe why he seriously crossed it off the list. ( C) To prove that he understood most of it because he had looked at every word. ( D

48、) To show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to understand. ( A) To show how he developed his point of view. ( B) To tell his reading experience at high school. ( C) To introduce the two persons reading methods. ( D) To explain that he read many books at high school. Section C Dire

49、ctions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Today we are


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