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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 540及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Package Tour or a Self-guided Tour7 You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1有些人认为跟团旅 游好处多 2有些人认为自助旅游好处多 3我的看法 A Package Tour or a Self-gui

2、ded Tour? 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given

3、in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Returning to Science Teresa Garrett was working part-time as a biochemistry postdoc (博士后 ). She had an infant at home, and she was misera

4、ble. She and her husband were considering having a second child. She didnt like leaving her daughter with a daycare provider, and she wondered if her slim income justified the expense of childcare. She decided to stay home full time. It was a lonely but practical decision, she says. She hadnt ruled

5、out the possibility but she did not expect to return to science: After all, the conventional wisdom would equate several years of parenting leave with the end of a research career. Garrett eventually had two daughters and spent their early years at home. The challenge of managing a science career an

6、d personal family obligations is not a new issue, particularly for women. In a career where productivity and publications define your value, can you take a couple of years off and then make a successful return? When you do, will employers trust your devotion to your job? For Garrett, the answer to b

7、oth questions was “Yes.“ First, she found a short-term teaching tutor at Duke University, the institution where she had done her Ph. D. And then Christian Raetz, who had been her Ph. D. adviser, offered her a postdoc. The timing was perfect: She was ready to start a more regular work schedule, and h

8、er husband was interested in starting a business. Today, she is a chemistry professor at Vassar College. Garrett credits Raetz both for his faith in her abilities and his willingness to judge her contributions on quality and productivity and not the number of hours she spent in the laboratory. “Peop

9、le are always shocked to know that you can take time off and come back,“ she says. Returning to research after an extended personal leave is possible, but it may not be straightforward. Progress can be slow and there may be some fallout from a break. The path back doesnt come with a road map or a ti

10、meline. Your reentry will have a different rhythm than your initial approach because this time you have to balance your career with the needs of a family. The uncertainty can make you feel isolated and alone. But if you are persistent and take advantage of the resources that are available, you can g

11、et it done. Stepping Sideways After time away from the work force, its particularly easy to underestimate your value as a scientist and hence to take one or more backward steps. Dont, says Ruth Ross, who nearly made that mistake after spending 4 years at home with her children. A Ph. D. pharmacologi

12、st with industry experience, she applied for a technician job at the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom as she planned her return to science. She would have taken the job if it had been offered, she says, but “that probably would have been a bad career move.“ As it turned out, the universi

13、ty decided she was over-qualified. Instead of taking a step back, take a step sideways: If you left a postdoc, return to a postdoc, perhaps with a special career reentry fellowship. A faculty member at Aberdeen encouraged Ross to apply for a newly established career reentry fellowship from the Wellc

14、ome Trust. Funding from that organization supported her postdoctoral research until the university hired her into a faculty position in 2002. After 2 years at home with her son and twin daughters followed by 3 years searching for project management jobs in the biotech industry, biochemist Pia Abola

15、got wind of an opening at the Molecular Sciences Institute (MSI). An MSI staff scientist needed skills like hers but lacked money, so the two applied jointly for an NIH career reentry supplement. Shes now a protein biochemist and grant writer at Prosetta Bioconformatics. Independence and Flexibility

16、 Instead of stepping backward or sideways, physicist Shireen Adenwalla took a step forward. Instead of taking another postdoc, she set up an independent research program on soft money. Early in her career, Adenwalla took 15 months off, caring for her first child and then looking for another postdoc.

17、 When she and her physicist husband decided to move to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln he had accepted a tenure-track position Adenwalla turned down postdoc opportunities. Instead she arranged a visiting faculty position, followed by a post as a research assistant professor. “I think that was a

18、very smart thing,“ she says today. “Establishing an independent research program is very important.“ Her starting salary was just $ 15 000, and she got just $ 5 000 in start-up assistance. She borrowed equipment, taught courses, took on graduate students, and published her research. She had a lab an

19、d an office, but both got moved around her lab three times, her office twice. Adenwalla missed having real start-up money, her own equipment, and the institutional investment that comes with a tenure-track position. On the other hand, she was her own boss, so she was able to take 6 months off when s

20、he had her second child and work part time for a while after her third child was born. Eventually she was hired to a tenure-track post. Flexible or part-time hours can smooth the transition back into the scientific work force. Some reentry fellowships specify a part-time option and most are accommod

21、ating, but even if you dont have a fellowship you can ask for a work schedule that meets your needs. Ross, for example, took advantage of the part-time provision of the Wellcome Trust Fellowship. When Garrett took the position on the Lipid Maps grant, she negotiated a 30-hour-a-week schedule. Patien

22、ce: an Essential Virtue Two months before physicist Marija Nikolic-Jarics scheduled dissertation (专题论文 ) defense at Simon Fraser University, her husband was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. Over the next 17 months, she focused on her husband and his cancer treatments. After his death, she m

23、oved with her little son to Winnipeg to be near family. She tried to jump-start her thesis project several times, the first in 1998, but she wasnt ready yet and became discouraged. Eventually, she found the motivation to return. She started from the beginning, with a new approach. She finished her P

24、h. D. in 2008. Now a postdoc at the University of Manitoba, she has moved into a new research areabiomicrofluidics. This year, her work is supported by an M. Hildred Blewett Scholarship, a career reentry grant from the American Physical Society. Elizabeth Freeland, too, continues to work toward a pe

25、rmanent research position a decade after her return. When she followed her future husband to his postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, and subsequently to Chicago, Illinois, she wasnt able to find a compatible research opportunity. Since then, she has cared for the couples tw

26、o young children, taught part time, and found a few short-term research opportunities, some paid, others not. Like Nikolic-Jaric, Freeland is a physicist, and like that other physicists she switched fields. Freeland moved from condensed matter theory to high-energy physics. She scraped together two

27、one-year postdoctoral grants, the first from the American Association of University Women and the second is a Blewett Scholarship. Unable to find a permanent position locally, in September she started a one-year postdoc at Washington University in St Louis. The location is challenging, she says, but

28、 she is encouraged by the support of her mentors (导师 ). And because her work is theoretical, she can spend alternate weeks at home with her husband and school-age children. Its a great research opportunity, she says, one she hopes will someday yield a job closer to her family. She also runs a Web si

29、te for physicists navigating career breaks. Finding Your Own Way Back Though students sometimes see her as a role model, Adenwalla cautions that what worked for her might not be the best solution for others. “You have to find whats right for you,“ she says, and ignore those with different circumstan

30、ces and needs. Her own journey was a tradeoff, she says. On the plus side, she was able to pick her children up at school every day. On the minus side, she says, “there was a fear inside me that 1 would never make it.“ Garrett tells everyone about her journey, even noting it on her Vassar Web site.

31、“Both young women and young men who are coming up through their career path need to know about the different ways that you can have a good and satisfying career in science.“ 2 When Garrett stayed at home, she was prevented from expecting to return to science because of her_. ( A) common sense ( B) s

32、everal years of parenting leave ( C) slim income ( D) coming second child 3 When Garrett is a chemistry professor, Raetz judges her contributions on_. ( A) the number of hours she spent in laboratory ( B) her willingness to contribute ( C) the quality and productivity of her work ( D) her regular wo

33、rk schedule 4 According to the passage, Ruth Ross almost committed the mistake that_. ( A) she underestimated her ability ( B) she took a step back ( C) she spent 4 years at home ( D) she took a step sideways 5 Before Pia Abola got a position at the MSI, she spent at home_. ( A) two years ( B) three

34、 years ( C) four years ( D) five years 6 Shireen Adenwalla moved her lab and office frequently because_. ( A) her house moved to Nebraska ( B) she kept getting promoted ( C) the equipment was borrowed ( D) she couldnt get abundant funding 7 Marija Nikolic-Jarics dissertation defense at Simon Fraser

35、University was delayed because of her_. ( A) husbands disease ( B) toddler son ( C) faraway family ( D) discouraging jump-start 8 In 1998, Nikolic-Jaric failed her thesis project because of her_. ( A) husbands death ( B) lack of motivation ( C) lack of preparation ( D) new approach 9 Before she swit

36、ched fields, Freelands former research direction was_. 10 In addition to the one-year postdoc at Washington University, Freeland runs a Web site for physicists to_. 11 According to Garrett, if young people want to succeed in science, they need to know_. Section A Directions: In this section, you wil

37、l hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choic

38、es marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He was taking pictures on campus then. ( B) His appearance was unintentional. ( C) He is a member of the school TV station. ( D) He will host the Six Oclock News. ( A) He isnt interested in it. ( B) He wants to listen to it. ( C) He

39、plans to give it up. ( D) He would like to choose it next year. ( A) Doctors health. ( B) Health experts. ( C) Healthy food. ( D) Physical exercises. ( A) She had a sharp pain in her stomach. ( B) She went to see a doctor at lunch time. ( C) She spent her lunch time studying. ( D) She didnt want to

40、eat with the man. ( A) The students always sleep in his class. ( B) He is popular among the students. ( C) He prefers discussion groups in his class. ( D) He asks the students to sit in front-row seats. ( A) Shes surprised that Sandy could work for the agency. ( B) She wonders why Sandys still keepi

41、ng her job. ( C) She doubts Sandy has earned much money. ( D) She doesnt know Sandys new term has started. ( A) Classmates. ( B) Employer and employee. ( C) Professor and student. ( D) Doctor and patient. ( A) He will accept the womans suggestion. ( B) He will read more material on Mexico. ( C) He w

42、ill have to choose another topic. ( D) He will ask the woman to choose the topic. ( A) He has opened a new account. ( B) He has been in the hole. ( C) He began to pay a car loan. ( D) He had to deal with a financial crisis. ( A) The bank is providing more favorable taxes. ( B) The bank is collecting

43、 more fees than he expected. ( C) He receives a bank statement every month. ( D) He can pay bills by credit cards without additional fees. ( A) Because he has some pieces of credit cards. ( B) Because he didnt consult the woman before. ( C) Because he pays more attention to the accounts. ( D) Becaus

44、e he pays little attention to the terms. ( A) The National Bank. ( B) The Spanish Department. ( C) The Jones and French Company. ( D) A company in Rome. ( A) He can speak a little Italian. ( B) He knows a lot of German. ( C) He is good at French. ( D) He speaks Spanish fluently. ( A) There are four

45、children in the family. ( B) Tom is too young to start schooling. ( C) Jane must be the eldest in his family. ( D) Billy would be a student next year. ( A) She is in the third grade. ( B) She is in the second grade. ( C) She is in the kindergarten. ( D) She is still at home. Section B Directions: In

46、 this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Our health will become bet

47、ter and better. ( B) We may have some physical problems. ( C) Our relationship with our boss will be improved. ( D) We will experience tension with our family. ( A) It will help people keep fit and live longer. ( B) It will make people enhance self-controlling and happier. ( C) It will make the coup

48、le love each other more and keep fit. ( D) It will make the couple hate each other more and live longer. ( A) It showed most spouses couldnt avoid arguing. ( B) It showed some people liked expressing aggressiveness. ( C) It showed arguing did no good to couples. ( D) It showed tension was not good f

49、or peoples health. ( A) The symbol doesnt have a general name. ( B) The symbol cant be described by many terms. ( C) The symbol can be used in the universities. ( D) The symbol can represent the value of something. ( A) It separates the mail address from website. ( B) It separates the users address from his name. ( C) It separates e-mail user name from server address. ( D) It separates the users address from server address. ( A) Because monks wanted their work to b


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