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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 678及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic High Salaries or Career Development? You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1有的大学毕业生择业时盲目追求高工资,有的则认为提供学习机会及事业上的发展才是更重要的 2持

2、有这两种观点的原因 3你的观点 High Salaries or Career Development? 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the s

3、tatement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Why Summer Vacation Wont Make You Happier? From an informal and highly unscientific survey of

4、friends and colleagues, I can report that the reasons for not feeling happy after returning from vacation include; the flight home (red-eye to New York); realizing what they just did to their credit-card balance; getting back to work; wondering if they should have gone somewhere different;sharp memo

5、ries of kids fighting constantly in the back seat of the rental car;and sadness that the next vacation will not arrive for months, typically around the end of the year, making them wonder over and over:how am I going to hold out until then? I,in contrast,not having taken a vacation this year and wit

6、h none scheduled,am positively cheerful compared with these gloomy souls, since I have a world of possible destinations to fantasize about. Anecdotes (轶事 ) do not equal data,as scientists say,but in this case the anecdotes about vacations failing to give us a post-trip mood boost match the results o

7、f years of research. Studies point to an inescapable conclusion: “ Generally, there is no difference between vacationers and non-vacationers post-trip happiness,“ as the authors of a recent paper in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life put it. One interesting exception is the period just

8、before taking a vacation, when about-to-be travelers report feeling happier than non-vacationers, possibly because the anticipation puts them in a good mood. But the holiday aftermath is a different story,and a gloomy one. One small study in 2008 used text messages from vacationers during their holi

9、days to assess how happy they were, and then compared these real-time messages with how people recalled their holiday moods once theyd returned to real life. Vacationers were,overall,happier on holiday than in their normal lives. So far,so good. But once home, they stank at remembering how happy the

10、y had been while away, consistently recalling higher levels of happiness than they had reported at the time. That suggests two things; we will ourselves recall being happy on vacation (if we werent happy, why did we just spend all that money?) ,but by comparison real life feels grimmer. Another smal

11、l study,from 2004 in the Annals of Tourism Research,measured the effect of a vacation on post-vacation mood more directly,having people fill out a questionnaire that assessed their levels of happiness right before going on holiday and then when they returned. (Non-travelers also filled out the quest

12、ionnaire, with results confirming that about-to-be vacationers indeed experience an anticipatory high. ) The carry-over effect of a vacation on happiness was so small,the best the researchers could report was that vacations are “ not causing individuals to feel any worse off than before traveling. “

13、 I dont think well be seeing that sentiment on tourist Web sites any time soon. Even the small positive effects last about as long as a sunburn. Sure, take a vacation in hopes that it will relieve your burnout, but within three to four weeks people are feeling as stressed out as before, found a 2001

14、 study in which the authors concluded: “Vacation alleviated perceived job stress and burnout as predicted.But we found a return to pre-vacation levels of burnout four weeks later. “ That may be one reason the sense of happiness fades as well: if you feel just as much burnout a month after returning

15、from vacation as you did before, no wonder youre unhappy. This result isnt from just a single study, by the way:a 2009 meta-analysis (元分析 ) of seven reached the same conclusion about the post-vacation letdown. Why? For one thing,holiday trips are not 24/7 bliss. There are missed flight connections,d

16、isappointing hotels,bad food,and illness. Looking back on all that,once were back home,can understandably put a dent (削弱 ) in our happiness. Also, whats called the peak-end effect can affect post-trip mood. The most intense experiences (peak) and those that occur as the vacation is winding down (end

17、) leave the most lasting impressions. If we fail to pack a few ultra highs into a trip (swim with the dolphins one day,climb a volcano another) and instead have a lot of so-so pleasant experiences or start the trip with a bang but end it in a letdown whimper then post-trip happiness will suffer. Alt

18、hough scientists generally find no correlation between length of a vacation and post-trip contentment, there is one argument in favor of shorter vacations. Say you get 10 days of vacation a year. If you take them as three vacations (of 4 days,4 days,and 2 days) ,you will have more final days (3) ,wh

19、en fun experiences have the strongest carry-over effect,and more pre-vacation anticipation highs (3) than if you took two 5-day trips,let alone a single 10-day trip. (The above does not hold if,like me,you find vacation planning so stressful that the very thought of doing it three times a year is en

20、ough to make you a workaholic. ) The latest study of vacations effect on happiness has the virtue of studying a large number of people (1,530). Scientists in the Netherlands had participants answer a questionnaire asking if they had recently “ enjoyed their daily tasks,“ had recently felt “ unhappy,

21、“ or had recently felt “ gloomy and dejected. “ Possible answers were “never,“ “almost never,“ “sometimes,“ “very often,“ and “always. “ The study compared responses of the 556 people who did not go on a holiday with those of the 974 who did, controlling for things like personality (extroverts tend

22、to be happier and might vacation more, so you have to subtract this effect from the happiness levels of vacationers). Result: vacationers were happier before their trips than were non-vacationers,confirming the anticipation effect or suggesting that people able to take trips might have more happines

23、s-boosting characteristics (good health,money,friends and family to travel with) than non-vacationers do. But “post-trip happiness did not differ between vacationers and non-vacationers,“ the scientists found. The travelers happiness edge had actually disappeared. Even more sobering, happiness level

24、s post-trip were little different from what they had been before. Even people who had had the least stressful vacations experienced this happiness fadeout.with their sense of contentment falling to pre-trip levels eight weeks after their return. “ The benefits of a very relaxed holiday trip last max

25、imally for two weeks,“ write the scientists who study effects of vacation. “ A holiday trip does not have a prolonged effect on happiness,“ and “length of stay is not associated with post-trip happiness.Returning home involves a swift return to pre-trip happiness levels. “ 2 While the vacationers ar

26、e down,the author is joyful because he_. ( A) has no vacation ( B) will have a vacation ( C) has no gloomy souls ( D) can fantasize about some destinations 3 Why do about-to-be travelers feel happier than non-vacationers before the vacation? ( A) Because they are anticipating a nice vacation. ( B) B

27、ecause they have possible destinations to fantasize about. ( C) Because they will get rid of the gloomy thought. ( D) Because they will enjoy quality life during the vacation. 4 When getting back home,people claim that_. ( A) they were as happy at the vacation as they really were ( B) they were much

28、 happier at the vacation than they really were ( C) they were less happier at the vacation than they really were ( D) they were happiest at the vacation in their memory 5 Vacations are not causing individuals much happier after the trip,because_. ( A) the comparison of real life makes people feel gr

29、immer ( B) the post-vacation mood is ruined by much money spent ( C) the lingering effect of a vacation on happiness was so small ( D) the travel did not meet the travelers anticipation 6 A month after vacation the sense of happiness dies down,because vacationers_. ( A) feel as exhausted as before (

30、 B) get sunburn that lasts a month ( C) did not feel relaxed immediately ( D) experienced many miseries 7 Post-trip happiness will suffer from no ultra highs,which is an example of_. ( A) intense experiences ( B) lasting impressions ( C) peak-end effect ( D) so-so pleasant experiences 8 Though some

31、argue that shorter vacations are better,scientists find no connection between length of a vacation and_. ( A) final days ( B) carry-over effect ( C) contentment after a trip ( D) peak-end effect 9 The virtue of the recent study of vacations effect on happiness is the studying of_. 10 That non-vacati

32、oners were not as happy as vacationers before their trip confirmed_. 11 According to those scientists who research vacations effects, post-trip happiness isnt affected by_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each convers

33、ation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) English teache

34、rs usually like reading a lot. ( B) The English like to read a lot and listen to music. ( C) Not everyone from England likes to read all the time. ( D) People who teach English like things other than books. ( A) It wasnt very well designed. ( B) Its results were just as expected. ( C) It fully refle

35、cted the students ability. ( D) Its results fell short of her expectations. ( A) He might help the woman much. ( B) The woman shouldnt buy a used car. ( C) He doesnt know a lot about new cars. ( D) The woman is a better mechanic than he is. ( A) The woman never travels by plane. ( B) Both speakers f

36、eel nervous when flying. ( C) The man thinks traveling by air is quite safe. ( D) The speakers feel sad about the serious loss of life. ( A) John was disappointed at his math score. ( B) John did better than he thought he was able to. ( C) John didnt pass, although he had tried his best. ( D) John g

37、ot an excellent score, which was unexpected. ( A) The boss is often late for work. ( B) The boss will probably discipline the woman. ( C) The boss may disregard the womans lateness. ( D) The boss didnt know the woman was late again. ( A) Members have a narrow range of topics to discuss. ( B) Members

38、 bring up the most important issue. ( C) Members have interesting topics to discuss. ( D) Members have little knowledge. ( A) The man should do without buying a new bicycle. ( B) Shell glad to help the man decide which bicycle to buy. ( C) The man should not be so particular about choosing a bicycle

39、. ( D) Shes quite concerned about the mans means of transportation. ( A) Which country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons. ( B) The time for their next coffee appointment. ( C) Whether it is meaningful to go to, the demonstration. ( D) The bus arrangement to and from the campus. ( A) She is d

40、etermined not to get involved as others. ( B) She is worried more about her study than anything else. ( C) She is a little angry with the mans arrangement. ( D) She is not very interested in political science. ( A) To persuade her to take the school bus with him. ( B) To ask for her help in physics

41、examination. ( C) To find out her attitude toward demonstrations. ( D) To persuade her to take part in the demonstration. ( A) She is writing a competitive paper for a scholarship. ( B) She is doing a paper. ( C) She missed the lecture. ( D) She is planning to attend the scholarship award ceremony.

42、( A) Why species dont avoid extinction by adapting. ( B) Why species become extinct at the rate they do. ( C) Why humans arent extinct. ( D) How many species arent extinct. ( A) Because every species become extinct. ( B) Because human beings are powerful enough to kill other species. ( C) Because of

43、 over-population. ( D) Because human being is still a young species though it is exploiting the environment. ( A) He thinks flies will take over the earth. ( B) He thinks human will die off quite soon. ( C) He thinks mass disease could be the next path to extinction. ( D) He sees human beings as des

44、tructive. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and

45、D. ( A) Make everyone work for you. ( B) Get everyone willing to help you. ( C) Let people know you have the final say. ( D) Keep giving orders to everyone. ( A) Gleason thought his wonderful idea was accepted by the director. ( B) Gleason succeeded in hitting upon a wonderful idea. ( C) Gleason was

46、 confident about his work the next day. ( D) Gleason appreciated the directors way of directing films. ( A) Directing a Film. ( B) The Key to Success. ( C) A Wonderful Experience. ( D) Working with Film Stars. ( A) Latin, Spanish, French and Mandarin. ( B) Latin, French, German and Spanish. ( C) Fre

47、nch, Spanish., German and Mandarin. ( D) English, Spanish, German and Mandarin. ( A) He makes Mandarin a compulsory course at his college. ( B) He wants more native Chinese students at his college. ( C) He will begin to study Mandarin. ( D) He will begin to teach Mandarin. ( A) To let them know anot

48、her language. ( B) To enable them to succeed in business. ( C) To let them know the fact that China is the fastest growing country. ( D) To make learning Mandarin a national trend. ( A) They buy expensive things, regardless of quality. ( B) They dont mind how much they have to pay for the right thin

49、gs. ( C) They choose things that salesman recommends. ( D) They buy good quality and expensive things. ( A) He tries on some other things that the others think best. ( B) He usually doesnt buy anything. ( C) He spends hours having a look round. ( D) He buys it so long as its color is right. ( A) Finding something that everyone thinks suits her best. ( B) The suggestions of other people. ( C) The price of the clothes. ( D) The attitude of the salesman. ( A) Women bargain for th


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