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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 701及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Dialectal TV Pro-grams. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 现在电视 上出现了很多方言类的节目 2对这种现象有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成 3我的看法 二、 Part II Rea

2、ding Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for N

3、O) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Dare to Dream Our dreams at night may affect our lives (and vice versa) more than we ever realized, says new research. For 11 years, an anthropologist kept a jou

4、rnal of nearly 5,000 dreams. By analyzing color patterns in the dreams, Arizona-based researcher Robert Hoss could accurately predict certain things about the mans emotional state. Hoss correctly identified two separate years when the man experienced crises in his life. The anthropologist confirmed

5、that in 1997 he had clashed with a colleague over a management issue, and in 2003 hed had a falling out with a friend that left deep emotional scars. How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamers turmoil? “The clues were in the colors.“ he says. The anthropologists dominant dream hues were reds and blacks

6、, which spiked during difficult times. “Even without knowing the events in his life,“ Hoss observes, “we accurately determined the emotional states based on those colors in his dreams.“ Hoss is among a growing group of researchers who, thanks to cutting edge medical technology and innovative psychol

7、ogical research, are beginning to decipher the secrets hidden in our dreams and the role dreaming plays in our lives. A look at some of their latest discoveries can give us new insights into the language of dreams and help us make the most of our time asleep. Why Do We Dream? Dreams are a way for th

8、e subconscious to communicate with the conscious mind. Dreaming of something youre worried about, researchers say, is the brains way of helping you rehearse for a disaster in case it occurs. Dreaming of a challenge, like giving a presentation at work or playing sports, can enhance your performance.

9、And cognitive neuroscientists have discovered that dreams and the rapid eye movement (REM) that happens while youre dreaming are linked to our ability to learn and remember. Dreaming is a “lmood regulatory system,“ says Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, chairman of the psychology department at Rush Universi

10、ty Medical Center in Chicago. Shes found that dreams help people work through the days emotional quandaries. “Its like having a built-in therapist,“ says Cartwright. While we sleep, dreams compare new emotional experience to old memories, creating plaid-like patterns of old images laid on top of new

11、 ones. As she puts it, “You may wake up and think, what was Uncle Harry doing in my dream? I havent seen him for 50 years. But the old and new images are emotionally related.“ Its the job of the conscious mind to figure out the relationship. In fact, dream emotions can help real therapists treat pat

12、ients undergoing traumatic life events. In a new study of 30 recently divorced adults, Cartwright tracked their dreams over a five-month period, measuring their feelings toward their ex-spouses. She discovered that those who were angriest at the spouse while dreaming had the best chance of successfu

13、lly coping with divorce. “If their dreams were bland,“ Cartwright says, “they hadnt started to work through their emotions and deal with the divorce.“ For therapists, this finding will help determine whether divorced men or women need counseling or have already dreamed their troubles away. One Inter

14、pretation Doesnt Fit All No device lets researchers probe the content of dreams while we sleep, but scientists are finding new ways to interpret dreams once weve awakened. A new generation of psychologists insists that dream symbols differ depending on the dreamer. In a recent study, University of O

15、ttawa psychology professor Joseph De Koninck asked 13 volunteers to make two lists: one of details recalled from recent dreams, and another of recent events in their waking lives. When analysts were asked to match which volunteer experienced which dream, they failed. De Konincks conclusion: Each per

16、son understands his or her dreams better than anyone else-including traditional psychoanalysts. In a dream, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar-or almost anything else. “Theres just no evidence of universal dream symbols,“ says De Koninck. “My advice is to throw away your dream dictionary if you reall

17、y want to interpret your dreams.“ Decoding the Meanings Today, psychologists are applying modem technology to probe the content of dreams. Hoss uses a computer-based approach called content analysis to interpret the colors in dreams. More than 80 percent of people dream in color, he says, though onl

18、y a quarter of them recall the shades the next morning. To collect data, he analyzed nearly 24,000 dreams, catalogued in two databases. His study suggested that specific colors represent particular emotions (for example, red means action, excite-merit and desire; blue equals calmness, tranquility an

19、d harmony; black connotes fear, anxiety and intimidation). But, as with symbols and action, one size doesnt fit all when it comes to interpretation. Every dreamer draws on a different palette to reflect personal associations. “Using color is your brains way of painting your dreams with your emotion,

20、“ says Hoss, who just published his results in Dream Language (Innersource, 2005). Some researchers scoff at the need for computers or even therapists to interpret dreams. Psychologist Gayle Delaney believes that dreamers themselves are the best interpreters of their time in dreamland. She supports

21、a “dream interview“ technique, which asks people to answer a series of straightforward questions in order to gain insights into their recollections. From her office in San Francisco, Delaney uses this process to help single people analyze and better understand their romantic relationships through th

22、eir dreams. Delaney tells of one client who dreamed of her new boyfriend swimming in the ocean. Above the water, he looked like an adorable seal, but below the water he was a vicious shark. When asked about her boyfriends personality, the woman conceded that he had a violent streak-a fact she consci

23、ously tried to ignore. “It was clear that this woman had misgivings about a darker side to her boyfriend,“ says Delaney. “The dreaming mind is more insightful about the people in your life than your waking mind.“ The woman broke up with her boyfriend soon afterward. What Dreams Can Do for You Psycho

24、logists have long known that people can solve their problems at work and home by “sleeping on it.“ The challenge has always been to train yourself to dream up the solutions. Deirdre Barrett, PhD, an assistant psychology professor at Harvard Medical School and editor of the journal Dreaming, advises

25、individuals to ponder questions just before falling asleep (Should I take this job? Should I marry that guy?) and then let the subconscious provide the answers. “Ive known artists looking for inspiration who simply dream up a future show of their art and wake up with plenty of new painting ideas,“ s

26、ays Barrett. “More and more people are learning these techniques to control their dreams.“ Some researchers believe that you can guide your dreams while youre sleeping. In recent years, Stephen LaBerge, PhD, has pioneered a way of directing the sleeping mind through “lucid dreaming, “in which a slee

27、ping person realizes he or she is dreaming while it is happening. Lucid dreamers can experience fantasy adventures- like flying to the moon, traveling through time or making love on a beach-while being fully aware that theyre dreaming. According to LaBerge, lucid dreamers can use the experience for

28、a variety of purposes: problem solving, developing creative ideas and healing. Well, not entirely free. Although everyone has the potential to dream lucidly, it rarely happens routinely without special training or temperament. The Lucidity Institute operates instructional workshops and retreats to s

29、pread the gospel. LaBerge has even developed a $ 500 device-called the NovaDreamer- which helps individuals become participants in their dreams. Once the sleep-mask-like device recognizes the wearer is experiencing REM sleep characteristic of dreaming, it emits a flashing red light that is designed

30、to seep into the persons dream. “Its like being at the opera and realizing the flashing lights at intermission mean the opera is about to start again,“ says LaBerge. “The cue says that youre dreaming so you can open yourself up to any kind of experience you want. After all, its your dream.“ Indeed,

31、your dreams are like private movies where you are the star, director and writer all at once. And as the latest research indicates, you are also the most insightful movie critic-without the need of a coach. The best interpreter of your dreams is you. 2 According to the colors in the mans dreams, Hoss

32、 could accurately predict certain things about his emotional state. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The real therapists can use dream emotion to treat patients who are experiencing unpleasant life events. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Some psychologists insist that dreams contain images with universal meanings. (

33、 A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 If you want to interpret your dreams, you can refer to your dream dictionary. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Hoss interprets the colors in dreams by a computer based approach called _. 7 Based on the scientists study, specific colors represent particular emotions, for example, black

34、equals _. 8 Psychologists ask people to answer a series of easy questions to gain insights into their recollections. This technique is _. 9 If one wants to experience the lucid dreaming routinely, he or she should have _. 10 Once the sleep-mask-like device recognizes the wearer is experiencing REM s

35、leep characteristic of dreaming. “REM“ means _. 11 _ is the best interpreter of your time in dreamland. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both

36、the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He does not have a good hearing. ( B) He has been driving madly for a year. ( C) He

37、 never takes what she says seriously. ( D) He is always impatient with her. ( A) She lost a finger. ( B) Someone hit her in the nose. ( C) She became a surgical nurse. ( D) She had an operation on her nose. ( A) Attending the party. ( B) Visiting some friends. ( C) Studying for an exam. ( D) Writing

38、 a letter of apology. ( A) Teachers like Prof. Johnson are rare. ( B) Prof. Johnson has won a million dollars. ( C) There are many teachers as good as Prof. Johnson. ( D) Prof. Johnson is likely to be teaching at that school ( A) The stories probably werent true. ( B) Tom doesnt usually tell funny s

39、tories. ( C) Shes surprised Tom was so serious last night. ( D) She wants to know where Tom heard the stories. ( A) Find a hotel nearby again in a few days. ( B) Accommodate his parents in his dormitory. ( C) Ask his parents not come until he finds a proper hotel. ( D) Phone a hotel farther from the

40、 campus for a reservation. ( A) He is always punctual for his class. ( B) He rarely notices which students are late. ( C) He wants his students to be on time for class. ( D) He doesnt allow his students to tell jokes in class. ( A) The signing is very necessary. ( B) The signing is just a reassuranc

41、e. ( C) The signing is not very necessary. ( D) The signing is a way to monitor abuse. ( A) She thought it was a waste of money. ( B) She was amazed that it had been finished in such a short time. ( C) She was impressed by it. ( D) She didnt like it as much as the other wings. ( A) He worked there a

42、s a guide. ( B) He read about it. ( C) He had just visited it. ( D) He interviewed the sculptor. ( A) It was made of aluminum. ( B) It wasnt large enough. ( C) It wouldnt move in the wind. ( D) It was too heavy to put up. ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Husband and wife. ( C) Mother and son. ( D) Classmates.

43、( A) A gallery owner. ( B) A businessman. ( C) A clothing designer. ( D) A photographer. ( A) Nervous. ( B) Angry. ( C) Exciting. ( D) Relaxed. ( A) I have to wear the tie now. ( B) My shoes dont hurt anymore. ( C) I have to go for the gallery now. ( D) My buttons are on. Section B Directions: In th

44、is section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) To explain why people fail to

45、 act in emergencies. ( B) To explain when people will act in emergencies. ( C) To explain what people will do in emergencies. ( D) To explain how people feel in emergencies. ( A) They are afraid of emergencies. ( B) They are reluctant to get themselves involved. ( C) Others will act if they themselv

46、es hesitate. ( D) They do not have any direct responsibility for those who need help. ( A) We shouldnt blame a person if he fails to act in emergencies. ( B) A person must feel guilty if he fails to help. ( C) People should be responsible for themselves in emergencies. ( D) When you are in trouble,

47、people will help you anyway. ( A) Because they want to find the car there. ( B) Because they want to find evidence. ( C) Because they want to catch the thief there. ( D) Because they want to know ff any other ears are stolen. ( A) They are infurious. ( B) They are scared. ( C) They feel relaxed. ( D

48、) They feel nervous. ( A) He wants to meet them at the concert. ( B) He wants to make up for their loss. ( C) He wants to rob them on their way to the concert. ( D) He wants to rob their house. ( A) Almost one million. ( B) About 600 thousand. ( C) Nearly 400 thousand. ( D) Approximately 200 thousan

49、d. ( A) Residential area. ( B) Shopping centers. ( C) Parking lots. ( D) Shopping centers or parking lots near stadiums or gymnasiums. ( A) They have to break into the car. ( B) Five percent of the cars are left unlocked. ( C) They sometimes find car keys in the ignition and simply get in. ( D) They knock out the driver and get the car away. ( A) Young people who want to ride a car for joy. ( B) Professionals who steal cars for other crimes. ( C) People who lack money to


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