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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 717及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title: Is Long Holiday Necessary? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 对于长假是否必要,不同的人有不同的看法。 2. 我认为长假是必要的,因为 3. 如何度

2、长假。 Is Long Holiday Necessary 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with th

3、e information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 The Unpaid Intern, Legal or Not With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships (实习 ) has

4、 climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to worry that more employers are illegally using such internships for free labor. Convinced that many unpaid internships violate minimum wage laws, officials in Oregon, California and other states have begun investigations and fined empl

5、oyers. Last year, M. Patricia Smith, then New Yorks labor commissioner, ordered investigations into several firms internships. Now, as the federal Labor Departments top law enforcement official, she and the wage and hour division are stepping up enforcement nationwide. Many regulators say that viola

6、tions are widespread, but that it is unusually hard to mount a major enforcement effort because interns are often afraid to file complaints. Many fear they will become known as troublemakers in their chosen field, endangering their chances with a potential future employer. The Labor Department says

7、it is cracking down on firms that fail to pay interns properly and expanding efforts to educate companies, colleges and students on the law regarding internships. “If youre a for-profit employer or you want to pursue an internship with a for-profit employer, there arent going to be many circumstance

8、s where you can have an internship and not be paid and still be in compliance with the law,“ said Nancy J. Leppink, the acting director of the departments wage and hour division. Ms. Leppink said many employers failed to pay even though their internships did not comply with the six federal legal cri

9、teria that must be satisfied for internships to be unpaid. Among those criteria are that the internship should be similar to the training given in a vocational school or academic institution, that the intern does not displace regular paid workers and that the employer “derives no immediate advantage

10、“ from the interns activities in other words, its largely a benevolent (慈善的 ) contribution to the intern. No one keeps official count of how many paid and unpaid internships there are, but Lance Choy, director of the Career Development Center at Stanford University, sees definitive evidence that the

11、 number of unpaid internships is mushrooming fueled by employers desire to hold down costs and students eagerness to gain experience for their resumes. Employers posted 643 unpaid internships on Stanfords job board this academic year, more than triple the 174 posted two years ago. In 2008, the Natio

12、nal Association of Colleges and Employers found that 50 percent of graduating students had held internships, up from the 17 percent shown in a 1992 study by Northwestern University. This means hundreds of thousands of students hold internships each year; some experts estimate that one-fourth to one-

13、half are unpaid. In California, officials have issued guidance letters advising employers whether they are breaking the law, while Oregon regulators have unearthed numerous abuses. “Weve had cases where unpaid interns really were displacing workers and where they werent being supervised in an educat

14、ional capacity,“ said Bob Estabrook, spokesman for Oregons labor department. His department recently handled complaints involving two individuals at a solar panel company who received $3,350 in back pay after claiming that they were wrongly treated as unpaid interns. Many students said they had held

15、 internships that involved noneducational menial (非技术性 的 ) work. To be sure, many internships involve some unskilled work, but when the jobs are mostly menial, regulators say, it is clearly illegal not to pay interns. One Ivy League student said she spent an unpaid three-month internship at a magazi

16、ne packaging and shipping 20 or 40 apparel samples a day back to fashion houses that had provided them for photo shoots. At Little Airplane, a Manhattan childrens film company, a New York University (N.Y.U) student who hoped to work in animation during her unpaid internship said she was instead assi

17、gned to the facilities department and ordered to wipe the door handles each day to minimize the spread of swine flu. Tone Thyne, a senior producer at Little Airplane, said its internships were usually highly educational and often led to good jobs. Concerned about the effect on their future job prosp

18、ects, some unpaid interns declined to give their names or to name their employers when they described their experiences in interviews. While many colleges are accepting more moderate- and low-income students to increase economic mobility, many students and administrators complain that the growth in

19、unpaid internships undercuts that effort by favoring well-to-do and well-connected students, speeding their climb up the career ladder. Many less affluent (富裕的 ) students say they cannot afford to spend their summers at unpaid internships, and in any case, they often do not have an uncle or family g

20、olf buddy who can connect them to a prestigious internship. Brittany Berckes, an Amherst senior who interned at a cable news station that she declined to identify, said her parents were not delighted that she worked a summer unpaid. “Some of my friends cant take these internships and spend a summer

21、without making any money because they have to help pay for their own tuition or help their families with finances,“ she said. “That makes them less competitive candidates for jobs after graduation.“ Of course, many internships paid or unpaid serve as valuable steppingstones that help young people la

22、nd future jobs. “Internships have become the gateway into the white-collar work force,“ said Ross Perlin, a Stanford graduate and onetime unpaid intern who is writing a book on the subject. “Employers increasingly want experience for entry-level jobs, and many students see the only way to get that i

23、s through unpaid internships.“ Trudy Steinfeld, director of N.Y.U.s Office of Career Services, said she increasingly had to ride herd on employers to make sure their unpaid internships were educational. She recently confronted a midsize law firm that promised one student an educational $10-an-hour i

24、nternship. The student complained that the firm was not paying him and was requiring him to make coffee and sweep out bathrooms. Ms. Steinfeld said some industries, most notably film, were known for unpaid internships, but she said other industries were embracing the practice, seeing its advantages.

25、 “A few famous banks have called and said, Wed like to do this, “ Ms. Steinfeld said. “I said, No way. You will not list on this campus.“ Dana John, an N.Y.U. senior, spent an unpaid summer at a company that books musical talent, spending much of her days photocopying, filing and responding to routi

26、ne e-mail messages for her boss. “It would have been nice to be paid, but at this point, its so expected of me to do this for free,“ she said. “If you want to be in the music industry mats the way it works. If you want to get your foot in the door somehow, this is the easiest way to do it. You suck

27、it up.“ The rules for unpaid interns are less strict for non-profit groups like charities because people are allowed to do volunteer work for non-profits. California and some other states require that interns receive college credit as a condition of being unpaid. But federal regulators say that rece

28、iving college credit does not necessarily free companies from paying interns, especially when the internship involves little training and mainly benefits the employer. Many employers say the Labor Departments six criteria need updating because they are based on a Supreme Court decision from 1947, wh

29、en many apprenticeships (学徒 ) were for blue-collar production work. Camille A. Olson, a lawyer based in Chicago who represents many employers, said: “One criterion that is hard to meet and needs updating is that the intern doesnt perform any work to the immediate advantage of the employer. In my exp

30、erience, many employers agreed to hire interns because there is very strong mutual advantage to both the worker and the employer. There should be a mutual benefit test.“ Kathyrn Edwards, a researcher at the Economic Policy Institute and co-author of a new study on internships, told of a female inter

31、n who brought a sexual harassment complaint that was dismissed because the intern was not an employee. “A serious problem surrounding unpaid interns is they are often not considered employees and therefore are not protected by employment discrimination laws,“ she said. 2 Some firms in Oregon and Cal

32、ifornia are investigated because officials believe_. ( A) they didnt pay the interns and break the law ( B) they refuse to offer job openings to graduates ( C) they spend an unusual amount on internships ( D) they recruit too many undergraduates as interns 3 Many unpaid interns dont file complaints

33、against the employers for fear that_. ( A) they will put the company in deep trouble ( B) the employers will take revenge on them ( C) there is a slim chance to win the lawsuit ( D) their future job prospects will be affected 4 According to the six federal legal criteria, an employer doesnt have to

34、pay the intern if_. ( A) the company is in bad financial situation ( B) the internship mainly benefits the intern ( C) the internship involves little training ( D) the employer promises to hire the intern 5 Why is the number of unpaid internships growing quickly according to Lance Choy? ( A) More em

35、ployers realize internships mainly benefit students. ( B) Many companies are trapped in the worsening financial crisis. ( C) Living standards improve and students care less about the pay. ( D) Students are eager to gain experience to enrich their resume. 6 What do we know about an N.Y.U. student int

36、erning in Little Airplane? ( A) She got a good job at the company after graduation. ( B) She gained practical experience in animation. ( C) Her internship involved mostly unskilled work. ( D) Her job was under a senior producers supervision. 7 According to many students and administrators, who benef

37、it more from the unpaid internships? ( A) Poor students who earn their own tuition. ( B) Colleges that sign contracts with firms. ( C) Rich students who have powerful relatives. ( D) Those who seek to change their careers. 8 Whats the opinion of Ross Perlin who graduated from Stanford on internship?

38、 ( A) Many internships benefit students no mater whether they are paid or not. ( B) Internships give graduates a competitive edge in seeking advanced position. ( C) Internship has become a requirement for the to-be white-collar worker. ( D) Employers should change their attitude towards unpaid inter

39、nships. 9 Trudy Steinfeld kept watching firms in order that they give students_when hiring them. 10 Unpaid internships are allowed in charities since laws permit students to_for not-for-profit organizations. 11 According to Camille A. Olson many companies would like to accept students as interns bec

40、ause the benefits are_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question

41、 there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The man was never present in financial class. ( B) The man missed the class for oversleeping. ( C) The presentation would be very challenging. ( D) The teacher was

42、 a little angry with the man. ( A) His wife does well in doing cooking. ( B) His wife likes to use microwave oven to cook. ( C) His wife thinks food in the dining-hall is horrible. ( D) His wife seems to like the fresh food in the dining-hall. ( A) He gives himself more pressure than he can endure.

43、( B) Peer pressure intertwines with self-induced pressure. ( C) He feels quite depressed because of too much pressure. ( D) His classmates are very strong-minded students. ( A) Its an unwise decision. ( B) Individual projects are much better. ( C) The decision will definitely be rejected. ( D) Many

44、people try to lose weight nowadays. ( A) Ask her boss to raise her pay. ( B) Look for a more suitable job. ( C) Try to switch hours with someone else. ( D) Do the extra work without complaining. ( A) Their neighbor Mr. Churchill will help them paint the house. ( B) Their house is still new and needn

45、t any paint work. ( C) They will ask about the fee before having their house painted. ( D) They have to paint their house on their own for lack of money. ( A) He might visit the woman in the hospital. ( B) He will refuse to accept the womans paper. ( C) He may deny the womans request to hospital. (

46、D) He will give the woman more time to write her paper. ( A) The company does not have the mans resume. ( B) The mans interview might be successful. ( C) The company has decided to hire the man. ( D) The man was astonished to hear the news. ( A) She had moved out of the old address. ( B) She ignored

47、 it. ( C) The library didnt try to inform her about it. ( D) The landlord refused to give the books back to her. ( A) She Was too busy to remember if she had returned them. ( B) She didnt return them in fact. ( C) She gave them to the landlord to return. ( D) She did return them but somehow the libr

48、ary made a mistake. ( A) Pay for the lost books. ( B) Reconfirm with the library that the books were returned. ( C) Check to see if the books are still at her home. ( D) Check to see if the books are at Henzers place. ( A) A receptionist. ( B) An operator. ( C) The mans secretary. ( D) The mans clie

49、nt. ( A) The address. ( B) The passport number. ( C) The date of departure. ( D) The signature. ( A) Information on the mans booking and the hotels telephone number. ( B) Information on the mans booking and the hotel rules and regulations. ( C) The hotel services and its telephone number. ( D) The hotel address and its rules and regulations. ( A) Sign his meals in the restaurants. ( B) Sign his drinks in the bars. ( C) Collect his key from the Information Desk. ( D) Have the bel


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