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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 720及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled BBS and College Students. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese 1 BBS成为很多 大学生生活中必不可少的一部分 2 BBS的主要功能 3 BBS存在的问题 BBS and College

2、 Students 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given

3、in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Crime without Borders As gangs grow increasingly globalized, organized crime is becoming a problem hindering international economic devel

4、opment. Gang Arrested The Colombian police arrest 27 suspects who were allegedly involved in printing forged notesin Medellin last April. In late 2005, Dutch police raided (搜捕 ) Hells Angels clubhouses around the country. In a coordinated sweep that followed a yearlong investigation, police carried

5、out predawn searches in six towns and cities in the Netherlands, arresting 45 members of the motorcycle club, laying scores of charges and seizing an assortment of weapons. Such large-scale raids were rare in Dutch history, and they showed that even in such a developed country without major social c

6、onflicts and with good social order, the influence of criminal organizations and the attempt to demolish them are taken very seriously. In todays world, the economy is globalized, international communities are coexistent and worldwide interrelations grow ever closer. Meanwhile, gangs in different co

7、untries seek more profit and living space. To avoid crackdowns by law enforcement on the home front, some continuously develop their structures and go global. They are stepping out of an individual country, thus becoming cancers that influence international progress and development. For example, whe

8、n the Hells Angels club was established in 1948, its members were mainly World War II veterans who failed to get used to a peaceful life and continued to look for adventures. Decades later, this club became an influential and populous organization in North American, Australia and most countries in W

9、est Europe. It was, and in many places still is, involved in criminal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering, terrorist moves and murders. In Canada, Hells Angels and members of rival motorcycle gangs carried out killings when fighting for drug trafficking businesses, resulting in 160

10、 dead or missing. Due to this, Canadian police dispatched 2,000 police officers and launched raids in Ontario, Quebec and other provinces. Major Activities The Israeli police search the site of an explosion launched by underworld(黑社会 ) gangs in Tel Aviv (特拉维夫 ) on December 11, 2005. Since the 1980s,

11、 drug trafficking (不法交易 ) has been the major business of international gangs. At present, the amount of drugs trafficked annually worldwide is valued at more than $ 550 billion, with 85 percent handled by underworld organizations. Due to the potential for significant profit, gangs strengthen coopera

12、tion and form a global chain of drug plantation, processing, transportation and sales. For example, according to Colombian officials, the biggest drug trafficking organization in the country has a very detailed work division, covering developed overseas drug trafficking network, as well as cocaine p

13、lanting farms and processing plants. Its strength is centered in the countrys capital, Bogota (波哥大 ), and spreads to provinces in west Colombia and the North Caribbean coast. As well, the organization owns secret airbases in the countrys north province and tropical bushes in the south. Traffickers d

14、eliver drugs through these bases by small planes to Mexico, Central America and the Florida coast in the United States. After being airdropped at a scheduled spot, the drugs will be transported to other places by mosquito crafts(快艇 ), which helps drug dealers avoid police supervision. In this way, a

15、bout 10 tons of cocaine can be trafficked every month. The Italian Mafia(黑手党 ) also barefacedly(公然地 ) transports drugs with boats, and the value of heroin delivered is estimated to reach more than $ 40 billion every year, or about 10 percent of Italys entire GDP. Underworld organizations in the Unit

16、ed States and Russia have also built bulky drug sales networks. Another Sweep Members of a tactical unit of the Honduran police arrest a man in Tegucigalpa in a surprise raid last November. Another common activity for these gangs is money laundering(洗黑钱 ). That refers to the changing of large amount

17、s of capital, procured through illegal channels, into legal money that can be used freely. Traditionally, the United States, Switzerland and Caribbean island nations are considered money- laundering heavens to the underworld, with about $ 5 trillion changed to clean money there every year. However,

18、in a U. S. report on drug trafficking and money laundering, Turkey, Greece, Russia and Cyprus are regarded as the four new centers of money laundering. For instance, more than $100 billion is laundered every year in Russia. Accompanying drug trafficking and money laundering are often kidnappings and

19、 killings, used as techniques to blackmail and intimidate. In recent years, many people, including government officials, businesspeople and journalists, have died under the guns of criminal organization members in Russia. New Tendencies Recently, the development of international gangs has followed c

20、ertain trends. Internationalization and cooperation are common for gangs in different countries an1 regions. The Italian Mafia is strengthening its structure overseas and enlarging investment, increasing its influence in Europe, America and some East Asian countries. Big gangs in Japan, such as the

21、Yakuza, are moving into Southeast Asia, Hawaii and the West Coast of the United States. Foreign gangs enter new territories by forming close ties with local underworld forces. They cross lines of traditional crimes, get a hand in aspects of financing and in entertainment circles, and become corporat

22、ions with great economic influence. Big underworld organizations have even held international meetings to mark out individual territory and business area so as to avoid bloody territorial conflicts. Executed Gang Leader This California Department of Corrections handout photo shows death row(死囚区 ) in

23、mate (监狱同室者 ) Stanley “Tookie“ Williams, a former gang leader. The second underworld trend is the use of the Internet and advanced intelligent technologies. In Japan, a secret financial system has become fully developed with the help of high technologies. The underworld organizations allocate capita

24、l within a short period of time among continents via the Internet, telephone, fax and secret broadcasting stations. At last, through their violent, criminal activities, gangs muscle their way into the political and economic fields. Some of them can even influence a countrys policies to some extent a

25、s they attempt to seize the countrys economic lifeline. Sometimes people with underworld background donate to political parties, bribe government officials, or even participate in elections, so as to shield criminal activities. Japan was shocked when media outlets published a picture of Yoshiro Mori

26、, former Japanese Prime Minister, having dinner with chieftains of the Japanese underworld. U.S. gangs can collect about $150 billion in illegal income, equaling the countrys total revenue from the iron and steel industry and aluminum and copper processing industry. Russian officials once said the u

27、nderworld has penetrated into major industrial aspects of the country, controlling about 500 major enterprises. Turkish gangs are involved in more than 100 departments and aspects of the government, and underworld businesses have covered a quarter of the countrys total GDP. Gang crimes can be found

28、in almost every city in the country. For example, there ,are 454 gangs in Istanbul. Their routine business is illegally charging parking fees. If refused, they beat up the car owners, or damage their vehicles. They are also involved in selling human organs, and changing the name of owners in registe

29、rs and receiving transfer checks illegally. Gang crimes have drawn international attention. Communities around the world are strengthening joint strikes, and designing bilateral and multilateral pacts on controlling, preventing, and punishing gang crimes. The United Nations passed the UN Convention

30、Against Transnational Organized Crime in November 2000. Meanwhile, other countries are carrying out intensified cooperation in attacking underworld organizations. 2 With the glohalization of economy, gangs in different countries are stepping out of individual countries and going global. ( A) Y ( B)

31、N ( C) NG 3 The large-scale raid in 2005 indicates that the social order is a mess in Holland. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 In Columbia the biggest drug trafficking organization built all their bases in the capital city of the country. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Money laundering exists mainly because of the

32、 corruption of officials in the government. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The underworld tended to use the Internet and advanced intelligent technologies to commit crimes. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Gangs force can not penetrate political fields though they attempt to seize the countrys economic lifeline. (

33、A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 The members of the Hells Angels club were mainly _ when the organization was established. 9 At present, the value of the drugs trafficked worldwide amounts to _ every year. 10 Money laundering refers to the changing of large amounts of capital, procured through illegal channels

34、, into_. 11 People With underworld background donate to political parties, bribe government officials, or even participate in elections so as to _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questi

35、ons will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) To cancel his trip. ( B) To go to bed e

36、arly. ( C) To catch a later flight. ( D) To ask for a wake-up call. ( A) They have different opinions as to what to do next. ( B) They have to pay for the nurse by installments. ( C) They will fix a telephone in the bathroom. ( D) The mans attitude is more sensible than the womans. ( A) She will sav

37、e the stamps for the mans sister. ( B) She will no longer get letters from Canada. ( C) She cant give the stamps to the mans sister. ( D) She has given the stamps to the mans roommates. ( A) Visiting the Brownings. ( B) Writing a postcard. ( C) Looking for a postcard. ( D) Filling in a form. ( A) Th

38、e man should work with somebody else. ( B) The man should meet his partners needs. ( C) They should come to a compromise. ( D) They should find a better lab for the projects. ( A) She cant finish her assignment, either. ( B) She cant afford a computer fight now. ( C) The man can use her computer. (

39、D) The man should buy a computer fight now. ( A) The visiting economist has given several lectures. ( B) The guest lecturers opinion is different from Dr. Johnsons. ( C) Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates. ( D) Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college. ( A) Shes never

40、 watched a letter game. ( B) Football is her favorite pastime. ( C) The game has been canceled. ( D) Their team played very. badly. ( A) She cant find a job. ( B) She doesnt know how to manage a book store. ( C) She wants to quit her current job in the IBM office. ( D) She has no idea which of the t

41、wo job offers is better. ( A) She will earn less. ( B) It takes too much time to go there. ( C) It has nothing to do with her study. ( D) She has no interest in that field. ( A) Accept the job offer from the book store. ( B) Accept the job offer from IBM. ( C) In the holiday work in IBM and in the n

42、ext school year work in the book store. ( D) Give up both offers and find another one in the next school year. ( A) Its next to Pueblo. ( B) Its in the southwest of the U.S. ( C) Its a city of India. ( D) Its outside the city Pueblo. ( A) Stone jewelry, ( B) Beautiful stone. ( C) Arts and crafts. (

43、D) Amazing paintings. ( A) Tans Pueblo. ( B) Apache. ( C) Navajo. ( D) Ute. ( A) For almost a thousand years. ( B) For a few decades. ( C) For a century. ( D) For several years. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some ques

44、tions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Why the President opposes a bill. ( B) How lawmakers want to revise a bill. ( C) Why a deadline has not been met. ( D) When

45、lawmakers plan to end their session. ( A) They send the message to the President within ten days. ( B) They officially state reasons for rejecting the message. ( C) They meet with the President. ( D) They revise the vetoed bill. ( A) The bill becomes law immediately. ( B) The bill cant become law un

46、less the whole process begins again. ( C) Lawmakers must review the bill within ten days. ( D) The President must sign the bill if its passed again. ( A) Careerists spend more time and energy on their jobs. ( B) Careerists dont like their jobs. ( C) Workaholics have different reasons for their work

47、pattern. ( D) Workaholics are more successful than careerists. ( A) Work itself. ( B) Career advancement. ( C) The symbols of success. ( D) Social identity. ( A) To help careerists and workaholics move to comprehensive development. ( B) To urge careerists and workaholics to work harder. ( C) To comb

48、ine careerists and workaholics work together. ( D) To alarm careerists and workaholics. ( A) A diet largely consisting of fruits and vegetables. ( B) A diet including grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and meat. ( C) A diet including a combination of several different food types. ( D) A diet withou

49、t fat and oils. ( A) Having selected food types. ( B) Eating vegetables and fruits. ( C) Eating as much as possible. ( D) Having all food types in proper proportions. ( A) To rise peoples awareness of balanced diet. ( B) To warn people of the consequences of not having balanced diet. ( C) To show people the right proportions and types of foods that make up a balanced diet. ( D) To divide food into different categories. ( A) 2 - 5 ( B) 3 - 5 ( C) 2 - 4 ( D) 3 - 4 Section C Directions: In this sec


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