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1、大学英语六级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 109及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Social Practice. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. 1对于是否应该参加社会实践,大家看法不一 2参加社会实践的重要性

2、 Section A ( A) She doesnt like to go out on Fridays. ( B) She would like to invite the man to the theater. ( C) She wont be able to come to the dinner. ( D) She is grateful to the man for giving her tickets. ( A) The woman will be happy to meet her cousin. ( B) The woman should go to the wedding ce

3、remony. ( C) He plans to go traveling with the woman. ( D) He has never been to California for its far away. ( A) Keep looking for his wallet more carefully. ( B) Report the theft of his wallet as soon as possible. ( C) Make a phone call to the security office immediately. ( D) Be more careful with

4、his possessions in future. ( A) Mary doesnt have much talent for the piano. ( B) Mary taught herself to play the guitar. ( C) Mary prefers to play the guitar now. ( D) Mary got the guitar unexpectedly on her way home. ( A) Postpone his favorite course to the next semester. ( B) Ask the professor to

5、help him choose other courses. ( C) Request permission to take the courses together. ( D) Take the course from a different professor. ( A) Get prepared for her first campus interview. ( B) Polish her resume for more job opportunities. ( C) Visit a famous Electronics company next week. ( D) Apply for

6、 a job to the Electronics Company. ( A) He has never taken part in a debate this year. ( B) He believes the team was eliminated already. ( C) He is too busy to go to the competition with her. ( D) He doesnt know if the team was successful. ( A) Wait and see how she feels in 24 hours. ( B) Go home im

7、mediately and take some medicine. ( C) Return to the grocery store to pick up some aspirin. ( D) Go to the nearby drug store to buy some aspirin. ( A) Satisfied. ( B) enthusiastic. ( C) Disappointed. ( D) Indifferent. ( A) Close relationship with the manager. ( B) Competence in the work. ( C) Good e

8、ducational background. ( D) Unusual flattering tricks. ( A) Stupid orders given by his manager. ( B) The empty feeling of being useless. ( C) Orders given out by his wife. ( D) The insufficient pension. ( A) How the bones repair themselves. ( B) What human bones are made of. ( C) How much people hav

9、e learnt about bones. ( D) How to combat with bone diseases. ( A) It breaks down the bone tissue. ( B) It produces the new tissue. ( C) It fills in the bone holes. ( D) It completely repairs the bones. ( A) They have difficulty identifying these cells. ( B) They arent sure how these cells work. ( C)

10、 Theyve learned how to reproduce these cells. ( D) Theyve found similar cells in other species. ( A) A way to prevent a bone disease. ( B) An understanding between bone tissue and other tissue. ( C) A way to understand how specialized bone cells have evolved. ( D) A solution by creating artificial b

11、one tissue. Section B ( A) Women would like to stay at home. ( B) People were more friendly. ( C) Students paid for their board. ( D) Immigration was encouraged. ( A) There are too many of them. ( B) They have a bad reputation. ( C) They dont pay taxes. ( D) They are not cooperative. ( A) Paying the

12、 families who volunteer. ( B) Appealing to all sorts of families. ( C) Giving compulsory orders to young couples. ( D) Arranging homemakers for those families. ( A) Trouble. ( B) Youthful feeling. ( C) Companionship. ( D) Pressure. ( A) Growing number of people making calls over the Internet. ( B) I

13、ncreasing cost due to lack of technology progress. ( C) Customers appealing of cutting the price of long distance call. ( D) Intense competition among the existing phone companies. ( A) Integrating software with traditional telephone. ( B) Combination of computer and telephone. ( C) Software applica

14、tion with Internet connection. ( D) Connecting microphones with the computers. ( A) It undermines the pricing system. ( B) It triggers a price-cutting. ( C) It needs to be further researched. ( D) It breaks down the telephone traffic. ( A) A water current struck his ship violently. ( B) A wave carri

15、ed his ship far away. ( C) Great noise came down from the sky. ( D) Rough storms suddenly occurred. ( A) Kidnap by aliens. ( B) Kidnap by ghosts. ( C) Attack from sea creatures. ( D) Transportation to other times and places. ( A) Fast currents sweep away the wreckage caused by terrible weather. ( B)

16、 The magnetic power draw them down to the ocean bottom. ( C) Some planes or ships lose contact with their remote controllers. ( D) Icebergs destroyed the passing vehicles and enclosed them. Section C 26 All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memorie

17、s. If a person is hungry, or tired, or cold, his dreams may【 B1】_ a feeling of this kind. If the covers on your body, such as a blanket, have【 B2】_ your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping on ice or in snow. The【 B3】_ for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experiences yo

18、u have today. So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect on you while you are sleeping and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and the interests you have now. This is why very young children【 B4】 _dream of fairies, older children of school examinations

19、, hungry people of food,【 B5】 _ soldiers of their families. To show you how that is happening while you are asleep and how your wishes or needs can all be 【 B6】 _ in a dream, here is the story of an experiment. A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with absorbent cotton. He would drea

20、m that he was in a hospital and his 【 B7】 _ girlfriend was visiting him, sitting on the bed and feeling his hand softly! There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream, and what those dreams mean. Their【 B8】 _ of dreams, though a bit reasonable, is not accepte

21、d by everyone, but it offers an interesting way of【 B9】 _ the problem. They believe that dreams are【 B10】 _ expressions of wishes that did not come true. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 After decades of decline, the share of mot

22、hers who stay home with their children has【 C1】 _risen over the last several years, a new report by the Pew Research Center has found. Pew【 C2】 _the rise of stay-at-home mothers to a mix of economic and societal factors. The【 C3】 _majority of married stay-at-home mothers, 85%, say they are doing so

23、by choice in order to care for their families. That rate is much lower for single stay-at-home mothers, at 41%. The report also found a【 C4】 _in women working because of the recession, a trend that has【 C5】 _as the economy recovers. Pew cited an increase in immigrant families, for whom it is more【 C

24、6】 _to have a mother stay at home with her children, and an increase in the number of women who said they were disabled and unable to work. A companion public opinion survey by Pew, from 2013, found that mothers are much more likely than fathers to have【 C7】 _work hours, take a significant amount of

25、 time off, quit a job or, by a small【 C8】 _turn down a promotion in order to care for a child or family member. A second Pew survey, taken this year, found most in the general public think that children are better off with a parent at home. “This has important【 C9】 _for the day to day lives of child

26、ren,“ said DVera Conn, the reports author. The report also looked at how stay-at-home versus working moms use their time. Those at home spend more time on housework, child care,【 C10】 _and sleep. A)reduced B)impetus C)vast D)implications E)interim F)steadily G)common H)cling I)leisure J)drop K)intui

27、tions L)lingered M)abnormally N)attributed O)margin 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 Depression AIn bed, you toss and turn, unable to get a good nights sleep. You feel anxious and worried. Theres plenty to do, but the work piles

28、up because you feel listless and tired. You dont even want to do anything fun. Friends tell you to “pull yourself together,“ but you feel helpless and hopeless. You have difficulty concentrating and making decisions When you look in the mirror, you hate yourself. You are definitely in one of lifes v

29、alleys you are depressed. Everyone gets the blues once in a while. Emotional lows and highs are a normal part of life. The blues become depression when you feel so sleepy and listless that you cant function normally in everyday life. BDepression occurs at all ages, although major depressive episodes

30、 peak between the ages of 55 and 70 in men and 20 and 45 in women. About half of those who experience an episode of major depression will have another within two years. For some people, episodes of depression are separated by several years, while others suffer groups of episodes over a short time sp

31、an. Between episodes, such individuals feel well. CMajor depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults or 6.7 percent of the U.S. population aged 18 years and older in a given year. Major depressive disorder is more common in women than in men. Although treatment can help mo

32、re than 80 percent of people with severe depression, most people with depression do not seek treatment. Depression can range from a mild panic to self-destructive or suicidal behavior. Its important to understand the various types of depression so that you can recognize them. DReactive depression. T

33、his type of depression is a reaction to stressful events divorce, death of a loved one, a chronic illness, a personal tragedy, or even social isolation, which the elderly frequently experience. The person is unable to recover normally from the. feelings associated with the event. Common feelings inc

34、lude self-pity, pessimism, and loss of interest in life. It affects people of all ages. ESeasonal Affective Disorder(SAD). If you live in the northern latitudes and suffer depression during the winter months, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight. D

35、octors arent sure exactly what physiological mechanisms are at work in SAD, but they speculate that depressed feelings and other symptoms may be due to an increase in the release of the hormone meltonin. SAD sufferers feel lethargic and irritable. They may also suffer from chronic headaches, increas

36、ed appetite, weight gain, and an increased need for sleep. For unknown reasons, SAD is truly a “womans depression,“ in that women make up 70 percent to 80 percent of those affected. Since about half of all SAD sufferers have relatives who also suffer from SAD or other emotional problems, researchers

37、 speculate that the problem may be inherited. FBiochemical depression. Doctors arent sure why, but some people develop a biochemically based depression sometime during midlife. Its likely that this type of depression is caused by biochemical problems within the brain. The problem usually responds we

38、ll to antidepressant medication. You may be more likely to develop this type of chemical depression if other members of your family have also suffered from this problem. GDisease or drug-related depression. Some diseases such as AIDS, stroke, chronic pain, and hypothyroidism(甲状腺功能减退 )can cause depre

39、ssion. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland(甲状腺 )malfunctions, leading to too little or no thyroid hormone circulating in the bloodstream. In addition to depression, other symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weakness, weight gain, impaired memory, and shortness of breath. Fortunately, the de

40、pression and other symptoms of hypothyroidism can be effectively treated with adequate doses of thyroid hormone. HCertain drugs such as alcohol, tranquilizers(镇定剂 ), and heart and blood pressure medications, as well as withdrawal from some street drugs like cocaine, can cause drug-related depression

41、. Some women who take birth control pills find the drugs make them irritable, anxious, and depressed. And a deficiency in some nutrients has been linked to depression. ITeenage depression. Recognizing depression in children is important. Depression in teenagers may appear somewhat different from adu

42、lt depression. The teenage years are a period of complicated conflicts that lead many young people to develop negative self-esteem, anxieties, and fears about their future. Some young people become overwhelmed by peer pressures and feelings of isolation and powerless-ness. Social expectations may be

43、 unrealistic, and doing poorly in school can lead to a feeling of rejection. The young person may have experienced a lack of support from family and other significant people and a decrease in his or her ability to cope effectively.(As is the case for adults, treatment for depression in teenagers may

44、 involve a combination of therapies.) JDepression may be related to many factors, including a family history of depression, medical illnesses, alcohol, drugs, gender, and age. Additionally, an individuals self-confidence, personality traits such as dependency on others or perfectionism and unrealist

45、ic expectations may lead to depression. Stressful events, such as death of a spouse or loss of a job, also contribute to depression. Many people with major depression also suffer from intense anxiety. KThere are many theories about the causes of depression. The social learning theory suggests that l

46、ack of positive reinforcement from others may lead to negative self-evaluation and a poor outlook for the future. The psychoanalytic theory suggests that a significant loss(such as of a parent)or a withdrawal of affection in childhood(whether real or perceived)may lead to depression in later life. I

47、nterpersonal theory emphasizes the importance of social connections for good mental health. Other theories suggest that unrealistic expectations of oneself and others and loss of self-esteem are essential components leading to depression. LSome individuals may be biologically predisposed to depressi

48、on; in other words, they may have been born with a tendency to develop depression. Researchers continue to investigate chemical reactions in the body that are controlled by these genes. Depression often runs in families. For example, if one i-dentical twin suffers from depression, the other twin has

49、 a 70 percent chance of also having the illness. MEnvironmental Influences. Researchers view depression as the result of interaction between environmental and biological factors. Depression can be endogenous(internally caused)or exogenous(related to outside events). Major changes in ones environment, such as a move or job change, or any major loss, such as a divorce or death of a loved one, can bring on depression. Some

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