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1、大学英语六级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 163及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 Write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of Certificate Mania(考证热 )and then explain why so many college students will attend various certificate exams. You should write at least 150 wor

2、ds but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. Section A ( A) What the mans plans are for tonight. ( B) Why the man does not want to play tennis. ( C) Why they do not have time to play tennis after class today. ( D) What time they can meet in the library. ( A) Yesterday before di

3、nner. ( B) Two days ago. ( C) Last weekend. ( D) One week ago. ( A) Let him win a tennis game. ( B) Help him finish his anthropology project. ( C) Give him some medicine for his stomach. ( D) Lend him her anthropology book. ( A) It is just a pretext. ( B) He is ill. ( C) He eats too much. ( D) He fe

4、els hungry. ( A) They are looking for an apartment to live in. ( B) They are discussing living places and childrens education. ( C) They are complaining about their children. ( D) They are planning for the next weekend. ( A) Theres much to do besides work and study. ( B) Its convenient for people to

5、 go anywhere. ( C) The natural environment is beneficial to children. ( D) The countryside is a perfect place for weekends. ( A) The children are too young to benefit from city life. ( B) Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city. ( C) There is a lot to see and do for children and adul

6、ts. ( D) There isnt a lot to see and do for children. ( A) She is a full-time housewife. ( B) She does not care for her children. ( C) She used to live in the suburbs in her childhood. ( D) She will go to a museum next weekend. Section B ( A) Because the students have to pass all examinations before

7、 entering it. ( B) Because there is no examination before they are accepted as students. ( C) Because there is no gate. ( D) Because it never closes. ( A) Taking the air. ( B) By bus. ( C) On radio and TV. ( D) At the airport. ( A) Three. ( B) Nine. ( C) Five. ( D) Ten. ( A) In half a year. ( B) In

8、four or five years. ( C) In three years. ( D) In a year. ( A) To help mariners. ( B) To improve ship design and sailing methods. ( C) To study astronomy and mathematics. ( D) To improve his own skill as a sailor. ( A) To design vessels that could make long deep-sea voyages. ( B) To design vessels th

9、at could travel faster than those in use at that time. ( C) To design vessels that could explore the coastline of Portugal. ( D) To design vessels that could carry larger crews and more cargo than existing ones. ( A) The First Modern Sailing Vessels. ( B) Prince Henry. ( C) Prince Henrys Role in His

10、tory. ( D) The First School for Sailors. Section C ( A) Culture. ( B) Personality. ( C) Education. ( D) Past experience. ( A) Seeing models of the patterns to be learned. ( B) Associating images with ideas and concepts. ( C) Performing better through artistic experiences. ( D) Having great instincti

11、ve sense of direction. ( A) Keeping silent in the background. ( B) Playing music in the background. ( C) Talking in the background. ( D) Playing TV in the background. ( A) Because learners are complicated and hardly analyzable. ( B) Because learners tend to grasp all the learning styles. ( C) Becaus

12、e learners hardly use one learning style at a time. ( D) Because learners learning styles are situation-specific. ( A) They cure patients by using traditional medicine. ( B) Their treatments are often successful. ( C) They cure patients both physically and mentally. ( D) They are usually more patien

13、t than modern physicians. ( A) The anger of a relative, friend or enemy. ( B) The stone hidden inside the patients throat, arm, leg, stomach, etc. ( C) The attack from neighboring enemies. ( D) The diseases that enter the body of a person. ( A) They are scientific. ( B) They are too complicated. ( C

14、) They should be banned. ( D) They are not truthful, but effective. ( A) Charles Darwin was born on 12 February, 1808. ( B) Charles Darwins father was a poet. ( C) Charles Darwins grandfather was a philosopher. ( D) Charles Darwins mother died when Charles Darwin was born. ( A) Because he cant accep

15、t the surgery performed without anesthesia. ( B) Because he was repelled by the sight the anesthesia. ( C) Because he was operated a surgery without anesthesia. ( D) Because he preferred to become a clergyman. ( A) His famous book was named On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. ( B

16、) His famous book was published in 1859. ( C) His famous book didnt arouse a storm of controversy at that time. ( D) His famous book was on basis of the research resulting from his voyage. Section A 26 Anger is a very common human【 C1】 _and at some time or another we all experience it. From young ch

17、ildren to old people we all feel anger at various times and for various reasons. There is nothing wrong with this, it is only when you lose【 C2】_of your feelings and begin to rant and rave unnecessarily about something very trivial that it is seen as a【 C3】 _. Because it is a natural emotion you do

18、not have to strive to get rid of it【 C4】 _. but you only have to control it getting out of hand. If you know that the lack of self confidence is your main problem. Do something about it. There are【 C5】 _books written about this subject and there is much to be learned from them. Check your local chur

19、ches or clubs and find out if there are any【 C6】 _currently running on the subject of self confidence and self esteem. It is well worth the effort to【 C7】 _your self confidence. Make yourself do things that might freak you out. Talking to strangers might【 C8】_you. If this is the case make a point of

20、【 C9】 _one stranger per day and starting a conversation. Make a list of things that【 C10】 _you and lead to you getting angry. Discuss your list with your family and they will give you their support in helping you any way they can. They will be so pleased that you are trying to be different that you

21、can be sure that they will do everything they can to make you happy. A)aggravate B)approaching C)classes D)completely E)control F)emotion G)tournament H)trailed I)lecture J)numerous K)problem L)followed M)regain N)scare O)view 27 【 C1】 28 【 C2】 29 【 C3】 30 【 C4】 31 【 C5】 32 【 C6】 33 【 C7】 34 【 C8】 3

22、5 【 C9】 36 【 C10】 Section B 36 In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragr

23、aph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. How Could Your Hobby Be the Key to Financial Success? AVirtually everyone has the knowledge they need to make a fortune. Everyone has an interest, hobby or has knowledge about a particular subjec

24、t. It could be anything, and I really mean anything! Everyone has knowledge that someone else wants. The problem is that most people have no idea how much their knowledge is worth because information online is worth much more today. BThe internet has become a force to be reckoned with. This monster

25、of mass consumerism is ever increasing and does not seem to be slowing down. U. S. consumers spent $748 million on online content during the first half of 2003, representing a 23 percent increase over the same period in 2002. With the rate that the internet is growing, just imagine what the figures

26、look like today. CLast year, Jupiter Research forecast that paid-content web revenues will grow four-fold by 2006, from $1. 4 billion to $5. 8 billion. The crazy thing is many people are only just waking up to this reality. Gone are the days when all websites offer their data free of charge, now the

27、 hottest information is reserved for those who pay! DSo if you have a hobby or interest you are the perfect candidate and I have two words for you subscription website. So what exactly is a subscription website? Well, it is a site that charges members a fee to enter the site and view the specialist

28、content. And what do they all have in common? They are bringing in a steady, recurring cash flow for their owners, month after month, from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars with an endless array of topics. Having a successful paid membership site is one of the best ways to make money onl

29、ine. A thriving subscription site can give you the steady income of a chief executive but without the work or stress levels! EFor example if you had just 200 people paying you just $20 a month, you would have a steady cash flow of $4000/month, month after month, rain or shine. Many people achieve th

30、is in the first month or two that their site is up and running. However, thats just the tip of the iceberg. Many people have member only websites that produce 5-10 times that amount of money! Choose the right topic and this could happen in your first 2-3 months. Lets be honest, a steady cash flow is

31、 the key to financial security which is why the website is so superior to any other form of online product. FA subscription website is a combination of doing what you enjoy and sharing that knowledge with those who will truly appreciate it. The best subscription websites are run by those who have a

32、passion for the subject matter they are supplying. This is the most critical decision youll have to make. Choose the right topic and youll have people rushing to give you money to enter your site, you will have no problem up-dating the site with new information, and in turn the site will remain fres

33、h and exciting. Find a topic that you are passionate about, and the odds are that enough other people arc also passionate about the topic to make it a successful membership site. Since you are going to be spending time and effort building and maintaining your membership site, doesnt it make sense to

34、 choose a topic that you enjoy? GBut why would people want to pay for information when you can find pretty much anything at all on the net without any cost at all? Its simple, the search for the info you require can be long and tedious. People are really paying for convenience. They want up to date

35、information and they want it now. They also want the information to be comprehensive and original. They want to know that they can come to the site and that a particular topic will be covered thoroughly. They will genuinely learn more about the topic they have an interest in. So why havent more site

36、s jumped onto the paid-content bandwagon? A big reason has been the popular misconception that consumers wont pay for content on the web. And where did this erroneous concept originate? From badly conducted research studies done by marketers and the media in recent years, practically all of these su

37、rveys asked people who currently receive information and services on the web for free if they would pay for these services. Naturally, they gave the same response that anyone with any sense would give, which is: “I dont want to pay for something that I currently get for free.“ HThe market is ripe an

38、d ready for those who catch on to this momentous idea. Exceptionally high perceived value is the ultimate key. The paid online content offered must be so useful that users will be thrilled to gain access to it, will say “Wow!“ When they do, and will experience instant value for money the very first

39、time that they use it. IThe best part is still to come! A subscription website can be run from home and once set up it pretty much runs itself. Software is available to run almost every element of your site automatically and membership software programs can reduce your workload by 75% that can only

40、be good news! This funnel shows how the reader goes from browsing free content to being a paid subscriber. When a prospect enters a websites funnel of free content, they discover that to reach the most valuable content, they must cross the barrier to becoming a paid member. Topic ideas for a Subscri

41、ption Website: Newsletter Topics JIf you already publish a successful newsletter, you are most likely a perfect candidate for a Membership Website. Placing your newsletter content, archives, and resources online in a “subscribers only“ website usually enhances the perceived value of your print newsl

42、etter to both current and potential subscribers. Career Advancement KPerhaps the most frequent topic for successful subscription websites is career development. This includes sites that provide advice, tips, how-tos, resource libraries, etc., about specific business skills or professions such as man

43、agement, marketing, business start-up, financial services opening up a huge range of business opportunities. Successful career advancement sites usually focus on a very specific niche topics related to earning a living or bettering ones career or business skills. Personality Based Insider Tips LA nu

44、mber of successful subscription websites are built around a well-known or respected person who provides subscribers with personal insights, tips, advice, information and opinions. In most cases, the person behind these sites has built a firm reputation and developed a following of people wanting acc

45、ess to the information this expert provides. Downloadable Product Library MDownloadable product library website is based entirely on providing subscribers with a large library of downloadable products, usually computer programs, scripts, PDF files, audios, videos, tutorials or other materials that c

46、an be delivered digitally. Hobbies/Leisure Activities or Collectors Sites NConcentrating on a particular and specific hobby or interest can be an excellent way to tap into a niche market. For example if your area of expertise is Carp Fishing this would be an excellent idea for a membership site, bec

47、ause it is a targeted market subject that will attract people with that specific interest, whereas the subject of fishing would be a massive area of expertise to cover in detail. 37 Jupiter Research has forecast that paid-content web revenues would increase by three times by 2006. 38 The successful

48、subscription websites arc most about career advancement. 39 A subscription website can provide a steady, continuous cash flow for its owner. 40 According to the author, the problem now most people face is they dont know the value of their knowledge. 41 For running a successful subscription website,

49、the most important thing is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. 42 The misconception that consumers wont pay for content on the web derives from research studies done by marketers and the media. 43 One excellent way to enter into a market is focusing on a particular and specific hobby or interest. 44 Career advancement sites concentrates on topics connected to earning a living or bettering ones career or business skills. 45 People would pay for the information becau


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