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1、大学英语六级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 22及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation . “ You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 wo

2、rds. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. Section A ( A) Go to the supermarket to get the ingredients. ( B) Share with the man how she makes the food. ( C) Call the supermarket for the recipe. ( D) Go to the supermarket to buy a pencil and paper. ( A) It is out of work again. ( B) Its a very old-styl

3、e mobile phone. ( C) It costs the woman $ 50. ( D) It cant tell the correct time. ( A) She is not in the place to judge. ( B) The man should blame himself. ( C) The business deserves the mans waiting. ( D) She is not good at giving advice. ( A) Go to the online store to work for money. ( B) Go to th

4、e bank to cash the check. ( C) Go to his office to find the check. ( D) Try to find some cash he has misplaced. ( A) He will be too busy to help the woman. ( B) He is not sure whether he can help the woman. ( C) He is supposed to know what he should do. ( D) He will help the woman. ( A) His watch di

5、stracted him. ( B) He almost missed the film. ( C) The film failed to arouse his interest. ( D) The film was too late to be shown. ( A) Rachel quarrelled with her husband. ( B) Its hard to know what troubles Rachel. ( C) The man has got no chance to talk with Rachel. ( D) The woman knows what Rachel

6、 is thinking about. ( A) She had no time reading the project proposal. ( B) The mans proposal was terribly written. ( C) Its not her responsibility to help the man. ( D) Half a month was not enough to write a proposal. ( A) To inform him of a problem they face. ( B) To request him to purchase contro

7、l desks. ( C) To discuss the content of a project report. ( D) To ask him to fix the dictating machine. ( A) They quote the best price in the market. ( B) They manufacture and sell office furniture. ( C) They cannot deliver the steel sheets on time. ( D) They cannot produce the steel sheets needed.

8、( A) By marking down the unit price. ( B) By accepting the penalty clauses. ( C) By allowing more time for delivery. ( D) By promising better after-sales service. ( A) Give the customer a ten percent discount. ( B) Claim compensation from the steel suppliers. ( C) Ask the Buying Department to change

9、 suppliers. ( D) Cancel the contract with the customer. ( A) Stockbroker. ( B) Physicist. ( C) Mathematician. ( D) Economist. ( A) Improve computer programming. ( B) Explain certain natural phenomena. ( C) Predict global population growth. ( D) Promote national financial health. ( A) Their different

10、 educational backgrounds. ( B) Changing attitudes toward nature. ( C) Chaos theory and its applications. ( D) The current global economic crisis. Section B ( A) People regard nutrition as a priority. ( B) People take more and more fresh foods. ( C) People realize the harm of convenience foods. ( D)

11、People cannot take fresh foods totally. ( A) 2 010. ( B) 2 100. ( C) 2 400. ( D) 3 600. ( A) Fatness. ( B) Laziness. ( C) Malnutrition. ( D) Skinniness. ( A) By reading nutrition facts instruction. ( B) By tasting the food himself. ( C) By consulting the authority. ( D) By making scientific research

12、. ( A) To make the school life interesting. ( B) To motivate the students passion. ( C) To punish the students who behave badly. ( D) To control the students who scream a lot. ( A) They think it will hurt the students hearts. ( B) They think it is too wild. ( C) They think it is too strict. ( D) The

13、y think it cannot solve the problems. ( A) Negative. ( B) Positive. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Indifferent. ( A) Education wastes a lot of money. ( B) Study needs money as foundation. ( C) Study is not related to money directly. ( D) Money cant stimulate study. ( A) A private company. ( B) A state-owned com

14、pany. ( C) An international profit organization. ( D) An independent nonprofit organization. ( A) Widespread inflation. ( B) Academic competition. ( C) Political disagreement. ( D) Increase in the number of students. Section C 26 They may appear to be marvels of modern science. But the ideas that le

15、d to the wonders of satellite【 B1】 _, organ transplant and cosmetic surgery are not quite as recent as some might think, for 350 years ago, Robert Boyle, a natural【 B2】_and founder of modern chemistry, put pen to paper to【 B3】 _a wish-list of what he hoped science would one day achieve. His wish lis

16、t covers real scientific developments that【 B4】 _ the entirety of the next four centuries from the arrival of the coffee house, to the dawn of air travel right through to the developments in【 B5】_agriculture. It is thought that the list was penned by an assistant with Boyle, a leading intellectual f

17、igure【 B6】 _, dictating his hopes for the future. The result is a list of 24 aspirations, which would have been widely discussed with his scientific【 B7】_but would doubtless have seemed outlandish(奇异的 )dreams to the 17th century man on the street. Boyles first “wish“ was the “Prolongation(延伸 )of Lif

18、e.“ Since the【 B8】 _life expectancy at the start of the 17th century was just 40, his first wish was certainly achieved. And it remains a hot topic for scientists today. Next he pondered on the “Recovery of Youth, or at least some of the Marks of it, as new Teeth, new Hair coloured as in youth. “ Di

19、d he【 B9】 _that four centuries later the wonders of modern dentistry would be granting new teeth to order and that a youthful looking was just a bottle away? Other wishes cover key developments in engineering and chemistry,【 B10】 _medicine. Some such as the transformation of species in minerals, ani

20、mals and vegetables remain at sciences cutting edge today. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 If youre one of those people who tends to put on weight around your middle, what doctors call an “apple shape“ what the rest of us call a

21、 beer belly youve probably been told that youre at higher risk of heart disease. But one large new review study suggests you shouldnt be too【 C1】 _after all. It turns out that the apple-shaped among us are not at any higher risk of heart trouble as people with pear shapes or any other kind of fat【 C

22、2】 _In the latest study, researchers at the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration in the UK reviewed records of more than 220 000 participants in 58 different trials that followed【 C3】 _for more than 10 years for heart-related events. They found that body shape, or fat distribution, did not seem to af

23、fect heart disease risk. In fact, the researchers write in the journal Lancet, various measures of obesity,【 C4】_body mass index(or BMI, a combined measure of height and weight), waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio, all had about the same predictive value in identifying increased risk of a he

24、art attack. Whats more,【 C5】 _to the forecasting power of known risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a history of diabetes(糖尿病 ), the obesity measures added very little to the【 C6】 _ of risk assessment. Previous studies had focused not just on overweight, but on the type an

25、d【 C7】_ of fat deposits as a red flag for heart disease. The thinking was that even without blood tests for cholesterol or blood pressure, body shape alone could alert doctors and patients to the fact that patients might be at higher risk of heart problems. One headline-grabbing survey reported a th

26、ree-fold【 C8】 _risk in heart disease among those with abdominal fat folks with apple-shaped bodies -and speculated that visceral(内脏的 )fat, which tends to【 C9】 _around the middle, is particularly hazardous for the heart, since it nestles deep within organs and can pump out hormones that【 C10】_insulin

27、(胰岛素 ) sensitivity and promote diabetes. A)accumulate F)diversion K)compared B)distribution G)excluding L)accuracy C)volunteers H)conflicted M)location D)alter I)decreased N)increased E)distinguished J)including O)discouraged 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45

28、 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 “Blink“ Technology A)Tired of all that time-consuming swiping? Credit cards using “contactless“ technology allow users to pay for merchandise by holding the card near a special reader instead of swiping it or handing it to a clerk. The announcement of new “blink“ cards

29、by Morgan Chase otherwise, we dont get the contracts. W: Well, lets get on to the Buying Department. I only heard about the delay yesterday because we kept the production line clear to handle these special sheets. Its a dreadful nuisance. M: It will be more than a nuisance if we dont meet on deliver

30、y date. It will cost us a lot of money. W: Keep calm, John. We can perhaps claim compensation from the steel suppliers for failure to deliver on time. Then we will offset the penalty clause. M: Well, if you can. 9. Why did the woman send the message to the man? 10. What does the woman say about the

31、new suppliers? 11. How did the man get the contracts? 12. What does the woman suggest they do? 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 目的原因题。男士询问女士给他发的关于送货延期的信息;女士说他们的供货方出了问题。由此可知,女士给男士发送信息的目的是想告诉男士他们遇到的难题。 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。对话中女士告诉男士,他们的供货商出现了问题, 无法按时供货。 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。对话中女士问男士为什么要接受这样的处罚条款;男士说如果不接受这样的

32、条款,就根本拿不到合约。由此可知,男士是通过接受处罚条款拿到合约的。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推理判断题。对话最后女士说,或许他们可以让不锈钢桌面的供货商承担没有按时供货的责任,并作出赔偿。 14 【听力原文】 M: Kathy, chaos theory seems to be a branch of physics or mathematics. You are an economist, so how does it influence your work? W: Well, in several ways. I am responsible for financial d

33、evelopment programs in many parts of the world, so forecasting long range trends and making predictions on the basis of present evidence is what I do. Chaos theory was developed by scientists, trying to explain the movement of the planets and the changes in environmental conditions. Both of these th

34、ings are also about making long-term predictions on the basis of present evidence. M: Are many economists involved in this field? W: An increasing number. In the 1990s, many economists began to look at chaos theory as a way of providing models for forecasting. M: What kind of “models“ are we talking

35、 about here? W: Well, thats a good question, because the basic idea of chaos theory is that there arent any “models“ as such there arent guaranteed forms, but rather patterns of change in development. M: Doesnt that mean that forecasting is impossible? W: No, but it certainly makes it more of a chal

36、lenge. Mandelbrot, who did the experiment with stock exchanges prices, for example, noted that although the outcomes were variable, there were in fact certain constancy. What we have to do is make sure we know what these are and take into account all the possible variables. M: But do economics and f

37、inance work in the same way as weather conditions or the movement of planets? W: Well, no, of course not. There are certain underlying similarities. But we have to leave them for the other time. 13. What is the womans profession? 14. What was chaos theory supposed to do when it was first formulated?

38、 15. What are the speakers mainly talking about? 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。对话开头男士问女士,作为一位经济学家,混沌理论对她的工作有什么影响。由此可知,女士是一位经济学家。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推理判断题。对话中,女士 对混沌理论进行了解释,说科学家们在提出这一理论的时候,是为了解释行星的运行轨迹以及环境的变化。由此可知,混沌理论最初是为了解释某些自然现象而产生的。 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 主旨大意题。对话一开头,男士就在询问女士混沌理论对她工作的影响,女士对此进行了解释,并说越来越多的人

39、把混沌理论运用到经济学工作中。接着,男士又问混沌理论能够提供什么样的预测模式,女士对此也进行了解答,两人又谈论了预测是否可行,以及利用混沌理论进行经济预测与通过该理论预测自然现象是否一样等内容。综合整篇对话的内容, 可以归纳出,两人谈论的是混沌理论及其应用。 Section B 17 【听力原文】 Its unrealistic to think that the average person, whos faced with fast food and processed food on a regular basis, can start following a completely ri

40、gid diet of 100 percent “clean“ fresh or local foods. While it may work for some people, its not reasonable for the masses as issues of seasonality and transportation make it difficult for all of us to access fresh and local foods all the time. The 2010 Food Factor Survey revealed just how dependent

41、 todays cooks are on convenience foods. Of 3 000 women surveyed from across the United States, 70 percent of them purchased convenient produce which are prepared salads and chopped fruits and vegetables, and 80 percent purchased convenient forms of fresh meats regularly. According to the US Departme

42、nt of Health and Human Services, the quest for convenience is leading more people to consume quickly accessible meals to prepare at home. When the wrong choices are made, the trend contributes to obesity, especially among children. However, most people,might think many processed foods can deliver lo

43、ts of nutrition without doing you any harm. The best way to assess the foods value is to understand its nutrition facts tag. Besides the basics of paying attention to calories and serving size, some tips from the Food and Drug Administration may guide you, such as choosing products with high daily v

44、alue percentages of fiber and of vitamins and minerals, looking for low daily value percentages of total fat, and noticing some sugar-added terms like corn syrup and fruit juice concentrate, which contain lots of calories but little nutritional value. 16. What can we learn from the passage? 17. How

45、many the surveyed women in the US purchase convenient fruits and vegetables? 18. What problem will the convenient produce cause? 19. How can a person know the foods value? 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 综合理解题。短文开头提到,现在人们被快餐和加工食品包围,很难吃上 100新鲜的食物。 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。短文中提到,在被调查的 3 000名美国妇女中,有70的人 (即 2 100人 )

46、购买切好的水果和蔬菜。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解 析】 事实细节题。短文中提到,错误地选择食物会导致人们肥胖,尤其是孩子会越来越胖。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。短文最后提到,评估一种食物是否有价值的最佳方法就是能够读懂它的营养组成标签。 21 【听力原文】 Parents in Middletown, Connecticut are protesting against the use of what they re calling scream rooms“ by Farm Hill Elementary School as a way of discipli

47、ning misbehaving students. According to NBC, school staff have been putting children, including students with special needs, in what the district officially refers to as “time out rooms.“ Parents who opposed to the use of the rooms voiced their concerns at a recent Board of Education meeting, arguin

48、g the practice was causing more problems than it was solving. In a letter to the school board, Farm Hill PTA President Apryl Dudley said the children are brought to the “scream rooms“ to calm themselves down when they are out of control, but that she worries about their safety. “My fear is that a ch

49、ild is going to get severely hurt,“ she wrote. “Three parents called me after they witnessed two staff members holding a door shut from one of these rooms with a child on the other side as they kicked and screamed uncontrollably.“ In response, Superintendent(监督人 )Michael Frechette said he is aware of the issues and that they are being addressed. “Concurrently, we have been putting together a comprehensive plan to proactively address th


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