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1、大学英语六级(作文)强化练习试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business? 1目前大学毕业生就业竞争非常激烈 2有人认为毕业后与其艰难找工作,不如自己创业 3我的看法 2 Money or Dream? 1现在的大学生有更多的自由决定将来的从业方向 2在做抉择时,有人考虑现实,有人坚持理想 3我的看法 3 Donating Blood 1献血是一种高尚的公益行为 2说明有些人不愿献血的现实情况及原因 3如何解决这个问题 4 Library VS. Int

2、ernet 1.随着网络的普及有人认为图书馆将会被网络取代 2有人则持反对意见,其理由是 3我的看法 5 Brand Name First? 1现在很多大学生购物追求名牌 2我对这一现象的看法 3我的购物准则 大学英语六级(作文)强化练习试卷 4答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business? With the job market getting more and more competitive, less and less college stu

3、dents feel like the “theGods favored one“. When a diploma can not guarantee a job, the college graduates have to try all means to prove that they are more qualified than many other job-hunters and finally may get no more than a bread-earning job. Some people argue that this situation only demonstrat

4、es the necessity of starting ones own business. For one thing, they can not only avoid the fierce competition in the job market but also feel free to choose their own favorite fields. For another, being ones own boss gives the sense of freedom and authority. I admire the spirit of opening up a new w

5、ay and being the destinys master, but I think young students should consider the following aspects before they start hastily. First, can we get the starting fund? Second, are we ready to endure all the stresses from different directions? Considering all the concerns mentioned above, it is suggested

6、that look before you leap. 2 【正确答案】 Money or Dream? It is discouraging that college students now can not get a job assigned by the government like their big brothers and sisters got before, while it is comforting that college students after getting enrolled can still have some freedom to decide on t

7、heir future career, which requires much serious thinking. One should feel fortunate if his dream career is also well-paid. Most likely, one has to make a painful decision between money and dream. Some people hold that existence comes first, so they always put their concern on the salary and promotio

8、n prospects of a career. However, others stick to their dreams in spite of the practical difficulties. As for me, I admire those people who can hold on to their dreams, but I might be realistic. If possible, 1 will try to combine my ideal with the reality. But when they clash, without hesitation. I

9、will choose the job that can support myself and my future family, whereas I will always reserve a place in my heart for my dream in my free time. 3 【正确答案】 Donating Blood It is universally accepted that donating blood is a noble behavior that benefits the society. With donating blood, we are actually

10、 saving life, which is the most precious in the world, and at the same time, we are upholding a high value that it can purify the social atmosphere and improve humans spirit. The fact is that the idea of donating blood is still not widespread, which has caused the blood shortage in many places, resu

11、lting in a lot of delayed rescues. People dont want to roll up their sleeves either because they are not concerned enough or because they have the false idea that donating blood is basically harmful to our health. In order to tackle the pressing problem. I suggest two effective measures be taken wit

12、hout any further delay. First, we should improve public awareness of caring for other people by setting up some role models or offering more spiritual rewards. Second, we should spread the correct ideas that donating blood is not harmless but beneficial to our health if done right. 4 【正确答案】 Library

13、VS. Internet Nowadays. Internet has exerted its influence in many aspects of our daily life. More and more people turn to the Internet for help when some kind of information is needed. Then some people anticipate that libraries will be replaced by the Internet because libraries as a traditional way

14、to get access to knowledge and information have gradually lost its attraction. However, compared with the net, libraries still have incomparable advantages. Firstly, reading paper-based books is a basic means of studying and absorbing knowledge. People are able to get more systematic and integrated

15、information from the books that Internet cant achieve with vast of messy information. Secondly, a noticeable disadvantage of the net is that people are exposed to the constant radiation while using computers, which is very harmful to peoples health, especially to their eyes. All in all, as an import

16、ant way to convey knowledge and culture, libraries will never disappear from our life. Perhaps, combination of the libraries and the Internet can serve us perfectly in different ways. 5 【正确答案】 Brand Name First? Nowadays, the tendency that many college students go after brand names has aroused people

17、s concern. They usually purchase expensive commodities or fashionable goods with the money that is not earned by themselves. As a member of college students, I dont approve such behavior to some extent. Though the quality of the brand names is trustworthy and the design of the goods is fashionable,

18、brand name should not be the first choice for college students to go shopping because these products are too expensive for us to afford. What makes it worse is that this tendency fosters the college students to compare unrealistically and show off, which is vain and ridiculous and will lead to a vic

19、ious circle. In addition, students who invest much more energy in pursuing brand-names must spend less time studying or even neglect it. As far as I am concerned, the college students are supposed to be rational customers. When going shopping, we may take both quality and price into consideration rather than just the brand.


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