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1、大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 128及答案与解析 ( A) Lack of vitamins is the main cause of skin cancer. ( B) New research proves that sunbathing causes no problems at all. ( C) The danger of the sunshine has been ignored because of its benefits. ( D) Proper exposure to the sun can contribute a lot to our health. ( A) Stom

2、ach cancer. ( B) Skin cancer. ( C) Lung cancer. ( D) Blood cancer. ( A) It helps people get up early. ( B) It produces Vitamin D. ( C) It kills cold viruses. ( D) It enables us to look healthy. ( A) Piracy is an easy thing to commit. ( B) Invention usually needs heavy cost. ( C) Patent is useful but

3、 not practical. ( D) Inventions are difficult to spread. ( A) Solve the conflicts privately with the inventor. ( B) Give the inventor some compensation. ( C) Buy the patent from the real inventor. ( D) Give all the fake commodities to the inventor. ( A) The inventor decides who the expired patent go

4、es to. ( B) The inventor may strive for a longer valid time span. ( C) The inventor will try hard to sell his products faster. ( D) The inventor will hesitate when giving his data to the public. ( A) Student to faculty ratio is big. ( B) Students are critical to professors. ( C) Good professors and

5、small-scale classes. ( D) The students scores are surprising. ( A) MIT. ( B) Reed College. ( C) Harvard. ( D) Yale. ( A) Their relationships with the professors. ( B) Their financial aid packages. ( C) Their light school load. ( D) Their rich extracurricular activities. ( A) It has the most aggressi

6、ve policies. ( B) It has the happiest students. ( C) It is a very expensive private school ( D) It is located on the beach. ( A) Privately talk with him about his illness and help. ( B) Talk with him about his plan for his bachelors degree. ( C) Thoroughly examine his family background. ( D) Ask som

7、eone to take care of him at university. ( A) All the seats in the new buildings are fold back. ( B) All the new buildings are higher than the old ones. ( C) The new buildings are equipped with elevators while old ones arent. ( D) The new buildings are for new faculties while old ones are for traditi

8、onal ones. ( A) There are no facilities for the disabled. ( B) Electronic lifts are installed on them. ( C) The drivers are irresponsible for the driving. ( D) There are voluntary workers on them. ( A) To have someone fix his computer. ( B) To train him how to take exams. ( C) To help him with his h

9、ouse-cleaning. ( D) To be his guide around the campus. ( A) Their BBS was not as good as what they had thought before. ( B) Their progress in the website-design was hindered for lack of fund. ( C) Their full-time website designer was too busy to complete her task. ( D) Their temporary website design

10、er was not qualified to do the BBS. ( A) She was a close relative of his colleague. ( B) She was recommended by someone he knows. ( C) She was assigned to help with his program. ( D) She was chosen after being interviewed. ( A) She complained that she was given too much work. ( B) She admitted that

11、she had been dishonest. ( C) She owed it to miscommunication between them. ( D) She insisted that she had made a terrific website. ( A) Resort to the Part-time Job Center. ( B) Turn to their professor for help. ( C) Hire a professional with better pay. ( D) Pay her full fees for better work. 大学英语六级(

12、听力)模拟试卷 128答案与解析 1 【听力原文】 W: Good morning, class. Today I thought we would talk about something bright and cheerful the sun. Can anyone tell me how you feel when its sunny compared to how you feel when its cloudy? M: I find that its a lot easier to get up in the morning if its sunny. W: Well, what i

13、f I told you that it would rain for weeks on end with no break. M: I dont think I would like that very much. W: Most of the articles we read lately regarding the sun are discussing the negative effects of staying in the sun for too long, saying that ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a major caus

14、e of skin cancer. 19Although these articles are factual, the sun does have some positive side effects as well. As a matter of fact some scientists believe sunlight may reduce the risk of several types of cancer. M: Excuse me, but many articles that Ive read state that it can take as little as 30 min

15、utes to get a sunburn. W: True, but in small doses, the sun can be quite healthy for you. In fact, recent studies have found that 19/20sunlight can actually help protect you from certain types of cancer such as breast and stomach. More importantly, 21the sun also provides us with our main source of

16、Vitamin D. M: Well, I dont need to worry about vitamins because I take multi-vitamins every day. W: Thats great, but wouldnt it be better if you didnt have to take them and you were able to get vitamins in a more natural way such as food and the sun? M: Does that mean we should spend all day in the

17、sun without any protection? W: No, 21spending roughly ten minutes per day in the sun should be enough to supply us with all the Vitamin D that we need. 19. What does the teacher mainly want to tell her students in this class? 20. What kind of cancer may the sunlight protects us from? 21. What is the

18、 main function of sunshine when concerned with our bodies? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 老师在承认长时间晒太阳的害处后强调的是其益处,答案为 D。 说法过于绝对的选项不能选,可直接排除 B。另外有悖常识的选项一般也不能选,可排除 C。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A是老师提到阳光可以防御癌症后列举的例子之一。 B是曝晒导致的。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 B 为两次提及的明示信息,特别是最后重申时应该重视。 A只是男士的一种感受。 Vitamin D 属于对话后半段的高频词

19、汇,往往就是答案。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: I dont understand how the inventor earns money from the invention. 19After all, anyone can copy and sell it. Really, what is a patent? A piece of paper? A philosophy? You cant see it. M: I am glad you asked that. Actually when an inventor has a patent, its enforceable

20、 by the laws in the country where the inventor developed the invention. If anyone makes and sells the product then the inventor can take them to civil court. W: What can the inventor expect to receive if he sues and wins? M: Well, there are different things the court could do, but theres no guarante

21、e. Theres a good chance 20the court could award him compensation and orders to stop the manufacture and sale of goods. It may well be that the goods would be ordered to be destroyed. W: Can the other person being sued do anything to help themselves? M: Thats the beauty of the whole thing. Ignorance

22、of the law doesnt count, Im afraid. However, the other person can counter-sue pretending that they were actually the original inventor. W: You said the inventor is protected by the laws of the country. Is everything equal? Do all countries have the same law? M: No, theyre not all equal. Youre right.

23、 Its only in theory. It is being worked on. The World Trade Organization has developed an agreement, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which makes sure that the patent is valid for 20 years. W: That doesnt make sense. Twenty years is a long time. M: Actually, it does. 21Its beli

24、eved that inventors make and sell goods faster after they register the patent because theres a 20-year limitation on the patent. On the other hand, other inventors can use the information the inventor disclosed when the product was registered. Giving the information is all part of the deal. W: Cool.

25、 19. Why can the woman hardly understand that an inventor earns money from the invention? 20. What may the court ask the sued person to do? 21. How does a valid time span of a patent influence the inventor? 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士开头就表达了自己的疑惑:因为任何人都可以复制和销售某种发明,发明者怎么赚钱呢 ?A是对她困惑的原因的同义表达。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案

26、】 B 【试题解析】 B 中的 compensation是明确听到的,就是答案。 通过预读选项,根据动词原形及宾语中的 inventor可知,动作发出者应该是 “盗版者 ”。注意听提及的其他人的动作。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 关键是抓听到对话末尾男士 提到的 inventors make and sell goods faster,选项 C是其近义改写。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: 2 million high school seniors are gearing up this fall to apply to nearly 3,500 US

27、colleges. So, which are the strongest academically and toughest to get into? Well, the Princeton Review ranks The Best 361 Colleges. Robert Frank is the lead author. Rob, good morning, good to see you again. M: Well. Thanks for having me back. W: So lets take a look at some of the strongest academic

28、 schools. Reed College in Portland, Oregon scores highest marks. Why is it? M: Reed College is a great school. 22There are only 1,300 students, but its a wonderful liberal arts school. We went directly to students, and they told us that their professors were great, both inside as well as outside the

29、 classroom. W: About ten students per class? M: Yeah! 22Its averaged ten to one, student to faculty ratio. So it is certainly small and they pride themselves on their relationships with the professors. W: All right! Ivy Leagues did very well in other categories as well, 23like toughest schools to ge

30、t into and top in that list, MIT was first, followed then by Yale, Princeton, and Harvard, second, third, and fourth respectively. M: Thats right. W: 24Students at Princeton University are happiest with their financial aid packages. So what are they doing differently? M: One of the most aggressive p

31、olicies that Princeton has put into place over the last couple of years is matching students aid packages, so that they need to be allowed to get that aid package for every student. W: All right! Now speaking of beautiful campuses, Pepperdine scored top, right? M: 25Its a lovely campus, right on the

32、 beach. 22. Why does Reed College score highest marks? 23. Which school is the toughest to get into? 24. What makes the students at Princeton University the happiest ones? 25. What is the feature of Pepperdine? 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项描述的是学校的特征,对话的主题是最好的 361所学校,因此肯定会提到几所学校的信息。 C是对提及的第一所学校的特征概括。 【知识模块】 听

33、力 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都是学校名,应该一一记录听到的相关信息: A旁边记下 first(或者数字 1) , D2, C4,然后仔细听问题。 排名第一和最后的往往被考查。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项均为学校优势,应该注意与哪个学校相关。 A是 Reed College的特征, Princeton的信息与 B一致。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 D是最后一句的再现。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Queenie, how are you enjoying yourself at univer

34、sity? W: Hi, Jack, its a lot of work. But I am having a good time. Are you planning to attend college next year? M: Yeah. Can you tell me what facilities they have for disabled students? My wheelchair doesnt always allow me to get into buildings. W: You should inquire at Student Services. 22They can

35、 discuss your medical history with you confidentially and make allowances. My friends Shannon and Rosie use computers to do their exams, so in your case, Im sure it would not be a problem. M: What about the wheelchair access? W: 23The newer buildings have elevators and wide doors, but the older buil

36、dings have not been upgraded to accommodate handicapped people as far as I know. What faculty are you planning to go into? M: I am thinking of doing engineering. W: Hmm. Engineering is in the old Adams building. I dont know if there is an elevator. M: Do the buses that go out to campus have faciliti

37、es to bring wheelchairs on board? W: Yes, that I know for sure. 24All the buses are equipped with electronic lifts, and there are seats that fold back. M: What about the sidewalks? W: I think most of the sidewalks have been leveled at the corners, so you could probably use your wheelchair, but I am

38、not sure. In fact, if you would like, 25why dont you come with me? Ill be taking the bus and 25I could show you around once we got there. M: Thats really nice of you, Raphel. Id really like that. W: Okay, I will come to your house about 8:30 in the morning and we can take the commuter train into tow

39、n, then catch the bus up to the university. M: Great, I look forward to it. 22. What would the Student Services do with the man? 23. What are the differences between the new teaching buildings and the old ones, according to the woman? 24. What is the feature of buses that go to the campus? 25. Whats

40、 the purpose of Queenies appointment with Jack? 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由于男士为残疾学生,学生服务处会跟他私下商谈如何帮助他,因此 A为答案, privately是原文 confidentially的同义词。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文在对新旧建筑进行比较时只提到了 elevators and wide doors,因此含 elevators的 C为答案。男士关心的是自己坐着轮椅能否出入教学楼,女士也应该围绕这方面提供信息。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 B 为原文

41、equipped with electronic lifts的同义表达。 观察选项,根据各选项的关键词可预测问题是关于车辆的情况,听到 buses时应该注意后面的信息 。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 D为原文 show. around的同义表达。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【听力原文】 M: Hi Jane, please come in and take a seat. W: Well, you would like to check the progress of the website-design, right? M: Yes, but it seems

42、that weve got some problems with the BBS. 19The part-time web designer was not as good as what we had thought before. She informed us just now that she could not complete this task. W: Well, didnt you talk with her about what she should do at the beginning? M: Not really. 20She was recommended by Sa

43、mpson and from what he told me, she sounded to be pretty qualified to do the job. Im not asking for a terrific web design but to build up a structure with all the basic elements of web design. W: Did you ask her why she wasnt frank with you in the beginning if 19she couldnt do the BBS? M: I did. 21B

44、ut she said it was a communication problem. W: So now what do you plan to do since she got the job half done? M: On one side, I will not pay her full fees since she wasnt honest with me in the beginning. On the other side, I have to search around for another guy to complete the job. W: I agree. That

45、 should also teach her a lesson. For us, 22I think we had better turn to our Part-time Job Center for help. There, we can get a professional to work at it. 19. What problem did the speakers encounter? 20. How did the man find the website designer? 21. What did the part-time web designer explain abou

46、t the situation? 22. What did the woman suggest they do in the end? 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据选项可以预测出问题:他们遇到了什么困难?话题与 BBS, website-design, website designer有关,因此听到对话中提及 problems with the BBS时就要注意后文的具体解释: part-time web designer是主要问题所在,即 D中的 temporary website designer。她不会建 BBS这一信息在对话中反复出现,此题不难作答。 【知识模块】 听力

47、16 【正确答案】 B 【试题 解析】 根据选项可以大致预测出问题: “她 ”是通过什么途径来参与 “他 ”的项目。 B是能听到的,只是把原文的具体人名模糊化了。 A有一定的干扰性,但文中并未提及 “她 ”与推荐人是亲戚关系。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据选项可以大致预测出问题是 “她 ”对某事的态度。当女士问男士是否询问过兼职网站设计员为何一开始没表明自己能力不够时,男士用间接引语引述她的理由是 communication problem,即 C中的 miscommunication。 【知识模 块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项为动词原形,一般考打算、建议、要求。在对话最后,男士说了两条打算,女士提了一条建议, A与后者一致,为答案。 C有一定的干扰性,但原文中没有 with better pay的依据。 【知识模块】 听力


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