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1、大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 ( A) A story in prose. ( B) A poem that rhymes. ( C) A translation of a short literary work. ( D) A journal about the process of writing. ( A) The class has been assigned to read it in English. ( B) He was able to read it in French. ( C) He isnt sure its available in English.

2、 ( D) He thinks its an example of what the professor wants. ( A) Its quite different when pronounced in French and English. ( B) To write without using it is difficult both in English and in French. ( C) Every word in the French authors book contained it. ( D) Its commonly used in English to make po

3、etry rhyme. Section B ( A) Growing indifference of college students to other people. ( B) Ever-increasing Internet addiction on college campuses. ( C) Sharp dropping in age of drug abusers. ( D) Degrading quality of college education. ( A) If one gets anxious or depressed when not online. ( B) If a

4、student is isolated by his peers. ( C) If one finds it hard to concentrate in his work. ( D) If one has an urge to surf the Net whenever he can. ( A) Spend more time outdoors. ( B) Do various activities. ( C) Change ones daily routine. ( D) Go on a healthy diet. ( A) He is not following the complete

5、 recipe. ( B) He is missing the right pan to cook the pizza. ( C) He is using the directions for a different food. ( D) He is mixing up all the ingredients at hand. ( A) He tells her honestly what he thinks about it. ( B) She can tell by his non-verbal expressions. ( C) He throws it away after makin

6、g it. ( D) She finds he doesnt touch it at all. ( A) They decide to go out to eat. ( B) They eat something different at home. ( C) They eat at friends house. ( D) They eat pumpkins as dessert. ( A) To tour the most famous sights of interest in China. ( B) To investigate the computer market in China.

7、 ( C) To negotiate a contract as well as further cooperation. ( D) To promote intergovernmental relationship. ( A) They have been cooperating for a couple of years. ( B) They are about to sign me first contract between them. ( C) They have been long-term business partners. ( D) They are starting to

8、get acquainted with each other. ( A) Cooperation and concession. ( B) Equality and mutual benefit. ( C) Exchanging daily necessities. ( D) Introducing advanced technology. ( A) Its setting up joint ventures. ( B) Its branching out into politics. ( C) It computerizes management. ( D) It accepts delay

9、ed payment. ( A) Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs. ( B) Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks. ( C) Chances of having heart attacks reduce with those amused daily. ( D) Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a second heart attack. (

10、A) Laughing is a learned behavior. ( B) Laughing is a good medicine to patients. ( C) Laughing is easier than battling with an illness. ( D) Laughing is something people can do without effort. ( A) A fitness program offered to the general public. ( B) A physical exercise to build up muscles. ( C) A

11、program that makes people keep laughing. ( D) A situation where you have no mood to smile. ( A) Youd better smile or laugh from the bottom of your heart. ( B) You cant fool your body by pretending to be happy. ( C) A smart mind cant tell the difference between a fake one and a real one. ( D) Even a

12、fake one can benefit people physiologically just as well as a real one. 大学英语六级( 听力)模拟试卷 19答案与解析 1 【听力原文】 M: I didnt see you in creative writing class today. What happened? W: Oh, just a dentist appointment. Thats all. Say, did we get a new assignment for next week? M: Yeah. A really interesting one,

13、 actually. 23Were supposed to write a short story that has some sort of limitation or, or, constraints imposed on it. W: What do you mean? Like rhyming in a poem? M: Well, thatll be an idea. But what we write has to be prose, like prose poetry. Just to make rhyme in a poem is too easy, I guess. I th

14、ink Prof. Eliot really wants to challenge us, to put our creativity to the test. W: Well, did she give any hints about what she has in mind? M: Not really, 24but I may have an idea of the kind of thing shes looking for. I just finished a really strange book by some French guy. He wrote a whole book

15、without even using a single e. W: A whole book without a single e? Hows it possible? But, wait a minute. I didnt know you can read French. M: I cant. I read the English translation. But get this. Theres not one e in that either. W: No way. Think of the words you couldnt use. M: I know, but that tran

16、slator manages it. I got the book at home if you want to check out for yourself. 25Whats really amazing to me is that leaving e in French is no easy job and doing it in English is gonna involve a complete different group of words. Its a real work of mind. W: Sometime you have to show me that book. B

17、ut right now Id better get going on the writing for next week. 23. What are the speakers assigned to write? 24. Why did the man mention a book by a French author? 25. What point does the man make about the letter e? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “我们要写一篇短篇故事。但是我们写的必须是散文,就像散文诗一样。 ” 根据对话中的 short story以及 prose

18、得出正确答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 四个选项共同的成分是 it,根据选项内容可以判断 it是可以阅读的内容,故问题应该和阅读的报刊杂志或书相关。男士说: “但是我想到她可能想要的东西。我刚读完一个法国人写的一本相当奇怪的书。 ”故 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 四个选项都有 it,根据选项内容判断在此的 it应该指单词或是字母。男士说: “真正让我诧异的是在法语中不使用 e一点都不简单,而且在把它翻译成英语时也不使用 e需要完全不同的单词。真的是很费脑筋。 ”故答案是 B。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W:

19、 Welcome to this edition of Talk of the Nation. Were talking this hour about how and why people might become addicted to things other than drugs. 23Dr. James at Maryland University has put together a support group for students who find themselves addicted to the Internet. He joins me now. M: Thank y

20、ou very much for inviting me. W: 23Is Internet addiction a relatively new thing? M: Well, some people have been involved with the Internet for years and may have been addicted for a while. 23Its certainly growing on college campuses. W: How does it present itself? M: Well, some of them have issues l

21、ike relationship problems, or problems maintaining their grades because they are spending so much time on the Net. W: I myself have a strong urge to go surfing on the Net whenever I have time. How do I know when my impulse to go online will turn me into an Internet addict? M: Uh. Im not sure the exa

22、ct amount of time is really the issue, but I think a real important thing is to examine whats going on with you when you are not on the Net. 24If you are beginning to feel anxious or depressed or empty or lonely and you really look forward to those times when you can be online to be connected with o

23、ther people in that way, then, I think, a serious issue is starting to happen. W: What if you start giving up other things, like going out for a walk. is that a symptom? M: Well, people need to have some sort of balance in life. If you can, spend some time on the Internet and then take a walk at a d

24、ifferent time of the day. 25In fact, one of the things we suggest in the group is to somehow break the pattern. Go out and take a walk, and then come back before you get back online. W: So thats how we can avoid Internet addiction. Thank you very much, Dr. James. 23. What alarming phenomenon is Dr.

25、James referring to? 24. What does Dr. James regard as a really serious issue? 25. What does Dr. James suggest at the end of the conversation? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项为某种不良现象,第一、二轮的对话中两次提到同一现象: addicted to the Internet, Internet addiction,说明这应该是 Dr. James与主持人的谈话主题,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项为某

26、种假设 的情形,对话中恰恰也有个 if从句,其中的重要信息词 anxious, depressed及句意与 A完全一致。因此即使不听问题也应该可以判断出答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项为动词原形,往往是问打算、建议、要求。最后一轮对话中男士使用了几个祈使句,并明确提出了建议,听到 we suggest,应该特别注意其所用动词: break the pattern,故 C为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: Time to eat! W: Coming. Oh, Im starving. Oh yuck! Whats that? M: A

27、h, now dont complain! W: But what is it, and where is mom? M: Now, mom put me in charge of dinner because shes not feeling well tonight. W: But what is it. and that smell! M: Its pizza. 23I just followed an old family recipe here, and. W: Let me see that. Oh, Dad. 23Youre missing a page! M: Oh, uh,

28、well, uh. well I couldnt find the second page of the recipe, but dont worry. I have plenty of experience around the house. Plenty of experience in cooking. W: Thats not what mom says. M: Well, wait, wait, 24here, let me try a piece first. Here, let me cool this off here. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is great

29、stuff. W: Yeah right. 24Why are you making faces? M: Well, well, its just, just a little rich for me. Thats all. W: Let me try it, dad. Uh, dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides its burned. And whats that? M: Oh, well, well, thats just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added

30、 some pumpkin. W: Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesnt go on pizza! M: Well, okay, well, so what? Uh, what do we do now? W: Well, 25how about some cold cereal. You cant mess up on that, Dad. M: Oh, I love cereal. 23. What problem does the girl notice about her fathers cooking? 24. H

31、ow does the girl know her father doesnt like the pizza he prepared? 25. What do they end up doing for their supper? 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说自己是按照一个老食谱做 pizza的,但女孩说 “你漏了一页 ” ,说明他的食谱不完 整,故答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士自告奋勇品尝了一块 pizza,女孩问 “你为什么做鬼脸? ”说明她从男士的面部表情(即非语言表达)中得知他不喜欢他自己做的 pizza。此题关键在于听懂习惯表

32、达 make faces“扮鬼脸 ” 。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 最后女孩建议喝点冷的麦片粥,男士欣然应允,可知他们放弃了 pizza,而吃了别的,即 B。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【听力原文】 W: Sit down, please, Mr. Black. I hope you enjoyed your journey. M: Of course, I did. It was a wonderful trip. W: And I suspect this morning wed like to get down to business. How would

33、you like to proceed with the negotiations? M: Im here at your disposal. W: Lets draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we? M: Fine. One of the items for our agenda would be the supply of computers to China in the second half of this year. 19/20As you know, our current contract is about to expir

34、e, and we will need to discuss a new one. W: Certainly, we are ready to hear your proposals. M: Something else Id like to discuss is the possibility of establishing a long-term agreement between my corporation and yours. W: Yes. So long as its in the interest of both sides, lets talk about it. Is th

35、ere anything else youd like to achieve on this visit? M: Yes. 20Id like to build on the fact that we have had a very cooperative relationship in the past few years. Your government now has a policy of opening up to the outside world. My ambition is to promote trade between our two corporations. It i

36、s said a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. Is that true? W: Yes, but we still stick to a consistent policy in our foreign trade. 21We insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods. M: Would you give us a brief account of the new

37、 practices you have adopted? W: 22We have adopted, for example, payment by installments. M: We are very glad that you have such a friendly attitude. W: Itll benefit both of us. 19. Whats the main purpose of the mans visit? 20. What can we learn about the relationship between the two speakers? 21. Wh

38、ats the womans principle in foreign trade based on? 22. What new practice has been adopted by the womans company? 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 寒暄之后女士切入正题:问男士想如何进行磋商,男士回答时提及目前的合同即将到期,讨论新的合同,综合关键词得出的答案是 C。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项为他们之间的关系,根据前一题中提到过的男士所说 “目前的合同即将到期 ”及后文明示的 “过去几年合作很好 ” ,得出答案为 A。 B错在 first,

39、C错在 long-term(这是此行目的之一,不是现实)。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案是直接听到的原词。 C中的 daily necessities是对原文 needed goods的误解。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项为某公司的做法。 D中的 accepts delayed payment是原文 adopt payment by installments的同义表达。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【听力原文】 W: Weve all heard the saying “Laughter is the best medicine

40、.” How important is it to our health, Dr. Berk? M: This saying has been scientifically proven! 19A year-long study of heart attack victims done at the Oakhurst Health Research Institute in California found that of those patients who spent half an hour a day watching comedy videos, 10 percent had a s

41、econd heart attack, whereas 30 percent of those who did not watch had a second attack. W: Wow! 20Laughter is really a good medicine to patients. Can you give us another example? M: Sure! Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review, learned this during a battle with an illness. He discovered that h

42、is condition improved when he enjoyed himself and watched funny movies. W: You said Norman learned this? Do we have to learn to laugh? M: Not necessarily. Since laughing is something people can do sitting down, costs no money, and requires no special exercise equipment or skill, its the perfect work

43、out for anyone who doesnt have the time or desire to participate in a regular 21fitness program. W: Oh. 21Do you have such a program to offer to the general public? M: 21Yes, we do. Its called the Smile Time-Out. You take a deep breath, smile, exhale, and say “Aaah” while visualizing all your muscle

44、s and cells smiling. Then add to that a memory of a time you felt really good and laughed and laughed. W: What about the situation in which you arent in a mood to laugh? M: 22Even when you fake a smile or laugh, you get the same physiological benefits as when its the real thing, because your mind is

45、 smart, but your body is stupid and cant tell the difference! 19. What did the year-long study of heart attack victims find? 20. What is Normans example meant to prove? 21. What is the so-called Smile Time-Out? 22. What can we learn about smile or laugh according to Dr. Berk? 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从选项可

46、以看出问题与 heart attack有关,听到相关话题时注意后面的数据反映的事实:每天看半小时喜剧的心脏病患者中只有 10%再次发作,而不看的人中有 30再次发作,因此可以推断,每天都开心的人心脏病发作率降低,即 C。 A中的 healthy programs太笼统,且对话中并未提及健康状况随着看有益 于健康的节目的时间增长而改善的信息。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话中提到 Laughter is really a good medicine to patients.之后,举了 Norman作为例子,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 听力 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话先提到 fitness program,然后女士问 “有没有 such a program”,男士说 “有,叫做 Smile Time-Out”,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项与真笑假笑有关, D是最后一句的同义表达。选项 C与原文意思相悖。 【知识模块】 听力


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