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1、大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 97 及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each questio

2、n there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He is locked out of his room. ( B) He cant get his room locked. ( C) He lost his key in the swimming pool. ( D) He wont go swimming without a lifeguard. ( A) He d

3、idnt consult a car expert. ( B) He didnt bargain like an expert. ( C) He didnt check the engine carefully. ( D) He focused only on the price of the car. ( A) Borrow a bike from the man. ( B) Sell her bike to the man. ( C) Let the man use her bike. ( D) Stop the man from complaining. ( A) Go along th

4、e road path. ( B) Wander off into the forest. ( C) Call someone for help. ( D) Get in touch with their fellows. ( A) It did not proceed as expected. ( B) It was of great success. ( C) Its topic was very fascinating. ( D) It was not as appealing as the previous one. ( A) People care more about the qu

5、ality of a brand. ( B) People are more fashion aware nowadays. ( C) The clothing industry is getting slump. ( D) The raw materials are much cheaper nowadays. ( A) He loves his present job. ( B) He has changed his job. ( C) He is looking forward to retirement. ( D) He is going to lose his job. ( A) S

6、he wants to go to New York. ( B) She dreams of traveling around the world. ( C) She is keen on collecting postcards. ( D) She has a great number of stamps. ( A) There is something wrong with the wheels. ( B) The woman doesnt allow others to use it. ( C) The woman is trying to sell it. ( D) This is n

7、ot the first time it has gone wrong. ( A) He may not be able to repair the car. ( B) He may secretly change some parts of the car. ( C) He may charge the woman more than he should. ( D) He may drive away the womans car. ( A) Take the woman home. ( B) Test-drive the womans car. ( C) Pay the repair bi

8、ll for the woman. ( D) Help the woman fix her car. ( A) Talking with his teacher. ( B) Shopping for a new computer. ( C) Talking to an interviewer. ( D) Writing programs. ( A) History. ( B) Geography. ( C) Mathematics. ( D) Art. ( A) Logical mind. ( B) Writing ability. ( C) Knowledge on history. ( D

9、) Communicating ability. ( A) Adviser. ( B) Computer programmer. ( C) Product designer. ( D) School teacher. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. A

10、fter you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) To control the volume according to the number of listeners. ( B) To use a microphone to get himself across. ( C) To shout loudly enough to catch attention. ( D) To articulate at a slow speed th

11、roughout the speech. ( A) By turning up the volume of the microphone. ( B) By slowing down his speed. ( C) By making a pause in the midst of the speech. ( D) By staring at the audience for a few seconds. ( A) The skills of using voice in a speech. ( B) Methods to evaluate a speakers voice. ( C) Ways

12、 of choosing a speech topic. ( D) The speakers experience of giving a speech. ( A) Women spent less time having fun than men. ( B) Men spent less time watching television. ( C) It took women longer hours to meet friends. ( D) It took men less time to play sports they like. ( A) To mark International

13、 Labors Day. ( B) To promote class equality. ( C) To claim more equal rights for women. ( D) To encourage women to work harder. ( A) Men have stronger abilities and better skills. ( B) Men tend to be more active in work. ( C) Women spend more time on entertainment. ( D) Women have to spare time to t

14、ake care of their kids. ( A) She lives in a small town in Wales. ( B) She lives in a densely-populated country. ( C) Only a small number of people know her home. ( D) Her home is about 10 miles from the sea. ( A) Growing vegetables. ( B) Raising children. ( C) Talking with the soldiers. ( D) Making

15、coffee. ( A) Her old friends. ( B) Her sister from Canada. ( C) Some British soldiers. ( D) French broadcasters. ( A) She is becoming older and older. ( B) Something is wrong with her eyes. ( C) The peace of the forest has been destroyed. ( D) Her living supplies are getting less and less. Section C

16、 Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have

17、just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 25 Obviously, if you have trouble sleeping, the first thing you should do is avoid coffee, tea, and cigarettes

18、 in the evening. You should also avoid(36)_. Many people say that a glass of beer or wine helps them sleep, and that may be true once in a while. You should also avoid sleeping(37)_for the same reason. Now, what should you do? First, listen to(38)_tapes or soft music. Second, you can try self-hypnos

19、is(自我催眠 ). Then theres always TV; many people like to watch TV when they cant sleep. And reading a(39)_book can also be very effective. At last, what really works for(40)_insomnia(失眠症 )is taking care of the cause. If stress is the cause of a persons insomnia, its important to find out where that str

20、ess is coming from and to work on(41)_ the stress. In many cultures people do this with the help of a(42) _therapist. If therapy doesnt work,(43)_may be the answer; and luckily there are some wonderful new drugs on the market that arent addictive. (44)_, but a large number of people suffer from seri

21、ous disorders such as insomnia, apnea(呼吸暂停 ), and narcolepsy(发作性睡眠病 ).(45)_. Thanks to a lot of research in this area in the last few decades, doctors are now able to sent patients to special sleep disorders clinics for specialized treatment.(46)_ 26 (36) 27 (37) 28 (38) 29 (39) 30 (40) 31 (41) 32 (42) 33 (43) 34 (44) 35 (45) 36 (46) 大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 97 答案与解析


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