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1、大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 98及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question

2、 there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) It will stay closed until summer comes. ( B) It is busy only in summer. ( C) It will go bankrupt. ( D) It has little business in the travel season. ( A) Helen shou

3、ld have helped her with cooking. ( B) The apple pie was specially prepared for Helen. ( C) Helen prepared the delicious filling of the apple pie. ( D) She doesnt think Helen will like the apple pie. ( A) He can get more fresh air. ( B) The local people are very friendly. ( C) He can escape the dull

4、city life. ( D) Things are much cheaper in the country. ( A) They dont like eating out but have to. ( B) They fell ill after eating out for two weeks. ( C) They like the food in the restaurants. ( D) They dont want to cook dinner themselves. ( A) She didnt find the suitable size for her. ( B) She di

5、dnt like the color of the boots. ( C) She is waiting for the price to drop. ( D) She had found another pair at a lower price. ( A) Go on with job seeking. ( B) Take a short break. ( C) Transfer to another field. ( D) Go for further study. ( A) The postman sent the postcards to the woman by mistake.

6、( B) The woman is eager to get a letter from her daughter. ( C) The man is looking forward to an important mail. ( D) The woman found nothing in the mailbox this morning. ( A) The students usually have a heavy course load. ( B) The students dont need to attend lectures regularly. ( C) The students c

7、an spend most of their time in the library. ( D) The tutorials are very difficult to catch up with. ( A) The reasons for peoples behavior. ( B) Common reasons for anger. ( C) Ways to change peoples attitudes. ( D) The effects of negative behavior. ( A) When theyre unable to control the behavior. ( B

8、) When the causes of the behavior are obvious. ( C) When the behavior may cause unpleasant consequences. ( D) When the outcome of the behavior is beyond their expectation. ( A) They complain about their teachers bad examples. ( B) They tend to resort to external causes. ( C) They blame themselves fo

9、r it. ( D) They refuse to explain it to anyone. ( A) An experiment in Antarctica. ( B) The breaking off of the Larsen Ice Shelf. ( C) The formation of the Larsen Ice Shelf. ( D) An expedition to Antarctica. ( A) It could be a sign of global warming. ( B) It is disturbing the habitats of birds in Ant

10、arctia. ( C) It destroyed research facilities. ( D) It contradicts current scientific theories. ( A) No melting has been observed in harsh weather. ( B) The weather in Antarctica has always been comfortable. ( C) Nothing unusual has happened in other parts of Antarctica. ( D) The ice shelf has remai

11、ned complete despite the weather changes. ( A) Warmer water temperature. ( B) Less marine life. ( C) A rise of sea level. ( D) Colder winds. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the quest

12、ions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) The need to exercise the memory. ( B) How the brain differs from other body tissues. ( C) The unconscious learning of a physical activity. ( D) The necessity of

13、a good memory. ( A) Repeat it again and again. ( B) Write it down on paper. ( C) Pay full attention to it. ( D) Make a micro film of it. ( A) Ask questions about the lecture. ( B) Give an example of active learning. ( C) Explain recent researches on memories. ( D) Give assignments. ( A) He was frien

14、dly to his people. ( B) He was born in an average family. ( C) He freed the slaves. ( D) He didnt have any regular education. ( A) His debate with Stephen Douglas. ( B) His experience as a senator. ( C) His election campaign. ( D) His determination against the Civil War. ( A) Build up the federal go

15、vernment. ( B) Free slaves. ( C) Run for the next presidency. ( D) Build up peace in America. ( A) Learn some basic cinematic concepts. ( B) Review the history of movies in the United States. ( C) Watch some well-known movies. ( D) Discuss some movies they have seen before. ( A) Attend showings of f

16、ilms at Jennings Auditorium. ( B) Make preparations for shooting a new film. ( C) Have a discussion on the film they have just seen. ( D) Study the secrets of shooting a silent movie. ( A) The Gold Digger. ( B) The Jazz Singer. ( C) Why We Fight. ( D) Doctors Strange Love. ( A) Review some movies th

17、ey have seen before. ( B) Watch new films released recently. ( C) Write a review on a movie they have seen before. ( D) Study the necessities of directing a film. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should liste

18、n carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can eit

19、her use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 25 Respect begins within the individual. The original state of respect is based on awareness of the self as a unique(36)_. The elevated consciousness of knowing “who I am“(37)_ from a real place of pure worth. With such insight, there is(

20、38)_ in the self and wholeness and completeness within. With self realization, one experiences true self respect. (39)_takes place when the awareness of ones original nature and the original of the other is lacking. As a result,(40)_negative influences rule supreme over respect. To be stabilized in

21、the elevated stage of the self ensures(41)_ respect for and from others, since one acts in the consciousness that every human being has innate worth which is pure and(42)_. To develop the value of respect within the self and to give it practical expression in daily life is the(43)_. Obstacles are en

22、countered to test the strength of respect, and these are often felt at the most vulnerable times.(44)_. In situations when all supports seem to have vanished, what remains loyal is the extent to which one has been able to become self-reliant intently. (45)_. There must be recognized as the central f

23、ocus to draw from people a commitment to a higher purpose in life.(46)_. The eminence of life is present in everyone, and every human being has a right to the joy of living with respect and dignity. 26 (36) 27 (37) 28 (38) 29 (39) 30 (40) 31 (41) 32 (42) 33 (43) 34 (44) 35 (45) 36 (46) 大学英语六级(听力)模拟试卷 98答案与解析


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