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1、大学英语六级(阅读)模拟试卷 20及答案与解析 一、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the info

2、rmation given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 0 Teens and Drugs Why do teens use drugs? 1. Curiosity. Puberty(青春期 )is the most important stage for the teens to form their

3、world view and outlook on life. Childishness and curiosity are the characteristics of this period. People in the period want to try anything new in order to fulfill their strong desire for the inaccessible. Meanwhile, for lack of necessary scientific knowledge and the faculty to make a differentiati

4、on between right and wrong, an uncontrollable situation is always foreseeable when teens indulge themselves in this self-abandoned behavior. 2. Influence of domestic environment. Domestic education and the conduct of the parents have played an important role in the period when the teens are facing c

5、onfusion about their future as well as the challenges and temptation from the outside world. Well-guided domestic environment ensures the teens of healthy development for their body and mind while the opposite can even lead to juvenile delinquency(青少年犯罪 ). Therefore, parents, as a childs first teach

6、ers, have to take on the responsibility to provide the teens with a model leading to the right choice. A girl named Dotty was addicted to cocaine when she was twelve years old and had to become a fancy woman two years later so as to earn enough money to buy the drugs as well as for the mother with 1

7、0-year drug abuse history. 3. Reckless make-friends. It is very significant for a person to make friends in his whole life. So you have to make friends carefully. According to the situation of the teen druggers, there are a majority of teenagers taking drugs because of incautious make-friends. A boy

8、 named Danny, had ever received the education of anti-drug, and always cautioned his friends against drug. But in 2004, he made friends with a person who had ever taken drugs. He decided to experiment after his friend induced that drugs could release you from pain and refresh yourself. After that, h

9、e can not control himself, joining in the party of druggers. According to a survey in some country, there are 76.9% of teen drug addicts because of friends temptation. 4. Mental emptiness. Teenagers are immature both in physical and mental. They can be easily influenced by the outside world. Teenage

10、rs face the stress of entering a higher school, failing love, etc. They want to find something exciting to help them escape from those boring things. Drugs can make people excited for a short time and escape from real-life temporarily. Accordingly, those teenagers take drugs as the tool of getting a

11、way from annoyance. A millionaire Blues, for the sake of excitement and fashion, had been addicted to drugs. Now he is penniless. A survey on 116 juvenile druggers shows that there are 40% of druggers falling into the habit because of boredom and longing for excitement and comfort. Where do teens ge

12、t drugs? Teen drug use is very big in todays world and there are many ways that teens have access to these drugs. According to the estimate, 13. 6 million Americans were current users of illicit drugs in 2004. And that number hasnt really changed at all since then. Usually in the school area, there

13、are kids that bring drugs to school and try to sell them secretly. Since most schools dont really check kids pockets and bags, it is easy for them to do business. There are also a lot of areas where drug dealers hang out and when teens find out those areas they are there buying all kinds of drugs. S

14、ome drug dealers only sell at certain times and they know good spots. Its like a real job to them; they are making a lot of money off these teens who buy drugs. People who study these drugs sometimes make their own drugs by growing or cooking drugs. They even do it in their own room. But teens are m

15、ost likely to get drugs from friends or kids at school who are trying to make money. Whats the effects of drugs on teens? Every drug comes with its own effect. Overall, most illegal drugs can cause side effects such as confusion and panic attacks. Other side effects are permanent damage to the kidne

16、ys, liver and the heart. Illegal drugs can also result in an increased heart rate, and difficulty in thinking and problem solving. Cigarettes arent always viewed as a drug because they are used at a daily basis by many teens and adults. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is why the smell of cigarette

17、s is always on your clothes and can also result in smelly breath and hair. Cigarettes can also give you heart disease as well as cancer and emphysema(肺气肿 ). What can parents do? When parents find out that their kids are taking drugs they might not know how to approach the matter. If you have a feeli

18、ng your kid is using drugs, you should emphasize that drugs are wrong and the consequences are severe. You must stress the fact that you can die, you can become psychotic and you could lose everybodys respect for you. Parents should get to know their teens friends and what kind of personalities they

19、 have. Dont make it too obvious that you are trying to spy on them; just find out what kind of crowd your teen hangs out with. If your teen is going out too late you should really consider that a factor that they could be using drugs. So find out where they are going, who they are going with and whe

20、n they must be home. You must set strict rules for them so they cannot feel they can do anything they want. If you think that your children are doing drugs but do not know how to confirm that they are, here are a couple of signs to look for: Angry or violent behavior Sleeping more than normal Very i

21、rritable(Similar to the 1 st sign) If his/her friends act like this also Signs of depression(Maybe even thoughts of suicide) Those are several signs and if you notice any of them, address your teen and beat around the bush until you can ask them straight up if they are using drugs. If it becomes rea

22、lly serious and you cannot get your teen to stop using drugs, get them to a health or drug facility immediately for help to prevent them from continuing to use drugs. In conclusion, teens find ways to get drugs but parents need to put their foot down and find out if their teen is taking drugs. If th

23、ey arent stopped, the after-effects could be life-changing for both the teen and parents. 1 In what situation is it dangerous for a teen to indulge himself in fulfilling his strong desire for the inaccessible? ( A) He is forming his world view. ( B) He is full of curiosity. ( C) He is being the peri

24、od of adolescence. ( D) He lacks necessary knowledge. 2 Dottys story is used to show that_. ( A) parents drug abuse leads to childrens drug abuse ( B) its difficult for teens to resist temptation from outside world ( C) teens should learn to be responsible for themselves ( D) domestic environment ha

25、s a significant influence on teens 3 More than half of the teens taking drugs is resulted from_. ( A) longing for excitement ( B) careless make-friends ( C) poor family background ( D) boredom 4 According to the passage, some kids bring drags to school in order to_. ( A) stuff them into others bag s

26、ecretly ( B) share them with other kids ( C) exchange them into toys ( D) sell them to others 5 Most of the drugs got by teens are probably from_. ( A) people who study drugs at home ( B) drug dealers at certain spots ( C) friends and kids at school ( D) people who grow and cool drugs 6 According to

27、 the passage, _are excluded from the side effects and diseases caused by illegal drugs. ( A) cancer and coughing ( B) confusion and kidney damages ( C) difficulty in thinking ( D) heart and liver damages 7 Which of the following is the sign of drug abuse according to the passage? ( A) Sudden weight-

28、gain. ( B) Serious mood swings. ( C) Fading memory. ( D) A running nose. 8 Parents must_to let their kids know they cannot do anything they want. 9 If parents cannot stop their kids from using drugs, they should get them to_ as soon as possible. 10 Parents should take the responsibility to stop thei

29、r teens from taking drugs to prevent the_after-effects for parents and teens. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 10 C

30、ollege rankings are dead! Long live college rankings! At a meeting of the countrys leading liberal arts schools this week in Annapolis, Md. , a majority of the 80 or so college presidents in attendance said they would no longer participate in the popular annual rankings conducted by U. S. News and W

31、orld Report. Instead, the Annapolis Group announced it will help develop an alternative set of data to aid students and their families in the bewildering quest to figure out how one school differs from the next. College presidents have long been critical of the U. S. News rankings, in part because 2

32、5% of a schools score is based on a survey filled in by roughly half of college presidents and other top administrators, who rate schools based on reputation but often only selectively, leaving most of the list blank and unjudged. The peer survey strikes many in higher education as silly. But they b

33、elieve the rankings have an additional and more villainous(邪恶的 )component. Several college presidents have publicly complained that the rankings emphasis on the average SAT scores of incoming freshmen has led colleges to fight over high-achieving students by offering them merit scholarships and thus

34、 leaving fewer financial-aid dollars available to low-income students. NAICU is trying to provide a more complete picture than U. S. News, and the new format doesnt gloss over unpleasant details. For example, it will list a schools current tuition alongside the sticker price from each of the previou

35、s four years. It will also include the percentage of students who receive financial aid as well as what the average net tuition is for financial aid recipients. Of course, theres nothing to keep U. S. News or anyone else from plugging all this new data into a rankings formula. And more than a few co

36、llege presidents think that isnt such a bad thing. “Some of my colleagues are ethical purists, and I applaud them,“ Millsaps College President Dr. Frances Lucas says of the U. S. News rankings most strident critics at the Annapolis meeting. “ But many of us live in the real world. “ And since the U.

37、 S. News rankings are likely here to stay, Lucas and other presidents are hoping that if schools provide more data in a more meaningful, transparent manner, the rankings will become more meaningful too. 11 _presides annual college rankings. 12 Most of the list being left_, the U. S. News rankings ha

38、ve been blamed for a long time. 13 Some financial-aid dollars for low-income students are now used as_. 14 The U. S. News rankings will probably_, for we have no way to stop the trend. 15 In Dr. Frances Lucass opinion, the rankings will become more meaningful if we use a_manner to provide more data.

39、 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 15 Ah, youth. The time for body piercings, staying out late and . a po

40、rtfolio of ul-trasecure T-bills? Traditionally, we associate the early years with risky behavior but one consequence of the recession appears to be a shift in the way 18- to 34-year-olds handle money. Affluent millennials(千禧年一代 )and 30-somethings say their tolerance for risky investments is much low

41、er than it was a year ago, rivaled only by people over the age of 65, according to a new study by Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management. “It truly is a generational change, “ says Dave Gesch-ke, an executive at Ameriprise Financial. “The market got cut in half. Housing got cut in half. People saw t

42、heir asset classes get blown up.“ Avoiding risk may feel sensible to a generation whose financial coming-of-age has been bookended by the dotcom bubble and the subprime-mortgage meltdown. In 2010, only 41 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds reported working full time, compared with 50 percent in 2006, ac

43、cording to the Pew Research Center. Millennials were more likely to report losing their jobs than workers over the age of 30, and many recent college graduates have had a hard time finding a toehold in a tight labor market, even as the national unemployment rate rose Friday to 9.6 percent. If the 18

44、- to 34-year-olds feel more cautious about investing, its partly because they have less money to spend and little economic security. In response, financial firms have begun tweaking(微调 )their products: Target-date retirement funds for young investors, managed by mutual-fund giant John Hancock, recen

45、tly decreased exposure to stocks by 10 to 15 percent. Anecdotally, financial planners say young clients are keeping more cash on hand, and online banks such as ING Direct have rolled out savings accounts with slightly higher interest rates. “Were seeing people try to put bells and whistles on very c

46、onservative investments,“ says David Carter, chief investment officer at Lenox Advisors. But in the long term, is it wise for 18- to 34-year-olds to avoid stocks, load up on bonds, and keep more cash in their bank accounts? Perhaps not, if they want to live comfortably in retirement. “You need the g

47、rowth potential of stocks,“ says Christine Benz, director of personal finance for Morningstar. com. “Investors cannot expect the same returns from bonds and bond funds. “ One idiosyncrasy(特质 )remains this generations attitude toward money. .The Pew Research Centers findings show that 85 percent of a

48、dults under 30 feel optimistic about their financial future, compared with 45 percent of the 50-and-up crowd. Three quarters of young adults surveyed by the center say they feel confident they will have enough money to retire. So, while the twin busts may have diminished their appetite for risk now,

49、 theres reason to believe young adults faith in the market will eventually return. 16 What is the generational change mentioned in the passage? ( A) 18- to 34-year-olds are experiencing recession. ( B) 18- to 34-year-olds asset classes are getting blown up. ( C) 18- to 34-year-olds like risky behaviors more. ( D) 18- to 34-year-olds tend to avoid risky investments. 17 How do financial firms respond to modern young people becoming more cautious about investing? ( A) They


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